RICHMOND HILL. 0x12, J.\.\'. T. LOCALS For general war news see inside pages. Mrs. S. M. Brown has gone to \Vcst Hill to spend a couple of months with l 'lrer daughter Mrs. (Hr-.1 Spanldiug. (‘all and renew yorir suhsciiption to THE LIBERAL. and ask for a \Vall Pocket hefore they are all handed out. Mr. Auros llonsliei-gcr of London, ()rit., spent a few days with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. L. Doucr. Reeve Pugsth and Mrs. rPrrgslt-y spent New Year's with Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Pugslcy in Sutton. Don't forget the annual nice the Richmond Hill Horticultu ciety in the (louncil (.‘liarnher to-inor- r-ow (Friday) evening. _.,. , - . . Mr. Pratt‘s Ncw Year (lifts included a heaurifnl pair of prairie chickt-ns, nicely mounted, from his son l’liilip, Indian Head. The January meeting of the \V.M.S. of the Methodist Church will he held at the home of Mrs. Broad this (Thurs- day) after not n at 3 o‘clock. The regular rnectingofthc Richmond Hill \Vonieu’s Institute will not he held \\'t;drrcstla_y of next week. Notice of next irieetiiig will be given later. A Hockey Match will he played in the rink. Thornhill this ('l‘hursday) t"\‘(‘lllthv between North Toronto and lliornlnll. Puck faced at 8.15. Tul‘trlilo. on New Year's Day elected T. L. Church, Mayor: andJohu O‘Neill, '1‘1ros.1‘-ostcr. RS. Spence aird J. 1‘}. Thompson. Board of Control. . Mcus‘s‘oft lratsall good Ir;‘.-iti-t1:ltc litres, hut, lrroken in, sizes regular $2.01! and $2251) to sell at $1.01). Your .. ram-e fora good hat at little cost. See our adv. N. J. Glass. 25 2 Miss Edna Alcoinlriack B.A. after spending.r thr- Xmas holidays at. her home here. returned to Mitchell on .\1(lll(1v"yr\\'lll‘lt‘ shr- is on the staff of the High School as Modcrus teacher. Aurora’s (‘ouncil for 1915: \V. J. Baldwin: Reeve. \V. ('rrutlcillors, \V. J. Bassett. T. H. M. Hulsc. Janics Crockai t, Adi. Hancock, '1‘. Andrews, A. Murray. Mr. Samuel Robson of Aurora, : noniiccs the mar riage of his d Hannah Edith Lonim to Mr. \V. (Fluhine of Vaughan. will take place ca Maycr. J. Knowles: 1n- auglitci‘ (lharlcs The marriage, ily iu the new year. Mrs. Milne, Toronto, is staying with her-daughter, Mrs. (‘hrrrlcs Turp. \Ve regret 1o state that Mr. Turp. licad lloi-ist at the Lawrence Greenhouses, who sulfcrcd two paralytic strokes. is still in a critical condition. , Men‘s elastic knit l ‘1‘lt1 drawn-is. Lftlltlt’llL $1.111); l‘lack knitted vril lined pr. $1.01). icavy wool shirt t‘rc'rnr colors. per Mciis English make gloves, pr. 51]: Men's Mocha gloves fine quality Atkinson t\' Switzcr. Inst Sunday's \Vorld contained an interesting sketch on the late Mr. David Robinson, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James (‘osgrovm agedQS years. The sketch refers to the part he lock in the rebellion of 1837. Mr. 'I‘lios. Thomson of Headford offeringr hy private hornsâ€"males and is Sale 2U good short- l'crnales. Also a nuurher of Leicester ewes and cwr- l:riiihs. and some 1irst~class Barred Hock cockerals. Further particulars will he given by advertisement next week. Last Motrday evening at thr- month- ly Christian Endeavour- sci-\icc Mr. Ashford \Vriglit gave an excellent prpcr on “The Relation of Prayer to (Tlizrraetcr- arid Service." , seven menihcrs responded to the roll 4‘1â€. Next Monday evening the [Cp- w-:rtli League will \isit the Maple l.