Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1914, p. 2

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posed; but. .shc tittoi‘cil a littlc cry and “curly broki- ilnwn whcn tho vzirriagc Mup- pt‘tl ill lhc fiilllillur :Litc. :llltl .l. 310. who wm standing the-re. \vith hi-r huir blown wild b" the wind. forgot tlic incqtprktiml of thtii‘ pmsitions. :md catching llk‘l' bc~ luvcd young tilisti‘csb tn hcr lumfin, firm)”. ‘ ml and wilibnd (H'l'l‘ lmr. l .lnson stood just lll‘llllltl, lullxincing hiin-. .sclf first on our fool. and ilimi on the . 'othcr. in his ciforts to got. u Kllllllitt- ot‘ ' 31(lll, :lllll shr- ~trclt-hwl out her arm u\'|'l‘ stic's slmultlcr - lll shook t.lii- lllHltNI. hand which had grown h.\i‘d and horny 'n t .» her scrvicc. .lessic :ilinost curriml hci‘ iiiis- l . ll't'hs into tht- hall, \lllt’l‘(‘ 2L huge iirc want burning and thri-w it run and (‘llt't-l’fllli glow over thc fading gliding and grey-i tuned hangings. 1 "Oh. miss. how thin you lw!" who sullli at last. as, with clusle blinds. «hc o‘llt-l vcyctl Ida. from top to too anxiously undl . grcctlily. “ thrcvcr have you been to look ’ like that? Bill. ncvur mind, Mina Ida-,i you're back. and that's cvcrything! Antl‘ wc'll very soon get sonic flesh till your For Christmas. \ A and bone“' and drive flll‘ :TJId look out of Lhco ' / ' ’ I cyes.“ In moments of cinot ion and cx- ' \ '! Sold at the Best btores citcmnnt Jcsric forgot the schooling ldul AvoidSubsh'tutu. Book!” 0” ch‘u’SL had given 1101‘. and lapscd into semi-Wear ’ - L- E- w“°n‘““ amwy'umhd' Mum“! ' mot-land “You've misucd thc moorland 1 does make the bread and butter taste good l” T is when you spread it out on bread or pancakes, fruit or porridge, that you notice most the sweetness and perfect purity of REDPATH Extra Granulated Sugar. Buy it in the 2 and 5-lb. Sealed Cartons, or in the 10, 20, 50 or 100-lb. Cloth Bags, and you’ll get the genuine W, absolutely clean, just as it left the refinery. 83 CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL. nir, deai'ie. and thc cream and the milk I'vc 'czird it's all chalk and water in Lon- (lnn~-.ind I suppose there wasn't room to ride in them crowded strccts; and the food, too. I'm told it ain't. fit for ordinary humans. lcnvc :ilonc n. dainty maid like tiny swt-ct mistress." “Yes, you shall fatten mo in your heart's dcsiro. Jessie" said Ida. “I suppoec I don't. look of much account; I've been Ill. But I shall won gct well. I felt. as we 1 drove along the moor. with the Wind blow- . ing on my check, as if I had not. breathed sincc the hour I left. And “(WV tell me everythingAalllAa-L once! Rupert? There's no need to ask about the dogs." Donald and Bess had not yet ceased to tear at. her in frantic efl‘ortn to cxprcsu their delight. "" “Are you glad I‘ve come back. Donald?" .she asked in a low voice as she knelt and put. her arms round his neck and nestled her face against his. and lct him lick her with his great. soft tongue. “Ah, if you are. only half as glad us I am. doggie. [N F LUENZAAfif‘Ji'EEZ.‘ silt... Fever. Epilootic "Five thousand. any tbpiisanfd “f3?! :dear!’ 11'3- X’efilmndedi promp 3" 31 your heart must be half breaking with And all diseases of the horse affecting his throat. eedlly cured; colts and uomm in the same stable kept fromsxhavlnl tlhem by using Spohn's nlstemper and Cough Compound, 3 to G‘dose-s often cures; one» bottle guaranteed to cure one case. flute for brood mares. baby colts. stallions. all ages and con- ditions. Most. skillful scientific compound. Any drugg at. SPOHN MEDICAL 00.. coahen, Ind. U.S.A. CHAPTER XXXVII.