A large stock nf Funeral Furnishing kept at: both places RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILI. Tel. M. 3631, Barristers. Solicmrs. «kc NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada Telephone. Main 311 Bible Address. "Dado." PIANO TUNING 00mm! Audiences-3 {or the Couneyo! York. nlosuceuded to on shortest. notice and at ren- uoribm races Patronage solicited LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. 0. ONTA] Undorlnkcrs & [Inbfllmors J. ’1‘ Human Inplo Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Suturio and North Toronto. Special attention iven to sales 0! every duscriphon. Farm and um stock sales a. .specfalty. Farms bought Ind sold on commisslon. All sales attended to an shortest notice and conducted by the laws: up-toâ€"date methods. Phone No. 28. Denjon, Grover & Field JOHN R. CAMPBELL. - £51213??? ..Ma__cNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. 7 OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3L TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Address: 239 Balliol St , Noxth Toronto. one in House. North 2B2. 300 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junchon '32. THE PARSONAGE RICHMOND HILL E:Alls by phone or otherwise promptly respended to T. F. McMAHON. D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. F. O. EGAN AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 8c PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL.0NT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY I'HURSDAY MORNING announces that she will teach piano TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE hrs-u nnuse north of Atkinson & Switzer’s store. 3oï¬n .‘7. 2410121301: VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil]. Diaple, ()nt. Organs Repaired. Expert Work Phone No. 2402. WRIGHT BROS VOL. XXXVII. ‘6 IVIISS AIKENHEAD $5: per annum, in advanca] Salgeon a: Mel-:wen. vatcma AND. . . ACTION REGULATING THORNHILL JOHN T, ANDERSON PIANO TUNER BUSINESS CARDS. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE] J . H. Prentice @119 g’pihml EDITOR & PUBLISHER J K McEwen Walton ONTARIO DIViSiON - COURT.E The Next Sitting of Diwsxon Court for No. 3, Cnunty a? York, Will be held in the Court Room. We train young men and wmnen to become SKILFUL AND EXPERT slen- ographeI-s. typists. hunkkvepers. cunuucrcial teachers. clelks. cush- iers, m- genoml ofï¬ce assistants in in fmm four to six months and as- sist them to get pOsitinns. Open a" year. Enter now. Cutulugue (1 99. Yong: and Clinics Sts. ONE SCHOOL THAT MERITS the ï¬dence of the public because High Grade work is the Cleanerwat Electric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to~date appliances that save time and work for the House Wife. COMMISSIONER. CONVEY AN"ER. ETC: Real Estate and Insurance Richmona 1-1111 Also agent for Frantz Vacuum f‘l--k_â€" 7- ““' "‘ Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring. both old and new. Saturday, Feb --_<- uvul; BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce. Rnnm 328 Cnnfedern [inn Life Bldg.. NH. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Oï¬ice (“Libel-31’ Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridqe, Saturday forenoon. Monev to loan at Five. Per Cent (5%) ,,ï¬_- ‘- Bnrristcl s and Sollltllors. Monov to Loan on I and snucnanel mortgagesnt “was: rntes Auroraofliceâ€"Ren oved to the old post otï¬ou one door wnat of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Th post ofï¬ce '1‘ Ennsnaerxnox G v Monnm ree doors south of the LE__N & MORGAN Ofï¬ce located in Standard Bank Build,- mg. Oï¬ice hours 9.30:1.m. m 5 p.11). Hon. Graduate Royal Cr-Hego of Dental Surgeons. Tm-nntn. will be at. Richmond Hm evm'y Tuesday and Friday. CRO‘YNS AND BRIDG Dr. C. RICHMOND HILL. ONT THORNHILL Commissioner Insurance, Issuer of M; RICHMOND HILL 4m- l. H. SANDERSON PAINTERS PAPERHANGERS GRAINERS, ETC. Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT SHEPHERD BROS 1(unmanch Electrician, Richmond Hill DO IT ELECTRICALLY EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC WILLIAM COOK TORONTO. 0&1". T. F. M( LLIOTT ioner, Conveyancer, etc "108. and Real Estate of Marriage Licenses. La Verne Pattison Aurora '. J. ELLIOTT. Prluclpl “In Essentials, Unity; £11 MERITS the Con. ‘MAHON CLERK . 20, 1915 3E8 A G V ldORnAN 2).“). SPECIA LTY of its Mr. \V. S. Dinnick, President Dovex‘coutt Land Compnnv. is inz a ï¬ne residpnce for himsell York Mills, and hopes to have it plete for early spring. “i up...†g..uuu.u in the province. The Ratepayeis' Association will meetas usual on Saturday night. A hot debate is expected to take place. The Yonge street. dnnhle trucking ' schemeis again before the people, and as there are many supporters. pm and con. it is sure. to h a lively .meeting. xv- 1‘? n n- in The Culleginte junim' team visited Onkwood H. S. on Friday last. defeat- ing them by the score of 2-0. The boys have not lost a game this season. A very exciting game took place at Aura Lee country rink on Saturday afternoon. when the \Vestnn Ladies Hat-key team played a friendly game with our gills. winning by one gual. After the game the ladies and suppnrt- ers of both teams had ten. in the club parlnrs and an enjoyable evening was spent. The Construction of the. new wing of the collegiate. is in full swmg now. and in n few days the foundatiuns will be complete. This new addition Cnln- prised four class “nuns and n inrge assembly hull. with another new ex- tension tn henddvd this summer. it pmmist's to he one (I the finest schnuls He gave some very interesting ‘inï¬'u": matum about, the life and training of any Canadian furces. The Brnndw¢§ Cullegi: hold their annual at home the FanV in February. Mr. Fred. J. Smith. physical director at the CL’HLNI] Y.M.C.A.. gave a splen- did zlddr9ss. in [hoe Duvisville Meth. ndist church on Mundny evening. m1 Canadian suldiers at, Valcm-tier camp. u“ n ‘ - The recent hem/y snow-falls have bet-n a great help to the civic nfl‘lciuls, as u reliefin solving the ummplnyed problem in this district. The lust three days hundreds of men have hem] husy cleaning at! the walks and cross- ings. For this labour they recrive $2.50 per day. The services in the Methodist churches on Sunday were conducted by representatives of the Laymen’s missiunary muvement. The L-xymen have been holding services through- out, the city the p:_tst twn Weeks. ' Thedeepnst sorrow was felt here last, Week when the news came that Mrs. (Rem) H. S. Lovering hnd passed 1 away at the General Hospital. whom she had gone for treatment. Rev. Mr. Luveiing has the sympathy Of all in his great loss. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon from Berkley St. Methodist church to Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Quite a number from here were present. There were many beautiful floral offerings. including a wreath from the Maple circuit. one from the \V.M,S. and one from the Eme-th League and Sabbath School. Mrs. Lm-eriug had made a great many friends here, and \vas greatly attached to the work in which she and her husband were engaged. She will be grmitly missed in the church and Sun- day scho:)l. and other societies Tn which she was an active Wm km. Mr? and Mrs. H. Smith were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V. Bnyntun, Dollar. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ness were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark on Sunday. Mr. \Villium Wellman is busy preparing to build it new house this coming Summer. Manv of our young people enjoy attending the Richmond Hill Skating Rink. but a flaw prefer Thomhill. Glad to see the snow, so the new cutter-s mm he used. A. number fiéï¬fï¬Ã©-‘éjwtonded the 5.8. Convontinn at Unionville nn Jan. 2lsb and 22nd. Good reports were h1p_ught hyme. fleadford An entortainmenc will be giwn by the EpWOI-lh League in the chuvch (:11 \\’ed.. Feh. 3rd. A good programme of dialogues. rPcitutions and songs will be given. _ Admission 15c. Newmarket The 'I‘mvn council of Newmarke-t de- cided Mnnday night. to submit. a bylaw tn the olwttnrs (ll) Felu'uarv 22nd 9m- hodying the agreement with the York Radial Cumpuny fur pnwer supply which was defeated in 1913. The by- huv also «'lllLbOl'lZes the expenditure. 0f $15.00!) on plant improvements. The ngremnenb stipulates that the lonn shall take nwr all pnwex- cun- trncts at, present 1:) farce in the mimi- cipnlity and shall control the sale and distrilnutinn nf pmver in Newman-km. the cnmpzmy tn supply power at $25.50 [101' h.p. at 1} cents per k.h. If carriml the agreement will he in force fnr ï¬ve years. “'9 have been asked to say Fhe Rope is now at the rig side of the main entrance dm new Public School Imimmn have been asked to say that, the Lope is now at the right. hand ’lhe main entrance door in the ublic School building. .. THURSDAY, JANUARY 28. 1915 North Toronto Non-Essentials k, Px'eéideut ihfri‘he Maple foi' himself near is build- ute will ' secnnd com- , Liberty ; in all things, Charity 3O 2 ,W rVï¬-7/- .- .n. --\II, US llalllc for the said assets or for any part thereof so distributed to any persnn or pm‘Sons of whose claim or claims he shall not. have had notice at: the time of the distribution thereof. Dated at Thornhill this 19th day of January, A. I). 1915. Notice is hetehy given pursuant, to R.S.O. (l914l.ChupterlZl. and Amend~ ing Acts, that all th'sonS having claims as creditors m’nthex wise against the estate of Elizabeth Riddell late of Thnrnhill, Township of Markham, who died on or about the third day of Jan- uary. l915, at 'l‘hornlpili. are required to send by pust prepaid to the under- signed. executor uf the said estate, an or hefut‘e the let day of February. 1915 their names. addresses. and descrip- tions. and a full statement of the par- ticulars of their claims and the nature of the security. if any. held by them. And take notice that after the said date the said exugcutur will proceed tn distribute the assets nf the said estate. having regard only tn the claims of which he shall then have had notice. and the said executor will nut be liable c._ AL, - In the matter of the estate of Elim- belh Ridden late of 'l‘hm nhill. Tuwn~ ship of Markham. County of York. in the province uf Onturiu. widow, dch ceased. Executors Notice to Creditors I The Thornhill Branch of the Women’s Institute held their annual January un-eling at the home of Mrs. A. Hall. Mrs. Mc'l‘luk of Luuau. the speakvr for (he day, gave a. most de« lightful and instructive address on “Keep on the Sunny Side." Mrs. Burton read an intelesting pa er on "Home keeping.†A plum) Su 0 was contributed by Miss A. Cooper. and tlre.sulus by Miss U. Pearson and Miss Velnm Grico were enjoyed hynll. The Institute members are looking forward with pleasure to their visit [0 Richmond Hill on Felt. mm. The regular February nl9ellng will he held on the 18th.an the home of Mrs. \V. D, Scott. ‘ ..