ceased Auctioneers torthe Countyo! York ales Intended to on shortest notice and atten- soz-abAa rates Patronage solicited Calls by phone or otherwise prompllv respv‘ndud tu JOHN R. CAMPBELL, BIaplo, _()nt. Phone No. 23. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Noth Toxoum. Special attention civen to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales a specialty. Fan-ms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to onshonebt. notice and conducted by the latest up-loâ€"date methods. Address: 239 Balliol St.1\'oxth Toronto. one in House. North 2292. PIANO TUNING Tel. M LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County (vf York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIO AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING &: PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMON D HILL , ONT. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Home Life Building Cor. Adelaide & Victoria Sts.. fol-onto. J. 153120011 Maple RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL IS PUBLISHED EVERY BHURSDAY MORNING 2X) BERESFORD AVE Phone Junction 72. A. Cam 'elnphnno, Main 31): knble Address. "Dedr NATION ) KING 5 fludorlnkors .k' thalmers. .‘. F. McMAHON. D. H. PINKERTON, V.S, Benton, Grover & Field GE. Lawrence J. Dunbar “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL Lawrence & Dunbar, ‘6 OFFICI DAILY VOLXXXVII. F- C. EGAN RESIDEICE Flrnt house north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. VETERINARY SURGEON, Phone No. 2402. Barristers,Solicitors. Notaries. «kc. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER BUSINESS CARDS . Barris.er goï¬n f7. 27auidson Saigeou & McEwen , Organs Repaired. Expert “'ork Btu-1' OFFICE AND RESIDENCE] per annum, in advance. VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL WRIGHT BROS. E112 gibml Cl‘hornhill. EDITOR. S; PUBLISHER: J. H. Prentice Iâ€"SITITE 3L TORONTO STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET “'EST istm-s erqq MapNaughton -\L TRUST (‘HAM BERS I‘ It. TORONTO. L‘uvmd; , Solicitor, Notat- nf Fl‘ licmr '(rex'al Furnishir , W EST TORONTO Natal-v. Etc Phone Main 2984 J K McEwen Weston at ' the Depzu tu Richmonq Hill Mouov to Loan onlandanucnanel mortgagesas nwest rates Auroraofliceâ€"Ren cum to the old post ofï¬oa one door wtst ot the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket orflwâ€"Thrae doors south of the ’1‘ HEEii-‘IE’L'LENNOX COMMISSIONER; (‘02\"VE\‘ LENNOX & MORGAN (IR()\\'.\'S AND BRIDG ES Ofï¬ce located in Standard Bank Build ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9302mm. m I) p.n) Dr. C. LaVerne Patnison Hm). Graulunh Dvntul Slugs-(m Richmond Hill Ill-1116 The Renov RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, DECEMBI H1 This schnnl stands lu-ud um ers above the mdinnry cnllvge and when THOROUGHNESS 0F TRA is considm-vd. ranks um Is considvn best on this cntuh Yonge and Chat Also agent for Frantz Vacuum Cleaner at. $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-date appliances that save time and work forthe House Wife. \VLVTER TERM OPENS JAN STRIKE FOR A BETTER 1’0 by taking :1 course in the P Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. THORNHILL 'ommissioner, Convoyancer. etc Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer 01' Marriage Licenses. Harris!“ 5 and solicitors. post omce NOTARY PUBLE; Electrician, Richmond Hill . A. NICHOLLS leIONER; CONVEY AN"EH. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance TORONTO, ONT. EDWARD FRANCIS WILLIAM COOK DO IT ELECTRICALLY Graduate Royal bards remuu ELLIOT NOTARY PUBLIC aï¬on . SANDERSON es Sts ()l'l' \vhi Aur ml in: nu on Fridn‘; of Neglected Orchards 1t In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials U W Royal Cnllegn Tux-mun. will lit m‘vl'y 'l‘uvsduv the‘n Illetin h are 0F TRAINI I†ELLIOTT. Principal G V I'IORGAN raping. clenmn cultivation an of cultivation ; and thinnin generously illue lustry mrt u‘ uest llll 1nd should- business [71,19 Expejri n Hmticu is given t 1h SPECIALTY POSITION Popular ld‘ivl 05‘ Nation It has 4th. tlu 2 an, and Hockey skates. sticks, pucks ankle» supports. Buy them nuw 1 The Richmund Hill Hurdwme L‘n Jefferson Public School RepJI-t fur Nov. and Dec. : Sr. IV.