â€"»(Ci)ntinued). U ‘ . v ' ; . H ' in ' . I E . , . . . . I don t. know, was it a rabbit? no 11th pride and eatisinctizge present... the Joy of It. And 11' 1 m team you Me "No!" res onded Mr. Wordloy. with SUD- I "Five. hundred Wi‘u ,doffor .. . (h? disgl’leCfllllY fat. Bose. Don't tell me amassed exc’ljtement. “It, was the top Of a ' glég‘ST‘i ouEfirhaph you've missed mo, for I don‘t believe it." tlnAb2Â¥1 3' heed Id“ Sti'l unfilled ‘Mr. Wol‘dley went“ mm ‘he di'Iatg iii: 1:33;ir11mgnd)ifh):esgiftfleofoolild " in x.’ec t. H .' ' . r T’Oflt‘l‘s b0\ and to‘lk out he cheque old room. as cheerful the hall, with I‘Tes” he said. with an cmpgaticb book ,‘h h e f 1 d h 1 .. called Jason to ring a Spa (3; u h - . ' V - Iran I 9 ug lTC. a most unnerve . or, in“ Make it mmble ‘0 ll‘e hosmml d when she was alone she sank upon her could scarcely wait. and I found mysolf give it, to me, please... and we" in 310w . ' ‘k ~l'ke on of the dogs, 1337‘ , . knees beside the bod in 11 thanks 'vin . . . ,. . . ngJalslorei chine ahd we had that box ‘Olce‘ 1d . f Ce leqred and he nod. which was none the use deep and tax-011% “I didn't ask you." said Ida, wtth. 4"; flitIllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllmllllllk up Mid I opened it. And what do You dgihe 0‘ mans a C " ’ for its niutencss. laugh, putting her hand on his arm. if y N think I found?" .. f - i God 1,1 01 When slic came down the dinner was. we all get 0111‘ deserts. 110W end it WOUM course, of course. 968 .v 1. . _ . ‘ _. I . . , . .- Ida. shook her head gently; then she myodear’ I might have known what was £044” af-"dl llifi..W oidley was I-(ldllqdlng in bc\ forwmegyom of L Blamed slightly. as she remembered the in mm gt)de grateful heart of yours. See roiglt 0 tic to an outing liex-,_ .,iho was or .cyIEI‘lun11 .q f 0m. 1 night. Stafford and she had watclfied her 5 here he made it out for & manning I. 511116 Illflgeiafillil‘lngld Vnot hadI turmhto prfi ' téfirfiigrgoxk {glimp- gntlli 2131!: $111111”); ‘ ‘ ' . - eruniw ’ ' an -. ' ' ‘ . w as g l 0 1(5 0 in / t . . 1 mm“ cummg' m Ins 5103‘" from l l‘°““d5- That"; five hundmd for you Shabbmcss of the room, that its aspect to drive over and get a ("hquGâ€"MOKLWIJ‘ la el. » ‘ eâ€"â€" don't, on an a “main... of my tamer-sin tridhisdgisp‘reuxit Olivia. Iztll'ilt““‘l§9§" “l” W our“ “We > . ' re;sivel . . - ’ .~ ‘ own; erwx a mo anti rarity. .11 Word. cleaners un 1 cm a. . ; A” W5”de named Imp ‘ y ml £01 the lde‘" n “‘11 cool me d ley would not let her talk until (die had He lingered 9‘9 long “‘5 he Could- andl Yes it, was something of your father's. and u o“ m word' I feel so excited, so I . h , . . It. was, a large box. my dear, and it mm above and bfyyond when that, I want some made. at any rate. a pretence of eating; kept the carriage “tut/111g some time; but ‘ mined_what do 011 think?” _ . ‘ . 5' r I (mould fall to but when they had gone into the drawing- at last he went and Ida. was left alone to. "Papers?" ventltred Ida. fiilifigiilie (illitelltal-ll lucid 5r) disgrace my. rooim, its drew a chair to the fire for her. face thte bstfrfl-ngfihcllgngedlln Igggfoirtlfinell "S . " , dear Miss Ida. securi- .* y 1 ~ 'ch 1 an vteal : she sir e ore .9 re ea 0 a, ocuritios my EL“ and the noble proton ion 0 phi “how. my dear. I am afraid 1 Sim“ have Eew mmmes' the“ fihe wandered over the: ties for a very large amount! The box 1,010“ ‘ was full of them; and a little farther oft” \Vitlgi a folded cheque in her hand Ida ‘0 talk busmess. I slut-ll be too busy to old house from room__to room,- and~evcry We found aHOther till 0369 quite as full- toak Lim up the many stone steps to c (“01116 over to-morrow_ He laughed. "You room had ltn‘l memoncs and assocuitionsl They were securities in some of the best Alexandra ward. The gentleeyed sister, I have left fall my other (ill(‘y1}tg'1 at. :or hertzh in) thei obi-neat??? film‘flfif and oundest. com mules. and the are ~ : . . .elumanmv, euro. 0 come ii tcr my 5 ray am); ox- ancy r a 161‘ pa ,\ as . i I in ‘ S 1 y “ho had named from her M) l f pect I shall find them in a. pretty mud. highâ€"backed chair which was still drawn Lessons Come Worlh an 91101110115 Sum 0f money!" was naturall su )rised to see her return . 