chmroxn HILL. 0.\'T.. DEC. 2;. 1014 “Li 0 o 5;? For general war news see inside pages. Christmasâ€"three weeks from to- nrorrow-â€"Shop early. Mr. Thomas Barber is acting as iury- man in Toronto. Mr. J. 1‘}. Skeele of Cayuga spent over-Sunday with his mother who has been ill. A change has been iriade in the \Vinter Time Table Sthedule on the Metropolitan Railway. Sec notice elsewhere in this paper. The Board of‘ Education last, even- ing engaged MiSs Holmes of New- eastile as tourtli teacher in the Pubiic School at a. salary of $50â€. “"ill all members of the Horticulâ€" tural Society who have not receiVetl bulbs please call at the home of the Secretary for same. This applies to all 1914 irrenrbers. Mr. L. B. Heise. of Victoria square received a telegram' stating that his ln-other-in-law Mr. J. H. Byer of Haiirlin. Kansas. (lied Tuesday morn- ing of this week. The December meeting of the \Vomeii‘s Auxilary of the Methodist (lunch will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Moitsou this (Thursday) afternoon at 3 o‘clock. The Liberal will be sent- from this date. to January 1.1916 for $1.00. To some of our new Comer-s we would say there is no better way to get acquaint.- ed with the people and customs than through the li-cal paper. The Express. \Voodstock -â€"“That the Old-Time Ladies‘ Aid Meeting. re- peated by request at College Avenue (Meth. Ch.) last night. was better than ever was the verdict returan by those in a position to judge.“ Masonic l‘lall, Richmond Hill. December 11. | The Village Council on Monday eveningr passed a By-law for the closing . r-f Grocery stores in Richmond Hill on Monday and \Vedriesday of each week at. 7 pan. The byâ€"law will come into} effect on Monday. the llth of Dec. 11" patrons are notiï¬ed ofthe by-laiv they will easily adopt themselves to the circumstance. There will be a shower held in the Foresters’ Hall on \Vednesday afteiu noon. Decctnbct'Uth. to take the place of the regular monthly irreetingz of the \Vorneii‘s institute. which has been canvassed forhv the members of the institute. Meiribers of the lnstitute will be present from l o’clock till 4 to rcCcive donations. Dirtrrliss Borneoâ€"“1r, was 'I very pleased audit-tic.- that attended the Entertainment giien on Friday night by the ladies of the Mr thodist. Church â€"‘A Meetiugofa ludies’ Aid Society iii the RIMâ€"Victorian Periridâ€"provok- ed roarsof laughterâ€"apart from the delicious humor of the thing. the rostnrues were a veritabletreat. it was a feast of fashion in other days. Many wore wedding dresses. the best creations of Aiild Lang Syne. The ladies deserve a vote of thanks for having provided such a unique and delightful entertaininent." Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill. December 11. \Vlry do statesmen read (It{1 \Veekly Sun of Toronto? Because it is a paper with a reputation that is unquestioned. lt is the farnn-rs‘ business paper. and is watching fariners' interests all the time. Aside. even. from its market reports which are acknowledged to be the best iii the l)o|irinion. it is a paper of weight. You should have it come to your home ever y week. All through the long: winter nights it will furnish a wealth of interesting reading material of a tlir roughly reliabl. character. This paper has special clubbing arrangements with the Sun. Let'us have your reiie\val and add the Sun to your list of papers for 1915. Studio Recital The second programme in the series of studio recitals which Mr. Newton is giving. was supplied by four students ill the priinaiy grade. all of wh..m ac- quitted themselves very creditany l both iii solo and (ltlt|~[)l¢t}':ltg. Mrs. (ti-ville Godwin lent valuable assist- ance in a group of songs in which her clear soprano voice showed to great advantage. â€"â€"â€".