Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1914, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL. 0x12. Du @112 ‘fiihcml Mrs. visitvd Mvn's Undm-wmn'. “V full lino uf underwear in Me. tn $2.01) [)L'l' garment Dr; nut Advertising tn Spi‘lld :1 few days will Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Boy]. Reeve Punsloy INT Tuesday as part. of :1 dvpumliuu from Toronto and Ym-k Cmmtv tn nltrnd :1 Good Roads Convontiun in Chicago. Auk! The In ur‘cm-duncv with n stat :Innu-ll suhm-l llwt'lillg in ruml will be held rm \thwsduy. D1 BU. cnmuwnt-inu :It 10 a. m. notices Ll] [mud :It The Liberal Mr. Hulw‘s house at Elgin Mills was luu'mâ€"d tu Lln- gnmud Tuesday. MX'. Hulse was :uvnv at, the time. and little was saved. The cause of the fire SI'L‘IIIS to he a m_\'slm~_\‘. Christmas (ands. calondmw. he”: garlands. doll-s, pictnrv hooks, lmuks of fiction. pur‘ms. Christmas trees and (‘hristuuw decorations in great variety :It The Liberal office. ‘nr gonu‘ The children of Hupe Public St-huol purpose hulding thvir :mnuul Christ- masentm tnimm-nt on Mnndnyr‘vmming, the let (If December. Evel-ylmdy is Invited to come and onjny :\ leul treat. BeanLiful chixn is an ornament at all limos. hmk un-r the fancy :u-tivlvs «m (mr tables. lilfie (.dd pivces at ndd prices. that's what sells them. Atkin- son zm‘l Swilzu'. Mr. Percy Hill \\'hu spent several monflw in the C.m:ldinn \Vest re- turned Thursday. Mr. \Vyc l‘u'zsley has :Ilsn returned in spend tlw wintm- \vxth his uncle and aunt Mr. :md Mrs. \V. H. Pugsloy. \Ve “'nuld :lsk mn- stm-o-keepers, n1] HmsP who desire, spvcinl udvvrtising for (‘lllifitmus to smnl in (‘npy in gum] time. Dnn’t fail to lvt thv people knuw through THE LIBERAL what, you have to srll. New hunks :ll'PlX‘illg plzlcvdnn the shelfi‘s :It lhv Puhiic Lilmnv, lm'. I'eudvl's am asked to return their books prumptly [n the nllutHl limo, us \II'. Alt-X B H ntth' 150an “My 11mm. As this is war your. many pa seem inclined to sund :I ngting A‘l' hunklet. neatly printed, to friends instead (If lhv usual vxpensive prvsunt. Sumo nice (10 may be seen at; The Liberal Ofl‘ice At. the municipal elections in Jun. Newmarket will vote on u hy-lnw {m- llle repeal of local uptiun. The rate- payers will also Vote on :1 lyy-luu mnâ€" pfising to raise $5.000 fur the inlnlln- lion of hydru energy in that town. Many people have :1 st tiun to write Ln distant being busy llwv postpt from \hue Lu tiuuu \me ymu- Incul paper? ‘hem yum mm Send I lmlzmce uf this plan. vnvelupvs. A Chrislnms Two nni Entertain:- mvnt. will he held. in kulfnrd Mull:- udist Church nn the waning nf Tue-:- dzly. Dec. The prngi'unmle will misfit (If Chm-uses. Drills. Diulugues, RecitaLiuns,:L Tableau by ten wrung ladies, :\ Duet hy the Misses Fm tune and Helmkuy. :\ sulo by Miss M. Omn- isky. Prngramuie will cmumence at 8 p.11). Admission 25 cents. THURSDAY, Dec. lTâ€"Rm implements &c.. fun :22. Cu burn, the property nf R. 5 Sale at 1 p. m. 11 mm‘ J. H. PlenLice, Auct. SATURDAY. Dec. 19~Cred_it nf 40 head » sup;mrt<. Hln' [hum nn Richmnnd Hill Hnrdwme our :I [m LOCAL mm“: Dvc. 18â€"F; ments, &c.. 1M, 2”. x the pyopel_ly of Mr Ruin-ck.