7 i ' Ida Stamd M him- as if 6118 dig not l‘eal- 80 soon andy accxolmpanied by a. fatherly elf NO“; 121.31 dear. bcfloi‘c £120. I should lllldln its'Dlage l'oil'lg‘eugigfiwfi’t‘fl 3:”: a izo the hi nificauce of his wor . and 1-0: r ' d “Hyman. who k9 t ie you 0 e me exact y w at you would an so in i am i ‘0‘ 1 - E , g 1) 5m one 01 g( dfraid she might like to do. As I have explained to you. loving hand the books and papers over “An enormous sum of money." he re- close m hel- as if he were noted. “All the whileâ€"430d forgive me!â€" be Spirited from him. .VOu are now the mistress of a very large which he had been wont to bend. She ‘was under the impression that, your fu- -~1 .V om. ‘o_m a 005.1) @ fortune with which you can do absolutely stood before his portrait and gazed Ell it ‘hd e ‘ ‘ back 6 y g 5 what. you like. Would you like to livelwith tear-dimmed eyes, and only the con- ther was letting things slide. and was agai , up: 1;" . id d , her voice falter. . doing nothing to save the estate and to ing {in}: bustier {Wis beaming as they 'hfi‘l't’. 01‘ would you likc to take a. house in sciousness of the love‘ohc had borne hiui provide for you. he was speculating and had not beamed for many a day; “and 1 London. or go abroad?“ ‘ enabled her to bear his absence. As _elie investing; and doing it with a skill and i “am to give you .Eomechlng_ Something Iaa looked up a. little pitcously. passed throughfibe'liull the newly I‘lson a slii‘ewdness which could not. have been for um hospitappit i6 from my deal- friend “0h. not go to London or abroad!" ‘moon was nom‘lhg “1 Ulmllgh the 18‘“ surpassed by the most astute and busr here, Mr_ Wowmey’ who has just, fannd me_ “011. not go to London or abroad!" she window. tint follmved by Donald and noes-like of men. His judgment. was 111- And 1 “,3,” you not to Open u until we said. "Can I not live here? If you knc-w Bess. who hid not lcft her for a moment, most infallible; he sceins scarcely ever 10 have gone-say, for half an hour_ And 1 how I feel-rlio'w the Sight of the pla(-,6_ the { she opened the great hall door and went have made a mistake. It was one of those am going m “The to you as I promised; thought that I uni under the old roof on to the terrace. and walking to the end. i extraordinary cases in which everything \qd you can “The to me if you Wm be agnmfi Stood and looked mwflrds the ruined; F the child has a big, generous light to study by. The Re ’ a lamp i saves eye strain. It is kero- n man touches turns to gold. There are so kind; for 1 cm, give you uhe address she looked round the fudcd. stately chapel in which her father had buried his mining shares there which .I would not now. It is on the back of the cheque.” have bought, at a farming a D1909; 12‘” She had written it in the porter's box. your father- bought. them. and they vc --I am goinghhome. smuggling has pap. everyone of them. or nearly everyone 0‘ pened. But I will write and tell you; now me!