â€".¢.â€">â€"â€" The “Want Ad" The "Want ad." has grown from a little used force in business lite into one of the greatest necessi'ies of the present day. Business men nowadays turn to the “want ad." as a Iriattci' of course for a hundred small ser\ ices. The "want ad," gets work for workers and workers for Work. It. gets clerks for employers and employers for clerks. It brings to- gether buyer and seller. and enables them to do business though they iuay be many miles apart. The “Want. ad." is the great force in the small affairs aird incidents of dailv l life. | If you have a room to let. or want a room: if you have a cow or horse for sale: if you want to sell a baby car- riage, a house. farm. or anything else. try a LIBERAL “want ad." | I Annual flanquet Mr. .1. A. (‘ameron. “'ai-den of York County.. \vas tendered a baiiquctl Thursday night in the \\'alker llotisc. and was presented by his fellow cottti~ i'illot's “ith it gold licrltlctl cane. Mr. E (‘amcroii in his reply thanked the members for the reim-rnbranre. and; for the courtesy slinwri to biiir \\'arden durini,r the year. Toasts were drunk. and among the speakers were \\’. l“. Mat-lean. .\1.1’.: T. 11. l.ennox. .\l.l..A.; (‘apl. T. “'allace. \l. l’.: G. S. Henry. M.l..A.: llr. l’oibes Godfrey. .\l.l..A.: Major'l‘. ll. Bi-rinton. l\1av<.rllotken. (‘oiitrr lleis McCarthy and dbnrch. Mr. It. \V. Phillips and others. “\il . 7 Mr. Thomas Palmer‘s Death Mr. Thomas Palmer. another of our aged citizens. passed away on Friday last. in his SBIh year. lie had been in failing health for-the past two or three years. The funeral on Sunday was largely attended. Previous to intermentiu the Villagr Cemetery :1 service was Conducted n St. Mary‘s Church by the rector. Rev. S. A. Lawrence. Rev. John Gibson. a fortn- er pastor. also assisted in the service at the grave. The surviving sons and daughters are:-â€"\\'i|liani and ("liar-leS. Mrs. P. Jackcs. Mrs. F. Legge, Mrs. H. Ford. and Missies Fannie. Jane. Bertha and Sara. Deceased is also survived by a bi other Mr. .lohn Palm- er, and a sister Mrs. A. \Vright. -â€"â€"~Oo>4â€" Woodbi'idge Estates Estates of both husband and wife respectively. George \Vallaee. brother of the lite N. t‘vlarke “’allaee. M.P., and Mrs. Ellen \\':rllace of \Vood- bridge. were ï¬led for administration in the surrogate court. neither ha\ ing madea will. \\'hen he (lied on Feb. 5. 1914. George \Vallace owned proper- ty in \Vooi'lbridue valued at $15!“), and on Will having been left. Nathaniel George \Vallace. a son of the (licensed. lrisapplied for power to administer the property in the interest of himself and brother. Milton Ross \Vallace of Calgary. Alberta. The property left by Mrs. Ellen \Vallace. who tliedou Nov. 19. amount- ed 1ti$21.~11i5.111. \Vhen atluiiuistiwition’ is granted. the sons. Milton of Calgary: Nathan- ial. \Voodbiiilge. and the (laughter. Ellen \Villiams Orr. will share equally. Maple The funeral of the late John Julian of \ ellnre took place hereon \Vednes- day of last wrek and was attended by many relatives and friends. The work of the junior pastor- of this circuit is beint.r taken by members of the Local Pl'l’dl'lll'l'S Union of Tol‘v onto, every Solitary. . Mr. 11. Jackson has purchased a farm belonging to the estate of the late llenry Line, just south if the village. The trustees of the Public School .‘tli' advertising for an assist-int teacher to take the place of Miss Masten who his been engaged to teach at Vellore after New Years A Court of revision. by Judge (‘oalswoi lb was last Saturday. when :1 names \\ cie added to the __._7.