Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Dec 1914, p. 5

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Thu I-ink has been weather will ensure evening. Mics th-n Hausa Christmas lml‘ulnys 'l‘muulu. Mr. Jnhn A. MvKinnun and sun Nun-mun uf Vaughan visited flit’llds in Richmond Hill Tuesday. and gave The Lihrlnl n fricm‘ly cull. Rvndm's at “:0 Public Liln‘m y should 351; {110 Librarian fur :1 cutaluglw mmluiniug [he n'nmos («f the nmv hunks )‘L’quliy added Lu the list. 40 in. \\‘id(- y (“05“ gumh. Atkinsnn K S Owing tn the serinus Him-s: cf Mrs. LUVQlillg‘Dl‘. Rnullvy \\ ill Inkv chm-g9 uf [he svn im- :11, lhv Melhndist chm ch, Muplm Sunday evening. 111'."an Ml Rev. and Mrs spent a fvwduys in gnesL of Mr. H. “opp. Mr. 2 Springv at Rev. Mr. Thumus Astell‘m’d, Bellwnmds Aux. Tux-unto. with hi: WW» and sun and Miss Van Der Brent \'isit_vdf1'ivnds uenl' Vietm-h Squurv and 21L DJiIY» tmvn m‘e-r Uhx islmns. REV. F. EHth who has hot-n 1 with .L sm‘on- (-uhl isslmvh‘ recuv d.I»i>lyV[r):-pm- thlsw stirring: limos. (run- .~ulb the clubbing mus uilh The {icnmoxn Hm" Una. DEL tlu The \V. hnme nf ' :xftermmn Mix mu] Mus. \V. (‘umplwlll‘md spent hulid:|_\‘s with Ull‘il ask tlw Conluiniug hunks rum The Lllwx-ul nevslmy \Vlll luv plpusvd m vxdmngv gl'm-liugs New Year's mmning. and pit-smut his \‘illugv patrons wilh :l uwl’ul little article in the form uf :1 wall poukvl. Mr. Frank Mc\\'illi:uns, Mr. J. Dnyle and Miss Tessiv Daryl“ (:flIIIU up frum 'l‘mrmtn Lu spend (.‘lnistmus hnlidays with Mr. and Mus. F. Lylwu. Mr. J. ()‘Murn also spent m :31 Sunday at [hp Thv Lilkt‘ Simcve Ice ()nmpnny t‘nmmenced Monduy to ship 100 cars uf ice from Lake \Vilcux tn Tnmnm, Vin Metropolitan and U. U. R. railways. 'I‘lwycunlomplule shipping 200 more cars later in the season. (n O @119 1211193111 Riclnnmul Hill RIHFASSIH‘lHIlIIll will hold thvir drill Saturday evening in {he lmsument (If the new Public Suhnnl building. Nun-Kl] vutrnmrv. L'r-L all the mmulwrs vndmu‘nr Lu he present. 1. H. Suulmsnn. unpluin. \nd st'l'YiL Epw: wt h To be in! Men‘s elastic knit heavy wcnl shirt and dl‘=l\\'t‘l‘s, Orv-nu culm-s. per garment, $1.00; Mons English Inukt- Huck knillml gluvos, pr. :30; Nun's vnl lim‘d Mnclluglun-s fine quality pr. $1.04). Alkinsuu & Swilzt-r. Rev. S. A. and Mrs. Lawn-nee 0x- pcct to spend New Ymr‘s DJ)‘ and Sunday next. in Mzukhum Village. Rev. Jnhn Gil-son. lute l'k‘ClUl' of SI. Mnry‘s church has kindly cunsvntod tn take tho service- Sumluy m n-ning. Next, Monday ulectorsin Vaughan Township will ln- usked‘tu uuuk u h:\lluL in answer tn [he fulluwingzâ€" "Are you in favor nf dung away with the pH-sent syslvm hf perfornnng Statute L'lhm‘ in [he vanslxip uf Vaughan?" In mmthel‘ euluun‘. the Secretary the Hurticnltuml Suck-1y give-5 no' that at public meeting will he held the Uuulwll Chamber on Fril evening. January 8. fur the pnrptm re-nrguuizing theSociet y in accurdn with statute. All interested * please attend. resigned his pnsitinn of Town which he held for 40 years. The Ummuil uf Aurm-u passed A my grunting Mr. Lumly $100 as u tn their uppx-ecxatiou fnz‘ faithful se- The position will be filled by Mr Patch. The Lilwrnl whims its Muldan Ippy and pruspI-qus New Yum; une pl-xco h Every family slwuld U y and Miss Gladys (inwiL ate-11mm (Juunty. I) If.