__..... . .. LIIC uuul Police Commission, and of the pointment of George. Syme. iun.. Lu at. Police Magistrate for the county a salary of $600. Information was received of pnintmenc uf Judge Unutswo '1'. H. Brnntnn, Pulice Magistx serve with the \Varden (In the was uppuinbed to strike: the Standing Committees for the coming your: MPSSI‘S. Keith, Padget. Pngsky, Si). verhnrn‘ \anlnce. Grifï¬ths and Klmwlesz. The pr-qusm and sf'chlldt‘l‘, I'PSDeC- tiwly.of Mr. Nigh wme VVillIalu Keith of Newman'th and J. M. Gardhnuse‘of Weston. In returning thanks, Mr. Nigh said he esteemed it a great. honor to be elected, esptcially by accla- matinn. The fnnnwing onmmhtua “S cm"... , ,HV ; V.. n Inna "muen fol-"1915. The new VVal-den hasheen nine years a member of Markham Township Council. and this is his eighth year in the County Council. He has been ï¬ve venrs Reeve of Markham, two years Dvputy Reeve. and_ two years in Uuuncii. York Cuunw Council on Tuesday unanimuusly elected Mr. Jonathan Nigh, Reeve'uf Max-khan“ as quden a“. lnl! m After “Grand Lodge" was rpspnndvd tn by Dr. \Vullrrx‘. R.\V. Brn. Nichuns proposed “Little Belgium" tn which Bro. Rev. S. A. Lawrence responded in :1 Very nhle speech. “Visiting Brethrrn" proposal by \Vm'. Bro. H. Legge brought, responses from R. \Vnr. Bru. McLean. and \Vm-. Brns. Thompson, Allen, French. Mulloy, Davis.Br:lund and Calm-run. Wur. Brn. McDonald of Aurora proposed Richmond Lodge. and \Vur. Bros. Cmvie, McMnhnn, TanCh. Hill and Hickson replied. The speeches ware interspersed with Songs by Bros. Crowhnrst, Wright and Unwin Lastevoning R. ‘V. Bro, Dr. “M!- ters. D. D. G. M. for District, 11 a. paid an ofï¬cial Visit to Richmond Lodge. A. F. & A. M. Munv visiting brethren were prosan frmn Tnmntn. Thm'nhiH. Maple. Anmrannd other places. Dun in; the vaning :1 candidate was raised to the 3111 dong. :lfLr-r which \Vnr. Bro. G. (Imvie and his ofï¬cers \Vele highly compliment“! on ‘he work done. Supper was afterwards served in the Iuwvr hull. and [his was fullmv vd by a good pmgrmmne of toasts and respnnsos. For the District, Cup yesterday Richmond Hill cnrlvrsdefvatE-d Bramp- ton, but lost, to Man kham in the after~ noon. The competition will be finish- ed to-day. J. Ed ward Franc ‘, W right a ï¬d County Council Thornhifl Judge Utw;it;‘v6:-EEV;QH'3 , Pulice Magistrilte. to Itr Official Visit ‘llLl'l' Which \‘VOI'. his nï¬icvrs “'ele Lvd on ‘he wm-k afterwards served nuis. xecutor “the Cminty of the ap- . iun.. to be We “P: part r. I.[<B.ICL'=_T..'IÂ¥1IOND HILL, ONT at Let’s ï¬ll your Bread Basket STWER & RAMER We have the D.L. 86 W. Scranton Hard anl. and Kennel-Coal “None better†Order now Orders taken ‘for Red Clay Pressed Brick. The quality of bread we sell has a, lot to do with your health. It 3.1- so determines the num- ber of times you me have to call medical ai . The bread we sell you increases your health and strength add reduces s1ckness to the minimum. Our price IS no more than you pay for an in- ferior grade. Make it a. point to drive this way when you want bread and let us ï¬ll your bask- et. Orperhaps orr buns and cake; Will interest you. . . AND . . Manitoba. Oats Wheat, Buckwheat. Also Good Bran and Shorts A good, supply of PURU‘Y AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Different Varieties of Ensil- age Com at the Elevator ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES B A K E R S AN D CONFECTIONERS DR UGGIST Cough Lozenges and Tablets1 in fact everything for Coughs and Colds Hive Group Syrup for Whoop~ ing Cough and Bronchitis Sanderson's Baby’s Own Cough Syrup for children Puhtic Attention Sanderson's White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup . A. SANDERSON Tile for Draining. Tâ€"TTT. ‘V 113' Cough ‘4’ [Single copies, 3 cts. for the Chickens Cracked Corn RICHMOND HILL 80 CO. No.