â€"â€"1Cdn~1 ()unwuth 593. Lulu Hoskin 541, Lillie? Dihl: 532. Sr. II[.â€""(/‘lillldi.‘| Legge 405. Fred 011111in 363, Harry Mulphy 249. Roy Dihl) 239. \VhiLty 236. Ernest t‘ Stewult LinLon 178. Plimer (u).â€"â€"-Dnuglzi Gmtie Column!) 226, Ch Gen-Hon Alchihled 173. Primer (1)).â€"I\I=1rtlm Freddie Brown 22!. Jul) Jr. II.â€"Almie (7h Al'chilmld 278. Zilp Uhrislinizt Ellinlt 144 Jr. I.â€"}lonwr Le and Ewes dining the B Season " It has hem} prepare: Reg. Ai-kell. B.S.A., Chief Division, and Norman St; This is an illustrate-d pnmphlt pages and deals will) the subjm discns<ion iii :1 cmnpl'ehensi' logical m'umor. lt mnlmd inst/i-uciinns (if a practical she} llmse \vhu would ilnprm‘enml i instructions those who \their flocks devoted to a lining :1 m Ott Hicks 1915 Almanac will he mailed to any :lddxess fm- 35 cents. You can get the almanac and the publisher's magazino, \de and \Vm-k. (mu yum- for 75 cents by leaving your order at this llfï¬CE‘. Many pimple mke H19 magazine, and Watch the storm pre- dictions. Jr. Il[.â€"â€"»1<‘lmonce Hazlehurst 656. Huwzu'd Slllill'L “U. Sr. II.â€"-Ella Di Conwulh 430, Ce George Linton 25G Flownoe McMahon lining :1 number of avoided in sheep l'ni this pamphlet may Innkingnpplicutinn to Branch. Department Anniversary services of Square Methmjist Chl-ll‘cll :lf‘Lt‘l‘llUUl] and evening Jun.3rd. Mr. O.L. \VI-ighl‘s Ros» (‘omh Rhoda Island Reds have won again. Last week at the N9\Vll1:ll‘k(:L Poultry show he \vnn six prize-s, cnpuning two firsts. ' Pamphlet Nu. Gnut, Divisinn Branch is (mum 4th nf January. The l tifnlly ï¬nished. and credit on the hnildu-s. ( the Bmu-d of Education Rev. J. .1. Reddilt, assistant steward for the past sewn ymrsub the Molhud- ist Bank Room. died at his residence in Tm-(mlnnn Suturduv alter a Inllg illness. He was uwidely knnwu ï¬gure 1n Canadian lehudism, and held charges at, \Vhilhy. Oslmwu, Scnrhorn, I’nrkdale.Sl‘.L-lhurne. Bmmp- tun, Uxhridge. Barrie and North Ynnge street church. Tornnln. He leuvvsnwife, two sisters and three brothers. Two moms in the new Punlic Schnnl building will hu ready for occupancy when Suhnhl re. opens on Monday. the 4th nf January. The mums are beau- tifully ï¬nished. and l'l’flt'Ct lllllCh credit rm the hnildu-s. decorators and CM News One Milar a year in ï¬nance mmm A Sheep Bulletin Victoria Square Ella Dibl) 467, Catherine 430, Cecil MOI-L50!) 287, “Oil 256. Harold Dihb248, cMahon 227. Annie (llnMne 373, David 278. Zilplm Topper 20L Hicks Almanac H.â€"Dnuglus thl) The L munhcx r Legge rnest Am ;. sticks, pucks and Buy them Imw fqun Hm. Jnhnsm) 2G7 Juhn Clubinc lSU. vf the Sheep and the Live Stock Care of 1119 Ram r the Breeding -n prepzned by '1‘. h, ChiL'f (If lhe sing he "flu ncluding j )f “Doan' pmcti again. Last Poultry Show Ipllnmg two tho, Victnriu will he held on Sunday, ensi , a ubudies t shepherd 1nd incre: Puhh ':\ti()l)s Agr ulturv, hibuld Stunsriuld Dibb Liberty; in all things, Charity.†uf 16 under ‘ and s the gnos 2&1 202 189‘ Every new subscriber in (Junudn \vhn svmls $2.27) for lhu ï¬fty~Lwo weekly issues of 19l5 will 1-vceive free all the issues (.f (110 paper fur the re- maining weeks of 1914; :llm The Cum- puniun Home Cnlemlurlm-15115. The Yuulh‘s (,anpanlun, 11-} Berkeley SL, strutttiu- [ Ashcroft, ; instrument dainty lur puniun Home Cnlendurfm-1915. The melh‘s ljnmpuniun, 114 Berkeley St., Boston. Muss. New Subscriptions 1e- ceivvd at this ofï¬ce. The Jefl'elsnn Schu-l hv‘d a Public clnsing on Tuesday nftenmun Dec. 22nd. An interesting programme cnusisling ut' retritutiuns, songs, choruses and musical selections was furnished by (hp pupils. The attend- ance was gond cunsidm-ing the stormy :lftm-nnmn, :Im] the programme was much (*njuyed by all. At the Muse a treat was pnm‘ided fur the children. Many of the best. stories and anec- dotes that, yun hmu- repeated by ministers and other pulnlic speakers ccme from The Youlh’s Companion. A yuung mun \vhn wishes to make his couw-r-sntinn entertaining nr 10in- crease the vtfectivenes-s of an argument can du no better than Lu study these witty and :1ng stories in The (Inm- puninn. - Thrse me just tmw particulars in whix'h The ()umpzmiuu excels, and they are by no "mum [[19 only (mes. If youdu not knmvThe Cnmpunhn, let us send you nno ur twu tun-cut issues. with Lho Forecast fur 1915. Every new subscriber in (Junndn \vhn Snuds $2.27) for lhu ï¬fty~Lw0 Inn “'0 [IN 11L Ml and a Liberal in pulitics. lie was a church trustee, and fur many years. before instrumental music was pnpnlar in churches. he Was procentnrin the old Prrshyterian church. Deceased was furmenly a member nf the Town Council, and fnl many years \Vas treasurer of the Masonic Lodge in this village. A largo floral wife-ring in the casket bore evidence nf the esteem in which he was held by his Masnnic brethren. The fnnexal on Sundav was hugely auendmlanany old frin-nds being present from a distancv. Btfnre conveying the rvmains to the last resting place in the family plnt a short service was cunductod at, the hmise by his pastor, Rev. R. Herhisun. The sun'iving sons and daughth are Gidunn and Rnhert, Sarah (Mrs. \Vm. Vandelhnrgh) Florence (MKS. Mc- Donald) Jes<ie, Isabel and Margaret. others. and urges the importance of consuiting a physician whenevm- the indicuLiuns are obscure or disquieting. He rccnumwnds certain thing; [v be (lune in cases ufucciLk-nt befoxe the dnclm' :u'l hos. Auuthw fvutux-e hf Value is tlw duc- tm"s weekly tulk nu gen.ng well and keeping so. His EldVlSE' is sound and pnuzLiL-ul. He- suggests remedies for minor ills, describes the symptoms of ï¬nu years ago, since which time he had been in failing health, and gradually grew weaker until lhv end (TillllP. Mr. Moodie was horn in Edinburgh, and came to this cnumry in the year 1854. After residing in Ton-unto almut fullr yems he lived fm-a time at Elgin Mills and Patterson, and \vent into business as :1 nwrchant in Richmond Hill in 1872, in the place where he died, the store living known as "The British Flagstaff." retiring last yeax. In 1860 he married Euplmnia Hislnp. In re- ligion Mr. Mundie was a Presbyterian. and a L‘hel-al in militias. He was a The re." l‘hnrnhill Institute the' Menu Mrs. Aik: Thele will Another of Richnu 9st“)de citizens pus Thursday, Dec. 17. in th‘ Mr. Alex. Moodie in his His wife predeceased him On ‘hr. The Jefferson Schm-l lwld mng on Tuesday :nftexm lid. An interesting p11 twisting of L'ecitutiuns, The Aiter=Dinner Story-Teller Melhodis Aikvnh 0. \ DEATH (3F MR. MOODIE 'om she u' nmnthlv Brunch nf )1 Thomhili Jefferson Richmond nae: l_v 31124. 191.4 Lichmond Hill passed :uvu in the person ( his 853m your him about “no xt Sur :hnmn nffl Tl “petition The next my 1:311) ddre w i f the (l in Mrs M 1's Hill Mrs xill ill In ALSO H ANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 86 W. Scranton Hard anl. and Kennel-Coal “None better†Order now Manitoba. Oats Wheat, Buckwheat, SWER 81. RAMEH Also Good Bran and Shorts Different Varieties of Ensil- age Com at the Elevator A good supply of URlTY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES A pair of glassoe fur Mother or Father is :L seusonuble present for Christmas. NO MATTER \V'HAT STYLE 0F W. A. SANDERSON Perfume and Toilet Re- quisites for Christmas Presents 1n abun- dance DRUGGIST Year. And may 19I5 bring to all a very Merry Xmas and a Ha To Our Many Friends and Patrons We heartily Wish you Acme of Prosperity, D. Hill 86 CO, Puhtic Attention Health and Happlness. Nu chzngv for testing the eyes Nu tumble to Show the goods If 01' 14011505“ [Single copies, 3 cts. it has mmit we have it and yours tn YOU DESIRE Sincerely for the Chickens Cracked Corn . .AND.. RICHMOXD HILL