- lli mom} Prentice, Auct. fresh milch and springers, some vnuug hulls, the property of Spark- hnll & Talbot, lot 3.Sc:u-buro, Agincnurt. Sale at, 1 o'clock. 8 mos. cred“. J. H. Prentice, Auct. II( “'il l' HL‘“'S 50$; Bnyle Hf Montreal is home w days with his parents live. sticks. pmks and <. Buvlhmn nmv fmm Lu limv. \\"h - Inca] paper? hum 52 numhel lhiw ymu‘ thru“ and we time, n-n, kiln dried AUCTION SALES H'll'. “'9 have :1 gnud wear 1n prices from rnrmenr. N. J. Glass. -nf Kindm’sh at Mr. L. B. hL-nnxiuus to loud lll of R. 5. Powers 11 nth credit on. 5. Markham. Hull. Sale at 1 5 credit. J. H. I‘ll) still insidc strung inc nt friends, pune lhl' \\'hy nut, B. Heim many pnoplr smmv llw [ml Sr-hCnR , Dt-m-mhm' ‘. Printed l‘l'il‘ Ot‘fiu. Christmas Ful-m stock . Cnn. 4. Sem- I'umme will . Diuluguw, ' ten yuung ses mene Fm-estvrs‘ \\'\-PK “3‘ s' Institute :hnrs the l ILk. imple- Mm‘khn ul. :he ladies clnl hing, ere-tables. HI nut. svnd ‘ $1 full with the 19H tho (Weir mmv signs in] ma- hut mil Ca 1'- St [UL ill Use. 1!). “this. ll] yards. Dhl)ULlH A Sunday buluml Jumm-mimnen will be given in the Methodist, chin-cl :IL Maple on Christmas night. leri will he drills, clml Hat's, umliun swings diulngues uud reciluLiuus by U; Scholars, and Llwir [minor Miss J):.:ll)_v TUHHIUL elnuuliunisl, will give ; number l-f selcuitms vk' hm mvn. ’l‘h pmgl-eumuu will C(lllllllt‘llct‘ at, U'clnck. The usunl admissith will I) Changed, namely 25 and 15 cums. A gloat Ll'l‘ilL is in slulu ful- whn “Lu-11d [he Lvugur- lie-XL MK t-vening. Mralnd Mrs.l‘.G.S_.\-;lgu kindly Imuwd their new Vic The inslnumenL product-s must L Site- {unesnhd Mr. Suvuge “505 the finest of xecmds. Lust Monday evvning “'0 11nd n terlainlnent LII ilwnuclivu and e. ing ('hnrncu'r. By the, kind,” Mr. Cruwhurst wu “’(‘l'p ‘u-ivilpg sr'e Lime Light \‘ivw: “1' u “in Purl; All,hl.l' to Fun 5i” see Linn- Light Vivws of .‘l inn frnm Purl; All,lu.l' 10 FUI‘L Simps‘vn. Amongst other \‘iexw displayed \wn' splendid mws Hf [he nmguifiumnt Scene: y nf [he mlle of the Fmsvrnlld of the fine buildings of the \Yt-stern cities. Making a Record At lho lelph \Vinter Fair. we unliced among the exhibits .1 hug (f wheat slmwn by Mr. R. S. inslnv uf Victoria Square. It had cnpllln-d [111' Fix-st l’xi'w ticket, and sincu lht‘n \Vv have learned that Lhis mmlv the 8th first prize Wm] by Mr. Frishy in [he Field UrnpUnmpotilinn of thisyem‘. lie \vus first in the stunding crop. then m. Tumult) fur slwnf and “limit, nt Ottawa: furshvuf and \vhvnhnlsn at, Maukhzml furshmu‘os :md uhout and lattclyzu Gu'lyh for \x‘hL-nz. Tlns is the fiz'stlune 11ml n'vlmvo known :: cpmpetvitor in the Fivld Comp-sum») m the first tune that (\‘vlmvo known :1 cpmpetvitor in the Field Cnmpvxitinn h) Illilkt‘ :L record nf this kind. 1 wflvcts gloat credi.