~-.rgire. â€"-_ The Club Treated The urcnihers of the lticlini ‘llll Hill (ion t‘luh. and a few other tricnds, hy idvitation, spent a pleasant tiriic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vrn. (‘urtis \Vednesday eveningr cf last After admiring the youngr hear, cap- lured hy Mr. ('urtis in the recent hunt, which has been neatly mounted hyataxidcrrriist, a couple of hours were spent in playiiu: games, singingv h'ish songs, atid rel-11in;r events of thc [“1‘f seasvin. ltefr'csliirients \Vl'l‘r' served. and lbr'frtl‘t‘ s’pal'ating. the captain, Mr. Pratt. expressed the thanksof thccluh for the kind hos- pitalily of the host and hostess. .Hâ€" BORN 1’.\L‘Lâ€"At the Parsonage. Brampton. on Monday, Jaunary4, 191."). to Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Paul, a daughter. W»â€" lN MEMORIAJI in loving memory of Edwin Allen Pickering, who died Jan. 5th, 1908, Thouin dear-1y I loved Thee And cannot wrslr Thee hack again, Yet 1 know Thou will meet me; \Vlren I reach, the golden shore, “'rfe ting of I t‘zll Str- Twenty- = \yeck. , ~ ‘ (iï¬lt't'l s Miss Dorothy ltupr-rt of Toronto 'spcnt Saturday and Sunday at Mr. 1'. ' ('r-opr-I's. v‘OHrâ€"â€" Re Dumping Ashes- r t The attention of the piilrlic is called to the fact that dun-pint: ashes on tho . ptililic highways ol ltichniotid Hill is‘ 'forhitlrlr-rr hy the (‘oti'iciL and that. ‘paitios hereafter doing same will he Iprocccdcd against accordingly. JOHN lll('l{SHN. Slit-ct ('oininissioncr. wâ€"hâ€" Gormley Mr. and Mis.1ra Baker held their 1st Annual family gathering at. their home iii Gornilr-y. and were honored with the presence of over thirty relatives, among whom were Mr. Amos Honslicrgcr of lnvtrdon. ()nt. ‘ The day was spent in music. skating, and other games, all had a vcry en- ‘o 'ahlc time. .1 _â€" Mo!) _â€" Service of Praise Those who heard the t'Xt‘r'llt'lit pro- gratuue given hy the choir of the ligliiitoii Methodist (‘linrcli alrout a yearago will lie anxious to again at- tend the SI'l‘Vit‘t' of praise in the M'vlli- |odist Church here Friday evening o1" this week. Noadmissiou fee, lint :ll‘. offering.r will he taken during the ser- vice. See programme elsewhere in this paper. â€"â€"-o-wâ€"â€" Skips Appointed The following have lit-cu appoint- ed skips tor-the Richmond Hill ('urlinig,r Ulllltl*Til'lki‘1',1*’G.(..It'\\'i1',-J.'1‘;,'llti?1ll. District Cttp-~A.G. grunge, F.1‘1.Sitri9. (‘ltrhâ€"J.Tyndall. (i. (‘o\\‘io. .l. Monro man, \V. Pratt, A. (4. Savage. A. E. 1 Glass. M. Boyle, J. S. McNair, S. Har- ker, 15.13. Sims, J. H. Sanderson. O>â€"â€"â€"â€" Local Option Local op.ion had 12 vir-lorics on Monday. h‘hencw places. including: Holland Landing, went dry. and in no place was the hyllaw rcpcalt-d. Ncw~ ‘ market sustained ll)" hy-law hy a ‘ majority of 2.33 and Midland by 3313. The hy-law was defeated hy the thrce- i fifths clause in ahout a dozen places. and was defeated lry a straight vote in Bradford. Baht and Simeoc. ...-.7“ Card of Thanks Allow me throuin this medium to r express my sincere thanks to the la- dies and gentletiien who gave me such generous support at the election for Vaughan Councillors on Monday. 11h inst. Although not eiccted, I feel‘ grateful to my supporters. and for the expressions of good will cxlcridr'd me‘ hy many electors. Yours truly \V. (t. McDonald. Maple, Jan. 5, 1915. 