Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Dec 1914, p. 1

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ieanm‘d Auctioneers fox-the County of York ulos Lcm‘uled to on shortest notice and at r88.- aorabx rates Patronage solicited Telvplmne. Mnin r~31]; Mble Address. "Dedo." NATIONAL TRUST (‘HAM BERS 20 KING 151‘ E.. TORONTO, Canada. A large stock of Fureml Furnishing kept at both places] PIANO TUNING RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIO JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Calls by plume or otherwise promptly respvrnded t0 Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Vich-m Sts.. l‘nro'xto. Phone No. Licensed Aucnoueer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Tomato. Special attention given to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. AH sales attended to on shortest uufice and conducted by the latest up-xo-date methods. Address: 239 Balliol St . Noxth Toronto. Phone in House. North 2:492. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. '1‘. F. McMAHON, AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 8a PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 200 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phnne Junction '72. Is PUBLISHED EVERY .DHURSDAY MORNING ‘eL M. 3631. 1 Undertaken: & Embnlnlm's Danton, Grover & Field G.F. Lawrence J. Duubur D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. . gamerqq __MapNaughton Lawrence & Dunbar, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE "R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET “'EST L‘- C. 13 GAN VOL.XXXVII. RESIDENCE Flu-fit: house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. ‘6 Snlzeon Maple Barristers,Solicitors. Notaries, acc. VETERINARY SURGEON, Phone No. 24024 BIaplo ., ()n t. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Bic. LICENSED AUCTIONEER BUSINESS CARDS . 30K): :7. f'7avidson Saigeon d: chEwen , For the County of York. Organs Repaired. Expert Work IVOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL Barristers. Sulicmrs. (\‘c WRIGHT BROS OFFICE AND RESIDENCEI per annum, in advance.] E112 bEihml ’I‘hox‘nhil]. EDITOR & PUBLISHER: J; H. Prentice Puoue Main 2984 J K McEwen Weston Pursuant to the Statutes in that lup- hulf, Notice is hereby giwn that all persons lmrmg claims against the astute of Matthew McNuir latte of the Village of Richmond Hill in the County of York, Gpntlmnuu. who (“Cd on m- uhnnt the hill] day of September A.D. 1914 are rvquired on or hefuxe the 15th day of Decemln-r 1914 to send in the undersignnd Snlicilm-s fur the Exvcutm-s, a statement uf their claims with their mum-s and addresses. AND take further Notice, that: after the last mentide (lute lhv Executms will proceed to distnhute the assets hf the said estate among the parties en- titled thereto. having regard only to the. claims of which they shall then have i'eceivvd notice. CC MMISSIONER. (‘ONYEY Richmona Hill BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC Toronto Office. Ruom '328 Confedem titm Life Bldg.. No.12 Richmnnd St. E Richmond Hill ()fiice (“Liberal’ Office). every Thursday fnrenoun. Maple, Thursday after-mum. \Vnudhridqo, Saturday forennnn. Monev to 1mm at Five'Pm- Cont 15°“ Auroraofliceâ€"Ren oved to one door wcst at t Outuno Bank Newmarket office-Three I posbolfice 'I‘ HEBBER'L‘LENNOX I Monov to Loan on I and announce] mortgageant "west rates LEANNOX & MORGAN ELLIOTT W Office Ion-Hm] in Standard Bunk iug. Office hours 9.30 “.1”. to (‘RO“'NS AND BRIDGES A SPEC Dr. G. La Verne Pannison This school stands head and shnuld- ers above the ordinal-y business college and when RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, DECEMBE THOROUGHNESS 0F TRAINING is considered. ranks :nnnng the best on this continent. Hundsnnle catalogue on request. Yonge and Charles Sis. AISO agent for Frnntz Vacuum Cleaner at. $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all Convenient and up to-date appliances that: save time and work forum Hnmn Wm “‘INTER T151; STRIKE FOR by taking :1 c« Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old Also agent for Commissioner, C(mvoyancer, etc Insurance, and Real Estate ISSuer of Marriage Licenses. COOK 8: GILCHRIST . 