RICHMOND HILL. 0x12. Du @112 ‘ï¬ihcml Mrs. visitvd Mvn's Undm-wmn'. “V full lino uf underwear in Me. tn $2.01) [)L'l' garment Dr; nut Advertising tn Spi‘lld :1 few days will Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Boy]. Reeve Punsloy INT Tuesday as part. of :1 dvpumliuu from Toronto and Ym-k Cmmtv tn nltrnd :1 Good Roads Convontiun in Chicago. Auk! The In ur‘cm-duncv with n stat :Innu-ll suhm-l llwt'lillg in ruml will be held rm \thwsduy. D1 BU. cnmuwnt-inu :It 10 a. m. notices Ll] [mud :It The Liberal Mr. Hulw‘s house at Elgin Mills was luu'mâ€"d tu Lln- gnmud Tuesday. MX'. Hulse was :uvnv at, the time. and little was saved. The cause of the ï¬re SI'L‘IIIS to he a m_\'slm~_\‘. Christmas (ands. calondmw. heâ€: garlands. doll-s, pictnrv hooks, lmuks of ï¬ction. pur‘ms. Christmas trees and (‘hristuuw decorations in great variety :It The Liberal ofï¬ce. ‘nr gonu‘ The children of Hupe Public St-huol purpose hulding thvir :mnuul Christ- masentm tnimm-nt on Mnndnyr‘vmming, the let (If December. Evel-ylmdy is Invited to come and onjny :\ leul treat. BeanLiful chixn is an ornament at all limos. hmk un-r the fancy :u-tivlvs «m (mr tables. lilï¬e (.dd pivces at ndd prices. that's what sells them. Atkin- son zm‘l Swilzu'. Mr. Percy Hill \\'hu spent several monflw in the C.m:ldinn \Vest re- turned Thursday. Mr. \Vyc l‘u'zsley has :Ilsn returned in spend tlw wintm- \vxth his uncle and aunt Mr. :md Mrs. \V. H. Pugsloy. \Ve “'nuld :lsk mn- stm-o-keepers, n1] HmsP who desire, spvcinl udvvrtising for (‘llliï¬tmus to smnl in (‘npy in gum] time. Dnn’t fail to lvt thv people knuw through THE LIBERAL what, you have to srll. New hunks :ll'PlX‘illg plzlcvdnn the shelï¬â€˜s :It lhv Puhiic Lilmnv, lm'. I'eudvl's am asked to return their books prumptly [n the nllutHl limo, us \II'. Alt-X B H ntth' 150an “My 11mm. As this is war your. many pa seem inclined to sund :I ngting A‘l' hunklet. neatly printed, to friends instead (If lhv usual vxpensive prvsunt. Sumo nice (10 may be seen at; The Liberal Ofl‘ice At. the municipal elections in Jun. Newmarket will vote on u hy-lnw {m- llle repeal of local uptiun. The rate- payers will also Vote on :1 lyy-luu mnâ€" pï¬sing to raise $5.000 fur the inlnlln- lion of hydru energy in that town. Many people have :1 st tiun to write Ln distant being busy llwv postpt from \hue Lu tiuuu \me ymu- Incul paper? ‘hem yum mm Send I lmlzmce uf this plan. vnvelupvs. A Chrislnms Two nni Entertain:- mvnt. will he held. in kulfnrd Mull:- udist Church nn the waning nf Tue-:- dzly. Dec. The prngi'unmle will misï¬t (If Chm-uses. Drills. Diulugues, RecitaLiuns,:L Tableau by ten wrung ladies, :\ Duet hy the Misses Fm tune and Helmkuy. :\ sulo by Miss M. Omn- isky. Prngramuie will cmumence at 8 p.11). Admission 25 cents. THURSDAY, Dec. lTâ€"Rm implements &c.. fun :22. Cu burn, the property nf R. 5 Sale at 1 p. m. 11 mm‘ J. H. PlenLice, Auct. SATURDAY. Dec. 19~Cred_it nf 40 head » sup;mrt<. Hln' [hum nn Richmnnd Hill Hnrdwme our :I [m LOCAL mm“: Dvc. 18â€"F; ments, &c.. 1M, 2â€. x the pyopel_ly of Mr Ruin-ck.- lli mom} Prentice, Auct. fresh milch and springers, some vnuug hulls, the property of Spark- hnll & Talbot, lot 3.Sc:u-buro, Agincnurt. Sale at, 1 o'clock. 