Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Dec 1914, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL. 0x1. DEC. 10. 1914 Men’s Undt-rwmr. “'0 hn\'(* a good Tull lim- nf underwear in price from We. tn $2.00 per garment. N. 1. Glass. Just twelvv more shnpping d: before Christmas. “Avoid the rush. Rev. F. and Mrs. Elliott \‘lsllPd friends in Aurora and Newnmrkvt. and Mr. Elliuu preached at the Indus- trial Hume on Sunday. Mr. O. L. “’1 ight, shippul a numbnr of his R. I. Reds via Canadian Nut-th- or" Express in Guelph fur vxhiI-it at the \Vinter Fair. lie captured four pnzes. Messrs J. Bung «K: Sun. oxhihitms of hnrsvs frnul Qm‘l-nsrille for [he Ontm-iu Provincial \Vinler Fair. (hwlph. puss- ed through “011‘ Flidny lust \‘iu U.N.l{. If you pulpuSe decorating your stones or ahl-ps. m‘ nthertise spvcinl lines of gmde Stan-L early and get, the whule benefit, uf the Christmas trade. If you want a pnshinn m- wunt help. if vnu want to SP]! or lmy‘ :Iny :H'livlv. 01' if you have Inst Ul' fuuml anything, there ix‘ nu halter service than through bur “New Ath-x-lisvmenb” L'nlumn. Men's Sweater Coats. :In Mon] Xmas present from $1.5(Hu $55.00. Take .1 look nwr (rlll‘ stk of Shirts, 'l‘ius. Suspenders. Neck Sculfs. Glu\’es, MILLS. elv. Ste our adv. N. .1. Glass. Have ynu the necessurv horhs fur dressing the turkey or gmwv, such as sngv. lhyuw. suvmm-r savory, swwt murjumm. prflmwd pnullry dressing. \Vv (5.111 3' Imlhing hut. absolutely pure goods. Atkinson & Swilzor. \Ve understand that, Mr. A Blltf‘ht‘l'. Metropolitan SLntinn ungt hPl't' is [0 be tralnst‘ern-(l Ln Newman kvl. Sorry! Fm general \vnr news see inside Tho- Lilmul will he smut from this date (“January 1,1916 fur $1.01). To sume of our new cumvrs we \vuuld my them is nu better way to gvt acquaint.- vd with the pvnple :md (:ustums than through the lucul p-Iper. nu linsm’iuw Ava, I“ \\':ltSnn uf Muplv. 3 \Vntsmu and family p11 here this uming spl ing Mr. J. H. Rumor & Sun nre husin «ngaged shipping grain In Montreal. Sevm-ul cans have already gum: for- ward. Mr A. E Mr. Allnerl m1 Iiusm i¢ As this is war yum; many punplp $99”) inclinad to send u glee-ling (‘m-d ('1‘ lmnklet. noull)‘ printvd, in their friends instead of the usual mmo vxponsivc present. Sump nicP designs nny be sesn at The Liberal Office. Mr. Levi Ellintt nf Tumnlu visited it the pmcntal lmlue m‘er Sunday. If vrm loud the [)Iilltl‘d programme uf “Ye nld Tvme (‘nnsm t" 10 lm gin-n in the Masonic Hull. Friday evening you will nhL want, tn miss the “rut that, is in slur» for [lum- \\'hu :Itlvnd. 