[RlCHMOND HILL A. J. HUME FINE TAILORENG EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES WM. TRENCH & SON Repairing nonlly and prumptly (lone Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Trench’s carriage Waiks All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. \ming Swilzm \Vhite beans ll» :1 011))? bouillon BRASS GIVEN 0N MOTOR CYJLES RICHMOND HILL Motor Repairing Done All kinds rvf work in the trade done in workmunhke manner. ExperL w RIBHMGND HELL HARNESS SHflP L. CURTIS NOTARY PUBLIC A. SCHERZER Leases. Wills, Etc. L. CURTIS Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. Special uttentiun given to IN CONNEUTION \VITII A. Sehorzor H unsu‘s II GENERAL BL TRIAL “'ILL CONVIXCE YOU Conveyancing, with with Pressing Cleaning Repairing COME AND SEE US Shoes Removed New Shut-s - - - RICHMOND HILL makes , just, th 10 sub walk in shm-ing lame and interfenng horses. AGENT mu ms a cup the thing fur Stet .unhm Olll 0 El NH» AND ,\(‘KSMITIIING recipes Atkinson nppeLi tho-sen SUI) unn i712 Free advice re Fruit Culture P. W. Mcï¬regor, = mention [his club has m-um-ml. 'J'l‘ Club gronnds‘ consist of alan thn hundred acres (vf rnlling [and with frontage of about forty rm] on Ynng street and xxlonding to the svcon concession of Markham. (Haley Lh emcient management hf Th resident foreman. Mr. John Gm'mm an admirable cum-w ha< l‘won laid um sndded nndequipped with :In ~1a|mmt water system fur lumping the grass i good condition. Fonm-r swamps hav disappmu-ed and in 1])l'il‘ plan-vs :1) smooth stretches of low-l land. Orr: mental and shade (luvs have [well [1†served whu-rm‘er pnssihln. ['pnn um pletitm nftlm new club hmlsv, lhi should be one 01" the bust, gulf vnnrsc in Amexiua. Arecent \‘isiLtu Tho Summit G and Country Club lnmtvd at, t northern end M our Village ilnpl'vs «me with tho snituin’hly hf l 10C:\U(.ll [his club has sue-cured. '1‘ Club grounds‘ consist, of ulan 1111 hundred acrosnf rnllinglnnd with frontage of about forty rm] on Ynn street and xxlonding to the svco concession of Mm-khnm. (ï¬nder t, emcient management hf T resident foreman. Mr. John Gm'mn uf Qneenmillv. Mr. Frunk Slyh-l- < friends in (‘ullingwm \Vith the :ulu-m snow-shuumg hnS pnpuhu'pustinu'. S< parties have rum-nlly the young pcnple. Mr. Daniel Kmsv days with his Rauvlings whn i: neizhbnrhnnd (if Pi Miss .lmn 'l‘nppm- u two-Weeks visit \\' vule. Thornton and Mr. M. [’ulion New Years with MI 'uml Mls quensv Chm-l C Geruud< M1 Am “(12‘ Yonge St Papers at 5 for kitchens, etc. Papers at 8 Better pupe THE OLD RELIABLE====FONTHILL NURSERIES ORDER NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY (‘hnim \1 Val ivl in‘ I’Rl'l'l‘ TREES, SMALL *mdequipped with :m wlnhm yslem fur lumping the gym; nditiou. Former swamps h arm] and in thvir plan-vs Stretches (If luw-l land. ()1 and shade Uqu have [well | a“ Papers for Any Room in the House and Suitable for Any Style of Decoration throughout the coming year when we will a very Prosperous and Happy New Year patronage during the past year take this opportunity to Wish their patrons and also to than}: them for their libel-a1 do our best to serve you We solicit a continuance of the same The Richmond H111 Hardware Company i119. lllit’l I{IIIS\\'£'†Si! Painting, Graining, Paperhanging, Etc ih cents a roll ‘l n Elgin Mills Season's Greeetings Wall Paper Sig}: The Richmond Hill Sovm nlly ho: \\‘Il.h Ellis the Decorator +++++++++++++4ï¬++++++++i-++ i' +++++++++++++++++++++++++Â¥ nf Toronto. Mis ‘f leu-idgb. Mis . Smilhvillv. 