8 mos. cred“. J. H. Prentice, Auct. II( “'il l' HL‘“'S 50$; Bnyle Hf Montreal is home w days with his parents live. sticks. pmks and <. Buvlhmn nmv fmm Lu limv. \\"h - Inca] paper? hum 52 numhel lhiw ymu‘ thru“ and we time, n-n, kiln dried AUCTION SALES H'll'. “'9 have :1 gnud wear 1n prices from rnrmenr. N. J. Glass. -nf Kindm’sh at Mr. L. B. hL-nnxiuus to loud lll of R. 5. Powers 11 nth credit on. 5. Markham. Hull. Sale at 1 5 credit. J. H. I‘ll) still insidc strung inc nt friends, pune lhl' \\'hy nut, B. Heim many pnoplr smmv llw [ml Sr-hCnR , Dt-m-mhm' ‘. Printed l‘l'il‘ Ot‘ï¬u. Christmas Ful-m stock . Cnn. 4. Sem- I'umme will . Diuluguw, ' ten yuung ses mene Fm-estvrs‘ \\'\-PK “3‘ s' Institute :hnrs the l ILk. imple- Mm‘khn ul. :he ladies clnl hing, ere-tables. HI nut. svnd ‘ $1 full with the 19H tho (Weir mmv signs in] ma- hut mil Ca 1'- St [UL ill Use. 1!). “this. ll] yards. Dhl)ULlH A Sunday buluml Jumm-mimnen will be given in the Methodist, chin-cl :IL Maple on Christmas night. leri will he drills, clml Hat's, umliun swings diulngues uud reciluLiuus by U; Scholars, and Llwir [minor Miss J):.:ll)_v TUHHIUL elnuuliunisl, will give ; number l-f selcuitms vk' hm mvn. ’l‘h pmgl-eumuu will C(lllllllt‘llct‘ at, U'clnck. The usunl admissith will I) Changed, namely 25 and 15 cums. A gloat Ll'l‘ilL is in slulu ful- whn “Lu-11d [he Lvugur- lie-XL MK t-vening. Mralnd Mrs.l‘.G.S_.\-;lgu kindly Imuwd their new Vic The inslnumenL product-s must L Site- {unesnhd Mr. Suvuge “505 the ï¬nest of xecmds. Lust Monday evvning “'0 11nd n terlainlnent LII ilwnuclivu and e. ing ('hnrncu'r. By the, kind,†Mr. Cruwhurst wu “’(‘l'p ‘u-ivilpg sr'e Lime Light \‘ivw: “1' u “in Purl; All,hl.l' to Fun 5i†see Linn- Light Vivws of .‘l inn frnm Purl; All,lu.l' 10 FUI‘L Simps‘vn. Amongst other \‘iexw displayed \wn' splendid mws Hf [he nmguiï¬umnt Scene: y nf [he mlle of the Fmsvrnlld of the ï¬ne buildings of the \Yt-stern cities. Making a Record At lho lelph \Vinter Fair. we unliced among the exhibits .1 hug (f wheat slmwn by Mr. R. S. inslnv uf Victoria Square. It had cnpllln-d [111' Fix-st l’xi'w ticket, and sincu lht‘n \Vv have learned that Lhis mmlv the 8th ï¬rst prize Wm] by Mr. Frishy in [he Field UrnpUnmpotilinn of thisyem‘. lie \vus ï¬rst in the stunding crop. then m. Tumult) fur slwnf and “limit, nt Ottawa: furshvuf and \vhvnhnlsn at, Maukhzml furshmu‘os :md uhout and lattclyzu Gu'lyh for \x‘hL-nz. Tlns is the ï¬z'stlune 11ml n'vlmvo known :: cpmpetvitor in the Fivld Comp-sum») m the ï¬rst tune that (\‘vlmvo known :1 cpmpetvitor in the Field Cnmpvxitinn h) Illilkt‘ :L record nf this kind. 1 wflvcts gloat credi.‘ on M 1'. Flishy I'm- the work he must mu 0 dune In thus sweep (hm-Rum- the many cmuputitnrs who uxhihitvd. \Vc congratulate him on his sucwss. York Choral Socieiy The crnmminvc of the Sncwtv is :I: last in a pusitinn Lu :lnnmmce dolinilq- ly the date (If thv ï¬rst CUIIL'L')‘[ hf 1h: chums, which will take place in tin Melhudht Chm-ch. Rlchmund Hill, In \Vednosfmv evening. Junum'y 13M), 1915. at 8.15 u’clnck. T119 pmgmnmw will (HHMiII thu “Dav ut Penilencv.