‘ schtml huliduys. l) Owing w ill health Mr. S. H. Lnndy. ahHshm- uf the Am-urn Banner. has go n M haul Rm Inn in its relation In chm-new: 'l‘\‘icv" will he [he suhjvct at, the :‘th In-ngue Munduy evening. Lnkcn My 511'. \V. A. “'right. .' \\'m)1vmllil1g smgc H m. wide. luck and \vhilv shepherd ('heck, \\'id(‘ yd. 501-.; Brown Multan gawk. 40 in. \"idl’, yd. 3.30. sun & Swimen Andrvw \Vinge'r and wife "file. 0111.. spunk uu‘l' Sluu' 1“. EIHL-H's, Dairyluwn. s will |'(’-(lp£!u nn Mum! mum): GOALS M15. \V. IL Ahm-nulhy of Id spent the Clll'islnms 'ilh lhvir dunghtrr, Mrs. “VI 1' HP “'8 50k Brmson is s!) slidnys wilh 1 {o’cluuk (Thudwivk nf \ Mullxh lm will meet '5‘)" H uul in flood kutu‘ the \ill inside met :It lln L-u 'I‘lwsduy uund :u y should CJILHIUng" lluI new list. m]ng 11m- 'lulivus m n b'riduv purpose (If \ccurdnnce ested will and (mid Sulul 11:1 y The van H‘snlutiml u token u! 11 services. ILU visiting llllplllll. )llll have \shugn (I, the «id up Hing. 19H 1})L l)‘ ll) unumgl :lllSt'lH'l on hnl fur Mr. ’I‘hm-u will hu nu n-Iechun in Richmnnd Hill ful- I'L’l'\'l'. cmmcillum or serum] trustees. 'I‘lmfullmviug “m”, Iluclcd ln' :ICL‘lulllilliUll Mum’th ensuing: Rvme, \V. H. Pugslvy: (Tuxlncillnrs. J. H. Saudelsun, J, Tyndall. G. Sims. J. “lk'kslin; 'l'rnslve-s. \V. A. “Tight. G. Hal-ding, G. Reddilt. Mr. G. McDunuhl was “Is” [Huninnu-d for trustee, hut hving socyâ€"Lrens. (.f the lunu-d.uunld nut hthl the twn pusitinus. The :uldrcisvs which thnwvd sllnu't‘d Richmond Hill t') be in u liulu'ishing cuudiliun. i The Choral Concert Frank Cmm‘m-so Smith the Tnmato violinist “‘11” is to lib one nf the sulfi- ‘ ists at the conceit, of the Yulk Choral Society nn January 13th is one of the must prominan musicians in the city. living first, viola in the Turnntn Sym- phmiy mcliestra and the \‘iulist. in the Toronto String Quartettt- as We” :15 uncut the must popnlar vinlinists in ; the cumin-y. Mr. Smith will play the “Ave Maria." Schubert. \Villielmj; “Hungarian D mun," Hacschc and “Lit-besfrt‘ucl." I{l'ti$it‘l‘. \V. E. Capps the Well known tenni- soluist of Trinity Ml'l‘vlrdl‘fil chmch ‘ and Conductor ut' the Eaton Operatic (‘lulL is the possessor of a beautiful \‘uice which he uses in the Inn-3t artistic i manner. Mr. Gapps will cuntiihute a grunp of captivating songs including i the English Ballad. “There is a land," I hy Allisteu. - The reserved seats aw being rapidly lmught up, and everything [mint to :1 verv enjnyahle evening. Reserve seat I plan at. Mr. Hume‘s office. thj 11 n. Install Upon the Musing nf srhnul fI-r UH- Chrislmns \zlculiou the pupils pn-x 'nl- ed their ((-nt'her with :1 pnil‘ uf military brushe‘s mud n cnmh in u lmmlsmne 0:159, and :m ;:(](]I't’s~'. The pl'vsmvlnliun xv.