FINE TAILï¬RENB RICHMOND HILL? All kinds of work in the {rude done in 21‘ workmunlike munnvr. EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES Expert, \Vi‘lk in shoving lame interfexing horsvs. A. SCHERZER Pressing Cleaning m Repairing A TRIAL “'ILL CONVINCE Y0! RICHMOND HILL Motor Repairing Done ERMS GIVEN 0N MOTOR CYSLEE A. Scherzo r RICHMOND 1111}. NOTARY PUBLIC L. CURTIS H ()RSE-S HOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITIIING Leases†Special attention given to L. CURTIS Shoes Remm'od New Shoes - - - Conveyancing. â€"GO TO IS THE L()('}ICAL PLACE TO IEI'Y YOI’R NEEDS IN RUBBER ANI) LEATHER FOOTâ€" Vv'EAR. \VE KNOW' OUR GOODS ARE HIGH IN QUALITY AND REASONABLE IN PRICE- OUR LARGE STOCK ALLO\\'S YOU AX EXTENSIVE RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM- for your BOOTS AND SHOES AGENT FOR NAUGHTON’S NAUGHTON’S md Free advice re Fruit Culture and Landscape Plantings P. W. Mcï¬regor, = = Thorn} Papers at 5 cents a role in a good range of colors suitable for kitchens, etc. Papers at 8 and 10 cents a roll, suitable for any room. Betterâ€"papers to be used with or without borders, at from 15 to 75 cents 21 roll. Painting, Graining, Papcrhanging, Etc. Yonge St. Wall Papers for Any Room in the House and Suitable for Any Style of Decoration ELGIN MILLS THE OLD RELIABLE====FONTHILL NURSERIES ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY a very Prosperous and Happy New Year, take this opportunity to Wish their patrons The Richmond H111 Hardware Company and also to thank them 101‘ their liberal patronage during the past: year. We solicit a continuance of the same throughout the coming year When we will do our best- to serve you Wall Paper Store The Richmond Hill Season's Greeetings Ellis the Decorator +++++++++++++++++++++++++ §~ Norman Batty STIMATES FURNISHED Richmond Hill GROCERIES, ETC FRI‘IT TREES. SMALL FRUITS, SHADE TREES. ORNAMENT- ALS. SHBUBS, EVERGREENS. ROSES, SEED POTATOES. ETC. Supplied in well grown stock Uhnicest \‘nl‘ivlies in Thornhill, Ont. rncne £98 Phone 29 a B THE unnuunununnu“ "vvvwvvvvvvvvvvvn fl ..- ‘ -‘ . ‘ ‘ 1 Wm ARI: AGILN IS I‘OR ESO ME CHOICE REA].- Alan :I, Sn {clmice building lot AAAAA prices. Om- fnruitm-e (:ntnluguns have all the newest, designs at moderate Ask to sue them and compare plices with other places. p a SAVAGE L. E. HAND. D OFF not require a large deposit to begm EA ICE with. TORONTO "' ‘ RICHMOND HILL BRANCH HOUSE PAlNTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMON D HILL 10 per cc Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass Insurance- Consult Us For flutes Your Insurance will be well looked after if leIt to VVVVV1 VVYVVV" i 'VVVVVYVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV'V'V‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV BANK 1t 20 pe Announces that ha rangemts with the HOBBERLIN, who samples of their Monday Specials, h( PHONE 8002‘ ©F @ANAJDA LOTS FOR SALE WALLPAPER STOCK COMPE TE LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED FURNITURE AND SEWING MACHINES SC ITS .\.\'D 0 VERCOATS BAKER ROSEVIEW AYE. able pri' es. SEE the ï¬ne new ht erty. m"“\‘ SATURDAY Branches also at Maple, Markham. Stouffville. Unionvili_e and Locust nt. off bl Apply HEWISON STANDAERD MADE~T0»MEASUR RICHMOND HILL (ER AVE. now open. Lots splendid outlook, good water, g lx’csiricted to house costing $25 Wholesale Florist s that having made : with the HOUSEâ€"0E LAWRENCE GARDENS nt. off N, who are smuding f their Suturduv and eciuls, he will offer on . Gr. SAVAGE & SON BASSETT Sulid brick dwelling on Y0ng Sb. Good 3m: lot. A; of; the best lurmtion on Yongc Street. : .xxn MONDAY 1 egula 1' 'Cdll RICHMOND HILL. new houses being built on TERMS REASONABLE RICHMOND HILL . LAWRENCE, line Ind ZIZIEI EPIIS'S Some good lots left at reason- and EEPlNC. a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand.the amount expended. provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. REAL â€"â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\\'AYS ON HAND. has cpened a Laundry south of McD uld‘s Grocery Store in He solicirs a trial on work and gum: untees satisfaction. Send list of articles with each pzu-ce giving residenceand name in full. giving residence sire Advertise in The Liberal. ‘xoods dulled for and delivered, RICHMOND TATE FOR SALE C. I. HINAS Lots 150 feet deep. her. good drainage. A. G. SAVAG E Richmond Hill Richmond Hill P. G. SAVAGE M \NAGER this prop- Manager. HiIL VV"