“- mmed “D “"3193 Some 0‘ ‘th I can only say"'her voice broke and “'hlch he b01139" for a few Bhllllllgs“g°1d trembledâ€"“goodbye. again, and thank and diamondshnreeâ€"are worth hundreds ' room lovingly. wistfully. and llr. Word-ltruasure. . ley nodded sympathetically. Up to this moment she had been buoyed "Of (‘OuJ‘so you can. my dear." he said. up by excitement and the Joy and plerr "But equally of course. you will now ui‘e of her return to the old house; but want, to restore the old place. There is 3. suddenly there fell a. cloud-like deprcssmn great deal to be done. and I thought that upon her; she was ('onscloufi of an itch- perhaps you would like to go away while in;' void, 9. lack of something which rob- you with all my heart." , _ , . .. v - of pounds: Hundreds? thousands! MY Sh dr v at ‘ ter 1 h and kissed the work was being carried out." bed her heart of all its my. blie had no S a l 8- deal‘." he £001! her hand and patted it 39 her;eande“l\{r. SWEENEY 211009; the sic-let’s Ida shook her head. need to task herself what it was: she know ene t ts be t "No, I would like to fit: (Well if I have too well. Her old home had come back to to live in the kitchen or one of the {rar- her. she was the mistress of a. large, for- rets. It will be a (ls-light to me to watch tune. she stood. aS'it were. bullied in the the men at work; 1 should never grow sunshine of l)l‘061)€l‘lty;but-hel‘ heartfelt tired of it." cold and dead. end the sunshine. bright "1 (illite understand. my deaf." he said. as it. was. W'elljnlgll dazzling. indeed. had "I honor you for that feeling. Well. then, no warmth in it. the was a great heiress 1 511.111 engage an ' "hitcct of repute. the now.- would no doubt soon be surrounded fir-st in his pi'ot‘eeml)ii"~he rubbed his by friends. She had been poor and well hands with an uir of enjoymciitr‘nnd he nigh friendless‘ that. day Stafford had shall restore the old place. with all rcâ€" taken herlin his arms and kissed her for sneer Hnd N‘vt‘rencc. I think I know the the first. leL‘: but. ah. how happy she bad man to employ; and we will start at once. been! _ ‘ so that no time may be loot. I w;th to \Vaa it. possible. could Fate be so cruel see you settled in your proper position as to decree that she should never be hap- . here. The thought of it gives me a new py again, never lose [the aching pillll lease of life! Of course, ynu will want a which racked her boa-rt, at. every though: ‘ proper establishment; more servants both of him? She put the fear from her Wltl] ' in the house and out of it: you 'will want a. feeling of shame and \ht‘lplfifia‘nvss. She ‘ carriages and horses; both the lodges would forget. the man who held left. her must be rebuilt. and the old avenue open- for another woman, would not let thought ed out and put in order. Heron Hall was of him cast a; shadow oval-her life vtml one of the fillt'sl places in the county and dominate it. No doubt by. this tune he had it. shall be so again." quite forgotten her. or. if he remembered "And Jcssic shall be the housekeeper her. i‘ecalled_the past. with a feeling of and Jason the butler." :ald Ida, with it annoyance With which a. man regards ‘u laugh of almost. chlld~like enjoyment. passing flirtation. pleasanbenough wliqlo‘ "Oh, it all seems like a. dream: and I feel it lasted. but. of 'Whlt‘lll he did well to be u that at any moment I may wake and find little ashamed. ' ~ '. myself at La-liurnnm Villa. And. oh. Mr. (1‘0 he continued! l Wordlcy. I shall want some more money â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"+_â€"...