Ellie RICHMOND Hrer L).\’T.. DEC. 24. 1914 For general war news see inside pages' Pocket Diaries at The Liberal Oilita‘. The Township of Vaughan Belgian Fund has reached the $1.000 niai-k. Head over our cluhiiiiig, rates else- where in this piper. and leave your orders at The Lilicral Ofï¬ce. Do you rliew gum? Now is your chance. 0 ill and see Foxv Grandpa at The Liberal Oï¬iceâ€"and ntin-i- plat-cs. If you want leather mitts or gloves go to The liirhinond lliil Hardn'are 0o., large variety and prices right. Methodist. hyniu hooks from 25 cents to $2.01). For Sale at half price at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce during the Christmas season. Dr. C. La Verne Pattison will not he ‘iii his dental nï¬ivn again in the Standard Bank Building untilTuesday the 5th of January. Mrs. Aikenhead has returned finri: Oshkosh wher she has been taking oharge of the Rev. Mr. Jamieswn’s work. The president and members of the Dorcas Society wish tn thank the ladies for-their very hearty ri-‘sponSP last. Friday. The :iiiir-uiit raised hy the sale of work was $36.00 AS this is war year. many people seem inclined to send a meeting: Card or iinoklet, neatly printed, to their friends instead of the usual more expensive present. Some. nice designs may he seen at; The Liberal Ofï¬ce Mrs. Piizsley his received from Noel Marshall, Esq . an exnressioii of thanks. for the generous donation of wristlets. halts. etc. sent from the Richmond Hill branch of the, Red Cross Society. Mr. John T. Anderson. piano tuner. \Vest Toronto. wishes through this naper to think his patrons in Richmond Hill and surrounding neighhni-linwis for their patroiiaizi- through the year. and to extv ni Christmas Greetings and nest. wishes forthe New Year. He will be here again the early part of llt‘Xt Week. Many people have a strong inclina- tion to write!†distant fri'mzls, but- being htt<y UPC-ii p.slnni‘in the task from liar? to tim'e. \Viiv not. scnd theiii‘yoiii-lnc‘ai paper? For $1 you can send them 52 ninnhni-s, with the li:iianne of this year thrown in. Tiv this plan. and save time, paper and envelopes. ______.â€"-â€"- Anglican Services Special Christmas Dav Services will he, held in St. Mary’s Church. Rich- mond Hill. at 8.30 a.m.. and at Trinity Church. Thoriihill. at ll a. m., instead of 10.30 as previously announced. There will he a celebration of the Holy Communion at Paul] of the above services. The Clllliiiliils music will be repeated on the Sunday after Chrisliiris.‘ .._._ Parcel Post Cut this out and paste it in yorr scrap hook or desk. The rates for parcel nnst, areas follows: To any postoflir‘e within ‘20 miles. including niacv of mailingâ€"l iii. 5: 2 iii; 6m: 3 lhs. 7e: 4 llis. Sn; 5 lbs. 101ml} lbs. 120.: 7 lbs. 20m: 11 His. 220. To anv pus! ofï¬ce beyond 2.0 miles but within the Province of Ontai ioâ€"-] lh. 10in: 2 lhg. 140.; 3 Hrs. 130,: 4 His. 22.-.: 5 Hrs. 26v; (3 llis. 30v; '7 liis. 31": S llis. 38c: 9 lbs. 42c: 10 lbs. tile: 11 lbs. 50c. __â€"_~4c‘;â€"â€" Pretty Calenders The local View Calendars at. Tm.) LIBERAL Otiiue -ii-u luah iisetiil and pretty. They are finished in dark hrnwn shades, plate sunk and hevelled with grind quality pad and silk cord hanger. Th> following views are shown :â€"â€"Bn_\'ic's l’oiid. Yonge street north. Standard Bank. Crnsiiv Hall and l)unlop’s Greenhouses. Suitahie for rum Canadian frieiids. or friends across the ocran. Call and see them. . -â€".