†Guunud: "Th: MiHer’s \Vuning‘" Entun Fanning: : nth Miller’s \Vuning," Enlun Fanning; :ladios’ (:hmm, “Blnw. Snft \\'imls." Vincent; :1 uwn’s chums. "Uhmwll Mal-uh.†BPCkl'l'; sm‘urld unuccumpun- ii-d purl songs and (WU patriotic num- bers, us wvll ‘lS llu- \‘lhllll Solos uf My. Frank Converse- Smith and the tenor snlus nf Mr. \V. 1. Unpps. The ad. Inissinn will 1w 2.3 L‘l‘llls, l‘t’SUl'Vt'd seals 50 (H‘lllS. :md [he nvt prucvwls u'ill Im- (lrvutml In thL- Bvlginn lh-livf Fund. The plan nf the church will lu- npunutl tn tha- public in u fL'\\' (lays. Memlwrsnl‘ the churns will please tukv “mice thin only those who at- teutl the I'i-nzuining rehearsals will lw lnnl'lllillkll in Ink» nzu-t in the Cunccrt. L Christin uL \\’Ill be; tend the I'Iinzï¬inihg rehearsals will [wrmiLu-d Lu take part in the canoe 7 p. \n.â€"'L‘ The seam draws nan stead of th giving :L In Last Sunday the SnL-x-nmvnt of the Lord’s Suppel-wushuld at tho nun-n- ing sen'icv. Eightm-n new nwmhms werv received, making :1 mm! addition of ï¬fty-four fur [hr year. Among these were twu eldvrs Mr. Thus. Snulersand Mr. Neil leckt‘nziv. and others whose experience in church work elsewhere will make them nf great service. A meeting was held Lerizm munse Fridnv l ministers to discuss work for the winter. " it‘lâ€"eiChoir will meet, for pl Mr Newton's Friday evening 10, Vaughan. purpose holding their svcoud annual Christmas le‘e and Entertainment, In the Schuml-huuse, Lot 30, [ear of 5th cum. Vaughan, (in Tuesday Evening, December 22nd, commencing MS o’clock sharp. The programme under the managsuient of Miss McFai-lane, Teacher, will cnnsist of Reuitatinns. Dialogues. Songs, instrumental Selections. Physical and Military Drills, Sic. Santa Claus will appear as usual at the end of the pl'u- gramme and please all the little folks. Shooting Match shtmling nmlcll fur l ‘ Will we nvltlnL Chm-l 1ul‘Cuucm-dsLureJM-J of Reuitatiuus. Dialogues. Songs, instrumental Selections. Physical and Military Drills, Sic. Santa. Claus will appear as usual at the end of the pl'u- gramme and please all the little folks. Come one. come all and have a jolly good time. Mr. James A Cameron \Varden, will occupy the chair. Presbyterian Church Subjects fur Sunday Dec. 20H):â€" u.1n.â€"â€"I’vucv fur the tumbled Ill-ml Hllllé’lH .3 cents Tcsmn The, pupils and ex-pupi'ls (mu (rt 1 ll talent m Fridn )U ll] J Tux-gels will he (3 .u‘ds; and for shot No. 6 shuL will will commence uLl Christmas Night fthe mu :l high c142 to raising \V ed n t-sd Epwoxfm League ,y buhlml Emma-taimnent n in the Methodist, chm-ch l Christmas night. Then- â€"Tn\\- Mm mm fur L ll] Concord ‘ur Uln-istln 1116 Sunday Admissiun to hu in \ Chris a cute: t: fundsfn lV Dew SU nin hurry an»ch 1nd Id I“.an “cud ‘ m: fur those [lt‘XL Mundny :, 'Ih \dmi Lurkoy [st \t the Presby- ;t of 1111: local plans for relief n'ugv h‘u‘u Victrulu. IUSL exqui- usos unly ‘l't'd fur IUCill Relief Fund. ; thmnghuut :ivvn Pickure ickvnziv. mm :9 in church lkU them uf 801100]. inâ€" lmus 11-th is Iinuleut, with r pnm- wlivf 9ner 23rd. mys and Unl'ners. iutmduy. ecu-d fm- guns, 50 be used. BU [LII]. l'luilr .’uhliL actioc l‘lu Th 0 I)†u ml tlu LIBER prutl y hx-mvr \\'il [1 hnn sho‘ Mr. D Snpph‘ u1 l'f‘Silltâ€"‘lk‘t Hw uwmhms hxnk pm t. The \anen's Auxiliary 1 lehndist church mu! (m “'M afternoon (It lhu hume uf ‘ Unusins. Owing (u [h from the nmt quite a numln tho lertlpuli! The fnnvrn! Huntm- nf Vv Tuesqu of [as gifts. Gut l Hill Hmdwmu NEW ADVERTISEMENTS anything tn 5‘0â€, (:r if ynn Wit- tu purchase Swim-thing. hire hcip‘ (-11 try this “ NEW ADVERTISE‘IENT column. . ()l) D pxilltvd on “('51 Innuhnwnl â€"-.