1 Musical Event 1 A musical treat is in store for the} music, loving.r people of Richmond Hill 1 and vicinity, in the Methodist church } next. \Vcdrit-sday err-iiing. when Thor York (‘lit-ral Society. 811 voices, will give their concert in aid of the Belgian Relief Fund. Mr. 1“. (‘onveise Smith. the popular \iolinist. will , give a nnnihcrof selections. aiid should I Mr. \V. 1‘). (‘apps he ahscnt. owint.r to a recent illness. his place will he tilled 1W a worthy suhstitnte. It is lioped‘ llre audience will he seated hy 3.15. as the doors will he closed tliiiiti;,r each numhcr. Currie and enjoy the music- a1 treat. See programme on another page. â€"â€"7 a.» Letter of Thanks The following letter has heeu re- ceived liy the 'l‘reasurcr of tlic Metho- dist Sunday School from the Hon. ‘ Treasurer of the Belgian Relief Fund: ‘ Dear Mr. Home z~ ‘ r \Vc have your kind l-zttcr of the ‘._’nd inst., enclosing a Money ()llll‘l' for $56, ‘ from the children of your Methodist SuiidaySt-Iiool for the i'r-licfof Belgian ‘ children, the rhildrcn of your s'Jlltltrl‘ deciding to do this instead of r cr-r-iving,r Xmas. gifts tlreiiiscl\c:. \Vill you kindly thank the dear children may , heartily in otir name for their kind uess as well as for their splendid coutriliirtioii. \Vitli many thanks 1o yourself, lain, Yours faithfully. Ilr‘t‘tlil' l’itnl'liorrinic. Q99 Resolution of Sympathy Thr- followianr resolution has her-ii forwarded by Richmond 1.! tlgc. to the family cf the late Mr. Alex. .‘Illlltlil‘ :â€" l)r-:ri Friends,~0ri lwhalf of tho aud rnenihers of ltichmomi‘ No. :23, A. 1“. a A. .\',. of] which Lodge your 1tr‘ltfl't't11i1lllt‘l‘, was an honored lllt'llrlH‘l‘. we take this opportunity of extending our- heartfelt sympathy to you in your recent lair-t-avcnient. Although he was Tar past the allotted time of man. we know it is hard to sulfci the hiss o' Lodge. I a kind frthcr. As hrothr-r rriasons, \ye esteemed iiitii forhis regular liahits, his sturdy constitution. his sunshiuy disposition, and his cheerful spirit. He was a true friend. and his tle\olion . to those whom he thought worthy of his friendship would make a bright chapter in any life. \\'c had reason to regard liirii as a kind and indulgent :father. and tr his friends he was the soul of fellowship. \Ve shall miss him in our Lodge meetings. htit his memory sh 111 form 'aiiother cord to draw us to the Grand Lodge alrove. To his sons and . daughters let us say we profited by his I worthy example. I G. co'wie. “2111. G. F.Allen,$.11. ' T. F. McMahon, 1’.M. lSon, Victoria Square. :\‘i g' X/oxoic is'r‘iiiizia'r .drcss H. care Lihczal otlicc. .‘l\'V \\‘rv(rl coating si'lg‘t' 11 in. \\'itlr‘. ..z lilat'l; and white slit-phi rd check. 41! in. wide yd. 5111:: liioun Mclior. dress goods. ltt in. \I id - yd. Atkinson rk Switzci. 31TH". NEW ADl/flEHTlSEMENTé H‘(.);\11.-‘\\i11'\' pay $7.“! frir t'rr;rl this winter which cost llll' saint- l.l.\1_\'(';l|‘. lscll licst 1.. V. at $7.23."). slalvs and down. 131m sari: (ilt‘ltliN'l‘ 77. as l’t‘fll ccidw'oorl. John Eu 1 Still-close to Yong-o St. 1Furnace and \Villowdalr‘. Bath. J. 231-1 Latin t'r-rtar- l’t-sts. .‘aro Anchors, and lot! cords ol' dry Hardwood. mixed l.inil>woorl Hody-wood.‘ Apply ML»: 1.. ('hr-iiv, (ioriiilcy lClcvator, 251M. 1 1 211-1 :1111 S.