¢.._ Thornlrill The annual Bazaar. Tea and concert. under the auspices of Trinity Church, Thor-iibill. will be held in Victoria Hall Thoinhill. on the cicning of \Vednesday. llec. 9th. 1911. One half of the prom-eds will be de- voted to local and other relief work. arid the other half to Trinity Church improvement ford. Aï¬rst-classprogram will be given bv the followingr talent: Mrs. I. S. Ur. Van \Vait, contialto; Mrs. Edwin Laiigstatf. soprano; Miss (‘cril Perri-- son. s'rprairo: Mr. Robert Clarke. . comic. \eotriloquisi. and entertainer. with his family of blocklieads: Mr. E. L. Beanpi-e, baritone; Mr. lleanpre will bringr with him the following,r members of the S iiila (‘laus troupe at pl't‘s‘ltletl over held here number of voters†list. Massey Hall perfoi irrairce :- Fr ed t Ruskin. the funny clown \\ltl1 his wonderful cow and tlonch: Happy Maynard. Lorne llanlon. (the row); Freddie Becker. Eric lic:.llicote. (the donkey); \\‘illic Bennett. the little Belgian soldier; Jariis Moore. the little Major piper: Jean Fraser, lligh- land tiling and sword dance; James Edgar. boy soloist. The Bazaar “'1†open at Ten si-iverl from .3 to 7 o'clock. cert will begin at .N' o'clock. Admission to tea and (‘lllll't'll : adults 3.3L. children under 12 yrs. 25c. AUCTEON SALES ‘ Frrrnxv. Dee. ~1~â€";\lll'[li'lt Sale of far in stock. implements. etc.. at lot ll. rear .‘ah L‘ou. Vaughan. the property of i 3.2;† ( l1II- John Evans. Sale at ln'cleck. Teiiusll months. J. 11. l’ieiitice.rI Auct. THUR. Dec. ll)th.-s(‘redit sale of Farm I stock. implements. iiav. l'turls, grain, on lot 1ti.ccn. 5. Markham. just North of l'uionville. the property of l the late Alex Russell. Sale at 12 o‘clock. Lunch provided. Terms 11 months. .1. H. Prentice. Auctioneer. l TUESDAY. Dec. 15th.â€"l)ispersion Sale 1 l of pure bred Holsteins_ and grades, lot 28'. Corr. 2. Pickering. near t‘lier- ‘ rywoorl. the property of J. S. 111")“ ey. about «ill head of Holsteins. some l with pedigrees. and grades Thesel cattle are a ï¬rst-class lot of good breeding and in grod condition. .' t‘ttalogues may be had on applica- ‘ that to Mr. Honey. (‘herrvwood P.O. or the auctioneer. Rigs will meet all trains at the Statien, Cherry- wood. (‘.P.R. and C..\'.R.. on day of sale. 9 months credit. Sale at 1 ‘ o‘clock sharp. J. 11. Prentice. Atict. \VEDNEsnu‘. Dec. thh.â€"Ciedit Sale of farm stock. implements. etc.. on lot 12. Con. 10. Markham. Locust Hill. the property of P. \V. Munro. Sale at 1 o‘clock. ill months credit. J. H. Prentice. Auct. Countess. \V. 13" lbcgin Jan. rlth. llllb. “Ht†near l‘llgin Mills. Excellent soil. ‘ line situation. moderate price. Ad- dress B. care Liberal otlice. 1 T “ Q DIED l’.\l..\lriltr~.\[ his. late residence. litm- “'l‘tlll. Richmond Hill. on Nov. 27. 1914. Thomas 1‘}. l’alnrer. in his .‘L'rili year. It‘tlllt'l'illHlllitltty,Ntt\'.21l,:llli[l.lll. to Richmond Hill ('emeterv. \Vrv'r‘sox- (liiHnndaV. Nov. 20. ltlll. at the home of her father. Mr. Mai k \\'.-rtson. York town line. Miss Lillian \\'atson. late teacher of Met‘aul School. Toronto. : NEVVAD r T)\'l‘1R'1‘TSE.\lENTSlti this colirinir bring quick results. if you have :ltlYlllllig to sell. or if you wish input-chase something. hire help. etc.. try this “ Nicw Al)\'l€lt'l‘ISE\thN'l‘ " ‘ column. VEHT SEMENis ' t'TTl‘IR \VltA PPERS. n Neatly printed on best parcbna'nt paper â€"â€"al\vays on hand at The Liberal l Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. It AltPl‘IT \VEAVING. â€"â€" Done by . L. Johnson. Stop 45. Langstatf P. 0. ll 3 in OR SALE.â€"One small eoal heating stove. C. Mason. 17 t.f. “OR S;\LE.