__. l at out-c. I want to send the Herons a V problem, it really nice pri‘seiit that, will Butcherâ€"\\ ell. yer know, niuin. . l hand. and blew his nose so loudly that the patients plio had been watching them eagerly. nodded to each other and ex- changed significant glances, and there was a suppressed excitement in the ward which found adequate expression when, half iii) hour afterwards. the sister with flushed cheek and quavcring voice, made them acquainted with Ida‘s gift. “And now." said Mr. Wordlcy. after he had shaken hands with several of the of- ficials. includng the porter. "and now, my dear Miss Ida, for llerundule und~llomel lli. cub!" if- he. were trying to break the shock to her; "your poor father whom we all re- garded as an insolvent book-wol‘m..aClll- ally died by far and away the richest man in the countyl" Ida. looked at him as if she (lid not even Yet quite understand. She passed her thin hand over her brow and drew a long breath. "Do you mcau~do you mean that I am no longer poor. lllr. Wordley?" she asked. ,Mr. Wordley laughed so suddenly and loudly that he quite startled the hull lior- tcr in his little glass box. . “My dear child." he said, slowly and im- pressively, "you are rich, not poor; im- mensely rich! I do not. myself yet quite know how much you are worth; but. you may take it from me that, it is a Very large sum indeed. Now. you are not go ing to faint. my dear!“ For Ida's eyes had closed and [her hands had clasped each other spasmodically. “No. no." she said in a low voice. “But it is so sudden. so unexpected. that I can- not realize it. It. seems to me as if I were lving in tho copupstuirs and dreaming. No. I cannot realize that. I can go back to Ecrondule: I suppose I can go back?" she â€" clear, mellow, and unflickering. The RAYO does not smoke or smell. It is easy to light, easy to clean, and easy to re- wick. The RA YO costs little, but you cannot get a better lamp at any price. _ Made in Canada CHAPTER XXXVIII. The. journey down to licrondale cannot be dcéu'ibed; whenever Ida thought of it in the after years. she felt herself tremb- ling and quivering with the memory of it. Until she had sat in the carriage. and the train fluid started and she-realized that she was indeed going homeâ€"rhomelâ€"she did not know what it had cost her to leave Herondale. how much she had suffered at Liiburnum Villa, how deep the iron of deâ€" pendence had entered 'her soul. She was all of a. quiver with delight. with pro- askod, with a sudden pitconsness that found gratitude to the Providence which very nearly brought the tours to Mr. was restoring her to the old house. the Wordlcy’s eyes. ‘wide moors, the brawling streams which “Go buck. my dear!" he exclaimed. "Of she knew now were dearer to her than life course. you can go back! The place be- itself. longs to you. Why. I‘ve already given noâ€" Mr. Wordley understood. and was full of rice that I am going to pay off the mortâ€" sympathy With her mood. Ila bought gages. You will get every inch of the newspapers and mugaztnm, and he let. her Land back; you will be the richest lady in alone and pretended to read: but every the county~yes. in the whole county! The now and then she met his smiling glance help them. I hope. to forget the trouble I ‘. . . v . . . . 1.. ‘t. , caused them. Poor people. it was not “leaf b ‘9‘” ,deal't‘.’ dal“ LI 5‘ hub, their fault: they did not understand." binsâ€"\Ho. Flier! gimme a, pound «i ll.“ “duh-V 5"""39‘1' -. . vestci'davs steak. please. 'l‘here is mic topic of ('OIJVOI‘hillloll, my ' ' (1031‘ Miss Ida, I «shall he cornpcllcd to He-â€"“You'll bt“ sorry you didn’t; bar," he said. “I never wvnnt to hear Mr. Dunn. me.” Sheaswveu. l-d : ROYAUTE OIL i! but for all luel THE IMPERIAL 01L (30.. Limited and know by his nod of the head that he Toronto Quebec Halifax Montreal oldtglories of the dear old house can be ‘ . ‘ _ revived; you can queen it there as the He was reiowmg With her. ‘ _ John Heron's name again. As to sending - St. .lnhn Winnipeg Vuwuvcr roiis of (illdbused to qucgndit. 