THE LIBERAL and Family Herald S; Weekly Star . . . . . . Farmers Advocate . . . . . . Canadian Farm . . . . . . Weekly Sun . . . . . . . . . . “’ITH MAGAZINES THE LIBERAL and Ladies’ Home Journal. . . Red Book McClures The Delineator . . . . . . . . Munsey . . . . . . Quiver ...... . .. Word and “'orks‘ with Hick's Almanac. . . . The Liberal has good clubbing rates with the principal daily and weekly papers, and the popular 11mg azines. Why not subscribe at The Liberal ofï¬ce forall your papers at reduced rates. We club with the following and can get you any paper you wish 2â€"â€" THE LIBERAL and Daily Globe . . . . . . . . Daily Mail and Empire Daily World . . . . . . . . Daily Star . . . . . . . . . . Daily News . . . . . . . . . 1h :1 week of ghopping. with all its strain, you will not find a better gift than a yoai’s subscription to The Youth's Companion. It offers its service. its clean entertainment, its ï¬ne snggestivenrss week after week: and the end of the year, which ï¬nds many a gift in the athc. dust, covered and forgotten, hi ings The Companion again, with all the the charm of last Christmastide. No American monthly at anv price Offers the same amount of readingand none (an oifer better quality. Loss than ï¬ve cents a. week provides this best: of Christmas ginsâ€"$2.25 a yea] . If you subscribe now, all the remain- ing issues of the year will he sent f; on, and The Gmnpanion Home Calendar. A copy of the Calendar is also sent to those who make a gift; subscription. Send for sample Copies, and the Fore- cast fo1‘1915. The Youth‘s Companion, 144 Berkeley St, Boston. Mass. New Subscriptions received at. this Oï¬ice. Clubbing- Rates Ideas on Christmas giving are rapid- lv changing among the sensible. Those who think as they give are lonking for :1 year-round service as the important thing. ... n The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac, now ready. gruws more popular and useful with each passing year. It is a ï¬xed necesmty in homes“ shops and cum- mercial establishments all over this continent. Thi$ famous and valuable year book on astronomy. storms, “ealher and earthquakes should he in Every home and ofï¬ce. Professor Hicks completes this best issue (If his great, Almanac at, the close of his seventieth year. The Almanac will be mailed for 35 cents. The Irl R. Hicks ï¬ne Magazine" \Vox-d and \Vm-ks, is sentone year. with a copy of his Al- nnmac. for only one dollar. Send for them to \Vord and W'm-ks Publishing Company. 3401 Franklin Ave†St. Louis. Mo. You will never regret yuui- investment. Try it, for 1915. It is to ho regretted that a larger number of young men are not attend- ing strictly to the semi-weekly drill. There is only an average attendance of shout twenty drilling. This num- ber will have to be doubled belore the company receives rifles from the Government. An irregular attend- ance is not only unfair to those who come every evening. but it is unfair to the instructors who come up from the City. Remember duty calls you. Let every person who calls him- self a good citizen endeavor to attend the public meeting in the Lorne Hull next Monday evening for the nomi- nation of Reeve, Councillors, and School Trustees. The Liberal extends to itsreaders and friends Christmas Greetings and best wishes for the New Year. RICHMOND HILL. ONT When remitting EDITORIAL lrl R. Hicks 1915 Almanac WITH WEEKLIES The Christmas Thought WITH DAILIES 'l\ ooaocon-cI-c lincator 1nd Works‘ with 7. F. McMahon. Liberal Oflice, Richmond Hill, Out. addre‘ DEC. 24. [DH ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 F. J. WUDWARD PATRONAGE SOIICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED F. J. WUDDWARD. 8HOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPEEIALTY Frame cnttnge. electricliqhtml and in ï¬ls‘o clrns‘; repu’r. “79 will rent, this house. which is 119m- Yougu St., at $10 per month. Buy or hatch at one time all the chicks you will need for the year. Then with the Candee Colony Brooder, raise 300 to 500 in one flock in one houseâ€"attend only one heaterâ€"buy coal for but one ï¬reâ€"and save labor, fuel, chicks and money. Because it is coal burning and self-regulating and gives the chicks a correct beat all the time, you will raise the biggest per- centage of your birds with no worry, no trouble and at an expense of but a few cents a day for coal. contiguously, and the Candee heater requires attention only once or Mce a day. . , a: .i GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley Every thing about the Candee is big. Its grate is 12 inches in diameter, a safe size; its hover is 28% inches highâ€"as high as a table or deskâ€"and 13 feet 7 inches in circumference; the section of its hover, that swings around out of the way for tending the fire and cleaning, is 38% inches wide and gives plenty of room for the operator to get to the heater. And best of all, its heater is all cast iron, built for real business and to last a lifetime. It comes to you all assembled ready to set up and put to work. Its guaranteed all~woven-wool felt curtain extends nearly to the floor, and positively directs the heated air down over the backs of the chicks; and it saves fuel because, with the felt curtain, you don’t have to heat the whole room to keep the chicks warm. With the Candee, there is no danger of your buildings catching ï¬re â€" it has a special safety grate shaker and a sealed base that prevent hot coals falling into_the ligteg. l_ts cpal magazine feeds the fuel to the ï¬re evenly_ and You are invited to visit my poultr; plant to see the Candee Colony Broader, and to see for yourself why it will save you labor and fuel, raise more of your chicks and increase your proï¬ts. Ol](‘flC1'l‘. 43560 square feet Hf land in Richnmnd Hill. Will) (-1- Pctriclight and gum] sidewalks n! the prnpm‘ty. A cash [nun :II the ‘bl-npm‘ty.‘ A mont hf $50 is all that ('d. [Imbalance to suit Eggs Day-01d Chicks Breeders $1700 six-11man] huge in ï¬rst-class rv lights with ï¬xtm' Snmll cash puynn like rent. I have for sale sevvml now houses. mndm-n in every (le-tnil. some of whit-h (rm he lmnght at right prices. SW my list of houses wanrv you decide, it will [my you I PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AGENT a RICHMOND HILL Raise 300 to 500 Chicks 4 in One Flock E. GLASS Murlgugvs Bought Monvy lo Lon: 19. B. OLIVER, Agent with ï¬xturés [sh payment With the ï¬g Coal-Burning Cast Iron Coiony Broader TILDING LOTS FOR REEF Phone 36 HOUSES l'r'puil 1‘21"“ is I-t-quix you. '. electric inclndvd. lmlunce ll now detail. edit at 3â€, commencing notices on hand gifts. Get, [hm-n. at, Hill Hurdwzu-e Cu. will he held on \V In necurdnnce with a 5‘ annual sclmnl nu-eling in rm Kodak»: and supplies are nice Xnms FURTHER we will be able to obtain the maximum efï¬ciency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our purchasing and sales departments u: we can reach an output of 30,000 cars between the above dates. AND should we reach this productlon we agree to pay, as the buyer’s share, from $40 to $60 per car (on or about; August 1, 1915) to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between August 1, 1914, and August 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices .and proï¬t-sharing plan, see the nearest Ford Branch or Dealer. Effective from August 1, 19(4. to August I, 19x5, and guatanteec} against any reduction during that time. at M. Davison, Unionville, Cut. Dealer for Markham, Scarbox'o and York Townships znd part of Vaughan dn?sduy. De 10 :1. In. The Liberal Buyers to Share in Proï¬ts £0er Prices on Ford Cars the Richmond statue- thr 'Ct‘lllhl‘l Printed Oï¬â€˜ic‘ Touflng Car Runabout Town Car hauls F. O. B. Ford. Ont. In the Dominion of Canada only GA. McDONALD & SON shapes and sizes Oflicc some “le fanhxismms gifts {mm 10 writing paper and onvulupesjn newest 75 cents \Ve are showing at THE LmEml Richmond flili Annex TO EVE RYON E TONI, ONE!in MERRY CHRISTMAS of Canada. Limited Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmont and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Stationery For Sale 011 Easy Terms \VE “'ISH A VERY nt' unusually npetorios suituhlt choice $590 540 840 In Marble m- Grnnitv. Gund wmk. roasnnuhle charges. Town 01' Country. \Vrite, 1-3 m Monuments. Markers and Corner Posts. Tombstone Lettering \V. A. JONES, :32 Buchanan St.. Turnn t n