consPd Auctioneers for the County of York. ales-Intended no on shortest notice and at ten- sox~ab.e rates Patronaee solicited JOHN R. CAMPBELL. AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 8c PUBLISHING HOUSE BIOHMON D HILL, ONT. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly x-vspunded to 200 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junctlon '72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE“ All mail orders will receive prompt attention. J. T. Qalqoon Maple Is PUBLISHED EVERY I'HURSDAY MORNING Phone No. 28. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toronto. Special attention: eivcn to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales :1 specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up.lo-da.te methods. Address: 239 Ballinl SI: . Noith Toronto. one in House. North 2292. PIANO TUNING LASKAY P. 0. Tel. 1“. 363] . Barristersjolicitors, Notaries. &c. Hume Life Building Cor. Adelaide &: Victorm Sm... l‘orouto. RICHMOND HILL & THURNHILL Barristers, Solicrurs. (h: NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Telophnne. Main ‘31], Cable Address. "Dcdo." A. Camerqn» MagzNaughton F. McMAHON. D. H. PINKERTON. V.S. 3h per annum, in advance. VOL. XXXVI]. “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL [Indertnkers & Flnbnlnlors. (A G.F. Lawrence J. Dunbar Denton, Grover & Field RESIDENCE virus; 'nnuse north of Atkinsnn & watzer’s store. Lawrence & Dunbar, large stovk of Funeral Furnishing kept at both placesi 1“- C. EGAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET \VEST. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornllill. Phone No. 2402. JOHN T. ANDERSON DIaple, ()nt. BUSINESS CARDS . LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the (‘uunty of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. goï¬n f7. f’?avidson Snlgeon & McEwen, Organs Repaired. Expert Work OFFICE AND RESIDENCEI '11s: VOICING AND . . . ACTION REGULATING WRIGHT BROS. EDITOR 6: PUBLISHER: J. H. Prentice PIANO TUNER THORNHILL ibcral Pnouo Main 2984 J K McEwen Wesbon ONTARIO Money to Loan onlandanucnatbel mortgagesat nwest rates Auroraomceâ€"Relr owed to the old post oï¬â€˜ma one door What of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmnrke‘t ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the postolï¬ce HEBRERTLENNOX G V Mona“: BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, RUOID '328 Confedera tim: Life Bldg.. N0. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liberal’ Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday aftPrnnnn. \Vnodbridge, Saturday fm-onnon. Mouev to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) CRO“’NS AND BRIDGES A SPI'X Riehmono. Hill Dr. C. LaVerne Patnison Hun. Grudusm Dn-ntul Surgeon Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce located in Standard Bank ing. Ofï¬ce hours 9.30 n.1n. to CCDIBIISSIONER. CONVEY ANï¬ER. ETC.‘ Real Estate and Insurance RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, DECEMBERSI. 1914 (‘lnsing exercises were Public School on Tuesduv last week. A pmgmnnne songs and drills was pupils. Miss Muslim, [a junior classes was press (‘lnsing exercises were held in the Public School on Tuesdav aftelnoon of last. week. A pmgramme of readings, songs and drills was given by the pupils. Miss Maston,teacl1m- of the junior classes was presented with a handsome silver mosh bag and an address. Refreshments \vn-u‘ served to the visitors at the 91050 of tllecnter- tuinment. Annivorsn Hope on evening. S REY. D. R1): the (‘huil‘ wa mehurst ‘ Mrs. Lewis. The remains of Aitken \Vatson. youngest Son of the late Donald \Vulson wereinterred here on Tues- day. JENNQX & MORGAN “'e regret to state that Mrs. H. S. Levering is seriously ill with pneumrnin. This school stands head and shnuld- ers above the ordinary business college and when THORUUGHNESS 0F TRAINING is considvrvd. ranks nun-mg the best on this cuminent. Handsome (:utulngue on request. Yougc and Charles Sis. ' W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Also agent for Frnntz Vacuum Cleaner at. $35.00, Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-date appliances that save time and work forthe llousc Wife. Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. \\'INTER TERM OPENS JAN. 4th. STRIKE FOR .-\ BETTER POSITION by taking a coulse in the Popular Commissioner, Cnnvoyanoor. etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer 01' Marriage Licenses. THORNHILL Bnl‘risml s and Solicnors. NOTARY PUBLEE ._ _A. NICHOLLS Electrician, Richmond Hill TORONTO, ONT. WILLIAM COOK EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC DO IT ELECTRICALLYE Graduate Royal ELLIOTT . SANDERSON my services were hold at Sunday afternoon and Sex-muns \VPI'L‘ preached by ’3' Gray at King City. and 'as assisted by Mr. and 3115. of Richmond HI“ and by HS. AIITWI‘S Tom‘mtu. \villulm at, Holy Tuesday and Friduv. Muslen. teacher of the was presented with a my mosh lung and an veslnuents \vule served it the close of tllecnter- Maple In Essentialc, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†‘. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Illege of Build- 5 p.111. I.\LTY (5%) Your vote and influence are respect fullv solicited for as Councillor for the Township of Vaughan for 1915 as Councillor for the Township of Vaughan for 1915 Your vote and influence are respect- fully solicited for Your vote and influence are respect fully solicited for as Councillor for the Township {30f Vaughan for 1915 Your vote and influence are respect- fully solicited for as Councillor for the Township of Vaughan for 1915 Your vote and influence are respect- fully solicited for as Councillor for the Township of Vaughan for 1915 Your vote and influence are respect fully solicited for as Your vote and influence are respect fully solicited for as Councillor for the Township of Vaughan for 1915 Your vote and influence are respect- fully solicited for as Councillor ELECTORS \VALTER ANDERSON ELECT ELECTORS OF VAUGII AN ELECTORS O I“ VA UGHA N ELECTORS O F V AUGH _\ N ELECTORS OI“ VAUGHAN ELECTORS 0F VAUGHAN ELECTORS OF VAUGHAN POLLING DAY, MONDAY, Councillor for the Township of Vaughan for 1915 \V. O. MCDONALD ALEX. CAMERON \V. I. JOHNSON R. O. HARVEY JAMES BE JANUARY 4, 1915 TORS OF Vaughan for 1915 \V. MALLOY SAIGEON the Township of VAUGHAN VAUGHAN The Ladies‘ Aid Society take pleasure in announcing that, Mr. \V. J. Law- rence’s choir, about, 40 voices. from Nm-lh Toronto, will give :L concert, in the Methodist, church Friday evening. (hl‘ 8x h nf January. Further announce- ment lute-r. ' Tho, Patriulic Xmas. Entertainment I’rngr-umnv was rendered to a. crowd- ed house. The church was l/astt'fully decorated with Xmas hells. glitter. and the flags of the Allies with Canadian and Union Jacks. The ï¬rst number a patriotic sung. “Britannia Calls Her Sons to Arms." by the young men was encored and in response a parody 0n Tipperary “as sung. Xmas mght, a. special feature, by nine young lildil‘S u-presentinjr seven sister stars “ith the moon and the Star Of Bethlehem, Was a short programme in itseif and was success- programme in itseif and was success- fully can-ied tlnough, the ï¬gures of the drill and table lllx being a pleasing sight. A Cantata "The Hmnemade Santa," was well renderu‘. the char- acters sustaining their pans with sat- isfaction In the audh-nvv. The clusing numher, “The Allies,†caught, the house and was enthusm. ti mlly encor- ed. The cashâ€"King George. A. A. Frishy: Emperor Nicholas. J. \Vilsun: Albert, of Belgium. Ur. E. Bmwn; President Poineaiie. H. McCagne; Jack Cannck, \Vm. King lnnkeil and acted their parts pen fectly. National choruses were sung and "The Allies" gave a verse adapted to the chm us (If Tippel- any. “’0 will give the chorus:â€" lL’s a long. hard wax-that we arefacing. And wu've gut snme yet to gm: [L’s a long. hard war that we are facing, But