Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1914, p. 6

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u 3-. BRITISH NAVY LOSS 7,000? Perished and Beginning of War Officers and Hen 'A despatch from London says: Thus far during the war the Royal Navy has lost 4,327 officers and men killed and 473 wounded, while 908 menu are missing and 1.575 are cap- tives or have been interned. These figures are contained in a statement issued on Wednesday night by the Admiralty,'and in elude, in addition to the naval men. the marines of the Royal Navy divi- sion. The casualties and the num- ber of men captured or interned is given as follows: Officersâ€"Killed, 220; wounded, 37; prisoners, 5; 1n- ‘benned, 46. Menâ€"Killed, 4,107; wounded, 436; missing, 968; in- terned, 1,525. NEVER MORE‘ARDUOUS IASK In All History There is No Instance of Their Having Answered so l’lagnificently A despath from London says: In his review of the defence of the Bri- tish troops at Ypres General French writes: “That success has «been at- tained and that all the enemy's at- tempts to break through our line have been frustrated is due to the marvellous fighting power and in- ,spulendid history there is no instance lnterned Since A great majority of those report- ed killed were drowned, 1.718 los- ing their lives in this manner when the cruisers Pathfinder, Aboukir, Crossy and Hogue were Sent to the bottom by German submarines. while the foundering of the Mon- mouth and Good Hope off the coast of Chile was responsible for the loss of 1,654 officers and men be- neath the waves. The operations of the Royal Nae val division at Antwerp are ac- countable for nearly all of those re- ported inlterned or missing. Most of the missing are said by the Ad- miralty statement, to be prisoners of war in Germany. domita-ble courage and tenacity of the officers and men. No more. arâ€" duous task has ever been assigned to British soldiers, and in all their of their having answered so magni- ficently “to the desperate calls of ne- cessity made upon them.” on GERMANS I IN A TRIANGLE? Russians are Besicging Great Part of Invading Force in Poland. A despatoh from a London says: The‘Russian Embassy at Rome anâ€" nounces that the battle at Lodz has been renewed with fresh forces. Several German divisions (a. divi- sron consists of 14,000 men) werel annihilated and many German gen- erals were killed. The German front has been broken in a number of places and a decision is immiâ€" merit. The Petrograd correspondent of the Morning Post says that when the full details of the Russian vic- tory in Poland are available they will furnish a, story that will aston- ish the worldâ€"a. story telling of a blbw to Germany’s finest troops such as has not been ,known since the days of Napoleon. - .The Daily Mail’s Petrograd corâ€" respondent, who, in common with other Petrograd correspondentsl hints that there is to come still bigger news which they are unable at this time to transmit, says the possibility which seemed to exist that the German forces whidh es-' caped tIhe enveloping movement east of Lodz would succeed in breaking through near Strykow and joining the rest of the German forces now appears hopeless. I This Germai force, adds the cor- respondent, is fighting its way back in the direction of the Vistula under a terrible artillery fire, which is causmg an appalling loss of life.) The Germans are reported to be! short both of food and of shells. as; a result of being cut off from their: base. A VF... TROI’BLE OVER IN FREE STATE‘, The llc Wet l'prising Has Spent. Its Force. A despatch from Capetown says 2; There Is little doubt that the crisis' Ipacking, and to prepay transporta- ltion charges. Consignments should in the Free State is over. Small scattered bodies of rebels are still in the field, but they will gradually surrender. At one time the posi- tion looked serious. De Wet was inducing many to join him, in the belief that there would be no fight- ing, it being represented that the whole Free State was rising, and the Government could do nothing. ’Ilhese illusions .were shattered by the fight in the Mushroom Valley on November 12. The rebel losses on that occasion were much heavier than is generally known. De Wet,was caught napping; in tact, he was actually in bed when General Botha opened a fierce at- tack. The rebels, completely dumbâ€" founded, are now like sheep with- out a shepherd, and will not face the music again. is APPLES, WALNUTS AND JAMS. A despatoh from Ottawa. says: The Prime Minister has received a communication from the Vegetable Products Committee in England, an organization under the Presidency of Lord Charles Beresford, calling attention to the work of the oom- mittee in supplying fresh or pre- served fruits to the men of the navy. The committee calls attention to the need of further supplies, and asks Canadian cooperation in for- warding gifts of apples, pears, walâ€" nuts, jams and preserved fruits. Any contributors in Canada are asked to exercise great care in be sent to Vegetable Products Com- mittee, Salvage Warehouse, Padâ€" dington Goods Station, London. --â€"-â€"-'I'-â€".