Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1915, p. 5

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Funeral servke at Bell-(lay St. Methodist Church on Saturday. In- terment in Mount. Pleasant, Ceme- [qt-y. PICKE'rrâ€"At her hnme at Lansing. Ont., on Thursday. Jan. 2]. 1915. Eliza. Ann McCay. wife of Rev. Thomas Pickett. [uteruwnt in Currvxlle cemetery Monday. Juu‘. 2.3. fullmving n shmt service at the residence :lt, 1.3!) Funeral prirulu. Nu fimvcrs, HOPPER~At Clan-enmnt, (In January 21. 1915. Eva. Gulluck. wife of D. Hopper. LOVERINGâ€"At Tmontu General Hus- pitnl nu Thursday night. Jun. 21. 1915, Ada. wife of Rev. H. S. Lover- ing. Maply. ELLARBYâ€"At the residence of \Vil- limu Cunk. Richluund Hill. nu Satur- (hy. Jun. 23. 1915, Mrs. M. A. Ellau- by. in hvl‘ 87th year. ___‘.. NESSâ€"AL Lungstufi nn Monday. Jun‘ 25. 1915. In Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Ness. u duughu-r. I‘wn rinks frum the Granite Curling Club came up Snun-duv fur fl icndly games with Richmund Hill rinks. The hulne tenln won in [he nfU-rnnun by 4 points. and the \‘isitms wax: in the “waning by the same nnmheruf shots. All had supper tugether at Rustic Inn. It, is understood that Lwn more runms in Lhe new Public Szlmul build- ing will be ready fm- nccnpancy next Monday. \Ve are sun' the two ts-ach- ers in thejdniur (lb-parlmenls will he pleased tnjnin the nlher teachers in their new and cnmfhrtahle quarters. Mr. WiHiaIu MuDonald, Limits-mint in the 9th Buttulinn at Ednmntnn.wlm was forced turetnrn from Salisbury Plains (:n :lccuunL nf ill health is at plesent staying with his Inntlier Mrs. B. Mnannuld. .\ll-. McDonald is re- cm‘ering from an attack of pneumonia. The H. S. hunkey team juunwyed to Aurora‘ 'l‘m-sduy ufrvrnunn and de- feated Llw Ann-m H. S. ,sm'on by n sultan-('21. A glmd clean game was played. III-[.h tmun shnwing up hotter on the L'u gc-r ice nf the Aurora rink. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Unionâ€" \‘illu announce thvcng ugvlnunt of (hr-h- only dauglm-r. Ruby Irene. to Mr. Franklin Boyle». only son of Mr. Mat- thew Boyle. Richmond Hill. the nmr- I-iugu to take place quietly cm-lv in February. Lune light views of the Life of Juhn \Vvsh-y will lw shnwn at; the Epwnrth Lenng on Monday evening. Mrs. Aikenhmul will give the reading in (-unnvcliun with the views. All are welcome. Messrs. \Vickelt & Craig Ltd. of Toronto-are shipping their stock nf b:ka frum the old Newton Tannery at the Elgin. tn annulu \ia Canadian Nmthvrn. Mr. Ken-swell has the con. tract of hauling tn the railway. Mrs. \V. V. Bruce nf Ann Arbor. Michigan. who was visiting in 'J‘mnnln came up Thursday with Mrs. C. Suv- age. and spent, the day with Mrs. A. J. Campbell. . Mrs. Henry Smith uf Houdfm-d haw returned home fur a fmv days after spending over Ln'u weeks with hm- Innlhel Mrs. Moorhy (If Ann-mu who is very ill. The Tuwmhipnf Markham has al- readyruised $5.003 fur patriotic pur- poses. and the subscriptions am not yet closed. Miss M. Pryvr of Mimicu :md Chum-m. of Maple were guests and Miss Bukr-r at the home Tyndall un Mnndny. The High Sclmnl hmzkey team on Tuesng Won :1 match frum :1 team uf citizens the more being 6-2. Little Miss Evelyn Turp has group to Beavertnn to stay for :1 time with hex- :aunt, Mrs. Rnlx-rl- Tun-p. Mr. \V. H. MrKenziu (If Lansmg 19ft fur Pun-y Sunnd nn :1 hlls‘int‘ss trip Wednesday morning \ in (‘-.N.R. Ml. Sidney Bnkm' and Miss Nita Balm-r of Grand Valley returned home \Vedm-sduv. :Iitm' spending :l. few days with Mr. and Mrs. \Vill Tyndall. RICHMOND HILL. UNT.. JAN, 28.1915 For general] war news see inside pages Messrs. Innes & Suns :lro rt-ce'iving several curlmuls of lunnlwr fl")!!! the Algonm District. of the New ()ntzuin. Mr. A. Hyslnp is pI-ncnl mg brick for hlS new dwelling from Milton,0nt. Mr. Runner and Mr. Slwurdnwn hnve each received an shipmentnf gum! lmrd- \vuud [mm the Muskuku District. Messrs. Runner 8: Stivvl- reconth lauded two curs 0f lmrluy for Duudas. Out. MPRINGHAM-ULUBINE â€" At the res- idence (If the h: idc‘s patents, Mr. and Mrs. D. XV. Cluhizw. “Evergreen Pl:lce.”Elgin Hills. by Rev. J. R. Alkeuhe-ud. un \Vcdm-sdny. Jun. 20. 