which plants may lw impnrlt-(li«purml conditions uri- attaclu-d t) I'l'x lulu classes (-1" plants, smnu (:las‘xe-s :uo sub- ject tu lnspt-ctinnmthers tn fumigal inn. In nrdrr that all impnrlrls may ll‘:ll'll \Vllzlt are [he (:uudilinns gm'vrningz llu- importullnn hf tiers and plnuh~ intn Canada, :I (lllt‘illlll‘ vuli'll-(l “lush ur- tinns to impurtvrs ul‘ [rue-s. Plums and other Nursery Stuck iuLn Canada†has been published as Entnmnlugical Cir- cular N0. 4 by the l)t‘p£lllll)('l1t Hf Agriculture and all prrsuns Wishing tn import, plants into Canada should apply to the Publications BI-nurh. Departuan of Agriculturv. Ottawa. for a copy of {hi-x circular which will be sent, froc- u) all alppllr‘autx‘. All pL-x'snns importing [rm-s. shluh and other plants. (‘nlh'ctivvly know: as "nursery stuck" intu Canada :m leqnirvd to uhsuI-w the n-gulnlinns n the Dominion IM‘pill’lllH'HL of Agri culture which govern such ilnpnrm tinns. These Rt‘gnluliuns, pn‘sm which plants In conditions an classes (-f plum Linus. undo! Eh: FINE {ICHMOND HILL, Ont. I)1~:( RICHMOND HELL EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES â€" Stove Pipes â€" crimped ready ior use. Any person can put them together without anger. Filing kinds of repairing promptly done. Opposite Dr. La ngstafl’s Notice J. HUME AND Skates Ground every RICHMOND H Motor Repairing D ERXIS GIVEN ON MDTDR C‘. L. CU RT NOTARY PUBLIC These Rt‘gululiuus, puss: The Ih-stl uctiw- Insect. and 1% presm-ilm tlw canditiuns um] plants may lw impm-tt-dixpwi Lenses. Wills, Etc. Jacob Eyer Special uttentiun given tn L. CURTIS ‘ Pressing Cleaning Repairing“ Conveyancing, afternoon. grinding and all AGENT FOR \lï¬iltvr. \( 'ling [rm-s. shrubs nlh-ctivt-ly known ‘ intu Canada :u-v the l't'gllluliuns (If m1] l‘vsl one Free advice re Fruit Culture and Landscape Plantings P. W. Mcï¬regor, = = = Thorn! French’s Barriaqe Works '1‘! l0 Summer supply ofKnee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Whips and Blankets. All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. \Vht-n RIGHMGND HM HARNESS SHBP IN CONNECTION \VITII CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT THE HARBWARE STGRE printin Wall Papers for Any Room in the House and Suitab! for Any Style of Decoration Yonge St. Papers at 5 cents a role in a good range of colors suitable for kitchens, etc. Papers at 8 and 10 cents :1 roll, suitable for :my room. Ectter papers to be used with or without borders, at from 1'5 to 75 cents :1 roll. Carving Sets ..... .. ..... Pocket Knives from Scissors from ....... Nickel plated Tea from ......... A piece of Alummum or L O'Cedar Polish Mop .................... Kodaks and Cameras upward frc Hockey Skates from Sue to $6 “AN BATH TEE COME AND SEE US ockey Skates from 5pc to $6.00. includi “Automobile†Hockey Sticks 10C to 65c. eather Gloves and mitts in great variety prices noullynnd promptly done. hinting mt; printin Oflim 0L0 RELIABLE===2F0NTHILL NURSERIES ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY Wail The RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. A Few Suggestions for Useful Gifts CH 84 SON Ellis the Decorator No Troub iraining, Pa pcrhanging, Etc the lmnu Alumm STIMATI‘ thika Richmond H ’ots and Tea Kettles ........................ 351.00 to URNISHED TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPVRIGHTS &.c. Anyone sending a sketch and descfl tion may quickly ascertain our opinion freo w ether an Invention is probahly patentnble. Communica- tlnnsalrlctlyconfldnntlul. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken 1. rough Munn 62. Co recelw sperm: notice, without. charge. inthe ‘ ~ ~â€" 7 o Expmt Wink in sharing lame and Interfering horses. All kinds t-f work in the trade done in :1 wm‘kmunlike manner. Vv-v-vvâ€"â€"â€"v -_7"-~, , A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any smemiflc journal. Terms for Canada, $3.75 a. year. postage prepaid. Sold by all newsdculers. Escape 1 Broafla-y, FRL'IT TREES, SMALL FRUITS SHADE TREES. ORNAMENT ALS. SIIb‘I'BS. I‘IVERGREENS ROSES, SEED POTATOES. ETC Supplil-d in well grown stuck 'S‘éivé'éiï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬‚fléï¬gflï¬ï¬ï¬g A. SCHERZER ill Ivunw .- v... n-.- _ -_ Branch Ofï¬ce. 625 F St. Washington. D. C. A TRXAL “'ILL (‘UNYINCE YOI thorzor RICHMOND HILL n R 8 ES II ENERAL BL QhOE'S Renmvvd New Shoes - . . niteware $I.oo to fm IOC V011! 0 E I N G AND At‘KhMITIIING Thornhill, Ont. Phone 29 a Oi) D THE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA V'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV‘ VV" iSOME o Aim a solid brick 4clmice building lot; the best LAAAA Our- fm'uitm'e (: prices. ASK to see them and cmnpzu-e plices wi ntnluguos have all the newest; designs at [h other places. P. G. SAVAGE HOU SE PA 1N TER, G1azier,Grair.er and Paper- Hang-er. RESIDEN CE. RICHMO‘N D HILL at i VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVY'VVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass Insurance Consult 14‘01- Ilates Your Insurance will be well looked after if 161?; to VVVVVVVVVV VVV'I BANK Ann ©IF @ANAIDA II LQTS FOR SALE IIONE 8002‘ FURNITURE BAKER AVE. now open. Lots splendid outlook. good water, 5 liesxitled to house costing $25 SEE the ï¬ne new houses erty. m1~h\v{‘ 1n: ROSE‘CIEW AVE. 1 8ND, a a Manger. Brnnrhes aha at Maple. Markham. Stouffville, Unionville nndeiogust Hi“. pry HEWISON RLIN RICHMOND HILL STANDAED cen WALLPAPE R. S'JJOCK COMP E Wholesale Florist DAY LAWRENCE GARDENS IT 171 HOICE REAL ESTA BASSETT LO\VEST PRICES EVER QUOTE having the H0 “WE. ARE AGENTS FOR he will .‘IEASI OVERC . SAVAGE & SON :‘lu blues :u' RICHMOND HILL T ERMS REASONABLE ck dwalling on Yonge St. Good size lot. A ; est location on Yunge Street. t AND SEWIN Gr MACHINES Ill RICHMOND HILL . LAWRENCE; lin Some good lots left at reason- ECURlTY for both principal and interest is the ï¬rst essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickiy the second. Judged by these standards, a deposit in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. REAL ESTATE â€"AGENCY~â€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HAND. eing bui vmt ziv Advertise in The RICHMOND Lots 150 feet deep. ter. good drainage. DE A. G. SAVAG E Ric:th Richmond Hill TE FOR SALE H; St . HINAS on this prop- MANAGER ssigns at moderate cl Hill \V me in liverec I'k and of MCI)