\l\\'2\ys 1m hand at Thu I Ofï¬ce. Hiuhmnlul Hill. price. lilmu‘y ofï¬cv. 1‘ h llllllSl'S nL \\'ill<;\\'dnlo,Kilmsdulv. Sub close Lu Xunge St. side- walks. Haul i-lld Suft \Vx'lll‘l' in hulmu Furnace and Bull]. J. McKunziv. \\'illu\\'dulv. 214 uh. (I I) iillt‘lk‘t’ on Hallway sl ['he monthly nu-u umon‘s Imtilnto t'dht‘sflzlv t-f last “'00 Mrs. \Vnfln 'l‘iwln:1<. ntest. was lwld in whi v HH‘IH‘H‘IS mnk pm t. OL'SE TO RENTâ€"~Eight Hmm 1 Mick huusu (HI Kithmuml sll‘t't'l, Riuhmnml Hill. Hqu “11(15qu water. CleuLI-icnllylighted. Possessiun at :my linw. Apply. 1\Jla‘.\\'illiznus k Sun. Victorian SqlLuu‘. 2.3 (.1'. villï¬g :OR SALE.â€"First class np-hn-dn‘e cnul ln-nlm. Plicu right, apply [1) J. D;l\idsvn, High Suhnnl. 194.. f. ‘ AR PET \V E Muck sum“ Harrison, ( 21nd \vm-Ll. Ft shuns, Liluwu l (1‘ nins, Mullusi ~and Builml L rcusunnhlv pri hill, four 01d hm-sx above by damage-5 1 ‘ U R 11 :OR SALE.~T\\'U3 (lvl’. Apply [4 Riclllxmnd Hill. X Fur sale, 18 «lCl'L'S, with one eiglh mile frontage on Yong St, near Elgin Mills. ‘chcllent sml ï¬ne siluutiun, model-ale price. Ad dress B. cure Libclel ofï¬ce. 18 lf RAI DVERTISEM ENTS in this column lu-ing quick rvsults. If yuu lmvv anything tn 5‘0â€, (:r if ynn wish unrr‘hnsv smm-thinu. hire “chi. (-112. L'TTE R, \\' R A PP}? RS in. ill of On the P l1 in. in the County of York, of Ontario, uccuuntunt, will the Pan-Humth uf Canada. 2H session [hereof for A Bill 5 frmn his wife Pearl Eva L‘ the City of Toronto in [he 1 Ymk. vainc: of Ontzu-ix grnuml (-f adultel}: Dated at Toronto In the pi Ontmin this 28111 day of 0R SALE 71in Bril NUCBATORS FOR SAL] vgg, HU vgg, (3U vgg Sims. :. fur quick sale. U. L. \‘ ‘ '1‘ RA Y E D 5 Ut‘l'Lhil OR SALE-â€"A1mmlwx ('f lmn; lumpsuml purlth lumps. ' 1w accn at The Lilwml Uï¬icu A. D. 1914 0R SALE OR RENT Ill OS’I Mercer & Bradford 24 King Street \Vest 2.4 3:11 Solicitors for the Applicant ummlwrwmn. tn the xri 'H'Upulihlll. fnnvrznl nf 11w Into Mrs. r of \‘va-v tnuk plncu 11 If,‘ of last wcvk. gnud L H. pillkl'llnn IL ‘f drugs in his now: 0 on Railway sum-t :x‘ and suppliI-s le‘f' ni Gut [ham at. the li Pretty Calendars ST.~A hound [mm the pl'cluiSts cf the undersigm-d. It has qu IJlUWll mus. lu'mvn hip, and u tine is hm au'd Ltuuht l [he Conn Of'ï¬ct They SALEâ€"A set nf Encyclnpne- Britannica, :35 \‘ulnmt's, :15 nd us new. at [me-third IrnsL SuilszL- fur Puhlic Sclmul May he soon (ll, Tm- Lihurul 220 lf. JUIlth-l! SALE.â€"~Fn:'lxl horse. Hu/Jehurst, Elgin Mills Ill qu Th lUl‘ 3N (7)1‘10113 JI‘I.*'L"m- umlm-sigm~d “isht‘: inform the puhhu that he has hand 41 gnud supply nt‘ cuul, .1. Feeds uf all kind, 13mm, luteu uwul.Uil cake, Brewer's 1th on \‘ It’ “‘ pmvm lt- Tm‘nnt'o In the province of this 28111 day of November c’s Punt]. n-d Bunk (1‘1 cenhm iow Calendars at 'e an: lmlh useful ' :nw ï¬nished in plnlv sunk and lu-v \lity pad and siik > fnlhm-imz \iL-u's ll‘l mm x STR EE'L‘ FRONTAG E Maple lzltvnr-SS 1nd ltewmd nffered ‘\'iâ€k‘. 