1““5 Thm‘nhiH and Mr \lnin :lml family 0 Norman Batty Ln 1': :61 fun) 1nd Mrs cents a role in tuning ill “:1. :md 10 cents a roll, suitable for any room. a to be used with 01' without hm-ders, at fro n nl )li [)llll mun! I]: in Mr. vtnn hn SW S; M mam (1m 'l‘I M ATI' nj I) )ungr‘ c svcond “(101‘ the 4' Thu p snuw quilur : jm-mnn, lilid nut. Inhmnto Richmond H.“ r Spent, 'mlnmin ï¬t] f in l this urscs shm d by with lht l‘lu h)†LIM- HE- Ill [In lm HI lll f1 good I'RHB'C Of COIOI‘S URNISHEI') flNiSEGN - BGURT. The Next Sitting of Div1sion (Tom-L101 N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. '1“ l and Landscape Plantings in [11 Ill \Vedncsday, Jan. FRl'l'l‘ TREES, SMALL FRUITS. SHADE TREES, ORNAMENT- AISv SHBI'BS, I‘ZVERGRI‘ZENS. ROSES, SEED POTA'I‘OJ‘JH. ETC. “'hvn Supp“ lulm H (Inmnwncmq RICHMOND HILL printing you want, printing think of T. F. MVMAUON. ( «1 in well grown ,\T lh Oak Ridges ._.ON_ \V I 021 Tl Thornhill, Ont. Phone hum at n-iclivs in m suitable 10 mm. the hmm 20:1 ljl‘lt'nli lln- l llirn i*1"’f'lf'f¢'.iz] THE xL yl-m llullm- 19x nmnul ' ilh 1M :U ml [h 10 percent. off blacks, blues and grnys W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESID ENCE. RICHMON D HILL at 20 percent. off re +++++%++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ESTABLISHED 1873 'rniS EEPING a bank accounl AN "household expenses" 1 paying all bills by cheque has :1 El 1 J 2 i 1 iSOME CHOICE REAL ESTATE FOR SA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVV' VV" 4 j \VE ARE AGENTS FOR W. H. BASSETT Announces that lmVing made :lr- mngemts with the HOUSE-OFâ€" HOBBERLIN. who are sending samples of their SuturdaV and Monday specials, he will offer on lVVVV‘V'V' VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV V' V‘VVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVYVV L. E. HAND, @F @ANAEA with;mainsexp’egaeaggxd; ; receipls for every payment and does D OFF not require a large deposit to begin “EA ICE with. TORONTO '3' REGHMOND HILL BRANCH }.A. McDONALD & SON Fire, Life & Accident Plate Glass Insurance SI'ITS .\.\'D OVERCOATS SATURDAY xxx) MONDAY Subscribe for The Liberal. Your Insurance will be well looked after if Jen; to wALLPAPER S’L’OCK COMPE} TE LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED FURNITURE AND SEWING lVIACHINES “ONE 800: all genuine reductions building: MA DE-TO- .‘IEASI'R RlCHMOND HlLL Branches also at Maple. Markham. Slouffville. Unionvilie and Locust Hi". HAPPY NEW" YEAR )m furniture (:ntnluguos have :l“ the newt Ask to see them and compare price5 “i111 TO EVE RYON E P. G. SAVAGE 8c SON (Jonsult 14‘01' Ilatess \VE \VISH A VERY solid hrick dWelling (It; the best, lunatic!†zuhu- lines and RICHMOND BEE] Send list of articles with each 1 giving residence and name in full Goods called fumuxd delivm‘ed, He solicits a trial on work and gun! antees satisfaction. sire Advertise in The Liberal. has opened a Laundry south of Mthm ald’s Grocery Store in EEPING a bank account for “household expenses" and paying all bills by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand,the amount expended. provides receipts for every payment and does not require a laxge deposit to begin with. ~â€"â€"M3r1«:.1\103(~â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALH'AYS 0N HAND. REAL ESTATE on Yonge Sr. Gnu ': Yungc Srtrcut. A. G. SAV‘ C. I. HINAS RICHMOND HILL FITJ. Richmond Hill ‘sb designs .‘It In nther plnCvS. G. SAVAGE MANAGER a‘mucl AGE Manager. u-ce