Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1914, p. 1

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“In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” “ the Quinn 18 PUBLISHED EVERY .EHURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 8.; PUBLIS RICHMOND HILL,ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON. LENNOX a. Mdiiéfi EDITOR & rviiLisiikic; masts; dist; JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 200 BERESFORD AVE, WEST Tonoxro Phone Junction 72. TVVENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail ordc ..__ rs will receive prompt- attention. on. W. R. PEN‘TLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE First house north of Atkinson & Switzer‘s store. Phone No. 2-102. JOHN R. CAMPBEIE. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. OFFICE AND RESIDENCEI l‘Iaple, ()nt. Phone No.28. J. E. Prentice Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Nnith Toronto. Special attention Riven to sales of every description. Farm and firm stock sales a specially. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-lo-dute methods. Address: 239 Bellini St , Nmth Toronto. Phone in House. North 2292. J K McEwon Weston Seiaeon Maple lalgeon a: lilcEwen, caused Auctioneers for the County of York. alosstteuded to on shortest notice and at rea- eonab.e rates Patronage solicited F. C. EGAN LICENSED ACCTIONEER For the Coiiiity of York. SATISFACTION LASKAY P. 0. GUARANTEFD. ONTARIO :70fi’n‘3. 9uvidsan PIANO TUNING [VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING THORNH I LL Organs Repaired. Expert Work. 6.17. Lawrence F“. J. Dunbar Lawrence & Dunbar, Barristers,Solicltors, Notaries, 85c. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide &: Victoria Sts.. l‘oi-O'ito. Phone Main 2984 Denton, Grover & Field Barristers, Solictors, &c NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2.0 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Telephone, Main 31], Cable Address. "Dedo.” A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister,,Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31, TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING 8' ‘REET \VEST Tel. M. 3631. WRIGHT BROS. (Tudor-takers & limhnlmcrs. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILI A lii‘ge stool: of Funeral Furnishing but at both places; RING HoUSE Ol‘licc located in Standard Ilanlc lluild- Dr. C. LaVerne l’attison lion. Graduati- Royal (‘ullopgo of Dental Surgvons. Toronto, will lu‘ at Richmond Hill moly Tuosday and Friday. A Gratifying Success Probably no I lllt'll:lllllllt‘lll by local :illisls has i-vi-r gimp Illl'll‘ g‘llt‘lul satisfaction [hull that [iii-sollliil lly lllt’ liadilis' Aid of lllt‘ chulrli in tho Masonic lInll last l‘ill- day cvoliillg. . Tho play, “An Old 'l‘inio Ladies' Aid Ilusllit-ss Moi-ting," datos llul'k about tilIyt-ars, and this willi“Tho lloll ('all," and (Illll‘l‘ Ioaluli-s \\'lllt'll wcrocli-xoi lv inlloducidgavt-twohoursofdvllghlful enjoylliont. The production was hand- souu-ly stagI-(I, though llll‘ pit-lurcs on llll‘ walls. and lllt‘ antiqut- piccrs of furnilul-o coillrastl-d strangon with Ilioso of pi't‘Sl‘lll day use. Tlu' old- CRU‘VNS ANI) llltllitllrls A Sl‘lC(‘l.\l.'l’\' lug. Office hours U.3U:i.m. to I) p.m. Barristers and solicitors. Money to Loan ouland snuchnttel mortgagesat “West rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ron oved to the old post oflica one door wut oi the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the T E pofitoflice l’nsliiout-d costuuu-s, though ill some EBBERTLENNOX (I V MORGAN places (-labolato, woic lit-coming and Aurora gram-fol, and were quite as attractive as the styles of Ill'IdCI n dress. All the clialactrrs were happily clioscll, every part, was natural and free fiom stilfncss, and of the 2.2. ladies in the cast it can tlutlifullv be said tllt‘lt' was not :1 \\'till( part. The-re was plenty of variety, the discourse among the ladies was highly suitable for the occasion, and every act and gestule was done in a manner that elicited well-merited :IpplnuSl’. Space will not permit all individual reference, suffice it to say that each did her Dart so \vell thatcven the little children listened attentively to cury utterance. 