1itnd every- lie had 1\virod fog a Yul‘riugc ring Dan" them R. present, you can, of course. send rather not- he Illal‘l‘IEd and be SUIT." ' l body wil e proud an elig ted to see to meet lll‘lll at I i‘vmm'mereuun Ida them anything you likc. m the half of . ~ -‘ . . Tim ., b 1m “73d 7 you doing it! As for me, I am ashamed lcitnt buck :ind tried '0 ho patient. tried your kingdulu: though. if you ;\;1( me I “ as“ t ml” 1 H an e '1 ‘ fillllllllllllltlllllllfllflmmllummmmmlfi to look unconcerned : calm and coin- whether the" dust-r“- jgn and be sorry I was married." to say that I have alumst lost my head over the business. and have behaved like n~\vell. anything but like u staid und so-l bcr old solicitor." i He laughed. and blew his nose, and nml- m ~r' » (led with n ehamefnced 03' which affected ldn even more than his wonderful news lind (kilo. "How can I thank you for all your goodness tn inc." she murmured. u littlc brokcnly. "'l‘liunk incl Don't you attempt to thank me. or I shall hrcak down alm- gcthcr: for I've been _thc stupidest and “m” “°"‘1“"'h°~‘d“l “1“” ‘1‘“ “‘9‘ 4‘“ In these strenuous days do not send your money to foreign countriesâ€"circulate it AT HOME, where your crops are sold, and gritcod a. noble profcs-Zon. I ouvht to . V V. . U . ._ V . . hm... 5....“ Unmugh yum. father". gm”... where _\'Olll incite} “lllCOllle back to you and your family. Our Redcht’t’e Lori‘ugated Iron is British through and tlii-ougli#mined. non of mlSCl‘llilCc‘s tutu indifference. Aim smelled, rolled. galvanized and corrugated within the Empire. We could use foreign-made Keystone sheets if we wished. but we body but :1 silly Old numeknll “'Ould 111W" prefer to buy within the Empire. and so should you. Our thirty-year reputation for square dealing is behind every one of the famous 33.23.52. Kili'gLil-tr‘glvhiiwlir; 3‘: 0.233;. :Redchfte British-iiiade Galvanized sheets which you Will get if you buy front us. And our prices are low or lower than sheets You'd like to go hilt‘k to llt‘l‘ondnlo liy made in the [filled States. the first train. You must hate the rzglizr of this place. Ishould think." .‘ 'No. no.’ said Idu. gently. "Yrs, It " would like to go back to llcrondnle :ili,‘ o P I A I yes, as soon its posiblo. But 1 should likt-l u r o I to sec soul-Toxin before I go â€"thc bl>l\'l‘. the trutszslr‘.laurelum.divinity: ORDER 28 amigo-"$3.69 per 100 square feet ORDER "yolk :lrt‘ l‘l c more if im Inifildh'l‘, that l have sonlw lllJfll W ~ ‘1 ?" I 43:323.“. ~ 1 NOW 26 {huge-“$3.89 per 100 square feet NOW alts b'lhlLJ :tJl '.1'.;rc dot-ply. 1 I “"31. fun: you have you any Hi} ‘ \vlth you. Mr. \l’urt‘ilcy? 1 mean turn Freight prepaid to any station in Old Ontario Tt-l‘lllSI cash villi the order. Special prices to other sections of Canada on 3Â¥=.C.““m f‘l..}”‘~‘",“y‘" _ , ‘application. We can al<o supply Corrugated Ridge t'ap. 9:0,. to fit our sheets. You save money and get a vastly better article. Buy Galvanized "Hash “WSQA 1...,\.‘{.;:'.. :3:,*;i,.§m“\glfm“fill... “Redclifi’c” corrugated iron today at our special Hit prion. Very Spet‘lal reduced prices are also being quoted for “Metallic” Siding 121kp Stemfihj‘nglel thin with... twill-.ziii.‘ A V 3 tl‘tock or Brick-luv: patterns) aiid "MMallir" Steel ('viliizg ltl‘id Wall Plalrj‘Sâ€"rllealllll‘lll and durable. Correspondence invited. as“? Rgdrihcfl" Br: A i 5 Him 9 orruga ldil‘: face t'cll. t ‘Oh. ill-H 'n Irv: 1. " * '='li’ We Will gladly help you .vltl‘. fOHI' 1:3:n plans. Let us hear from you about your requirements. ed lron make u "I‘lfill‘llltl'fil-i ‘ .I i my H. M. staunch, time-proof “’ ‘ ‘M " ‘ " ‘ "b F ’21 Manufacturers. Cor. larn, a King and Dufferln Sts., ) clicntlchonk \llEll lllt‘. lion. inth do want? And. l'oz'giie llli‘. inf.“ do.) Edit. hn: may I usk \\'ll:ll you want it t'nr?’ “t‘nn l lime u ultciluc fnr‘tivc hnndrt .1 I .unds?‘ ldu .inked. timidly.

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