â€" GRAND DI'KE‘S GENEROSITY. Gives a Million Pairs of Shoes to the French Army. A despa-tch from Paris says: Grand Duke Michael of Russia has presented to the French Army one million pairs of shoes which had been ordered from “'cbster, Mas-5., factories at an average price of $3 per pair. Some enormous orders for shoes for the Russian army also have been placed in America. GERMANY’S DlFFlCUlI TASK Buelow Fears It Won’t Be So Easy for Germany to Win the \Var A despatch from Berlin The Berliner Tageblatt prints :1 letter from Prince Von Buclow. the ex~Chauce~llor, in which be ex- presses tbc fear that the war will “prove a very dillicult task for Germany." Of Course. the Prince winds up by affirming his belief in the ultimate triumph of the German arms, but Several times he repeats that victory will be won only with great (lifiiculty. says: There is also an eulogy of the: British troops, written by a high German ofiicer at the front. He .l handsomely admits that the British Infantry have done wonders. espe< cially around Ypres. Their lars are among the finest troops in the world. he writes, and "there must be Something. after all, to‘ say for the Englishman's love of sport. for nothing but welLtrained. and particularly fit young follows could shape as well as the new troops the English keep bringing up. They are all firstâ€"class fightâ€": ers. The British have quite outâ€"l pointed our men in shooting. patrol i work. marching and scouting. Thcyl are simply marvelous.” i The writer concludes that the Briâ€" tish may be mercenaries, but they are well worth the money they draw. reguâ€" . ' lands. Prince Alexander of Tech at the Front. Prince Alexander is a brother of natcd Governorâ€"General of Canada. I . Furncss for an inspection trip along the firing line. POLISH PLAINS ‘ A GERMAN SEDAN The Russian Victory at Lodz is Called the Modern Times. Greatest of A dcspatch from Pctrograd says: Germany has found her Sedan on the plains of Poland, The Russians have worn the greatest victory of modern times between the Warthe and the Vistula, and about 60 miles west of Warsaw. Grand Duke Nicholas’ armies have utterly crushed General von Hindvenburg’s divided army, have captured or destroyed 100,000 men, and have cut off the retreat of the surviving corps. ’ The German counter-offensive under Lieut.â€"Gen. Makkenson, was halted 25 miles east of Czenstochowa and driven back. Von Makkensexn was forced to abandon von Hindenburg’s troops to their fate. Meanwhile, the Russian advance in East Prusâ€" sia was never delayed an hour. The Cossacks are driving Aus- trian rearguards inrto Cracow, and Russian guns are shelling the city from the north-east and the southâ€" east. L___ PRI‘ SSIANS FIGHT BA VARIANS Come to Blows Over the Queen of the Belgians. A despuatch from Paris says: The Bavarians and Prussians have un- doubtedly come to blows regarding the Queen of thé Belgians. It is also reported that serious disagreeâ€" ment has arisen between the Imâ€" perial Chancellor and the Prime Minister of Bavaria. It is undeniable that Bavarian troops take every possible oppor- tunity to surrender, From the front at Quesnoy a letter says that when the Germans saw that the French Red Cross men cared for German wounded as well as their own. over 200 desert-ed during the night. They went to the French and told them that if only all Ba- varians could be sure they would be humanely treated three-fourths of them would surrender outright. v 'f ALIENS )[l‘ST WORK. Proposal of Gnvermnent to Eln- ploy Those Internet]. A despatch from Ottawa says: An early announcement is expected from the Government as to the pol- icy for the internment of aliens. The Province of Quebec has agreed to the proposal to set apart Crown lands upon which they may work. A similar reply is expected from the Pro'vinec of Ontario and in the ,West aliens would be assigned to similar work in the Dominion park Should the land prove suit~ able. and should the aliens develop peaceful intentions, they may be allowed to Continue living on the land cleared, As soon as the de- tails are Complete those who are a Illit‘nflce to the community or a, pnb~ lic charge. because out of work. will . the transferred to these centres by S1) far 23.000 have the (hwernment the erermnent. registered under regulations. '1‘â€" Twinkle. twinkle. little :Itli‘**1\’€ know exactly what y. u are. In old- en times your rhyme might do, but since we've learned a thing or two. [to the House of Commons by Wins- .I. l Queen Mary of England and desig- The photo shows bun leaving BBlTAIN’S NAVY HAS. HEAVY 1083 I Only 14 Survive Explosion that Destroyed Battleship with Over 700 Men. A despatoh from London says: The British navy has suffered the loss of a. battleship and at least 736 officers and men. The proâ€"Dread- nought Bulwark, of 15,000 tons, and built ata cost of $5,000,000, blew up at her moorings off Sheerness, in the estuary of the Thames, and barely 35 miles from London. A tremendous explosion occurred while officers and crew were about their ordinary duties, and in three minutes the shattered bulk of the great ship had disappeared beneath the surface. Of a ship’s company of 750, all except 14 were killed by the explo- sion or drowned after a few min- utes’ struggle in the water. The estimate of the loss was furrnrished ton Churchill, First Lord 'of the Admiralty, who merely offered the opinion that the destruction of the Bulwark is not a serious loss to England’s naval power. 5!