â€"First Class up‘to-date coal heater. Price right. apply to J. Davidson. Hiin School. lll-t. f. ‘OR SALEâ€"A set of Encyclopae- dia Britannica. 2.3 \‘tllltllt's, as good as new. at one-third cost. Suitable for Pnblic School May be seen «ll. The Liberal 20 If. price. library. ofï¬ce. 0R SALEâ€"A number of hanging lamps and parlour lamps. May be seen at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. tf 0R SALl‘Lvtlne Coal heater with four but airlines to take the crld air olf the floor. For sale cheap. \V. Sheppard. 22 2 TOR SAth}. â€" Nellie, bay marn, llackney.15 hands. 8 years. in foal. sound. unblemished. $75 or- exchange for dry Cow. Freeland. (Jon. 3. Lot 12. \Vest York. 23 1 F0 R SALEâ€"A Durham bull.1-ising 2 years. lt. E. Perkins, Victoria Square. Phone -ltll)1 23 2 IJOR SAT.11‘:.â€"~T\ltil'lltt’tll spies. No.1 quality. Phone 1060. Maple. Leonard Cli merit. Maple. 232 1â€"5011 SALE â€" One medium sized heater for Coal or wood, :lltilosl .Alsr. llt‘\\'. a Parlor (Took. Art ackin. EIgiii'Mills 232. I Ol'SIC TO RENTâ€"Eight room In ick house on Richmond street, iiebrnorid Hill. Hard and soft water. Possession at any tirrre. Apply. Mrs. \S'illianrs & Sou. Victoria Square. Eli-t. f. ()H'FAthllltln)‘ airs rnoon. Nov. 28 iii ltichuinral llill a grey silk veil. The tinder will please lca\e .4 at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. 23 1 PAINTING r\' PAPERHANGING~ Rooms $2.00 up. First-class wei k guaranteed. H. llazlehurst. Elgiu Mills. 20 l I designs to choose from. Your room papeied, including papt r for any room up to 12 x11 feet. rom- pleie for $4.00. Ellis the Decorator. ‘2. S the satire by proving property and paying expenses. James (‘osgri'rvm Elgiu Mills. 21 3 APEltHANGlNG SPEt‘IAl. ~ 2.3 TltAYEl)~Caine to the [)l‘t‘llllst's of the rindersignci’l. a ycnr'litrg heifer. The owner may have ’1‘0 ItliN'l‘wllruse on Richmond St. Apply to A. J. Wright. 2311’ \‘fANTlCDâ€"lmr the Richmond llill ‘ Public School. Lady teai'her holding 2nd class professional e-‘rtilicate. to teach the first book work. Applicatiriis. stating qualiï¬cations, experience. and salary expected. re- ceived up to Dec. 2nd. Duties to (ii-ti. McDonald. 0') Sr‘i'li'tnl')’. For sale. 18 acres. with ' eigth mile frontage on Efflxtlli S'l‘lllili‘l' li‘ltth'l‘AHl‘Ii. Yr urge 18th: pi'epcrty. Why not i list it with us 2’ JOHN FISHER, TORONTO E. W. Moyle, Langstatt Local Representative 13 if @. ‘ the i only to the Claims of which tllt y shall A FE W ITE MS FOR YOUR COIN SIDERATION All wool Grey l‘lanrrcl. light and medium snadcs, plain weave, llll(‘- - 712 HAVE C .-\ LL S i‘. . for Richmond Hill ‘ l :9 (Hi rwa liveninpv (‘itixen.7â€The lin- tertaininent. ‘.\ lrzlrlics' .-\iil Business .‘leciingat .\lt~h:iivk (‘i-nssi'o:'.ils,‘ held in Siraixriton Presbyterian (‘liurch. last night. by the 1.:iilics' .\iil Society. Shooting Matclr A shooting match for geese and do ‘l-s will beheld in Boyle‘s Flats on Saturday. llecanda-r 12. commencing proved a great slti't'rrss.---(‘]-r*;r1t‘tl “11 Irrlock. ltill-r range 1th yards. plenty of amusement for their listen. li‘\t. for target title: titlc ra‘nge ltlll l'ls‘gw'l‘llt'tttltllt'lll‘i‘tt'ils delighted with .\""lli*‘v "ll-billllli 101‘ Sillllllltl.’ llllt‘: the lCnteitainun-ot." Masonic llall. Fbi‘t guns silt yards. number ti shot to Richmond Hill. llet'ctirliet' ll. be used. A conveyance will leave Richmond Hill for the range at 1 o‘clock. W NOTICE TO CREDITORS " ' ' “ NOTICE TO PATRONS Pursiiaiit to the Statutes in that be- billl. A\Ulll'c .15 hereby given that all In addition to the ear service shown persons having tdtlllllS against the (-5- on the \Viiiter Time Table the follow- tate of Joseph Shepard Jackson late in“ sonic.