Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Dec 1914, p. 3

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Great Inlprovcnmnts Have chon , Made on It by (110 (LEE. The recoud of‘improvemenrts ef- fected on the Dominion Atlantic Railway, which the Canadian Paci- fic Railway leased in 1911 for 99 ’earis shows that new wharves have een built; 45 miles of new track have been ballasted; 30 miles of new 85~pound rails have been laid clown; 120 cattleâ€"guards have been filled and replaced by surface uards, while dozens of bridges lave been either improved or re- built. In round figures, 6‘000 feet of wooden bridges have been reâ€" placed, or will be replaced very shortly, by steel bridges, concrete arches, and rail top culverts. New brick stations have been built; a, general renovaltion has taken place, costing many thousands of dollars. The new stations include those at Wolfville and Annapolis Royal, M0- sherville, Pattenson and Iberville. During the past two years 35 sta.~ tidns have been repaired and paint- ed, and platform-s have been erect- ed. A new line from Cenbrcville to Wcston, 14 miles in extent, has been built in the most substantial man- ner, Both permanent. work and the lighter things which needed atten- tion have been carried out; and to- day the old Dominion Atlantic looks spick and spanâ€"Jocks as if it had taken on a. new lease of life. Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Family When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th.â€"At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St., would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. “My first attacks of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull, gnawing pain has been present.‘ When I exertâ€" "ed myse If I caus‘ able. I nothing lief that Plus of I stead of to-day I petite, sl have‘ cheek thank grand Piusf Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by maily posst paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes 501‘ $2.50 by wmting direct to the Dr. Williams’ Medicine~Co., Brockville. Ont. aches have gone, my appetite is good and I am equal to almost, any exertion, and you may be sure I will always recommend Dr. Wilâ€" liams’ Pink Pills.” comes to an \\'n( Mandrake and Bl t-hus developing strong: rugged bONS and girls. Miss Anna, Loseke, Grand FOI‘kS, B.C.,' says: “I think that before taking Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills I was one of the most miserable girls alive. I was hardly ever free from awful headaches, was as pale as a. ghost, and could not go upstairs without stopping to rest. Now since taking- the Pills the head- Every woman sh regularly, because and it’s good, vi; PALE AND 310m BUYS AND GIRLS, to experiment with for there must be the treatment of an‘ neglect or wrong min, gradually (level uicious form which Need All the Strength That Good Red Blood Can Give Ypu’oh is the time to lay the foun- dgltlon for health. Every boy and ‘gn’l should have plenty of pure, lted Mood and strong nerves. With thm, lmpure blood they start life with a handicap too great to win S‘llC'CCSlfi means healthful growth. Strong nerves, 3. clear brain and a goof] digestion. In a word, pure blood is the foundation of health. The signs of thin. impure blood are many and unmistakable. The pale, irritable boy or girl, who has no appetite or ambition, is alwa)"S lured out. melancholy, short of breanth, and who does not grow strong, is the victim of anaemia, or and Imp] means I nerves, 4 digestion the foum DOMINION self it was te lght cold the 1 I used mos ; gave that ce it came from f Mandrake a] I being bowet I am strong. ( sleep soundly eeu instilled are rosy v that day tha a medicine a appmc 7 because good heal 1 good. vigorous hen ) all who use Dr. H: whlte 1s terribly intensified. the pain was unendur- most everything, but at certain grateful re- from Dr. Hamilton’s ;\'I‘I..\ N 'l‘l(‘ R . R. and Butternut. In- ed down with pain, . enjoy splendid ap- Iy. Lost properties .1 into my bloodâ€" with color, and I lat I heard of so as Dr. Hamilton's 11 PE ll man 5 1‘ E ulth mu: awing exertâ€" sified. pi! Day on my hat to every mother’s srm that is there. I should have thought that the recruits to the new Army would have exceeded the sec-owl million by now, and yet they don't Seem to have got the first com- pleted yet. If they could only take the youth of England on a personâ€" allyâ€"conducted tour along our lines here so that they could realize what we are up against, I think they‘d join in a body; but. failing that. the best way to buck them up would be a hundred thousand Germans Landing in England~ I don‘t sup- pose they’d get very far, still-they would bring home to the smug;r armâ€" chair brigade as nothing else ever will something at least of the awful may in which Belgium and part of France has suffered. Those who are out here are doing miracles. . In the meantime. how ever confident one may be of the result. we are still a. long way off than; salvation, and the present bat tle is still nagging backwards and forwards as fiercely as ever. As you said in your other letter. the old Scottish have done splendidly, and I am afraid, have lost r'ather heavily, but there isn’t one regi- ment in the firing line that is doing better than one another; they are all doing fdheir best, and a splendid besrt, too. Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, patent solicitors, Montreal, report that 105 Canadian patents were is- sued for the week ending Dec. lst, i914, 70 of which were gmamted ’00 Americans, 21 to Canadians, 8 to residents of Great Britain and colo- nies and 6 to residents of foreign countries. Of the Canadians who received patents 13 were residents of Onâ€" tario, 3 of Quebec, 1 of Alberta. 1 of Nova, Scotia, 1 of Manitoba, 1 of British Columbia, 1 of New Bruns- wick and 1 of Saskatchewan. Husbandâ€"It seems shrapnel has been the of the casualties. Wifeâ€"But, George, isn’t he a. war correspondent, not a, general. Easy to Please. New Girlâ€"“What does your fa- t‘her like for breakfast?” Little Mabelâ€"“He always likes most anything we hasn’t got.” Sea Dog: Lord FisIhe-r tthree, *brearks turning to ac earlier half c there was no tirement in t} captains well st-ill anflousl tion. In 1840 eve list had held post gar. Admiral Bc Devonport comma Near. Lord Dund~ INFORMATION FOR INVESTORS MINARD’S LINIMENT fifty MINARD'S LINIMENT MINARD‘S LINIMENT Sussex my5( lies offI something equalled of bygone horde of these g on old England think anything arouse t1 the thing thin in S( the trenc hard to k very thin per Their Achim'mnont "as .var Burn I‘lqllflllt‘d. Hallifax. ANDREW KING. {Wsz chrfegjfigjjgute Bronchitis by Markham, Ont came ingdom. ’ ’ In nmmnders were Sh£ ht An officer rrps wntes You know. u ry ago and put KIIAKI LINE OF HERO} 3'0 11 And Food at War Prices. -â€"â€"Be mine. I cannot live 1!] on the hind the ' hat to there. cured of Acute Rheumatism by deck OUJ‘E “'RS them A Technical Error. I) 0:3 LS sever Admam )11 IKE-COL, C. CREWE READ Lakefield. ode line that 1-1 n th fier 16 no ag mm s in the 1'82“ ll or” r Rheumatic Gout .1513 r 01‘ )1 a ny Yours. who \V a ut 1d but that will the awfulne he thin (very, 10k 1056 ck. 101' my wm' nches, and I tak e‘l‘y motnher’s so: mld have though to the new Arm the thin I am no 11‘ s only seventy records in re rvme. In th th e n nme w. rf the e days at to me that cause of most system ( Army khaki line ‘0 is fluht th e S. BILLING , Oct. 9. 1907‘ DGVE l] a \W 111d Ln 11C. .ondo naval the when 1t 1d ns‘ ey. u- er ul of 10 A generation of mothers has found no soap so well suited for cleansing and purifying the skin and hair of infants and children as Cuticura Soap. Its absolute purity and re- freshing fragrance alone are enough to rec- ommend it above ordinary skin soaps, but; there are added to these qualities delicate yot effective emollient properties. derived from Cuticura Ointment. which render it; most valuable in overcoming a. tendency to distressing eruptions and promoting skin and hair health. Cuticura Soap and Oinbâ€" ‘ moot sold by dmggists and dealers through- out the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free. with 32~p. book. Address post,- 1 card “Cuticura, Dept. D, Boston. U. S. A.". The weight of the machine has necessitated an elaborate landing chassis composed of numerous springs and pneumatic tubes. so that the huge biplane can alight safely on rough ground at- a speed of sixty miles an hour. The Sikorsky can carry almost as many passengers :as a Zeppelin airâ€" ship. Twenty men can be accom- modated in the large passenger ca.- _bin‘ which is constructed of metal and contains numerous windows. In this machine three engines are fitted, which give .a, total of nearly 1.000 horsepower, for, owing to the Sikorsky biplane weighing in itself one and a half tons, and having so large a. crew to carry. it; demands high power to pull it off the gnound and keep it in flhe air. Sikorsky Biplanos Are Able to Car- ry Twenty Passengers. A good deal has been heard con- cerning the British and German aeroplanes, but the great Sikorsky biplanes used by the troops of the Czar have been overlooked. These machines, invented by a famous Russian named Sikorsky, are by far the biggest aeroplanes bein‘ flown in tlhe warâ€"in film, they ar the largest, in the world. They stem 16 feet- high and are about 100 fee wide. ' Cutting corms with a. razor is danger- ous and useless. The only remedy in Put- nam's Corn Extractor. which removes corns and warts in one day‘ Became tun th n i‘ He Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Barge! In Cowa‘ appeared in small pimples and broke into red inflamed sores. They were very itching and when my clothing rubbed against them I was in great distress. I lost my rest at night and was much disfigured by the erup- tion. The eczema was so had that I grew thin and lost my appetite. My hands. arms, face and various parts of my body were covered with an itching. burning erup- tion of sores and though I took many com- mon and much recommended remedies they failed to do any good. " I used Cut-icura. Soap and Ointment and after about three weeks I was completely healed. I take pleasure in recommending them to any other needy sufferers from eczema or other eruptions of the skin." (Signed) Miss Bertha Allan. May 23. 