RICHMOND HILL. UN Good going. p.m.. trains 1] all trains Dec. 11th and 12th, Parry Suund and south. Good going. 11le and 12th, Sound. Elle @ihcml Reduced Fun-s in PIT stations Ruvl and soule WEE TRELBRING RICHMOND HILL Y. B. TRACY. STATION AGENT Toronto Fat Stock Show DECEMBER 11 AND 12 Reduced Fun-S in (*m-ct fmm all EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES Return limit, Dec. 14th, 1914. Notice â€" St0ve Pipes â€"â€" crimped ready tor use. Any person can put them together without This is the time of year to see that your skates are in good condition. anger. kinds of repairin promptly done. Opposite Dr. La ngstaff’s Fur tickets and all information apply to RIC HMOND HILL J. HUME AND Motor Repairing Done ERMS GIVEN 0N MOTOR CYCLES L. CURTIS Hm NOTARY PUBLIC Canadian Northern Leases. Wills, Et 3. Janet Ever Sneci‘nl uttenliun given to L. CURTIS Pressing Cleaning Repairing Conveyancing. QTIDLIEDQ AGENT 1-‘01: “1.. trains Dec. 10th, I†twins, Du [livns Rue] to D190. 10, 1914 and :11] st‘utions 10th, 'url-y \thn yuu want [1 The LIBERAL 0mm Trench’s Carriage Wurks P. W. McGregor, All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. Ropuiling neatly and promptly done WM. TRENCH 8: SON NORMAN BATTY ‘gond printing. RIEHMUND HILL HARNESS SHUP IN CONNECTION \VlTll Oak Heaters from $8.00 to $16.00. with or without feed pots. Two in One with oven 18.00. Three in One for hard or soft coal or wood In Ranges we have the following well-known makes: Pandora, Imperial Oxford, Happy Thought, Othello Treasure, Etc.. all guaran- teed by the makers. Also a few second hand stoves. $20.00. THE OLD RELIABLE====FONTHILL NURSE COME AND SEE US Free advic: re Fruit Culture and Landscape Plantings Prepare for Com Weather If You are going to Richmond Hill Hardware Co. Int. printing think ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DEL“ ERY tht- hnme Nezd a Stove buy Now $8.00 to $16.00. with or Anyone sending a sketch and descrl Mon may quickly ascertain our opinion tree w ether an invention is probably pntentable. Communion. [Ions strictly confldentlul. HANDBOOK on Patents neg): free. ()lqlesc ggzencyg'oLaecutggg‘pMents. “.0. annulus ucur. nee. vmuau a: 'c x, .4. “Mannâ€, .. Patents taken tï¬rough Munn a Ca spegialqotice, without. charge. lathe v---" - .. -_,ï¬-w, , A handsome]; muqtrated weekly. Largest ctr. culation of any acxenuï¬c journal. Terms for Canada. $3.75 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by éï¬'hé‘iédcnlers.‘ m & cas's’mwéavv’a» New ggm Branch Ofï¬ce. 625 F St. Washington. . . Expert, w'uk in shtming lame and inleer ing horses. All kinds of work in the trade done in :L workmunlike manner. FRI'IT TREES, SHADE TREE! ALS, SIIRL’BS, ROSES, SEED l Supplied in \\'l 'géï¬Ã©'ï¬iéii§,:fléi§§riï¬ï¬ï¬‚g A. SCHERZER A TRIAL “'ILL CONVINCE YOU A. Scherzor RICHMOND IHLI. IlonschHnEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITIIINU Shoes Remnvod 17m. New Shoes - - - 35c. hnices â€"GO TO fur yo CEH, SMALL [“RU REES. ORNAMI‘ fBS, EVERGREI El) POTATOES. I Thornhill, Ont. ll'ik'lit‘s in RIES . FR [7 ITS. NA MEVT- Phone 18 El THE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA V'VVVVVVVVVV'VVVVVYV 7V" iso ME 0.13010 : A150 :l. Solid hrick dwelling on {clinice building lot; the best, lurmtiun m; 3 HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. AAAA prices. Our furniture (:nt: Ask [u sue them; RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL 10 per cent. off blacks, blues and grays L. E. HAND, at 20 per cent. off )egular lines and ï¬ï¬AD OFFICE ever desired without delay. TORONTO | '†‘ RICHMOND HILL BRANCH VVVVVVVVVVVVVYV VVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYYV BANK Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass Insurance Consult Us 14‘01' Rates Your Insurance will be well looked after if 1911; to VVWVVVVVV VVV‘V Announces that having made ar- rangemts with the HOUSEâ€"0Fâ€" HOBBERLIX, who are sending smnplcs of their Saturng and Monday specials, he will offer on PHONE 8002. ©I‘F‘ @ANADA WTS FOR SALE SUITS AND O VERC-OATS FURNITURE AND SEWING NIACHINES BAKER AYE. DOV splendid outlook. Restricted to hm ROS EVIEW AVE. Some good lots left at reason- able [Hi/cs. SEE the ï¬ne new houses being built on this prop- erty. mnwxxcn 1)vï¬|Gfl\7\DY 14‘ SATURDAY AXD MONDAY . HEWISON . H. BASSETT all genuine xcductions \ND. n n a Manager. Branches aYso at Maple. Markham. Stouffville, Unionville gm! chusl Hill. Apply MADEâ€"TO-MEASURE RICHMOND HILL WALLPAPER S'JJOCK COMPE} LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED Wholesale Florist LAWRENCE GARDENS WE ARE AGENTS FOR re (:ntnhwgues have all the newest designs at moderate [hem and compare p1 ices \nlh nther places. a . SAVAGE 8c SON RICHMOND TERMS REASONABLE RICHMOND HILL . LAWRENCE, REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE: now open. Lots 150 feet deep. yok. good water, good drainage. llouee costing $2500. SAVINGS deposited in this bank draw the highest current rate of interest. Withdrawals of part or the whole amount may be made when- ever desired without delay. r on Yonge St. Good size Int. A s (m Yonge Street. J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\\'AYS 0N HAND. REAL ESTATE has opened a Laundry south of Mch ald’s Grocery Stow in 110 sclicils a trial (in work and gum antees satisfaction. Send list of articles with each pzu'ce giving residence and name in full. Goods called for and delivered, if de sired. Advertise in The Liberal. FIT]. RICHMOND G. I. HINAS Richmond Richmond Hill P. G. SAVAGE G. SAVAGE »AGENCYâ€"â€"â€" MANAGER