1h AVING. , Stnnp 4 Ull LhL [turd three \Vllt‘l’ [M upe ju use on Richlunnd J. Wright. 23 n1 Eva Lambert (If tuin the County of of Ontario, on the III; A131 given [11 the. city u of the train my nmrnn the cily 1e pn-mi Clmpm; mu'hun, ’ uny have My and [my u at car “I cm-n uniwd, nll uL a city uf Tun-ow Turk. vaiucc will apply In mln. at the next Bill of Divorce m Lumber! of Hlll Ht‘P Annie Ricllllmnd - Dune hy Langstulf ll 3 m Ix ll] Mn hum thi 3:101"! Hum \V right pair u pu pvr dhm u] If mmng clump uul uk [h 1h gull- lulu-r, Ill, IU‘ l‘hurn Ill)‘ Mu; M “It Iph 24H Tho I \\’nl k ul Ft idely, aid of sociva ‘ livn uf \anlld I olsvwlw (Ill tlwm will ht ‘wzl room in aid (If UH CUUXTRY LunNIc-n Building East. Tux-unto nmninnti froxlmu'nls “in ho Dorms xk ul the In day, Dec. 1 01' MW m iuly have I» n of [his uh] Iiku‘lht .‘whm'o tn cnnc ship h! Wm 3 WW . LEM ‘ ï¬â€™ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬-JJM“ ‘ "ï¬ï¬‚m ‘abj Gï¬ud'gu‘wi Edd-13¢: C'ZS‘LBWWA "jfn‘ ‘ “‘-.»{‘r~."ï¬:r~r‘r-~‘u N§Wmfln?r‘fl"€7 PNEE? mm“ mm" ~‘ .‘I‘a‘u'W‘ ' "m ‘ M’ mm; SAMA SLAUS Was @006 Miami John Fisher & C0 Ult’il FARMS WANTED The Dorcas Club mt a full" nfl‘ «s m) thv third siun (if \[urkh If vnu have so]! write I (DIH'. \thn he dropped down our chimney. He ldt a whole lot 01 Toys, Games; and Fancy Goods, which he told us were for the little folks. Come in and see them. Outï¬ts, \Noolcy Dogs, Rabbits on wheels, Rattles, Purses, China Tea Teddy Bears, D071 Cradles and C Drums, Horses, etc. Some that won’t sleep, and more some that are drc-sscd, 8:11 [I ‘odv. club will hold The ï¬nest choice of Xmas good “It Indivs Hf the village ur nllvnd and encourage vmk. This club is un- Innd any of the girls 02 to help with the \VUl'k. \\iH lw served in [In Shirts, all shades, from . . . . . . . . . Tics, the best we ever had, at. . . . Neck Scarfs, from. . . . . . . . Suspenders, different kinds, boxed Gloves, lined and unlined. . . . . . . . NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Checkers, The Dolls have arrivedâ€"all the types. x‘kiug Ill Mrs. Stirlin \' oral GflNGRETE HOUSE ThL omc now and get the best ‘ncivt 5‘ 1H rtV tn six- or fourth lelnirlu l3 (3 In ST A\ TI ill “1 in umk \V L’ E il-ls 11)::- and Dominoes, Table Croquet, . in [he Ull BlViSiflN - WHEY. Tho \Vedncsday, Ian MLL FURNISHING JRE all 1' Opens Inn-Hts N ESS Gerrard 81mph. 'l‘urontn. Our ()uLulngm- (-xpluins our superi- m-ilv in Equipnwnt. Stuff. Moth- mls and Rvsulls. Ynu are in- \ iLed Lu write for it if inmrested in the kind «If schnul work which linings lwsb success. Adm-ass \V. H. SHA\V, Pres. Next Sitting of Divnsum Court for ). 3, County OLYm'k, will be held in the Com-L Room. RICHMOND HILL _O\'_ Unmmcn’cmq at, WINTER SESSION Wi'lCt HULK \nnzu ' the ’1‘. F MMAHON \Vï¬ eve $1.00 t $1.00 to $1.00 to l£( lilsxTImI. BITS]- choice. 41h in Lanndrv arrxages Yungé :mt' umntu. Om ; our VSliller'l 1t r had. 91.00 will, H dnpm-t \.m 1915 and Our LlL'RK