Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1914, p. 4

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RICHMOND HILL. ONT., 1. To close all hm-s cluhs in Ontario during the war. 2. At the end of the war to snhmit tn the direct Vale of the people the question nt whether the bars and clubs thus clused shall Iomuin fun-\‘vr clusml or be unopened, the question to he svttled by u mujurily Yule. 3. Tu impose such result-Linus upun the residue of the liquor traffic as will most effectually limit its evils. u , E a? I; o .1 (We flihtml‘ This is Mr. Rowe-11's propusul 0f :1 definite plan to deal with the (lvfinite situation in Ontario urismg (mt of the War. To accomplish lhesccnds he has afiered to Von-operate with Hun. M r. Hearst. in bringing them about. Mr. Ruwoll \vent further and said he now i-eneived to Mr. Hearst. tho m-w general (rife-r he haul made to his predecessor, namely, to lift the temperance question entirely above the realm of party controversy and tc settle it. by unite-d action by wiping out all hair and clublicenses within the Provinceaud by imposing such rest-it:- tions upun the residue as Would "I ist effectually limit its evils. If the new Premier did nut fut-l like thing this. then Mr. Howell made his proposal tu t-luse all bars and shops during the war. \Vith so much unemployment and financial disorganization in the Province as there is to-(lay, the clnsing (if the liars and the suliseqtu-nt stopping of the waste nf money and energy. Mr. Rmvell considered would be (If the greatest value in such a time of stress. The proposal in exciting keen interest thi'nughout, the Province and is sure to he one of the interesting sub- jects of discussion at Lhc pending Session of [he Legislature. Methodist hymn books from 25 cents to $2.00. For Sale at half price at THE LIBERAL Office during the Cln-islums season. Junior Recital Mr. Newton presented three of his junior pupils, assisted by Miss Bentriee Sisnmnof the senior class and MiSS Lillian McBride. violinist, of Toronto. in :in inteiesting programme last Saturday evening. Miss Hazel Smith revealed :1. good Command of tonal contrast and clear repetition in two Studies by Heller: Miss Irene. Mc- Mahon played the Arabesque of Meyer-Helnmnd. and the Second Vulse of Godard in :1 brilliant and tasteful manner. and Miss McBride, who is a piano pupil of Mr. Newton :it the Conservatoxv as well as a violin pupil of Mr. Frank (‘onveise Smith, displayed genuine talent in the lilegiu of Nollet, and the Polish Dance of Sclizlrwenkn and also in her \‘iolin groupâ€":1 Minuet. of Beethoven and n Spanish Dance. of Moszkowski. Miss Sismnn, who is the organist of the, Anglican Church in Aurora and the pianist of the Aurora Choral So- ciety. played the "PilSLOHlle Vm-iee" in a most artistic and teinpbrunientul manner. The last of the series will be given next Saturday evening. Decomlwr 19, at (5.30 o‘clock, and will take the form of a Christmas Festival. The pupils will be assisted by MiSS Ethel Swilzor. soprunn, and Mr. Newton Who will play the "Christmas ofTsclmikmvsky.” Victoria. L.0.L. 2368 held their annual election cf officers on “'ednvsâ€" day evening November 20' when the following cf’ficei-s Were elected : \V.M.â€"-Bx~u. A. R. Mezcalf I P.M.â€"â€"\V. Bm. J. F. Hickson D..\I.â€"B1'0. F. Dolnn Chapâ€"Bro. J. P. Glass Treus.â€"\V. Bro. J. H. Sanderson “’9 are showing at. THE LIBERAL Ofiice smnelines nfunnsunlly choice writing paper and onvelupvsdn newest shapes and sizes. I’upeteries suitable fox-Chrisnnus gifts from 10 cents tn 75 (:ean. A western newspaper states that sub- scrihers coming into printing uflices at, this season of the year to pay their subscriptions should he goverde by rules Similar to the following:â€" “Advance to the inner dour. and givv three distinct raps. The "devil" will attend the alarm. You will then gin- him your name and address. and the number of years you are owing fur the paper. You will then he admitted, when yun will advance to the centre of the room, and. with a bank bill in your hand. give the editor the prhper Sign. at the same time saying. 'I sup- pnsc you are looking for me.’ The editor will grasp vnur hand and the number of years you are owmg Iul‘ the paper. You will then be admitted. when you ~will advance to the centre. of the. room, and. with a bank bill in Your hand. give the editor the proper sign. at the same time saying. 'I sup- pose you are looking for me.’ The editor will grasp your hand and the bill. and pressing it. will say ‘you bet.’ After giving the news oi the locality you will be permitted to retire.” The above procedure may be alright. \Ve. do not require. however. so much red tape at. The Liberal Office. \V'e in- vite our subscribers . to Walk right In, lay down your subscription. take a re- ceipt. and letire at your leisure. Of course we always like a bit of inteiest- ing news. fiensnn. Auditorsâ€"“fir. Md J. F. llicksun 2nd Fin. 5: I). (If ( lst. Connâ€"Bro. H. Tylersâ€"Bm. H. H SL-C TORONTO LE1TER Too Much Red Tape WV. Hm. J. H. Sande] :.â€"Bm. Aulney Niel» :.â€"Bru. Harry Smith â€"Bm. J. Tifiin .â€"Brn. J. Ellis L.O.L. Officers Stationary )1“. 8105. A. R i1 [L hand and Lh n say ‘yull bet ; oi the Incalit t0 retil‘O-" ‘ may he ulrigh wever. 