we’ve got the men and dough. Goad-bye German Nation. Farewell Emperur Bill. \Vheu the Alill 3 give you a good tmuucing, You'll have to he still. Afterward Santa distributed the presents and Rev. J. R. Aikenhead announced that the proceeds of the evening tutalled $67, which will be given to the Belgian Fund. Instead of the usual Review Mr. Gen. Gee gave a. report of the provincial 5.5. Cunventinn at, London. and Master Jack Frishy recited a patriotic selec timl. Anniversan services will he held on January 3rd. Mrs. Aikenhead will preach in [he after-noun and Rev. J. Foster Hicksun in the evening. Special music by the llwlllP choir in the after- noon and Headfm-d choir in the even- ing. MN. \Vilnmt um] Mush: Gmh nu of Tun-onto :Irv span hulidny sway-n with Mr. and Smutwnhm-gh. Mrs. Jan: MLCugne i uf his holidays with f1 nm. .‘lr. Riv“! Hf Ml “V: have exwllvnt sleighi neighborhood at present nr en's whn sell Llwir milk are to pub in ice. Mercury dropped to 18 lwluw on Christmusduy. Mr. H. R. Heise and wife have hopn quzu-unthwd since the ï¬rst of the month, as (me nf [In-i1-gmnddunghtw-s had :1 light, attack (I SCHl'lPt fen-r, nt the-i1- hump. L. B. Sahel] :md \vifz- zu‘v vnjuying the- (‘nmful-ts nf Ihvix‘ new housv now. H. R. Huisv woud frnm \is preparing wintv ' and ha saw logs and Lm‘i Ellwl in tmvn [his from He Wu (we-I10 him a they 1:: the dit L. B. Schell and WW» are (-n'juying the comforts nf thvix- new hnusv now H. R. Heist; whu lmught 8 acres m woud frnm “'m. Uill'liSlt‘ n Vr'nl' ago is preparing to cut [119 lmlnnce thi: winto - and has Pngngwl 15 men to cul saw logs and curd wood. 1). \\'. Heise has gone to Stnynm' h assist Eld. Junulhnn Lyon}; (If [ht Tunkm thumb, in balding :1 series 01 ll)&'(‘li-n§.{S. had nut l frightens the funu the cutte the fence. and landed In a the cutter struck the fence force. that. it bnunded. and upside down striking Mr. I head rendering him uncrn little while. Foztunulvly nothing ln-nkvn. and after wound dressed he continua not much the \an‘sv. hem l H. l{ uk Mr. Samuel HMS“. :ll)(]~fl':l\'0 IMO. u'lflk‘l' going :| few nods mum in a drift, and in crnssing :ch the :utlm- upset. lhrnwing mlh nut. Mr. Heise hl'ld on the nuns his young mzu-e which and Mrs. I‘m: c Visited this week L. B. Heise. i. Heise Lad u mnl'nw criuus injnI-v :1 few du 5 driving (Imvn 1111-3111 ‘ [wen drir Yiqtorjg Squjpre (iormley ellmnt sleighing in this at present and lhr- funn- vir milk are preparing 1nd ln-idc you: c n f: (‘uth ull'llSlt‘ u Vr'z-l' It, th lmlnncu :ngvd 15 ment \vmul. gone to Sylylr hnn Lyuns nf balding a sari Muster I‘Inl‘nld spending: the . and Mrs. C. s spending pmt 'iends alt. Smy- Miller. High at the lzl-me ll)“ she x de there Wu getting hi (‘1 his dxivo 1+! jumpvd leer) drift. with such tame down rise on the {-nn. arm] I In] an \‘0 t1) this ) cut lfl'( I“ Also Good Bran and Shorts We have the D.L. 8c VV. Scranton Hard an1. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now Wheat, Buckwheat, ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement . . AND . . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. Manitoba. Oats Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator STI‘JEB 8:. RAMEH A good supply of URITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. NO MATTER “'I-IAT STYLE OF A pair of glussee for Mother or Father is n. sousonnble present; for Christmas. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES W. A. SANDERSON Perfume and Toilet Re- quisites for Christmas Presents m abun- dance DRL’GGIST No change for testing the eyes No trouble I() slmw the goods JAKE Puhiic Ailention To Our Many Friends and Patrons and a Happy New Year. And may 19I5 bring to an a very Merry Xmas you and yours the D. Hill & Co, Acme of Prosperity, We heartily Wish you Health and Happlness. If it has merit we have it. [Single copies, 3 cts. ()l‘ JAQIIS kYCU DESIRE Sincerely for the Chickens XFECTIONER Cracked Corn . . AND. . RICHMOND HILL No. L)