“ [nude by Miss May hmplu-H, and the address was lead by Mis: ancvs lluglws. Mr. {Hahn-muck was taken lny Mil-prise and rvplir-d in :l few word»; thunkng llw pupils fur {1w kindly I'm-ling which pl-muptud thm tn nka- the gift. I).\ V Th! mvnl Nomination !n Vaughan At 11w lwluilmliun nwoting at Vul- Im'e on Monday Mr. J. MI-Nuix' was vlwled Im-vu luy :u'vlnumtinn. and M 1-. J. G. \Vhilmmv. (vauIy-ruerv. Mr. James McNeil was :dsu nmninJu‘d for HIP I't‘l‘H'shiD but u‘ilhdl-e-w. The fnlhlwiug \w-ru umuinutml fm- lhe pmitinn (If (-nunc llurnnd all an) in the Conn-H, :â€"J. T. Suigmm, A. CillH'I-‘Hlll. \V. 0. Mubnnuld. R. 0. Harvey, \\'.Am1<*r>‘un. N. \V. Mn” '3‘. \V. J. Johnson. .1. Be”. At the after meeting Mr. A. Bran was chairman and each (If llw nominees gave :deressvs. At lhv lust meeting (If the lichnrnd Hill Public Library Bum-<1 llwsccrenu y preswnvd .1 cthm- $9.68 from Mus-L- hlm Tuwmhip Guam-i1, living the grant ln (ln- Lihruly fur 1911. As .\l:ukh:un’5gnmc for the past, six 01' St'VuI] yours has lwun $15 :1 year. :u-cmding tn :ygrm-nwn), thv umditiun being that, (he Lihmry and Reading Room he 0pm] to the residents hf Min-khan: Township. the SL-rwlzny was insnuch'd L9 leLuru the ulu-quz: and nmke- :1 requestfm- 11w :mmunt :lg‘IGEi] upon. As Lhu residents (-f 1119 Township lmvv vujuyed (he privilege-s uf the Lihrmv fm-(lwfull year. it is confidL-nlly expected the Council will make the usuulmamt fur 191-1. The $15 grunt, frnm Vaughan, undm similar (:nndirmns, was pmd ezuly in the. year. \ Inspectm- J. E. “'L-Lllernll has sent Hu- Bnurd of Edm-utinn u re-pm-t hf his December Visit tn the High School. He'poiuted nut, defects in acumnudu- mm, but was well satisfied wile \he wmk uf the sclmvl. His closing remarks urn as fulluws :~â€""This High Schnol. (m the whole. is in a \‘H'y pros- pm'nus: nundllinu. The :lztvm'innwâ€" cightv-eightâ€"â€"is just duuhlc the unendme uf t'mn- yours nan. All Hw unendquo nf fmn- yours ngu. All thv members (If the SLan’ :lre c-anvle’nt uud zvnluus. The m-w Loan-hers gin great pmmise nf success. Since lust; inspectinn lhv fullnwing imprm‘vmcnts have lawn made in :H‘CUlthndilI“HIS :â€" Ncw Cement Skeps have hvuu [unit In front Hf the school; \anvr Tanks have lm-n placed in the luwvl' Hull; va New Uvuu-ut Skeps have hm'l fan nf the school; \anvr Tu I’m-n plucvd in the luu‘vl' H Blinds fur durkemng the LH “'induws huw- been installed Ml. mk :11). It)”. Nt-lrnn DuVis. lnlvrlnvnt in Richm day. 'l‘hlu-sdny, on urrh Mvh'npnlitnn czu' lcnvin 11 n. m. Ill unllny lic Presbyterian Church is Sunday. Jan. 31d, In Village Nominations In M id Inspectors Report Cheque Returned ‘urnntn on Tuesday and everything [hint- to '1: IIFm‘ tickets : hle evening. Reserve soul and slpeping Hume‘s office. Y. B. ’l‘r Mr. Lbsliu ll. in \Vllithy ddiLt Thornhill Headiord DIED \Vhi‘hy is ac n- a. week in E. Hand “'h') is Leslie is relic rriml uf special \x‘ing Tmme at hnmnd HIH nnd EuLex-{uin «(H‘md (.