- will be operated dailv. Sunday excepted. of the Township of Vaughan in the BETWEEN TORONTO Sr NEWMARKET County of Yoi k. Gentleman. who (lied on or about the 18th day (‘15.‘ptclnhel‘ (‘ars willleave Toronto for Newmarket and intermediate points at 11.3!) /\.1). ll‘ll are required onor before the 15th day of Der-ember 11)†to send 1.30 p.m. and 3.30 p. in. (lars will leave Newinarket for Toron- to the undersigned solicitors for the luxecutors. :rsiatement of their claims. to and iirtei-rriediate points at 11 a.m.. 1 with their names and :I(ltlll'ssti~'. ’ AND TAKI‘: V1,'l{'l‘lll‘ll{ NOTlt'l': BETWEEN TORONTO 5r: RlCHMUND HILL ('ar will leave Toronto for Richmond that after the last mentioned date the Hill and ititcl'tlli'tliatc points at 3 executors will proceed to distribute (fats in†leave Richmond Hill for Tor- assets of the estate among the parties eiiiitled thereto, having; regard onto aial intei'irrediate points at (5.06 and 3.06pm. then have received l1()ll(,‘l’. (300K & GlLtlllltlSl‘. Nos. 327-8, Confederation Lite Bldg. 12 Richmond St.. East ’_|_‘oront,o. Solicitor-s for the Executom 214,; TORONTO & YORK RADIAL RY. CO. 1 Tratllc Department 23 2. tlflNCllETE HOUSE 28 in. wide, per yard....... ...... .. :27antl 300 Pure wool Scarlet Flannel. 26 in. wide, per yard. . . . . .. .. ..33c 72 in. White Flannel Sheeting, per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Twillcd\Vi'appcrcttc, navy with white spot, cream with navy spot, bright: cai'dinai and grey, in small patcr'ns, pcr yd. 13c llluc and White Chock Apron Gilrghairi, fast color, with border . . . . . .11 boarder. pair 154 50 4) travel-3.. per yard White Wool Blankets, weight ti lbs., pink Night Uowris, square yoke, lined and . . . . . . $1.00 . . . . . .00 Men‘s Black Lanai llr :c,scairiltss ftcrdrirlilc lreclsarrd toes pr. 25c \Vomcn's Whith li‘lanneitc finished with l'i'ill ot' crirhroidery, good quality . Men‘s Wool-Lined Swede (jlovcs, :2 dome fasteners Men‘s 211 ribbed, black. lzcavy Wool Socks, }‘.01' pair'.. . . . . . .A10c Women’s white ltciirdeei' liirislr li'abi'ic Gloves, soft and will wash, per pair. . .. Cotton Urairr Bags. doz. . . . . 500 ......$3.85 nun.-.........-o-...-a..-.. 1â€"3 GROUERIES. LTC. ......1()c ..10c and 15c ......10c .....'.’50 Favorite le'oc Polish, hotth . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. Sherwin-Wi‘lliains’ Stove Pipe liri:triit‘l,tin. . . . . . Nonsuch Liquid Stove Polish, bottle Sewing Machine Oil. largo bottle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l‘attci'sori “ Variety" boxes Chocolates . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. 1’1'0511 Ui‘ottntl Huston Ceil‘cc, at the old price. per lb . . . . . . . . .~1Uc lixccllcnt l-‘lavor Japan Tea, [ci' lb. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Z$Oc tiltiner & Srilzer fr‘f’f“.h~*~‘r‘ v», -. rfrr'a-n‘errï¬m‘whrn‘rrn s ‘ .' r ‘ V b ' n ' r “magnumâ€an E‘fV'J'VV .5 1: r" â€" , ,:(.N{"|rf‘.r~t_’f‘ tâ€"ra’w {’"lf‘fJ‘fo‘ at" ‘\> r. \.-v."\‘. iiir Ricrirriiirr‘r‘. it RNISHING STORE Men‘s Sweater Coats in slate, brown and fawn, nice rich shades arid extra nicely made at $1.50 and 5.3.01), also a variety of lines from $2.00 up. i. . J“ W" WK. r m‘r‘w . . wraâ€" 1 b r r r X‘« r r... f“. M M Fwy-vivaâ€: m {lg .llcir's Ovcrcoats in gi'ays. and browns, cxti‘a nicc litters at front $10.00 to $13.00. l"\'o‘hr mad Itlcrr's llcavy Winter Underwear. several lines at 00 a garment. Q0 50 cents to . (r. r tuna Wigwam“ en it a... NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR mi. .3 1mmâ€. pm. mm E’Qï¬wuï¬wdfldï¬ï¬‚uww - uï¬wsï¬dh-‘d m ‘ «somat- w