\l.l'I â€" Milk cow with calf hy sidc. lot 2%, con. 2, Vaughan. J. Sliucy. l‘llgiii Mills. 27 23 l 1:01t SAl.l'I.~A $4.31'rcnch ('uttcr for $31k good as new. Enquire at ’1‘iir: Linicuxi. ()flice. 28-2 I ot‘sic 'ro ltliNi’l‘J-ï¬liiglit [mi hi ick house on ltichmond slrcr-t. Richmond Hill. Hard and soft \yalcr'. Electrically lighted. Possession at any lllllt‘. Apply. Mrs. \Villianis w.- 3?i1.t’. V ()Tlt‘l‘lgs The undersigned \\ ishcs l to inform the puhlic that he has on hand a good supply of coal. and Wood. Feeds of all kind, Hraii. .Slltrl‘ls,1illltl'lllllt':1l,(lllc;ll{t', Hrcwcr's Grains. Mtrllasilir'. Also a car of corn aiitl Bailcd hay just airi\cd, all at reasonahlc prices. S. Jarris. Maple. v)-211]lt>‘. ()'l‘1-t‘l':.â€"»()fr inter-cs1. ilic in N ncighhoihood at Lirgc. The undersigned wishes tr inform the pnhlit: that he is putting in a Saw- iriill and will he prcparcd to cut. lumher this winter. 8. Jan is, Maple. Jan. 15. 191.3. 238-1 )1'131411‘ Ntl’l‘lt‘lt‘sNotice lrygivciithal a ptihlic will he held in 111" (‘ouncil t Richmond Hill. on Friday, January Stlr,atS.tlt)p,ro.. for the purpose of organizinge Society to 1m known as the lticliiiroud llill Horticultural Sociely,asprrnidcd in Act (i, Edw. llt'l't‘v meeting ‘hanihci. is \'ll.. (‘. 18, S. 1.. St-clioii T 1'). All interested pcasc :rttctio. (i. 1". Allen, Sec'y‘Trcaa 27 I3 1 r ‘0 1i1‘:N‘1‘~~1ltillit‘itrll ltildliiif‘iiil:i. .)-i -I) Apply to A. J. \\'ri,r,:ht. ANTlilL~A good girl tor house, work, must he ahlc to Cook. apply Mrs. Dlnilr-p, lx‘icliiiiond 27â€"1. 1'. 1f W fANTl‘Jl) A'l‘ ()Nt‘lCWA Hill. gent-i a1 servant. wages paid. Mrs. Van \Vait. good Very highest Apply :11 our c to liiclriiiotitl lllll. 2181i. /T()1)l) 131111 S.\l.l‘.‘. ~A quantity i 1' dry four root wot-d at $1 a cord, dcliiercd. 1.. 1;. String. 2&3 FRONTAU 1Câ€" l“or ltr‘ acres, with onc- cigth mile frontage on Yongc S1., ncai l‘llgin Mills. l'lxccllr-iit, soil. line situation. iiiotler‘rte price. Ad- IS 11'. N()'1‘I(}§C Notici- is liort-lry given that ('ccil llowaid Lanilir-rl of the city of Toron- to. iii lllt' t'orinly of York. l’io\iiicc o1 ()ntaiio. accountant, »will apply to the Parliament of t‘anada :it the next session thcrr-rif for a Hill :1 l)i\oltt' from his wife l’cail liva 1.:rnihcit of the (‘ity of Toronto in 1110 (‘ramly of Yolk, 1)lti\‘ltlt'.‘ of Ontario, on the ground r-f ‘1tlllllt'l}'. Dated at Toronto I Ontario this A. l). ltlll. Sillr', ‘_’\'th day of Novr-inla-r Melch r\' Bradford '11 King Street \Vr-sl Solicitors for [llr' Applicant 213m It the pro\ incc of i 1 “WWW ‘ needs then let us assist you save \vhatyou give. Tiziriis :1er Horse Shoe Salmon. 1 11> ('lit'icc1trdSalinIm, 1 1h. S\\r‘t'[ ('oilr,ii'1iris . . . . . Stnadard Peas. 3 tins Trilliuttvl's. ii lltis . . ('olnctl lit-cf, l 11L. llciidyfs l’ork and Beans ('ln-rrics. 11. S. 2 1h. tin Hats, 11. S. 2 tins. . . . . . . . l’ltrlri<,11.5., 21h. tin . . . . . . . l’iiicapples, :3 [ins .. r l’caches. 2 [ins .. .. Choice Dairy Butter ... WATCH THE ADV. F. E. SIMS, The Grocer ~ H s 1 13011 SA1.l-I~.-\l 1.1i12,("iii. l. \Vliit- . church, Also soft slalis :iiitl Maplt" Slit-:tr-i r pair of liotlscs at \Villtnvtlalt'.Kilnrstlalc. . sidc-. walks, Hard :.nd Soft water in house. ‘ McKenzie, ‘ and 1 Phone Stoulh illc‘i l llrvrioraiy'l‘r-aslricr'. if you are giving to ’atrioticj Atkinson & Switzer Extend to their many friends the Season's Greeti- ings and wish all a New Year full of Happiness and. Prosperity N Groceries I’1Cl\'l.l-JSâ€"-lleiiizics sweet glrerkins, large size, 1 (107... . . . .. ..IOc Small pickled onions, bottle . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .250 Alctforiacliies mustard pickles, pc jar .. . . . . . . . . . .170 l’an Yan sauce, excellent for fowl or ï¬sh, per bottlc.200 Gillard‘s lx‘clisli, large jar, each .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .381: 1“ 11 U I Tâ€"(iood cleaned cuirauts, no stems, lh. . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 l‘dllt‘sir layer figs, juicy and i('ll(l(:l‘,l 1).. . . . . . . . . . . .15c Seeded raisins, tine flavor and clean, 2 pkgs . . . . . .150 (‘lioicc Apricots. 2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .350 b‘ 0 U 1‘ S rllcinzics tomato soup, per tin .. .. .. .. . . .. .lï¬c (Tainphcll’s vegetable, chicken or tomato up. t-in...1.")c l'nswectcned evaporated milk, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 l iordoli‘s l-Iagle brand, condensed milk, tin . . . . . .150 7% I Dry Goods Tca aprons. an attractive ten apron nrrde of line la \vu, cirr- lil'tritltrl‘tjtl in lloral design, scalloped cdge, at .. . . . . . .15c All over aprons, made of good quality print in light and dark shades, each .. .. .. ......500 Stamped centre pieces tine linen, cacli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 lleiiistitclied ciiiln‘oideretl scarfs 18x50, cacli .. .500 Tray cloths, cuihi‘oitlci'cd 17x26. . ... . . . . . . ..550 lluck towcls, bleached, licnistit-Clicd, soft finish, pr. . .Gt‘rc \Vliitc honey coiiih quilts, Iteiiimcd ends, each l‘linbrtadcrcd pillowcases, scalloped edges, pi‘....... , Upciis J rnuary 11 h in all depart- WINTER SESSION otice ,, ,, N nents of the ('lCNl‘ltAl. BUSI- r Nl‘i‘iS (‘1)1.1.1C(i1‘:. Yrriigc aritl . H ‘_ ' (it'lltlltTHllt't'tS.'1‘1ll‘tllllll. Our Skates (mound exery (‘atalogrn- explains our superi- zrrily iu litpiipnicnt, Stall', Mclh- afzel'noorp r-ds and tcsults. You e'r'c llii \itcd to writt- for it it" inlcicstr-t . in the ltiiid of st'lllml work -â€" Stove Pipes __ which liiiligs 1tl'Si slicer-es. . Address \V. 11. 511A“, Pres. crnnpcd ready IOI. use. 1 Any pcr‘Son can put " " them together without anger. FARMS WANTED _ H _ l'rsiu,; grinding and all . - I \\'c want a farm suitalrlv lrr V- l; ‘ ; r I. . ‘0’ dair \‘ing alrout the third or huh-d "1 1‘. 1) nl . 1' l l. h l‘trllt-ll‘.t‘t‘llt't'ssivtl of Vaughan . ‘ l'ownsliip with hank 1;:iiii. coin- promptly (10116. forlalrlc dwclling. smcnty trve toliundrcd acres. 11' you lane 7 a farm to sell write " . John Fisher 8; Co. E t‘ot's'rirv lil-I.\l. I'Is'iivris a g 0 L y lri i 7 ‘3‘ LL? . m DEW, .. _ 'deï¬wudamncgz‘uaï¬dw tad... “ad-3‘- rrnsdr-n Building, 1} Adelaide St.. 1:; 1i in 1‘:r151.’1‘11111111'. Opposite Dr. La tigstafl’s STORE Men's Suits and Overcoats, just a few (dd 11110.2, and \\'c will clear 11 me cut at cost and less, and from $7.50 Lip. just one of' each pattern, in sizes frt in 313 to it). Meirs llats, :1 l'cw odd tines, rtgulai‘ $2.01) and 2.50. to clear :1: $1.10. All gtol up-to-datc stack, NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR .mmFW-W 'w 1 L UJJA3) «‘vAi‘J-Jâ€" E t. 1 J '1. gm. _ _ . .. t ' 1 - ’2 THE RlCHllUNDHlLL FURNhHlNG 5. ..1