â€".w~â€"â€" MARRIED P.\L.\iER»B.\LLâ€"At Trinity Church, 'I‘hnrnhiil. on Saturday. December 19. 1914. hv Rev. Thomas Rail, father of the liride, assisted bv the pastor, Rev. S. A. L'I‘Vl‘t‘ilCt‘, Gladys M. Bill of 'l‘lioi-iiiiill to .l. Palmer of Richmond Hill. «u DIED MoomE.â€"â€"Oii Thursday. Dec. 17th. 1914. at his l't"i(l“iit'l‘.Rll‘llllittntl Hill. Alexander Moodie in the 55th year of his age. Funeral on Sunday, Dec. at 2 p.iii. 20th, > growl \Vcsley j (‘hristiiias raids. calendars. lieil-i ‘ gar lands, dolls. pit'tttrc books, books of iirtinn, poems. Christmas trees aiiill The annual pzililii.‘ met-ting for the Christmas decorations iii greatvai irty t nomination ot lt'l'\‘(', (it'lllii\"lt't‘\t‘:lli(i at. The Liberal (it’ll-1e. lt'otint‘illi-is t'oi- tear. will in .lll‘lil at the I..__ ;'l‘ti\\'l15llil)ll:lll, Velloie, on Monday .tioxt. the 2"lh inst. Nominations will ,lie lilkt'li from i to 2 o‘clock p. in. Hit the .‘londav following, .l:inii:ir\' ~l. :- sepatati- li:iltiit “ill lu- liariili-il electors iii polling liontlis. \villi nirjurt of gelling an expression of opinion as to the .‘lil\‘is;lllllii\‘ oi i-oin. Vaughan Township Choral Concert The reserved seat plan for the Chor- al (Toni-i It on Jan. liilll will he Hpt'il to ll.t'|)lillllt' on Monday, Dec. Lis'th, at Mr. lilo-he‘s otiice. â€"__..>~â€" A Practical Education ()iie institution that has an excellent. reputation for doing good work is the Elliott Btlsiitt-Ss‘ College, 734 Yonng St., Toronto. it you \“l\‘li a iriiaiile iiiisi- liess‘ eil'rz'atioii \\'ll[i‘ to the college for a c italogue. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A llVl‘Ili'l'lSliKi l‘lN'l‘S in this l‘tillliilil 1 bring quick results. if you havi- llii\‘lliill,;.! to sell. or it‘ you wish -« o c»~v~..â€"_ Methodist Church Richmond Hill Methodists e\ idi-iilly ,appreeiato good music, judging hr the try this " NICW column. B ("i‘l‘lilt \VltAl’l’iGliS. Neatly printed on host lt.llt'llil‘.l'lll paper lcroivds morning and evening.r at the- ialways on hand at. The Liberal church last Sunday. 'l‘lieie Were (iftier. lil’flllili‘iul liill. it" ' otherattractions too in the evening. [or the Sunday School Si'llltltll's were their in the centre [rows and sang special Christmas hymns, and Mr. Aikeiihead preached .i sporial Cliiist- mas sermon. In the morning llit’lt‘ ‘_\iii’l‘l'l‘ \\'l€.»\\'il\'(i. - .. Don.- hr 1.. Johnson, Stop-1."), Lantzstail' l’. 0. it It iii ()A l1.--\Vll_\' pay $7.ltl for coal this was a Christmas sermon lty Mr. . . “wkyui. ‘ \"llllt‘l' \\’lilt'll idli<t llli' sanit' as: Mission Band will meet :is usual .._ 33'.“ ym'l' 15"â€. 1".“ I" \ ' “"‘l tit-xt.'[‘liiii-stlav afternoon att o‘clock. "I Md" All“ 3"†"hl's "m1 imp“, slaivs and roiiiwood. John hhear- "" down. Zti-l ‘Oli S.-\i.l‘l.