'I‘ukv our word fur it. lelv “'1“ ho a lively limo. Get ynur tickets. A nmnherof our citizens attended the \Vintel' Fair at Guelph (m 'l‘m-sdzlv :nul enjnyud :l plunsnllt lmw. The party Wh-x took the mu fmm Rivh- mnnd Hill included Jame-s Mchm. P‘ G. S-n'ugv. F. linyle. .l. Mnnkman. F. Clank and C. Clark. nu Monday um nf enrh wvek. ( Mnnd-ny cvvnin the shnp at 7 n‘. (-nluumdnted. h later. The film but slmvkemn hard i: Ha rnld (‘ u pi_d . Let, pun-nu: of Riclnnnnd Hill I new Ivy-law clusin: The full( h mks whit Liln-rul ()fl Dam-(- 'l‘I-u Great Illn Hermanv n all interesting, worth while. Chrix‘tmus gift profitable one, farm pay. In)in nm 1' \Vhen (-VE ‘l-nunfl th -(i.‘l}' K‘HC hr: @111ch |king the ‘luw usual penalty 1 has Ill» l‘l m Bell - Y Illl‘ 1m] th ‘1 I] lil lll nvmg '11 mn 89p Glnss rl-pmts the sale of Hislnp‘s now hrirk huusv >\\' Ava. In Mr. Dnnnld Muplv. Mr. and Mrs. (1 family pmpuse [Inning LI. hut film m ning falls vou like u tuhle and road. the The “’99le Sun 1 purtmvnts of intel mu tho markets :11 uthex- down tn :1 Sm hv g hv X the nvxt \Vri it Wnllldl 1nd help 3' Th m h \V {ulph zhl \ll the \Vdrld ll] ll] .‘lfll‘lhu‘l Mal'lhi ul‘titiml lll lllllPl Ill nlv 1 home It. i< nd ed pages g.1(h- who}; Hing uvxt "VS ht Th! hy 1nd [ht .ll). (IIQ Miss Eliza Ulifl. daughter of the late SmuuolCliftnf Elgin Mills, tlic-d at llerhmne in Aururu (-nI-ly Munduy mmniny. from hean failure. Inter- ment will take place in St. Julm’s (Jlmrch Genu-lery. Oak Ridgps this (Thursday) :Iflvrnmun. Dem-used was u sister of Mus. \Vm. Innes. Mathodist Church The Services of Praise' in the Methn. dist church last Sunday were partic- ularlv snlisfuctm‘)’. There was a gnnd unngwguliun in :lw morning \vlwn Rev. J. F. Hickst-n gan the address. and Rev. J R. Aikenhezld was greeted in the owning hvulmut 350 pvople. The musical plugmnuno hy the chnir. itnnsisling nf anthems. duels and Salas \wu-thumughly enjnyrd. Thu flee will nfil-Iings “‘mu $147. Beautiful chin-L is an urnnuwnt at all tiuws. lunk over 1110 fancy .‘uliclvs nn our tables, liltle MM [lit‘L‘l‘S nL odd prices. lel‘s \vlmt sells lht'll). Atkin- son an] Swilzcr. Christmas «ands. calendars. hells. garlands, (lulls. picture- lmuks. hunks of firtiun, pun-ms. (7h: istmus 111*th :md UhI-isans docm-nliulls in great. nu ivly :It The Liberal Office. Sewn-ullundvd cultridgvs fur small Iiflvs have been picked up in the vill- age. These-are danger-nus, vspccinlly in the hands of children. Mum uule should be exercised. A sulnscriptiun is in (‘iI-cnlutilm in Richmond Hill to plnrlmsc u maxim gun tn send tnthe frunt, with the secund cuntingvnt. A considerable :mmunt has already hevn suhsmihod. Thu Mission Band will hnld their l'l'glllill' Him-ling in [he schnul Hmm (If [he Melhudist Church on Tumduy m-xt, at 4 o’clock. A special ngrum fur ()ln istmus is being prepared. A deputatinn frum Duh-'s gH-en- housv“, Brulnplnn. -\'isils-d llu- Hit-lb ude Hill greenhouses hon- nu Sutur- (luv. Lnncheun was served at Hotel Looking Backward Dnn’t mi<s the old limo ean-rtain- ment In he givpn in llu- Masonic Hail tn-iunrrmv (Fl id-iV) vveninggnult-r lhv ans‘picvs 0f the Ladivs Aid