‘hlll'ul nf leL work [he Slundnl hm'u built, In 1"]‘unks have r Hull; NI'W I Lulmrutt'lv 1L. 19L"). '~‘ .md gir1~~ md Ufiiuvrs ucling in {In lievmg to UH 11 rhurtrh, 1.500 Aluzhuls. :lnd Huulwvmfl. miXHI Bodv-wmu]. App]: (r‘mlnlcy Elma-Hun 2500'. N E W :1! $7. slabs down O'I‘IUE._Thv nndvrsigm'd wide L to inform the public lhul he has on hum] a gum] supply of tun], and wood. Feeds nf all kind, Hm“, shuHs, Glutpn Inn-211.031 cukv, Brewer‘s Grains" Mullusirw. Alsu :1 cur of corn and Builf'd I]: v jusL arrived. :1” :It I‘Cnsunuhlu priccs. S. Jen-v15 anh‘. ‘ 3-2 mus. 8111,:It8.()0[mn.. fur the m-gnnizing :2 Such-Lv In he the Richmond Hill H S vciely, as prmidvd in A( VIL. ('7. 18, S. 1.. Su'linn iutmoslod pcuse- ultenu. L Seh’shTI ‘ as. pm 1th Mills I I OUSE TO IU‘JN'J‘.~â€"Eight “mm In itzk lmusu m1 Richmond stun-t. l’iirhmnml-Hlll. Hard and sul'l wulor. Electrically lightml. Pussossinll at any linw. Apply. Mrs. \Villiums & Sun. Vichriu Squaw. 23:.1'. ['BLIU NOTICEâ€"~NOU60 is herr- lwgivon [hut El. public meeting Will he ln-ltl in llw Unum‘il Chumlml, Richnmnd Hill. on Friday. January \vrih W Hill x Fur-sale, 18 acres. with um,» oigth mile frontage nu Yonge St.” near Elgin Mills. Excellent SuiL fine siumtiun, moderate priuv. Ad- dress B. cure Libexal ufiice. 18 If. walks. Hui Flu-mum :I \Villmvdal Nntit'o is ht‘l‘k'lly given that chil Huwurd Lumhc-rt (If Lhu city nf Turqu- 50. in tho County uf Ym-k. 1’1 m‘ince of Ontario, accountant, will apply In the P;u~!inmonb of Canada. an the next session [holt'nf for 2L Bill of Divnrcv from his wifv Penn! Em Lumhelt of the (lily Hf ’l‘m'nntn in the Gnnnly nt' Yolk. Province of Ontarin, on [he gl'nund1~f'ulllltt-1y. Dated zll Tux-mm) In 1110 provincv nf Ontnlin this 25‘le day nf Nnvmnhm Gnud gning \Vvdm'sddv. Thursday and Friday, Dem-tuber 30th. 315K. 1614, and January lst. Valid for return until Monday. January 4th, 1915. Good going Thursday and Decemhpr Blst. 1914; Friday. lst. Valid to x-ehnn um” January 2nd. 1915. fli :OR SALEâ€"{Him cow with 6:.” by sidv. Int 25%, con. 2, Vaughan. J. Slim’y. Elgin Mills. 27 FOR SALEâ€"At I ‘0 7 0R 2»! 3m OR SALE.â€" mml hwltol OR SALEâ€"A fresh milk (:mv with cnlf hv side'. Lot, 26. Gun. 2. Vaughan. Jf-svph Espm-y. Elgin 0R SALE.-â€"â€"Mm'v than 200 bushels l-f “unguldfi. Simnn Baker. 2nd Unn. Lntr :34” Mulklmm Elgin \RPE’I 0R SALI 0R SALE OR, RENTVA )mil- (1 hummus at \Villmvdu10,1{inusdnI: Sub close In Yonqc St. Sidl ks. ]1.-ud;.n(‘lSqu water in hnlm 'lmc(- and Bath. J. Mch’vnzi. O RENTâ€"Hmmr on Riuhnmnd Eat. Apply {u A. J. “fright. 23 tt' D. 1914 ONGE STREET FRON'I‘AGISâ€" ANTED.â€"A good gin-l f‘n- wmk, must be uth in apply Mrs._ Dunlap, Riv: \\‘il|l( [\T din (,1!va fur u: Mills Canadian Northern 1nd New Year's Holiday Fares SINGLE FAR]: E.‘\\‘ 1V ( ) 1‘1 (DID Suit-(ML May \n ADVERTISEMENTS I)0p.ln.. fur the plllpnr’? (If Ign Such-Lv in he knuu'n as hmond Hill I'iul'licultm'nl wsprmidud in Act 6. Edw. 18, S. 1.. SH-linn 7 E. All \V hy ARE 1m Mon-('1' & Bl'ndfnul 24 King Slim-L \th SuliCitm's fur the Applicant l'il annil us New chump- lin :Iml . Muylk Fur mund (rip whit'li ntvl . I’ll Davidsnn‘ in $1 in : H] Wood Apply L13 J4 Ind infnrmntinn, pnrlm‘ Um- reservations. apply :wv StuLiUll Agmt. the round trip \Vvdm-sdAv. ’9Cvlulwl' 30th. ICAVIZW $30 On: THIRD flu Stnp 4 â€"\\'uul(l m straw. PI , Luuustufi’ (It, l’lmm [ nf l'JncyH . 