â€"Fiisl. class iip-to-ilate .4 . . roal heater. l’iici- right. apply to J. Davidson, lligh Si-iinol. ttia. f. Horticultural Society For the year now rinsing. the Society has been working in an iii- pendent capacity. but from now on We will affiliate with the Provincial or parent association and come under all its laws and rules. and also share in its grants. The iiieniliei-siiip year ‘OR SALEâ€"A set of liti('_\'elnpao- (lia Britannica. :37) \‘oluiin-s, as good as new. at, one-third l'ost begins on Jan. lst next. so that all price. Snital‘le for I’tihiic School those who intend bring iiit-iiibers lihiai-y. May be seen .it Thu Liberal should send in their names to the ofï¬ce. 2') if. Secretary. Mr. Allen. with the animal feeof$l.tlll. \\'e would like it, to he clearly understood that nieiiilieisliip F OR SALEv-A lllillllit‘l of hanging lamps and parlour lamps. May is not limited to the Village but any in. 5m.†,ll Tin. Lil,,.l.,.1()m,.,._ [f hotly, anywhere. has the privilege. 7 The Secretary reports a most en- couraging l"?SpUllSt‘ already, so get in terested now and help along a good work. 1:011 SALE OR RENTâ€"A pair of lioiisrs at \\'illowd:ile.Kinusdnle. Sub close to Yontze St. side- walks, Hard and Soft. water in house. Furnace and Bath. J. McI\'cti'/.ie. | “'illowdalr. Ill-l are-ng Epworth League A pleasantevening was spent last <01; SAL].;_A'I-\i\:,,mswim] sing†the. tilt" niutingstatute lahotir in llll"il|\\ llxllll“. lto purchasi- Sitiilt'illlllfl, hire help, rli-..; Al)\‘l£i(’l‘lr<ri\li'IX'I‘ " ‘ Too Loyal Sunri- of the city stores that storkml up llt'-l\ il_\' \\llll (human to oils lr'tnit' the \var lirgaii. :irt- t'oiiipiaiiiitirz that i'usloliit-is‘ ri-l'iisi- in tiny llll‘ articles because they lit'ill‘ the stamp "Mario in (ii-i many." A» tin-so minds li:i\ l' llt‘t'li iaiiiglit and paid for. people should it-iin-iiiin-r that a refusal to li\\_\' ilit‘lll is not injiiringtieiiiiaiiydiiit is injuring; ('Iltlmla. l‘heri- i< sin-h a thing as icairyiiig "loyalty" too far. an - um. The Next Hitting of Division Court for No. 3, County ot York, will he held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL â€"0Nâ€" , o 7 Wednesday, jan.13, igi5 . For useful Xmas gifts go to tlil' ,li’ii-lriiinnil llill Hardware(‘o.,\\'eli-oiiit' \ whether you liin or not. Uoriiniencirii: at 10 a.m. 'I‘. F. M(‘.\IA"ON CLERK â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_______ ~ Wt ..._ V-.__, â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"._â€"â€"._ FARMS WANTED WINTER SESSION (lpi-iis .l iiiiiarv ltli in all depart- \\'e want a farm oi'l'oitv tosiy- inn-tits of the (‘ICN‘l'lLâ€"Xl. BUSI- ly arrt s on the thiid I ‘ or toilith Nl‘ZHS (‘t)l.i.l€(il‘l. Yongn and t'lllli't'SSlt-‘Ht'i \laikiiaiii luwn~ (ii-irard Streets. Toronto. Our ship. ll volt ll'l\(' a faint lo Catalogui- explains our superi. !.i|l\' Ill l‘ltlltllllllt‘ill, Stall, Meth- E ods- and iii-suits. You are in- John Fisher 8: Co. xiii-«1m write on: it‘ interested i sell write lls‘. . , , ‘ ‘ iii the liiiiil of school Work laillilitli'ltix iii.ii.iiii.f“\:; g, “'l‘l"l' l'I illgs best Slit‘t‘t'ss, FMS“ Tuumui’ 13 6 m ‘ Address \\. ii. 511 A \V’ Pres. GflNGHEiE HOUSE t SANTA CLAUS 4’ Was Good Natured I ‘ ' - 1- I - - Monday .ltld)t‘1£p\\ttllll Ltdgilt. Mr . cuufl dump“ “fluid (.xcirmgp §avage s V ictrola. loaned tor the nu. VIM-m um1 Sim“. ppmâ€. m. «it-casitiii.g:ive a delightful programme. The instrument. exci-iis in (h lieacy and cleai-iiess of tune. and the selections presented Were from the repertoire ot Write. l‘},\\'. Meyle, Laiigstaff. 