1914. Manslaughter in Second Degree Suffered Over Two Years. GrewT'nI'n and Lost Appetite. Itching, Burn- ing, Sore Eruption. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Completely Healed. umy Happiness cannot e real thing is t‘ an zed N SEEM {3531931338 FHUWI [CZEMA met hlm Samples Free by Mail RI'SSIA'S AIRSIIII’S. George St, Samfa. er two years with c Th 0 and safe bottle at the 0th ed his ‘ when I Scone Was Fu all «leaders too On Ont ISSUE 52â€"‘14. t‘h counterfelt nuy If 1d utvna‘m’s an l‘ECO ,lldn 510k are hand feet E1! en Tailorâ€"“This lbill has been run- ning ior a, long time. I’ll have to begin charging you interest.” Owensâ€"“It’s against; my prin- ciple to pay interest on my bills.” Tailorâ€"“Well, pay the principal “They rounder '_U v " just Eye Commrl At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine [ya SalveinTubesZSc. For Bookoilhe Eyeficcask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy (20.. Chicago Cures Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Tight Chest and Hoarseness. It’s when sickness .comes at night, when you are far from the druggist or -the doctor, that‘s when you need Nerviline most. Experienced mothers are never without it. One of the chil- dren may have toothache. Without Nervilineâ€"a sleepless night for the entire household. With Nerviline the pain is relieved quickly. It may be earache. perhaps a stiff neck, or one of the kiddies coughing with a bad chest cold. Nothing can give quicker results than vigorous rubbing with this old-time family remedy. ‘ ' Nerviline is too useful, too valuable to be without. For lumbago, lame back, sciatica or neuralgia there is no liniment with half of Nervillne’s pow- er to penetrate and ease the pain. As a family safeguard, as some- thing to ward off sickness and to cure the‘rninor ills that will occur in every family, to cure pain anywhere, you can find nothing to compare with old- time Nerviline, which for forty years has been the most widely used family remedy in the Domi. ion. The most economical size is the large 500. fam- ily size bottle, small trial size 250. All dealers sell Nerviline. Tailor then.’ ’ 30m E;;"::a';,: sure to Sun.l Owensâ€"“No; it’s agqinst my in terest to pay the princ1pal.” Explorat have indie; fields contam the rest of V011 Magic IT RELIEVES EVERY EXTERNAL PAIN. Two Iri a hot daV exchange Cd Frenchman. In the 11636 War ’th is said': were fired for every 'life fl quxckly rcnevec E EyeRemcdy.Nc just Eye Con n0th w rltln Mlnard's Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Mlnard's Llniment Cures n. 'Ju Ready For Him Both Ways. ll'll 11 GIN l'lll “Serviiino” (‘llres Toothache. Emache Llnlmem Cums Colds. an. Reckless Wasflo. say Spent B. 1' m Slu he a-t ane e “'0! h _\' ztiv Grams that litt 0rd )1 into One In to Kill mt xtravag SRYS 1nd friendzs xpendtture fled E that XI Distemper Dlphthena cum bull $1186 0 » J 000 b u f requexnl‘cly me from, in fil com ml t, 11 )lnf 81'1ng ma 1113: n rd Mink Indian many on rt- m 0 nth so I‘V'eT “a n 1 t1 1nd 111a 7-m- 11nd who the {LI 3J5 1d Engine, shafting, belting, pulleys, ,etc. from large factory for sale. \Vhee-lo‘ck engine, 18 by 42, complete with cylinder frame, flywheel, hear- ings, etc, all in good condition. Shafting from one inch to three inches, pulleys thirty inches to fifty inches, belting six inches hp twelva incheS. Will sell entire or in part. S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto.- Machinery Mr Sale Don’t meddler write HfW borne SL. H. W. DAWSON. Colborne St. Toronto. GAMER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ‘ ETQ. internal and external. cured With- 0!.” pain by our home tranunent. Write us bpforo too late Dr. Bellman Medical (‘n T‘mitml Fo‘liv‘nzwmnd, Ont ATENTS H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Toronto. OELERSâ€" F YOU WANT TO 131 Highest grade beans kept whoh and mealy by perfect baking retaining their full strength Flavored with delicious sauces They have no equal. PDLSOH '“Ef‘mflgfiKs‘ronomo New and Secon:l-h:1,nd;f and power purposes Flumes. TANKS AN! STAGKS. Stands in a class by itself as a remedy for Stiffness, Rheumatism, Swellings, Wounds, Sprains, Neuralgia. &c-. &C- lg The Turner Co. Lim That’s the way to keep your Musclesâ€"Supple and Strong. You should always keep ,1 bottle of British Army Linimmt in the house. British Army Lmlment Engineors and Shipbuilden. N0 REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. 0F INVENTIONS PIOEON. PIGEON 6: DAVIS 1m St. James St.. - Montreal Writ. tor IniormatIOn ’larshmc and Pliable or: FARMS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ron ‘ku pzr hasn’t as As hard ' \as Steel/ low and; for he_a_ting oéee. Water AND SMOKE got Y 0R, SELL A )1‘ Dairy Farm. mpton. or 90 Col~ Colhorno Street, )T

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