327-8 Confederation Life 3163.. 12 Richmnnd St. East. 'i‘m'ontn, Solicitors for the Executm-s. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTARY Pfififfé Electrician, Richmond Hill TORONTO, ONT. lsblUNER. (‘ONYEX‘ KNAER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance :Il‘l‘iSlol‘S and Solicitors. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC DO IT ELECTRICALLY WILLIAM EDUK ELLIOTT . SANDERSON work for the House Wife ,VNICHOLLS IBM OPENS JAN. 4th. \ A BETTER POSITION course in the. Popular and new. A 13mm. n'l'hree doors south of the Saturday fox-911mm. at Five-Per Cont (57°) W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal In Essentials, Unity; in o the old post offioa zhe entrance to the G V MORGAN n. will he, at. Tuesday and nf Build 5 p.m IA LTY all the the the FRIDAY. Dec. lSâ€"F‘ux-m stm Inents, &c.. Int 2”. con. 8. A the property (If Mr. Hall. o‘clock. 10 months credit Prentice, Auct. SATURD. fresh young hnll & Aginc: THURSDAY implelne hon-0, the Sale at: TUESDAY. Doc.15le.-~«Dispersiun snk of pure bred Hnlsteins and grade-s, lot 28, CM). 2. Pickering. non: Cher- xywund. the property of J. S. Hun ey, about 40 bond of Holstpins, smm with pedigrees. and grades. 'I‘lu‘se (3.11119 are «'1 first-class lot, of gum] breeding and in gnml cmxditiun. Catalogues may he had on applica- tion tn Mr. Hmwy. Clwrrywund P.O. ur the nuctimwm: Rigs will mw’t nll trains at tlwstatinn, Cherrywnml. O'RR. :md C.N.R.‘ on dnv nf snlu fl Turn. Den. 10th.-â€"Or(â€"dit sale of Farm stuck. implements. Any, routs, grain. nn Int 16.011". 5. Markham, jnsL Nmth 0f Uniunville. the property (If the latte Alvx Russell. Sale at 12 u‘cltwk. Lunch pz-vvided. Terms 11 months. J. H. Prentice. Auctioneer. Apretty wedding was; snlenmized an Glemlene, the home (If Mr. and Mis. J. Miller. uf Milliken, when [heir daughter Irene Mildred became the wife. of Mr. Frederick N. Brenkey, sun of Mr. and Mrs. J. Nnrmun Breukey. The cerenmny was pen-formed by Rev. J. J. Ferguson. and the “\Veddmg Mulch" was played by Miss L. Finn- ces. During the signing of the regis- ler Miss M. Frances swing “Because.” The hride,whu was given away by her father. \Vn-re he] linvelling suit, of plum-culnrml ln-rnulclulh. with hut to match. and Cilllib'd -‘L shower hnuqueL (if hridnl ruses and lilies (If the. valley. Her hridesumid. Mies Belle Miller. wnre hlue hrmldclnth. and curried Killen'ney roses. The grmim \vzw attended by .‘\_lr. K. Prentice, and the FRIDAY. Dec. ll -â€" Auction sale of :1 number of fresh milk cnws and n numlwr nf springers at Hotel Rich~ [non-l yards. Richmond Hill. the valuable pmpm-Ly Hf J. H. Brillinge! . Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms. 10 mnntns‘ credit :In approve-(1‘ juiut mites. Saigeun & L‘ICEW’EH, Auctioneers, W1 Anniversary services nf the \Villmv. dale Sabbath School will he held in the Methodist Church as foilmwszâ€"On Saturday Dec. 20, :1. special service fox-the thhrllh School will he cun- cnndnctedhy the Pastoral, 7 o'clock. On \Vednesduy. Dec. 23, an entertain- ment consisting of Songs, Recitaltiuns. Dialogues. (40.. will he given by the school, (:mnnwncing at 8 p.m. Adâ€" mission 25 cents and 10 cents. Pru- coeds in aid nf Belgian Relief Fund. Cmne and help tlnsneedv fund and encmmlgv the school. Any person wishng to make further donations, may (In so by placing their con- tl ihutinns (In the Xmas Tree. Mrs. \Vnner Scott slipped on a cement walk fracturing a small hone in the right arm. Dr. Langsme re- dncpd the fracture. and Mrs. Sent: is duing us well as can he expected. Our tmvn hall has been newly roofed with Metallic roofing. Mr. Alux Mchguu 0f Stayner is visiting [us nephew Mr. Geo. Mc- lague. Rut-:11 delivery has c change how. “’0 now in the. list of post (yf’ficvs seems. Lhr-Pnstul Dr‘pn t0 enfm-co the vstnlflis Routes. Thu petitinn office was ignored an your letters to Victoria Gnrmley now. ‘ Practice fur the Xmas Cnntntn is in full swing. The proceeds ofthe enter- tainment will hl’ turned over to the Belgian Relief Fund. The idea is :1 good one and seems to meet. the up- prnvul of :l”. H.119 :ll 1 J. H. Pl-e numths‘ arr-(Ii! sharp. J. 11. P 'EDNESDAY of ful m sln Hill. [In )AY, Dec. ITâ€"P‘m-u‘ lnents &c., fat 22. Cm) the preporty of R. S. at 1 p. m. 11 won! Prentice. Auct. AY, Dec. 19â€"Credit of ~10 head milch and springers, some hulls, the property of Spark- Tnlhot, Int 3.Scarborn, mu-t. Sale at 1 o'clock. 8 redit. J. H. Prentice, Auct. \Y. Dec. thlLâ€"Crvdut Sale mL-k. impliuwnts. em. on Jun. 10. Mnrkhmu, Locust plnpertyhf P. \V. Mum'v. u’clock. 20 months‘ c1 edit. ‘nticr, auctioneer. AUCTION SALES \oliverv has caused quite a 11*. \V9 now have nu plaer of post offices in Canada. It -Pustul Dr‘pnrtmvut intend * the vsmlylishing of Rum] Thu petitinn m I'vlnin nm' 3 ignored an don't, address rs toVictm-ia Square. Its Non-Essentials, Breakeyâ€""Miller Victoria Square make flu-[her donations, t hy placing their con- n (he Xmas Tree. Willowdale 518. K. Campbell and Following a reception rer | HI [1015191115, SOIHL‘ and grades. These» :t-cluss 10b of gnvd in gnnd cmnditinn. he had (In applica- y. Chorrvwmui RC. 1-. _ Rigs will mePt lUOl), Chen-ywnod. .. on dnv of 3:110. 9 Sale ML 1 o'clock nice, Auct. unrknum, Locus :-f P. \V. Mum-0 ll) months’ cmdit UK If. 5. Powers 11 month credit ft fnr Peat on, Fax-m stock wk. imple- Markham. Sn]? at 1 It. J. H. Liberty ; in all things, Charity - l. nns. tlw Adâ€" Pru- vâ€"y Sr. Il.~-E|1:L HUUVPI‘ 642, 1; Harvey ()r)!wr611.(); Earl Hnnshel-ger 578. 2; \Vilkie DiXUn 516. 4. Jr. ILâ€"Math Lyon (H) 688. 0: anhvrt “'idenmn 674. l: Evvlyn (free 616, U; Gmn-gt- McUnguv 606. 0; AIfI'Pd Lepnfsky 525, 1: anv \Ynudwm-d 501). 2; Edna Bnkm' 482,5; Marlin \Vnnd- Sr. I.-â€"Ul:u'once Bmtty 1; ances Baker 4: “'m. Baker 13. Jr. 1,â€"Glndvs Beatty 0; Morris Lepnfsky 0: Lillie Lepnfsky 0: Myra Dinner 1: Victor Bastard 3; Lelia. Murphy 6; Jean Drwa 10. Sr. P.-â€"Evermn Hilts 0; Sadie (Tux-tis 1;Muhel Boyntnn lanhn Hoover 1: Fraser Gee 2: Gordon Rczuuun 3; “Elm: Thompson 6. Jr. A.â€"Alfred Hand 7: Nellie \Vor.d- ward 480, 5; Pearl Buka The. gi-(mnl was {littt’lldé‘a by Mr. Russvl Rumble. and little Gerald Stihhs of Lethlmdge. fluted as ring bearer. The ginnin‘s pi-esvnt t0 the bride was it cheque, to the bridesmaid it paid m-esent, tn the pianist a pearl pin. and tn the gx'mnnsnnn a pniz' (If cuff links. The bride received many beautiful and llSL‘flIl gills, including several cthnes. After an excellvnt tipjenneur the bride and groom left for atriptu Chic;ng :lllll ulhm wvstwn pnints. The bride's guinguwny gown was nf lll‘UH'll ln'wui clnth with hat tn mulch. Aftm-Ihvil return [ho-y Wlll reside at Concord. Much interest is lwing mks-n in pre~ paringt'm- the Christmas entertain- ment. 0; Com “'id Bukm-(i‘tl. 5: . C111 [is 363. 10 Jr. III.