50 mm: DEC. 17, 1914 band dnnn Jpper he alright. '. Sn much e. \\"e in- 1nd \ Mo ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 ' Raise 309 $0 500 Chicks in Que Flock CAST IRONDEUUE} I have for sale sevo houses. mudem in (’\‘(’l'j some of whivh can be In right pricos. SW my houses hefm-v ypu decidc pay you ! PATRONAGE 861 [CITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED $1700 six tugv in first- lights with Small cash like x-vnt. One new. 43560 square feat of land in Richmond Hill. with v]- (’Ctl'ic light and gund sidnwulks at, the pI-nporty. A (rash [my- ment nf $50 is all that is rvquix- at, the 'prnporty. A (3:151: ment nf $50 is all that is 1 ed, the balance to suit, you Frame cnltugo. vlectric lighted and in first class repair. \Ve will x-z-nt this lwnso. which is mun- Yongc 5L. at $10 per month. 8HOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY . !. WflflflWARfl F. J. WUUDWARU. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley PROPERTIIV‘IS FOR SALE Buy or hatch at one time all the chicks you will need for the year. Then with the Candee Colony Brooder, raise 300 to 500 in one flock in one house-attend only one heaterâ€"buy coal for but one fireâ€"and save labor, fuel, chicks and money. Because it is coal burning and self-regulating and gives the chicks a correct heat all the time, you will raise the biggest per- centage of your birds with no worry, no trouble and at an expense of but a few cents a day for coal. Every thing about the Candee is big. Its grate is 12 inches in diameter, a safe size; its hover is 28% inches highâ€"as high as atablc or deskâ€"and 13 feet 7 inches in circumference; the section of its hover, that swings around out of the way for tending the fire and cleaning, is 38% inches wide and gives plenty of room for the operator to get to the heater. And best of all, its heater is all cast iron, built for real business and to last a lifetime. It comes to you all assembled ready to set up and put to work. Its guaranteed all-woven-wool felt curtain extends nearly to the floor, and positively directs the heated air down over the backs of the chicks; and it saves fuel because, with the felt curtain, you don’t have to heat the whole room to keep the chicks warm. - . .... ... if” u ' With the Candee, there is no danger has a special safety grate shaker and a falling into the litter. Its coal magazine continuously, and the Candec heater xec us]. You are invited to visit my poultry plant to see the Candee Colony Broader, and to see for yourself why it will save you labor and fuel, raise more of your chicks and incxease your profits. Eggs Day-01d Chicks Breeders REAL ESTATE AGENT RlCHMOND HILL Mortgages Bought 31011937 to Loan E. GLASS BUILDING LOTS FOR RENT 7'" (161ng .Nfimwfié Phone 36 RICHMOND r With the fig Ceai-Euming HOUSP mined frame cut- lnss rvpnir. Pll‘CLI'iC fixuu‘es included. payment, balance iast Iran Colony Broader E . ()LI‘VEL{ 9 there is no danger of your buildings catching fire â€" it rate shaker and a sealed base that prevent hot coals lts coal magazine feeds the fuel to the fire evenly and Candec heater requires attention only once or twice a )ll ght at list of it will “(“V tn i], Mince pies are one of the essentials of“ grmd Uhlislums dinner. If you make yourown mince-meat you will want sm-dud raisins. cmmnts, New Orleans molasses. Citron, hmun and orange peel und spices. “'9 have [he bostnflhvso. If _\'nu haven’t lime tn make It ilwn buy \Vhelhvv’scomlensed mince-meat. nneuf the finvfl on tho mcukptsells at 100 pkg. Atkinson k Switzvr. Effective from August I, 19(4. to August I, against any reduction during that time.‘ FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales (lcizu‘tments [F we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. AND should we reach this production we agree to pay, as the buyer‘s share, from 9340 to $60 per car (on 01' about; August 1. 1915) to everv retail buyer who purchases a .n.â€" new li‘érd car Between Augustvl, 1914, and August For further particulars regarding these low prices nearest Ford Branch 0r Dealer. . A. M. Davison, Unionville, (Int. Agent for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships and part of Vaughan Buyers to Share in Pmfit$ £0er Prim on Ford Cam Em! motor__ “Company Touflng Car Runabout Town Car In the Dominion of Canada Only For useful Xmas gifts gn In the Richmond Hill Hmdwm-e ()<-.,\\'cl 0 mt whether you buy or nut. Men's Sweater Coats, an ideal Xmas present fl-mn $1.501“ $3.UU. Tqu u innk m 91- (nlll' stuck nf Shirts, Ties. Suspvndvl's, Neck Scurfs. Glm‘es, MILLS. etc. Ste our adv. N. J. Glass. Richmand fliii Annex C. A. SKEELE, RichmondIHill Our dried fruits are all fresh and clean, large and meatyâ€"Valencia and Sultana raisins, California seeded in packages; fine Patras currants, fiigs, dates, Citron, orange and lemon peel; pure vanilla and all kinds oi spices. Almonds, Filberts, Brazils and Italian Chestnuts. All new stock. Candyâ€"some new lires in bulk and package just ieceived. We still offer our special blend tea at 28c lb. and Lipton’s 3 lb. tin of 40c tea at $1.00 Choice Fruits and Nuts for Christmas Baking Ford, Ontario of Canada. Limited FOR FURTHER 1NFORMA’I I’d} Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. For Sale an Easy Terms A. NICDONALD & SON and profit-sharing plan, see the 19] ency in our factory production, 915: $590 540 840 In Marble or Granite. Good work. reasonable charges. Town 01' Country. Write, 1-3 m. Monuments. Markers and Comer Posts. Tombstone L ettering T. LCCKE 81 C0., 10 Adelaide St. F... Toronto N \VRITE OR SEE guaranteed W. A. JONES.‘ 22 Buchanan St large and Toronto

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