‘ on M 1'. Flishy I'm- the work he must mu 0 dune In thus sweep (hm-Rum- the many cmuputitnrs who uxhihitvd. \Vc congratulate him on his sucwss. York Choral Socieiy The crnmminvc of the Sncwtv is :I: last in a pusitinn Lu :lnnmmce dolinilq- ly the date (If thv first CUIIL'L')‘[ hf 1h: chums, which will take place in tin Melhudht Chm-ch. Rlchmund Hill, In \Vednosfmv evening. Junum'y 13M), 1915. at 8.15 u’clnck. T119 pmgmnmw will (HHMiII thu “Dav ut Penilencv.” Guunud: "Th: MiHer’s \Vuning‘" Entun Fanning: : nth Miller’s \Vuning," Enlun Fanning; :ladios’ (:hmm, “Blnw. Snft \\'imls." Vincent; :1 uwn’s chums. "Uhmwll Mal-uh.” BPCkl'l'; sm‘urld unuccumpun- ii-d purl songs and (WU patriotic num- bers, us wvll ‘lS llu- \‘lhllll Solos uf My. Frank Converse- Smith and the tenor snlus nf Mr. \V. 1. Unpps. The ad. Inissinn will 1w 2.3 L‘l‘llls, l‘t’SUl'Vt'd seals 50 (H‘lllS. :md [he nvt prucvwls u'ill Im- (lrvutml In thL- Bvlginn lh-livf Fund. The plan nf the church will lu- npunutl tn tha- public in u fL'\\' (lays. Memlwrsnl‘ the churns will please tukv “mice thin only those who at- teutl the I'i-nzuining rehearsals will lw lnnl'lllillkll in Ink» nzu-t in the Cunccrt. L Christin uL \\’Ill be; tend the I'Iinzfiinihg rehearsals will [wrmiLu-d Lu take part in the canoe 7 p. \n.â€"'L‘ The seam draws nan stead of th giving :L In Last Sunday the SnL-x-nmvnt of the Lord’s Suppel-wushuld at tho nun-n- ing sen'icv. Eightm-n new nwmhms werv received, making :1 mm! addition of fifty-four fur [hr year. Among these were twu eldvrs Mr. Thus. Snulersand Mr. Neil leckt‘nziv. and others whose experience in church work elsewhere will make them nf great service. A meeting was held Lerizm munse Fridnv l ministers to discuss work for the winter. " it‘lâ€"eiChoir will meet, for pl Mr Newton's Friday evening 10, Vaughan. purpose holding their svcoud annual Christmas le‘e and Entertainment, In the Schuml-huuse, Lot 30, [ear of 5th cum. Vaughan, (in Tuesday Evening, December 22nd, commencing MS o’clock sharp. The programme under the managsuient of Miss McFai-lane, Teacher, will cnnsist of Reuitatinns. Dialogues. Songs, instrumental Selections. Physical and Military Drills, Sic. Santa Claus will appear as usual at the end of the pl'u- gramme and please all the little folks. Shooting Match shtmling nmlcll fur l ‘ Will we nvltlnL Chm-l 1ul‘Cuucm-dsLureJM-J of Reuitatiuus. Dialogues. Songs, instrumental Selections. Physical and Military Drills, Sic. Santa. Claus will appear as usual at the end of the pl'u- gramme and please all the little folks. Come one. come all and have a jolly good time. Mr. James A Cameron \Varden, will occupy the chair. Presbyterian Church Subjects fur Sunday Dec. 20H):â€" u.1n.â€"â€"I’vucv fur the tumbled Ill-ml Hllllé’lH .3 cents Tcsmn The, pupils and ex-pupi'ls (mu (rt 1 ll talent m Fridn )U ll] J Tux-gels will he (3 .u‘ds; and for shot No. 6 shuL will will commence uLl Christmas Night fthe mu :l high c142 to raising \V ed n t-sd Epwoxfm League ,y buhlml Emma-taimnent n in the Methodist, chm-ch l Christmas night. Then- â€"Tn\\- Mm mm fur L ll] Concord ‘ur Uln-istln 1116 Sunday Admissiun to hu in \ Chris a cute: t: fundsfn lV Dew SU nin hurry an»ch 1nd Id I“.an “cud ‘ m: fur those [lt‘XL Mundny :, 'Ih \dmi Lurkoy [st \t the Presby- ;t of 1111: local plans for relief n'ugv h‘u‘u Victrulu. IUSL exqui- usos unly ‘l't'd fur IUCill Relief Fund. ; thmnghuut :ivvn Pickure ickvnziv. mm :9 in church lkU them uf 801100]. inâ€" lmus 11-th is Iinuleut, with r pnm- wlivf 9ner 23rd. mys and Unl'ners. iutmduy. ecu-d fm- guns, 50 be used. BU [LII]. l'luilr .’uhliL actioc l‘lu Th 0 I)” u ml tlu LIBER prutl y hx-mvr \\'il [1 hnn sho‘ Mr. D Snpph‘ u1 l'f‘Silltâ€"‘lk‘t Hw uwmhms hxnk pm t. The \anen's Auxiliary 1 lehndist church mu! (m “'M afternoon (It lhu hume uf ‘ Unusins. Owing (u [h from the nmt quite a numln tho lertlpuli! The fnnvrn! Huntm- nf Vv Tuesqu of [as gifts. Gut l Hill Hmdwmu NEW ADVERTISEMENTS anything tn 5‘0”, (:r if ynn Wit- tu purchase Swim-thing. hire hcip‘ (-11 try this “ NEW ADVERTISE‘IENT column. . ()l) D pxilltvd on “('51 Innuhnwnl â€"-.