'Iliere were sevcial local “liits," and judged by laughter were thoroughly enjoyed by the audit-lice. “:licii the. curtain row the large audience that packed the hall found Mrs. Urowhurst, the genial hostess, IHISIIV (‘llgagcd iii dusting lierdrawing room so that cvciy corner Would be neat and tidy for the ladies who were to hold their meeting at, her house at 3 o’clock. The members as they ariived were cicvcrly introduced by the hostess to her two Boston guests. who assisted greatly iii the entertain- ment of the evening. The President, who was late iii arriving, cxplaincd that her lateness was owing to a call at a home where sickness and want had entered. She asked that. each lady iii answering to her name Would please state what she \vou d givv to help the family in need, and most, of the replies were very amusing. “Biisinch” was then proceeded with, WILLIAM cook BARRIsTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC Toronto Office, Room 328 Confedera tiolr Life Bldg., No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Lilieral‘ Office), every Thursday forenoou. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodhi-idzzo, Saturday forenoon. Monev to loan at Five Per Cont. (5%) H. A. NICHOLLS ' NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Convoyaliccr, etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer oi Marriage Licenses. Riohmonc. Iâ€"Iill J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONYEY AN"ER. ETC.) Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL DO IT ELECTRICALLY I. H. SANDERSON Electrician, Richmond Hill but for various reasons little WIS accomplished, “The Little Brown Church” and other choruses wele beautifully sling by the ladies, vocal solos by Miss Trench, Mrs. A. G. Savage, Mrs. Mylks and Mrs. \V. A. Sanderson; a i-ccita- tion by Miss Aikenhead; and a musical selection on the liielodeon by Miss Olivc Morison. After the business was completed the ladies were further entertained in song and conversation by Mr. Jilli Aikenhcad and Miss \ViliiiiIi-t-d, and the performance closed with a recita- tion by the I’rcsidenl. The proceeds wow $69. The following is the cast of characters :â€" lllrs. Crowliurst, hostess. Prompt and Reasonable Estimates glven in House Wiring. both old and new. Also agent for It‘l'antz Vacuum Cleaner at $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenian and up to-date applianccs that save time and work for the Ilousc Wife. Mrs. l’. G. Savage and Mrs. \V. Cook, t\\'o ladii-s from Boston. “â€" Mrs. McMahon, l’lcsidt-llt L'ldics' __ Aid. ‘ "'* " ‘ '"' Mis. \V. A. \Vright, Tloasurcr Iilidics' Aid. Mrs. Home, Secretary Ladics‘ Aid. Mis. \\'. A. Sanderson, Stilgstless. Miss Moi tsoii. Hal psichoidcl‘. Mrs. Mortson, deaf I; (Iy Miss Aikenliend, Very Nervous. Mis. J. I’. Glass, Fussy Young other. Miss Trench, Jt‘l uslia Aim IIai-pc. Mis. .\I_\‘lks, Suifragcttl'. Mrs. Hammond, Advisor. Mrs. Mason, Very Thoughtful. Mis. Switzcr, Veiy Businessliko. Mrs. A. U. Savago, Lama Growler. Mis. l Rainer, Mis. .I. II. Sanderson and Miss Tyndall, Quit-l aiid 'l'lioughlful. Mis. Metcali, Moliitable Brown. Mrs. Barker, Jemima Bain. “'INTER STR I lil‘Z TERM opizxs JAN. 4th. FOR A BETTER I‘llSl’l‘IUN liytakinga coniso in the Popular g ELLIOTT : M TORONTO, UNT. This school stands Iicad and should- ers above the oidiiiary business College aild when 'l‘lloltot‘oilxizss oi‘ 'ril.\lNI.