Such-1y vi the MPthndist. chm-ch. Come and wv hn\\"‘A husinvcs meeting uf the LA S. at, Mohawk Cross Ruads" was ('nn- ductvd 60 years agn. The actors an- all local (-haraotms. and the dIPSS and other fvann-es will be both antique and hunmrnus. Riéhumnd :lld nf 1hr") newly. The gills of the society have been “'lll‘klllg in anticisz- [lull of this for sevm-nl \vwks 21nd “'l'lllll like the ladies of thv village or elsewhmv [.0 attend and oncuurngp then) in their walk. This (-luh'is un- dennnlinnlinlml:Illll any nf the girls will ho “1115mm? lnhvlp with the wm k. RefH-slnmlllns will he sm-vml in [lip [on room in aid nf the socivly. Ill :3 Tho Dun-us club will hnld n mlv work at the lwme- (If Mrs. Sln-ling F1 idav. Dgc. 181 h {111171712 [If 1).!11 Thornhill Victoria Hall was m-mx‘dvd to the doors Inst vvvnmg at the cnncvrt. fullmving {he lmzuur and tea. The prqgrn‘mmc gifvn by My. E. L. Benupw fullmving the bazaar and 19a. The prugralnnw givon by Mr. E. L. Beaum-e and ("hm- arlists was interesting: and humnruns. The ventxilnquial features given by Mr. Clarke and his familv (If hluckhuads \vvre particularly (*ntrrâ€" milling. Before :lnsing. Rev. S. A. Linn-pure \i'hu pH-sided. amuanm-d that (he prnceeds were $133,01wâ€"half l0 hedevutvd tnrwlirf \vmk. lhv nlhvl' half to [he Chm-ch impruvâ€"vnu‘nt fund. n lr-tter from Rm: P intendent uf Earl Church, expressing people lhvir :Ippl't‘cii 211‘ side. as Show! .‘lovmnvnts. '. MI. and Mrs. effective due-t a short [mean and ins Echo spent. Next Mom] a debate “Rev 3. rich lnzu‘. tn a poor man." a pnnl‘ by MK and J.- Hicksun Me The punicut Honey Put. has subsided The nll L IHL unes The I ‘Ill ‘(-t;l|)l ldfnl’l rim Square [)1 r Missinn. all need in the L “H lnud ‘0‘] w fran (1. \Ir Thankfully Received R. Aikenlwml has Aikenhe Stewart. thankful ‘ S. \V > dunnth The Dorcas Club Epworth League \‘mlh nguu ~s. C-mwhl wt and M: m entitled n in tht l‘il hing Aflil'nm )lll il)‘ HS {ka Ll) lhl Mrs. blirllug nn "112 to 8 Inn. in The girls of illw Um I ebumn me 15 a r Bryn um I Ail“ th 1n ll) will In Ilf lSSlll lllll f1 t1) Cl’, SIIPQAI‘ .“t'lhmlisl It of his M h «do of their wonng r. their lpt‘l‘ «In Christ- isti in The fulluwing were elected ofiiL-u-l-s of the High School Alumnae Assm'ia- linn Inst Friday:â€"â€"Prvsidont. Mrs'l‘. 1". McMahon; \‘icv-I’n-sidvm. Mrs. J. E. Newmn; Secretary. Miss ()lixu Swilzm: Trwnsurvr. Miss Anna Bnylo. price. v lihnu-y ufiice. A Christmas Trev and Entertain- mvnt \vlll lw held in lll'ildfln'd Meth- udist Ghulch on [he Honing nf Tst- duy, Dec. 22. The pmgrmnnm will C()|:,~‘l>t, of Clmrusvs, Drills. Dinlugnvs. Recitations, :L Tableau lxy tvn young new. Also :1 Pnrlnr Cn'nk. 7A1} Countess. \V. Bmckin. Elgin Mills 232 cniwist of Uhurusvs, Di'ills. Diuluguvs. Roniluninns. :L Tableau lly ton young ladies. u Duct hy the Misses ["oilune untl Hulmkny, a solo