25 Vulmm It, mm-lhird Public S I at Tnv Li HM) ()1) cards nf dry Limhwmul um] class 11p-tu-d cu right. up lbs and anh John Slwmu 1 0 d-w. Thurde 30th. 3151. 1614 High sou (ml llu m. 4. \\’hit~ Posts. 51M L. ('thIV. Sttmfl'villv 26-4 in (:0vi Richmont f‘n- house {d singlv vxchn ngu Phi-no m Sn‘hu > Lilwl 20 If. Friduv.‘ J n n usury Saturday ’26 Illll Ill Ailz-n, Ippiy 'hnn]. Lhi 119 ‘. in! E" y . ‘1mmmmmm mmmmm'fi W Lflfidw‘fiwjfiaqufiuugm 59.331 ;~..,\_.\,;L LLLUJMJMJAJJ .a‘ 4 .1““ ‘m ‘unnd and ‘ W ..gmflu ‘m K M M 3 , ‘ A . V m _ «V. Jr" ',§‘r" r. ,m gfi i‘ 1. {rs pr 0 1.? ‘5‘ .pr .5 .. .r ~_, rr rr“ r. XV" r21“ I! {a J‘C’ w ‘41 '7 1‘ IS {q ‘1 F .N r. “I? L." Untx'my REAL Lumsdvn Building, 6 East. Tux-onto. Opens JJnum-y 4th in .~gl1d:- mrt,~ nwntsnf the CENTRAL B ’51â€" NESS COLLEGE. Yungu hnd Gerrard Sllt'z'ls‘. Tm-umu. Our ()nlulrrguu explains 0m- superi- m-hy in Equipnwnt, smf. Mah- vds‘ and Results. Ynu are in- \'ited to writu fur it if inH’l-vslvd in NW kind pf schnul \x‘uvk which brings lu'Sl. sum-v55. Adlh'ua‘s \V. H. SHA\V, Pres. Extend to their many friends the Season’s‘Greet- ings and wish all a New Year full of Happiness and Prosperity Tea aprons. :11) attractive ten apron made of fine lawn, em broidcred in floral design. scalloped edge, at; . . . . All over aprons, made of' good quality print in light; am (lurk shades, each . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Stamped centre pieces line linen, eneh .. . . . . . . . . . . llemstitched embroidered scarfs 18x50, each . Tray cloths, embroidered 17x26.. . . .. . . . . . . lluek towels, bleached, hemsbitelied, soft finish, pr. ............ White honey comb quilts, hemmed ends, each .................. Embroidered pillow eases,scallopcd edges, pr ................... ..-na....-... 1’1CI\'LI£S~IIcinzics sweet ghm'kins Small pickled onions, bot McConmJfics mustard Dlt OI WINTER SESSION John Fisher THE RICHMONEHILL FURNISHING STORE FARMS WANTED The finest choice of Xmas goods Shirts, all shades, from . . . Ties, the best; we ever had, Neck Scarfs, from . . . . Suspenders, different kinds, Gloves, lined and unlined. . NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR l'an Inn 5 Gillnrd‘sl Good elem Finest law ome now and {jet fltkinsan & Switzer GQEEREFE HWSE it if inn-l-vsu-d schnnl work ln'sl, slh‘l‘vs. &C0 ESTATE Adz-laid" St. 13 (5 HI clues mustard pk n sauce, excellent Bu; Goods Graceries iNatice at...“ the boxed . . â€"â€"~ Stove Pipes ~â€"- crimped ready ior use. Any person can put them together without angler. kinds 0t repairing promptly done. Opposite Dr. La ngstaff’s Skates Ground every )‘ge size 11111 iasoh Eyer , pcrjnr . fowl ol‘ fis best afternoon. $1.00 to $1.00 to $1 .00 to ..’aOc to WC ever grinding and all choice. 1|] per and bomlc , .00 l .00 50c 1ad. $1.20 10 O 500 250 500 55c 60c 10c no 206'

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