\'t; is t-ulisidl-rod. ranks among the best on this Clillllllt‘lll. Handsome catalong oil liqul-st. Yonge and Charles Sts. \i. .l. ELLIOTT. rrlnclpal mu i If you want li-atllcl' mitts or gloves 'gn to The Richmond Hill llaidwme 1 Co., large val iety and prices fight. Moli's ()\‘ul‘tnats. The haIam-o of our slot-k of ou-rooals at less than mist‘ at f] on. $7.31] It- $IIUâ€"II. :t (‘llélIICQ for an up-lo-date coat at a billiztlll. N. J. Glass. l The Peace Centenary It is gratifying: to know that the Canadian I’cace Centenary Assorialioii is plot-coding with its educational \voik. that lllcialure is living pic- parv-d for tho schools, that prich will bu (iII't-lt-d fol lllo lit-st ossays‘ (in Anglo-Alumicau relations,th church scrviccs will be llt‘lll on Fcbruaiy ll, next and that the olgauizatiwn is being kept intact with a view to the holding of public I'cstivit ins :iftl-r the conclusion of the war. The relations: bctwoon Canada and the I‘nitcd Stath for some ycais past have been mole than friendly, and the attitude of a large lliajol-ity of :\Illt‘l icaiis towaids Great Bliiiilll. in the conflict which has been thrust upon her hv (ivrmau greed and aggression. is slit-ll today. that if a gl'l‘ill ('t-leln'ation lit‘l\\’t‘t‘ll oul neighbor and ourselves can ln‘ arranged, it will onlict the warmest enthusiasm on both sides of tho lmlllldzlly. Buttonville Anniversaiy Services will be held iii f tho Ml-llloillst t lli'rch, III the alter-l noon and mulling, of Sunday, 1‘00. 20. Stallions will lw prom-lied at 2.1-0 p. Ill. and T p.m. liy Rm. A. A. \\'all of Davisvillo. \‘it-Ioi ia Squaw chi ll‘ “'1”. furnish music :it tho I‘:\'”ll:llg Ssivice. On Monday evening a Christmas Tree , and l‘llltcllalrliicnl will he hrld Ill the ' chulch. l‘evs. Aikenliead of Rich- lli vud Hill and Ferguson of L‘uionville \\‘ ll givo short :ldlllisscs. The Lyric Milt- Citati-teltv of Toronto will furnish a go d musical pl< ulalnliie. Miss Mai: ll'l it» Bovli- of 'I‘liol nhill will In)! lhr Iiiotutmnist of the evening. Pic- t-eeil: ii, aid of the Sunday School. OLD TIME lil‘l'l‘ERTr‘ilNMEN.r1 Molllodisl ‘ The Village Council tho rogulal . AI III'I't'llIlil'l‘ llll’t'ill L: laddii-ssml llll' Council, asking: for a :5“) (,flfillll to tho llillo :\s<l»l‘i:III-wll, llll' l:lll<‘t \\illl ll'l'l'l'vlll'i‘ lo t-l-lislahlo's l'oos for spot-la] \volk. (hi motion Sill wasgianti‘d tho llillo .\\s4ll'l:lllhll. 3143 lo llli‘ King: and Vaughan l’lowmi-n's Assiminlion. and lilo fol llll‘l' lllt‘ :Is‘st‘ssml‘ \\':ls‘ glallllll $3” in lt’llllllll'l"lll(|ll for i-xtla sorviros. No .‘lt‘lltlll was takin on a ll‘llk‘l‘ road fl om lhoi'auadlan Hull'l'agl- Assn. i'ialioll, and an not-oule floul Ml. Thompson for spor‘ial .Rt‘l\lt‘t‘s 'ls ('(III- stablo was ll‘lt‘l'l‘t‘il back for furtln-r information. At the Slalutolv iiu‘otinp,r hold :it. llll‘ ('Ii-lk‘s Ulilllt' the 'l‘roasnri-r [)l'i'St‘lllt‘d hisanllual statcilll-llt, and was instluctod to have the usual copies pi intod for dislriluilion. Mr. Itussoll Lawrence addi't-ssod the '++' l.\vll. I,. I'.'. Ilaml and .\Ir. .l. Slit-.iidoivu' A. No .‘ll.\'l"l'lill \\'II.\’1‘ s'l‘Yl‘Ja olv lflyv (slassos 01' I Arne-$05 YUI' DESIRE If it has mciit we have it. A pair of glasses for Mother or Futllt'l’ is a sonsonable present for Christmas. No cliaigc for testing tlic cycs No tumble to show the goods Council with a view of obtaining,r a sulzst-l-iption towaids the purchase of a machine gun. (‘onsidt-r'itiiu of the (llll'Slltlll was promised. Have you the necessan herbs for dressing the tm key or goose, such as sage, thyme, summer s:ivoiy, sweet marjoram, priâ€"‘parcd poultry dlcssiniz. \Ve- cariy nothing but absolutely pure goods. Atkinson & Switzm: Thornhill Markham Township are pushing the canvass for raising subscriptions for the Belgian lt‘llf‘f fund. The amount aimed at is 3510.000. Following a Committee meeting at Unionville an elitci-tainliicnt was given ill the Methodist chuith by the conbined church clioils of the village. Short