â€"A the scene of an inn-resting vve-nton Thursday vf last week. when his daughter. Flnrence Edna was united in matrimony tqu. Arthur Gilumur Mortsnn, in the presence ufahmrt sixty guests; At3 p. in. the bridal party enlvrrdthe parlour, where the C(‘l't-~ many took place, under an evergreen arch. decked with uarnations and feslonnrd with white.- satin ribbon. Rev. b‘. 0. Lm'ming purl’urmed [he cert-runny and Miss Nellie Jonvs play- erl the wedding march. The bride was given away by hvr falhor and lmlks’ll charming in a dress of ivory satin aul silk ninun, with szorl pearls, e-inln'ui(l~ urvd bridal veil and orange blossums, and 'arried a shme bouquet of cream i‘nsr-s and lily uf the valley. Miss Gyrâ€" trurle Nixon was-bridesmaid and was attired in silk crepe and satin and carried an arm lmrrqrmL (if pink IUSCS. The grnmn was attended by Mr. Rllssk‘l Rumhhu and little Gerald Srihhs of Lelhlmdge. armed as ring bearer. The mtmin‘s m-wennr tn Hm The following is the report fur NM‘ Number 5 show mmka and days absent Mnrks possible 900. Thnmpson fill Cumphell-Kuukeâ€"Thnt $3.00 he re- funded John Uulham. he having per- formed the work. 19 Statue Lahur. Kuuko-\Vatsunâ€"Thut F1 ed Shear- dmvn he paid $3.00 re txespass ruud re dmnngc tn crop whilc drawing gravel. \Vntsun-Knnkeâ€"That the Council- men he paid the sumva nppnsuu thuir respective mum-s for sex-vit-es :Is Reeve and Ununtillm'sz-â€"\»\'. J. \V'ells, $95.00; J. A. \anson $85; A. Campbell $85; E. J. Kuake $85; 1". H. Rubiusun $85. \VuLsnn-Cumphellâ€"Thut Dr. Kay be paid the sum of $10.4Uf01' services: attending Mrs. Nm'thglau’e, and medicine. Council adjourned to meet. at. Ann- strong’s Hotel. Kng City, on Tuesday December 15th uh lU o‘cluck. all bills to be pl'E'SPHIL‘d hefm-e 12 u'clock noon. \Vells in the ch Minutes “1' l: C(vnfinm-d. A gran-l account: paid. Robinson CmnpbelL-That thefnilow- ing sheep chums he pzlld being two thirds value of snmt-zâ€"John Gurus $24.00. Selut Gear $8.00. (JunIphelLRnhinsnn~That James Bryt-n bepaid the sum of $8.04). for movmg engine and damages to Gleaner. Hm 5th 1V Uln The anI, The ht'une of MI Mvm hvrs III rui ‘lhllVe Oonncll met; :It Sutton” Srhmnlzerg. on Saturday, Du S. S. No. 4, Markham â€"-Murgawt McCugue (H) (585. “'idmnun (H) 684, U; Rena John Benny 574.0: Frank s.â€"N9lsnn kshzmk (i3: 01] [HS “'t KING COUNCIL Mlmrt (‘nlwr 000. 0; Cl {)1}. 4: Elmer Hlll'llK’!‘ 44: \Villit 1]] present. with Ree lll st, meeting road and number of road and Maple â€"w. .1. \V'ellS, $9306 85; A. Campbell $85 If: H: Rubinsun $56 HER 10. 191.4 .zv \Ynodwnrd 5011 ,5; Mal-[in “"nnd \Vuudwm-d 417. 5 Bovuton ($43, 1: I: Ollie Murphy 0. Nixnn was ordered to b: lAll kinds of CAKES and RI CEMON1)HILL. ONI‘ Everything up»to-date in CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the _D.L. 86 W. Scranton Hard anl. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now. STWER & RAMER D. HILL & Bo. Bakers and Confectioners . . AND. . Manitoba. Oats A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. __O_. Wheat, Buckwheat, Also Good Bran and Shorts F-F Different Varieties of Ensilo age Corn at the Elevator CHANGES, GRAPE FRUIT and all SEASONABLE FRUITS ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES A pair (If glasses fur Mother or Father is :L sensonnble present for Christmas. W. A. SANDERSON Perfume and Toilet Re quisites for Christmas Presents H1 abun- dance NO MATTER “'HAT STYLE 0F DRI‘GGIST BISCUITS kept in 5:0 ck Puhiic mmmmn No charge for testing the eyes Nu trouble to show the goods YOU DESIRE ‘ If it has merit we have it 01- l Jonses [Single copies, 3 cts. for the Chickens RICHMoxD HILL Cracked Corn No. 24

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