by Miss M. (Inm- isky. ngi-umuw will commence AL 8 p.111. Admission 25 cents. DVERTISEMENTS in this (tnlumn hring quick results. If yuu have anything tn sell, or if ynu wish tn purchase Sunwthing. hire hrip. pun. try this " NEW ADVERTISEMENT " culumn. D pl‘inll'd nn lwst parclnnmnl papa-r â€";nlw;nys «m hand at, The Liberal Ofiicv. Richmuud Hi“. If r‘ziRPET WEA-{i’INGT SEEM hv BHde Imusrs Mt, \Villnwdulfi.Kinusdale. Suh-clusu Ln Yunqe St. side- walks. Hard and 81va water in house. Furnace and Bull]. J. McKenzie, \Villmvdnlv. 24-1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Iiirhmnnd Hill. fluid and Suft \vulm'. Pussmsinn :1! any limv. Apply. Mrs. \Villinms & Sun. Virtuxin Squaw. 33H. f. villugzo Inluuk suddie Harrison, 0 hill. fuuz' 02d Inn-m above by damages BF} SL. m fine 5 (11-9551 OUSE TO RENTâ€"Eight mum I‘nrick huuse 1m Rivlnmvnd slim-t. FOR SALE~Ono um hunter fur coal nr w 301% SA Lilâ€"Fa H. Hn/Jehul'st A. D. 1014 NGL‘BA'I‘ORS FOR egg. 140 ngg, (5‘) egg _ fur quick sale. ( :lut 24 3m 70NG OR SALEâ€"A Durham lmlLrisin 2 years. R. E. Pvrkins, Victmin Squaw. Phnnv 4001 23-2 nvurd in [11 Ontm 0R SALEâ€"First, class up-ln-dnte ('UHI lwutm. Pricn right. apply to J. Davidson, High Schunl. 19~t. f. OR SA LEâ€"A 0R SALEâ€"NI-rthmn SDiPS, Nu. 1 qlmlilv. Phune 1060. anIP. Lumunl (‘h-ment. Maple. 23-2 OR OR SALE OR SALE. (mnmmrig mi}- inf OR SALE.~T\V0 goose :n (It‘l‘. Apply to Frvd Richmond Hill. TR A Y E D ssB.( DST. â€" O RENTâ€"H1 Apply tn A NDERS \VAN'I‘EI). )ti R SALEâ€"A set uf Encyclnpue- din Britannica. 25 volumes, as good as new. at one-third cost Suitable for Public Srlmnl -y. May he sevn .LL ’l‘m- Liheml 20 If. hr TTER \\’R A PPER S. J20 PL! season. Bertha and 28. Yunm-f ho shun at The Lilwml Office: eigth mile mu Elgln ) Silllzltinn, SIXâ€"A hound {mm the premises (-f the nndm'signvd. It has [WU lnmvn car's. ln'mvn hip, and :I. sudth Ruwmd uffured. Mnlk sun, Can-ville. 21-3 llit In ick Imuse «m Rirhmnnd Hill SA LE.â€"()ne sum“ mm ‘Iting stnvv. (7. Masnn. 17 t.f‘ 1V ( )"i‘ICil‘l ET \VEAVING. â€" Done by :thnsun. Stnp 45.71.:mgstnif hnh‘vs y Th(‘ (1 pmving Ill.“ Alsu Planiriw State J. Hemp. Richmnnd St. 2L1 Alumae Officers ll‘t 5 box unlu- S'I‘R lll Lilw: al ulh'c Headford â€"A l’ee-rlvss Inculmtnr, size. only nsvd (mu Mill lllOlIt '18 use on Richnumd bl J. “flight. 23 1f Hmtn In hnrsr‘. clump. Elgin Mills. 24-2 w medium sized nr “‘lmd. :llnmst mud the city ' Ym-k. n the Ontul gSlleeL \V t- the Appi FRONTAGI SALE â€" â€" 2-“) sizes. sacrifice L L. \Vright, udfol-d Sheet ‘ ll up IL [ht pri um] :I gun- (1 H‘nnpu“ l4 3 in lh wit [HI Ill nt Div Non Hy \'('lll Seulc-d epted. ll‘d mt \‘IIK on Ht UK [In |l( A 1m] and whitv Cow which Cu|lle tn the premises (4’ Mr. Gen. Bunp. Lut 40. (Km. 2, Vaughan. (m or about, the 61h day of Nm'mnlwr. “"11 he suld hy Puhiic Aucliun an the prvmisvs on Monday, Dec. H. 