\l\\'2\ys 1m hand at Thu I Office. Hiuhmnlul Hill. price. lilmu‘y officv. 1‘ h llllllSl'S nL \\'ill<;\\'dnlo,Kilmsdulv. Sub close Lu Xunge St. side- walks. Haul i-lld Suft \Vx'lll‘l' in hulmu Furnace and Bull]. J. McKunziv. \\'illu\\'dulv. 214 uh. (I I) iillt‘lk‘t’ on Hallway sl ['he monthly nu-u umon‘s Imtilnto t'dht‘sflzlv t-f last “'00 Mrs. \Vnfln 'l‘iwln:1<. ntest. was lwld in whi v HH‘IH‘H‘IS mnk pm t. OL'SE TO RENTâ€"~Eight Hmm 1 Mick huusu (HI Kithmuml sll‘t't'l, Riuhmnml Hill. Hqu “11(15qu water. CleuLI-icnllylighted. Possessiun at :my linw. Apply. 1\Jla‘.\\'illiznus k Sun. Victorian SqlLuu‘. 2.3 (.1'. villfig :OR SALE.â€"First class np-hn-dn‘e cnul ln-nlm. Plicu right, apply [1) J. D;l\idsvn, High Suhnnl. 194.. f. ‘ AR PET \V E Muck sum“ Harrison, ( 21nd \vm-Ll. Ft shuns, Liluwu l (1‘ nins, Mullusi ~and Builml L rcusunnhlv pri hill, four 01d hm-sx above by damage-5 1 ‘ U R 11 :OR SALE.~T\\'U3 (lvl’. Apply [4 Riclllxmnd Hill. X Fur sale, 18 «lCl'L'S, with one eiglh mile frontage on Yong St, near Elgin Mills. ‘chcllent sml fine siluutiun, model-ale price. Ad dress B. cure Libclel office. 18 lf RAI DVERTISEM ENTS in this column lu-ing quick rvsults. If yuu lmvv anything tn 5‘0”, (:r if ynn wish unrr‘hnsv smm-thinu. hire “chi. (-112. L'TTE R, \\' R A PP}? RS in. ill of On the P l1 in. in the County of York, of Ontario, uccuuntunt, will the Pan-Humth uf Canada. 2H session [hereof for A Bill 5 frmn his wife Pearl Eva L‘ the City of Toronto in [he 1 Ymk. vainc: of Ontzu-ix grnuml (-f adultel}: Dated at Toronto In the pi Ontmin this 28111 day of 0R SALE 71in Bril NUCBATORS FOR SAL] vgg, HU vgg, (3U vgg Sims. :. fur quick sale. U. L. \‘ ‘ '1‘ RA Y E D 5 Ut‘l'Lhil OR SALE-â€"A1mmlwx ('f lmn; lumpsuml purlth lumps. ' 1w accn at The Lilwml Ufiicu A. D. 1914 0R SALE OR RENT Ill OS’I Mercer & Bradford 24 King Street \Vest 2.4 3:11 Solicitors for the Applicant ummlwrwmn. tn the xri 'H'Upulihlll. fnnvrznl nf 11w Into Mrs. r of \‘va-v tnuk plncu 11 If,‘ of last wcvk. gnud L H. pillkl'llnn IL ‘f drugs in his now: 0 on Railway sum-t :x‘ and suppliI-s le‘f' ni Gut [ham at. the li Pretty Calendars ST.~A hound [mm the pl'cluiSts cf the undersigm-d. It has qu IJlUWll mus. lu'mvn hip, and u tine is hm au'd Ltuuht l [he Conn Of'fict They SALEâ€"A set nf Encyclnpne- Britannica, :35 \‘ulnmt's, :15 nd us new. at [me-third IrnsL SuilszL- fur Puhlic Sclmul May he soon (ll, Tm- Lihurul 220 lf. JUIlth-l! SALE.â€"~Fn:'lxl horse. Hu/Jehurst, Elgin Mills Ill qu Th lUl‘ 3N (7)1‘10113 JI‘I.