addresses were made by N. F. David- son, K.ti.: J. A. Pats-lson, K.U.; and Mr. A. D. Bruce. Some progressive residents of Tnorn- hill held a moi-ting and in- augurated a movement to instal street lighting and have the distile foiulcd into a police village. Dr. Langstail’and R.A. Nisbet were appointed vi commit- tee to interview the manager of the Metropolitan Railway Company and secure data as to the cost of installa~ lion and maintenance of street lights. Another cominitti e was appointed to secure information i't‘gflldlllfi‘ t he police village proposal, viz.: J. E. Francis, A. R. Auld, J.A. PPIII'SUII,MI‘. Smiley and Ml. Fl’zlSPI. Botli committees will re port ata public meeting to be held this (Thursday) evening. The ofiicml visit of District Deputy Grand Master 1?. \V. Geo. II. Smith to Patterson Lt dgc A. F. N; A. M., on \Veduesday Evening, Decnmber 2.was the occasion ofa very pleasant evening being spout in the precincts of the lodge. After exemplifying the core- mr-uy of the fiist degree the brethren i-i-paiie-d to the banquet hall where they did full justice to the fourth dcgroe. The usual toasts Wt‘ru pm- poscdfand icspondod to by R. \V. Bio. Geo. II. Smith, \ .\V. Bio. R. .I. Gib- son. \V. Bro. Geo. S. “only, \V. M. of Ymk Lodge: \V. Bio. I). G. Still-rock, Distiict Secy.; “'. Bro. Geo. Rosc, Vaughan Lodge: \V. Bro. (leo Co‘vic of Richmond Lodge; “7. Bro. Davis, Rising Sun Long and V.\V. Bro. R.J. Ferguson, Ymk Lodge. R. \V. Bro. Smith gave a very touching appeal to brctlucii to assist Belgian Relief Fund. Peace Sunday Sunday next, Doc. 20. living Peace Sunday, the day will be observed all over the I'nitl-d Status and Great Biitaiu. The I’lcsidont and other ofliccis of the Dominion \V.C.'I‘.I'. limo made a special appeal to Canadian ministers to lil-‘Ikt‘ their pill- pits resound with denunciation of this barbaious illotlloil of settling lllll‘l'- national disputcs by \vai iiistcad of hy arbitration. Victoria Square Don't fail to attend the Patriotic Clliistmas Eliteitaininent on the 24th Christmas I‘Ivc. There will he a good programme consisting of patriotic sclectiolis, "Xmas Night" a spt-t'ial lfoatuio, a tantula “The Iltilllt‘llllldt’ ‘Szlllt;l," also (Ilills :illtl Iahlt‘ullx. The proceedsarc in aid of the Ill-lgialis, \vlloalc ill need of t'Vt‘l’y assistance that can be given. Admission ‘_..'i(-. The skating; link is ill shapo and the young polvplt‘ ll-‘lYt' been taking full «advantage of tho tine slit-ct of ice. 'Satuiday night there was a good at- Itt-ndanct- and all i'njoycd the evening‘s pleasure. I'ntil an l' ('hilstliias, sk it ing'l‘ucsdav, Thuisdav and Saturday cvl-uings. ‘ and will be rady for challenge-s. Soc- rctarv. A. .\. Flisby, oddlt-ss Union- \illc, ILR. No. l. Mossls. \V. Scott and G. MCCagul- :lrein rhargo of this scction of the township in connection with thv- Ilcl- gian I’wliof Caiilpaigu. A lnwt ilzg was held on Monday owning to (llSJIISS the plans of canvassing. A hockey club has been organized' Perfume and Toilet Re- quisites for Christmas Presents in abun- dance W. A. SANDERSON Dnt'ooisr RICIIMUXI) HILL til it iiiâ€"bile Allemlui Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Brain and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. â€"0_ Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn . . AND . . Manitoba. Oats for the Chickens __O_. ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. & W. Scranton Hard Coal. and Kennel-Coal “None better” Order now. I ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES STIVER 8i. HAMER D. Hill. & to. Bakers and Confectioners ,___0__.. ORIINGES, GRAPE FRUIT and all SEASONABLE FRUITS Try Us for FRUIT and GROCERIES. Quality Counts. All kinds of CAKES and BISCUITS kept in sto ck .__()__ {Everything up‘to-date iii CANNED GOODS and GROCERIES ___;)_._. "RICHMOND HILL, ONT

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