264$. ‘ OR SALEâ€"At hot 2. (Fin. 4. “hit- such world-iaiiions artists as Harry ‘ih‘nfll’ L59“ “""ll'r P"5‘5: 5â€â€ Lauder. Melba. John Mchriiiark. Anchms' ."n(1 4m! "mus “t (Ir-v Mischa Elman. interspersed with ('lll-it ‘1‘†‘1“"â€"l‘ ""x"‘1 l"â€"""“"‘1 “"‘l Bod\'~ii'nod. Apply to Jns. L. (liiuiiv. (ioiniley Elevator. l’hnne Stoiilfville 2506. 26-4 and band music. Mrs. Savage kindly ttlieztllt‘tl the \‘ictrola and the ho' r and a half passed all too quicky. The president, Mr. Clai kson McDonald, occupied the chair. Next Monday OR SALE.â€"A fresh milk (:H\V with evening Epworth League will be ivith- calf ltY side. Lot 26. Con. .. drawn. Th.- i.ea,quo will participate Vaughan. Joseph Espi-y. Rigin E‘\ ii)“ \Vatt-h Night S ri'icr. Mills P. 0. 26 2 Oil SALE. â€"Mni-i- than 200 hushels i it \laiigohls. Simon Baker. 2nd Coir. Vaughan, Elgiu Mills l.’. 0. 26 " .4 Przsbyterian Church Special (illlisllllHS sermons and music at both services on Sunday 27th. Siibjec'tszâ€"-ll a. in. "Cross and the Cradle." Miisiezâ€"Oi-gaii. "Noel Eons. sais,†Guihnant: anthem, "God so luv- ed the world,†Slaniei; organ, "Betti-use."Rogers; anthem. "Glory to God.†Cooke: organ, "Allegretto Pastor-ale," Gainhini. '7 p. in. “Tire (llllltl world had no room." OUSE TO RENTâ€"«Eight room I in ick house on Richmond street. Richmond Hill. liaid and soft, water. Electrically lighted. Possession at; any time. Apply. Mrs. \\'illiaiiis & Son. Victoria Square. 35; Li". for whom the "â€"m" ""““ Dhakaâ€"Organ. NUUBATORS FOR SALE â€" » 22-10 “Pastor-01hr.†Mai-ring; anthem, “in a rag, lib egg. (it) egg sinks} >:ict'ilii:u . ,. . . . stable lowly.’ Oliver hing; organ, _ for (puck sale. U. L. “right, “Nocturne,†Stoughloii: anthem, ‘ Village. 24 13 “Sing, 0 Heavens," “Sol-tie," DLI‘ ham. Last Thursday morning tiirie pass- Sullivan; organ, I DSTâ€"A iiound front the prciuists _4 of the undersigned. it has two ed away one of our oldest members as liiriwn ears, lll't.\\'ll hip, and :1 Well as one of our most esteemed hlat-k saddle. lieii'aitlnll'mul. Mall; and iii-loved citizens Mr. Alexander Hun-ism“ Cari-rill“ 31.3 Moodie. Mr. Mondie held the church and all the things for which the church stood very dear to his heart. His name is 0'] the records as far hack as m,- hnnks ll:l\":‘ any record. as an ofï¬cer and \voi-ker. and his interest neverï¬agzged to the end. The large ‘funeraiSunday afternoon was a. sin- ceie testimony to the respect in which he was held far and near. The \Vonren‘s Missionary Society held their annual meeting last \Veti- nesday at the inaiisi- and i-i-poriei a Very good year. Over $140.00 Was raised for the general fund. O’l‘lt.‘lC.-~'l'he undersigned \iishes to inform the [tlillllc that he has \l on hand a good supply of coal, and wood. Feeds of all kind, Bran. shorts, Gluten lrieal,0il cake, Brciver‘s Grains, Mollasiiie. Also a car of CON) and Built-d hay just arrivi-d. all at reasonable pricrs. S. Jariis, Maple. 2.3-2 mos. " TRAYED, â€"» Uri the premises ol 5 Hertha and Lucy Chapman, lot 25. Yougeï¬ta Vaughan. Thorn- liill, l'oui' litti\l‘.‘illll'l'(‘ hay cells, lun- (thi horse. The owner- III i_v llil\'(' the .ilinve by proving property and paving damages. 2| 3 ._.,â€"4..v.