*'L"m- umlm-sigm~d “isht‘: inform the puhhu that he has hand 41 gnud supply nt‘ cuul, .1. Feeds uf all kind, 13mm, luteu uwul.Uil cake, Brewer's 1th on \‘ It’ “‘ pmvm lt- Tm‘nnt'o In the province of this 28111 day of November c’s Punt]. n-d Bunk (1‘1 cenhm iow Calendars at 'e an: lmlh useful ' :nw finished in plnlv sunk and lu-v \lity pad and siik > fnlhm-imz \iL-u's ll‘l mm x STR EE'L‘ FRONTAG E Maple lzltvnr-SS 1nd ltewmd nffered ‘\'i”k‘. 1h AVING. , Stnnp 4 Ull LhL [turd three \Vllt‘l’ [M upe ju use on Richlunnd J. Wright. 23 n1 Eva Lambert (If tuin the County of of Ontario, on the III; A131 given [11 the. city u of the train my nmrnn the cily 1e pn-mi Clmpm; mu'hun, ’ uny have My and [my u at car “I cm-n uniwd, nll uL a city uf Tun-ow Turk. vaiucc will apply In mln. at the next Bill of Divorce m Lumber! of Hlll Ht‘P Annie Ricllllmnd - Dune hy Langstulf ll 3 m Ix ll] Mn hum thi 3:101"! Hum \V right pair u pu pvr dhm u] If mmng clump uul uk [h 1h gull- lulu-r, Ill, IU‘ l‘hurn Ill)‘ Mu; M “It Iph 24H Tho I \\’nl k ul Ft idely, aid of sociva ‘ livn uf \anlld I olsvwlw (Ill tlwm will ht ‘wzl room in aid (If UH CUUXTRY LunNIc-n Building East. Tux-unto nmninnti froxlmu'nls “in ho Dorms xk ul the In day, Dec. 1 01' MW m iuly have I» n of [his uh] Iiku‘lht .‘whm'o tn cnnc ship h! Wm 3 WW . LEM ‘ fi’fifiéfififi-JJM“ ‘ "fiflm ‘abj Gfiud'gu‘wi Edd-13¢: C'ZS‘LBWWA "jfn‘ ‘ “‘-.»{‘r~."fi:r~r‘r-~‘u N§Wmfln?r‘fl"€7 PNEE? mm“ mm" ~‘ .‘I‘a‘u'W‘ ' "m ‘ M’ mm; SAMA SLAUS Was @006 Miami John Fisher & C0 Ult’il FARMS WANTED The Dorcas Club mt a full" nfl‘ «s m) thv third siun (if \[urkh If vnu have so]! write I (DIH'. \thn he dropped down our chimney. He ldt a whole lot 01 Toys, Games; and Fancy Goods, which he told us were for the little folks. Come in and see them. Outfits, \Noolcy Dogs, Rabbits on wheels, Rattles, Purses, China Tea Teddy Bears, D071 Cradles and C Drums, Horses, etc. Some that won’t sleep, and more some that are drc-sscd, 8:11 [I ‘odv. club will hold The finest choice of Xmas good “It Indivs Hf the village ur nllvnd and encourage vmk. This club is un- Innd any of the girls 02 to help with the \VUl'k. \\iH lw served in [In Shirts, all shades, from . . . . . . . . . Tics, the best we ever had, at. . . . Neck Scarfs, from. . . . . . . . Suspenders, different kinds, boxed Gloves, lined and unlined. . . . . . . . NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Checkers, The Dolls have arrivedâ€"all the types. x‘kiug Ill Mrs. Stirlin \' oral GflNGRETE HOUSE ThL omc now and get the best ‘ncivt 5‘ 1H rtV tn six- or fourth lelnirlu l3 (3 In ST A\ TI ill “1 in umk \V L’ E il-ls 11)::- and Dominoes, Table Croquet, . in [he Ull BlViSiflN - WHEY. Tho \Vedncsday, Ian MLL FURNISHING JRE all 1' Opens Inn-Hts N ESS Gerrard 81mph. 'l‘urontn. Our ()uLulngm- (-xpluins our superi- m-ilv in Equipnwnt. Stuff. Moth- mls and Rvsulls. Ynu are in- \ iLed Lu write for it if inmrested in the kind «If schnul work which linings lwsb success. Adm-ass \V. H. SHA\V, Pres. Next Sitting of Divnsum Court for ). 3, County OLYm'k, will be held in the Com-L Room. RICHMOND HILL _O\'_ Unmmcn’cmq at, WINTER SESSION Wi'lCt HULK \nnzu ' the ’1‘. F MMAHON \Vfi eve $1.00 t $1.00 to $1.00 to l£( lilsxTImI. BITS]- choice. 41h in Lanndrv arrxages Yungé :mt' umntu. Om ; our VSliller'l 1t r had. 91.00 will, H dnpm-t \.m 1915 and Our LlL'RK

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