1914, at 2 (x'clnck. Pmsuunt In tho Statutes in that, he- hulf. Nulice is hmx-hy given that. all persons having claims against the os- [HU‘ of Joseph Shepard Jucksun lute nf the annship of Vaughan in the Cunnty of York, Gentlemun. who died on m- :Ilmut the 18th day of Ssptemlwr day of Novel“ Puhiic Auction Monday, Dec. Tunns cash. AND TAKE FURTH ER NOTICE that after th last Iuenlinnvd (late the vxvcutm-s will pl‘OCPNl to (listl'illule the :Issvts of the estate among llw parties entitled lhcu-to. lmvmgrvgnrd nnly tn Lhe claims of which tlu y shall then have l'PClePd notice. A.I). 19” are roquifiui ()7IIi(;1';-iI-L;i'(fi1- the 151]) day of I)m:mnlmr 191-!» to send {:3 the undersigned sulicitms fur the Exocutnrs, .Lsmtement nf thirclnims, with their names :1 ml :uldz-Pssvs. THE RICHMOND HILL FURMSHI v STORE US. COOK 8i, GILUHRIST. . 337-8. Unnfvdvl'ntilm Lifr‘ Bldg, 12 Riuhmnnd St. East, Tmmntn. Solicitors for the Executors. 21-; NOTICE TO CREDITORS SANTA CLAUS Was Good Natured Vthn he dropped down our chimney. He left a whole lot 01 Toys, Games. and Fancy Goods, which he told us were for the little folks. Come in and see them. Checkers, Dominoes, Table Croquet, Rattles, Purses, China Tea Sets, Laundry Outfits, \Vooley Dogs, Rabbits on wheels, Teddy Bears, DOT] Cradles and Carriages, Drums, Horses, etc. Some that won't sleep, and more 211 some that are dressed. all prices, 1c to $1.00 The finest choice of Xmas 200d Sale of a Cow :NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR lCS lspcm \‘CS The Do‘ls have arrivedâ€"21!} the types all shack Atkinson & Switzer me now and CONCRETE HOUSE ll‘fs, from. . ...... 31‘s, difi‘crcnn ki‘m inc‘d and unlined mflmmmm best we ever had from et the t The local View Calendars at THE LIBERAL Ofiicc are both useful and pretty. They :ne finished in dark brown shades, plule sunk and bevelled with good quality pad and silk curd hunger. The following views are shown :4â€"Bnylc’s Pond. Ynnge stl'eot, north. Standard Bank. Umshy Hall and Dunlnp‘s Greenhouses. Suitable fur your Canadian friends. 01' friends ucmss theuceun. Cull and see them. (Jul-s Willi-gave Toronto for Newman-Rot and inu-I-nwdinlo points at 11.30 “.11)., 1.30 p.11). and 3.30 p. In. Care will Icuw Newnnuket for Tumu- tu and inle-nncdiulo [mints “L 11 u.m.. 1p.n|. and 3 p.111. In udditinn tn the car service shown on the \Vinter Time Table the follow- ing: serwice will he npvmtcd daily. Sunday exeemud. (Jar will leave Toronto for Richmond Hill and inu-nnvdiulc points at, 3 p.m. (Jars \Vlll lr-zwe Rlclnnnnd Hill for Tor- mlto :md inlermmliulo puian at 6.06 mm and 3.06 p.m. BETWEEN TORONTO & RICHMOND HILL TORONTO & BETWEEN TORONTO & NEWMARKET xed NOTICE TO PATRONS Jest Pretty Calenders ) & YORK RADIAL RY. C0. Traffic Department 23 2 \Vf: CVCl’ OICC at will

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