â€"â€"â€"sâ€"â€". Presentation One of those present sin prises that occasionally come to the worst of us and more r-fti-n to the best of us as we travel thronin this vale of to ir- ._ happened to Mr. A. E. Lehman. prin- cipal of our Plililic Si-hnol l ist Tuesday. r ‘0 l{1‘:.\"l‘w_‘l{(>ll\ll'tln[{iyvlllnl‘ndï¬l' I Apply to A. J. \\ right. .,., H. ...-) ]()Ntil£ STREET l“l{().\"l‘.»\(il£~» “1",.†will probably pass their entrance next iiiidsiriniiier. at which tinn- pressure of serious iiiisiiiess demands full attention. desired to expi e55 to their teacher their appreciation of his Work for them. They, therefore. pm. sented him with a Very pretty shaving 8L, hear Elglli Mills. l‘ixci-llr-nt. tine sititalirill, llltitll'l"lll,‘ price. dress B. care Liberal oilice. soil. .'\Ll- N f) '1‘ I C 151 l lset. Master Eilwaid Lang read the v . . _ ‘ . brief address while Miss Madoleino Notice is l)t'l't‘ll_\"gl\‘(‘ii thatnt L'L‘ll'. (‘nnppr made the presentation, Tm. linwaid Lambert ot the City ot loion- boys and gills ll'ltl laid their plans ‘ to, in the County of York, Province carefully so that Mr. Lniiiiisin ii-as ntOntaiie.acmulitatil. “ill apply to “"‘l‘i‘l"1“l.“ sm'llliwd. However in a lilii- l’ai Sir-merit of Canada at the_ next few remarks lic thanked the pupils for ‘. Session thereot tor a‘ Bill 1t I)r\orCe their goodwill. and said that, though ’t‘iniii his: wife l’cail lava Lauilieit of l l lit-lllg cross liv his pupils vet often it: . was vrinpelled to appear so for their g [good \\'ll(‘iil1|“\'0llltl much railier act I li-nieiitly. gaid was therefore a pleasure to him. i A. D.1!lll. He wished all a Meiry Christmas and I the classdispeisrd after singing “Lind l Save the King.“ round l’f 'iilitlii-iy. . Dated at Toronto in the pun nice of Mercer & Bradford I 24 King Street. \Vest, 24 3m ,. ._ . ‘ - l I‘ W . For sale, 18 acres, with niie- ‘ 1h“ lmlul’ â€â€˜ i W l “m1 l i“ "F" ""‘Sl “1 eiglli niile frontage on Yoril-{e’ 13 ill, sometimes the teacher “as hiained for ' the City of Toronto in the .(ltlllilly of York, Pic-uric: of Ontario, on thc; I‘lliS (’Xpression of their re. Ontario this 25th day of November" Solicitor: for the Applicant He left a whole lot oi Toys, Games, and Fancy Vthn he dropped down our chimney. Goods, which he told us were for the little folks. Come in and see them. Checkers, Dominoes, Table Croquet, Rattles, Purses, China Tea Sets, Lanndry Outï¬ts, \Noolcy Dogs, Rabbits on wheels, Teddy Bears, Doll Cradles and Carriages, Drums, Horses, etc. The Dolls have arrivedâ€"all the types. Some that won't slccp, and more that will, some that are drcsscd, all prices, 'c to $1.00. Atkinson it. Switzer v: W‘pyjfï¬nmnrfjmwg - gm Nil“ mflrr‘,‘ % I‘r'\~r,\"\‘§“\v THE RICHMOND HILL tun STORE i 3;. The ï¬nest choice of Xmas goods we: ever had. 15w" "3.; ,m‘ fr‘ -._ r- m “M l ~ our two N ~ h at “Mr " x! from $1.00 to $1.75 ...50c to $1.00 Shirts, all shades, Tics, the best we ever had, at. . . . . . . my. MM“ :2 Neck Scar‘t‘s, from. . .. .. . . . . . .3100 to $2.00 '. 5: Suspenders, different. kinds, boxed .. . . . . . . . . .. 500 Gloves, lined and unlined. . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 to $2.00 at“; i. n i' N 3...; ,, ,sï¬â€˜. - Come now and get the best choice. l l l NORMAN J- GLASS PROPRIETOR l lE-f'k'h‘l'bw' "fish in 'Mu'whww" Mu" ‘“ Zr'w'†'gw'i'Jiiln'E‘I; Libs" 2'th Isa"; a