“ DEATHS IN hCANADIAN FORCE. Gunner Burdock, Driver Laroe and Ptc. Ash Succumb. A desplatch from Ottawa says: The following additional casualties in the Canadian expeditionary force appear in militia orders: Gunner Walter Burdock, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, died 13th Novem- John Joseph Latroe, Ammunition 1 Warâ€" Battalion, be-r ; Drive-r Canadian Divisional Park, 19th November; Ptc. ren Addison 2lst November. Ash, 7th â€"â€"â€"â€"u<â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" (‘IIOLERA AT ANTWERP. l )chi -al Staff is Trying to Limit the Outbreak. Rotterdam, Nov. 25.-Disquieting1 news comes from Antwerp. The Nieucw Rotterdamsche Couranti learns that several cases of cholera; have occurred there and the medical ‘ staff is making strenuous endeavors' to limit the outbreak. To prevent! the spread of or help to conceal the l news of troop movements German} guards have cut the telegraph wires‘ close to the Dutch frontier. â€"â€"â€"Lâ€"â€" 3 Life is aIgrind, but it always has its turning point. ‘Inuiuiug "‘Rantams." ALLIESV iNEPABIT T0 STRIKE HARD Fresh Troops Are Being .‘b‘SflllllJlfllv to Drive the Invaders from France. A dcspat'ch from London says: Developments of the last few days appear to indicate that the allies intend to start a. winter campaign in France and Belgium and push on toward-s Gerna'iy. instead of reâ€" cnmnz‘rative-ly idle and holding their ,Iiesr-nt posit-ions durv ingr the (‘ol(l' weuthl‘r. British ll‘( ups are now being rushed into France and Concurrently news (,‘UlllF‘S across the Channel that equipment for ‘half a million addi- tinniil men is now on hand and ready for use by the French army. This number of men, in addition to those already fully equipped, will be ready to join the new Britislh army in a short timc. They are secondâ€"line troops who have hereto! fore been kept from General Jofâ€" fre's army because of the lack of guns. clothing and full war equip- ment. The 111;?1'Plllelll’0i the second Bri- tish army toward the French coast began almost. immediately afiter Lorrl Kitchener's speech at the Lord Mayor's dinner in the Guildhall, when he declared that- ho had 1.250.000 men ready to- land in France. The troops are now being landed at Havre as fast as the transports which took them across the Channel can find berths. It is said that as many as 200 transports h a vo b con count ed 0 utside the French lharbor at one time. These troops are escorted ac r0 ss the Channel by a continuous line of British warships. ' The new troops that are being landed in France are for the most part territorials, which form Great Britain's second line. The terri- torial force came into existence un- der the provisions of a. law passed in 1908. when the units of the volunâ€" teer force and the Imperial Yeoâ€". manl‘y were transferred to the new organization. The organization of this territorial force was placed in the hands of 24 county organiza« tions. Under the territorial force plan each county association has the duty of carrying out the plan of the Army Council for the organization of this force, within the county. The force is organized in divisions, mounted brigades and army troops. anh division of the territorial force is under a general officer of the - regular army. The men must drill evenings and holidays during the training Season. At the beginning of the present year there were 315,- 438 men (including the staff) in the territorial force. The territorials have been drillâ€" ing and recruiting ever since the outbreak of the war, and the men who have gone to France are well seasoned and ready for active serâ€" vice. A few territorial regiments have been at the front for some time. The men who have just ar- rived at Havre are said to be in fine spirits, singing and whistling as they march through the streets. I The French spectators greet the British soldiers with hearty cheers. ___>x-___ “Bantams” Recruit 1.400 Men. A despatch from LOndon says: Manchester men wishing to enlist in the “Bantams Regiment" are murmuring because the same chest measurement is required as for taller men. Notwithstanding this, 1.400 men with chest measurements of 34%. or better, but under 5 feet 3 inches in height. have been se‘ lected. The Lord Mayor of Man- Chester. addressing the men at their swearing in. suggested that if they objected to the appellation of they might call themâ€" lselves the “Fighting Cocks Bat-talâ€" n 101]. +__ the Nelson has raised 32.000 for Patriotic Fund. It. isn’t always the pretty girl who makes good in a photograph. .\ despatch from Salisbury l’l'Iin‘ . . l “The Canadian soldiers are 1 now sullicicntly well trained to take their place in the firing line," This significant statement was made by ‘a high military authority here after witnessing divisional manoeuvres. Ilumoâ€"r says that the Canadian con- itingent may go to the front Sooner lthan has been cxpeeted. The first divisional manoeuvres were carried says: CANADIAN moors Arr lll lEarly Departure of Contingent for Front Expected â€"Peterboro Officer is New Camp Commandant through at Salisbury Plain under General Aidersmi. with General Pitcairn Campbell and his staff preâ€" sent. All the men and details tank part. and marched to l‘lnford Downs. several miles distant. being out fl'wll'l 9 am. to 4 p.III.. and car- rying rations and all equipment. The weather was favorable and the operations succehlul. All leave to the members of the contingent will be stopped after December I.

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