1915. Mr. Jnhn E. Empringhnul of Gol'luley. Ln Miss Edna E. Cluhine. (Tm “fiiheml Mrs. \V. V. B: LOCALS MARRIED BORN DIED of Mr. nf Mr. Mr. The mtmical part. of the programme \vnscnntrihuted by the Misses Suigeun, the Misses Switzer. Mis. Van \Vnrt. Mrs. Godwin and Dr. Runtlov, The piano:iccmnpunisLs were Mrs. Ruutlev, Miss L. Richardson and Mr. J. E. Newton. Another happy feature of [he even- ing was the presentation to the cnn- ’ ductornfusheuf of roses from the , Chm-:11 Society. ‘Ind a. cunduclfir‘s) hutrzn hy the Maple contingent. The 1 former presentzitiun was "Hide hv Mrs. ! Gndwin and the latter by Miss Snigeun. After an expression of thanks fur the remembrance the party dispersod. singing "Rule Britannia“ which Mr. Newton cunducled with the new l baton. The tables at the llanqnvt were beautifully (chnl'ated. and the daintv and substantial refH-shxnents plnvided luy the lady members Were llt|l(‘l) enjoyed. Intelesting spm-ches wow made by tlw Prusidvnt. Mr. Phipps: the cunducter. Mr. Newton: the 'I‘reasnrvr. Dr. Rnutlev; the hut-Sar. MI". Allen: the librarian. Mr. Greene: Dr. Pcntland. Dr. Langstaff, Mr. Douglas Cooper and Rev. R. Hex him-n. The speakels were optimistic. especial- ly the conductor \vlm fm-e-shadmvod a successful future fur tluI snuietv. Sen-ml of the speakers refut'red to the excellent me‘ given by Mr. Newtnn tn his class without a cent of rcmnna- atiun. Choral Society’s Banquet In order to complete the business nf the past fP\V munth the Inelnlwrs nf thv ank Choral Sucivtv met in the Masonic Hull \Vednesdzry evening of last, \veek.:1nd endrd .r very success- ful scusun with a banquet, at which nhcnt one hundred penplv were prvsvnl. A statement, lny th treasurer showed tlmtnftor paying the "(WESS- nry expenses for :r violinist and :1 tenor from Toronto. hull rent. printing &('.. there Would I)? a balance of :lhnut $ll5 from the rot-out comm-It to hand over tn the Belgian “Plle Fund. The sympathy (If the church and commumtv is extended to Mrs. Cook in her bereavement. For sixty years her home was :It the Square where her kindness and sum-t disposition endeared her to a large circle of friend: who hear loving tribute to the gentle unobtrusive help fulness of their lamented friend. Throughout this province are ministers who hear testiumnv of the warm We]- Come tn the “Circuit Rider.” Owing to the failing health of Mr. Ellnrhy they moved from Victoria Square to the home of their daughter. Mrs. \Vm. Cook, Currrille, where Mr. Ellurhy predeceased his wife seven years last August. Fur some years Mrs. Ellurhy had been :I. semi-invalid. but All this time ln-r cheerful disprsitinn kept her from murmurng. and those who saw her always found her with :L cheerful smile of welcome. Dming her life she was a cunsistmxt member and active \Vurkvr in the Methodist Church. while health pH'- mined. The and came Calmlv and peacefully. and like a tired child she slipped quietly away to the Eternal Rvst. Mrs. Ellarhy mlnw to Canada from Runs. Yurkshiu‘, England, with her parents. :It {119 "g: of 20. and settled at Victoria Squaw. Markham. L'lter she married Mr. Ellnrlny with \thm she had hem noqu \inted in her hnmr- hand. The Late Mrs. Ellarby On Saturday, January 23. 1915. there passed away at, [hr humu at her daughter. Mrs. (Junk. Church St.. Richnmml Hiil. Mrs. Jns. Elleu'hy in het- 87lh year. 5.5. Convention Many interesting addresses were de- livered at lheunuunl unuu-nLiun of the. Muikhnm Township Sumth School Assnciutinu held in Uniunville Metho- dist; Church. Aman the speakers Were: H.E. Irwin. K.C..'l‘m-nnln; Gen. Ruhiuwn, A. Suuuuelfvlt, Rev. H. S. Graham. Charles Rnnuie, Rev. A. Mr- Neil. Rev. F. Rue,Re\'.l\lutch,Re\‘.F r- guwn. Mrs. J.l{. AikenliemLReV. \Vil- lisun, Rev. E.Seiuenpiper and Re\'.MI-. McGregm-. E. Bewell conducted the musical part, of the sessions. The fullowiug weu- elected officers ft-z'the coming Your: President. A. Summelfelt; first vice-president, J. \V’. Heise: socnnd vice-president, L. \V. Hoover; third \‘iCE-plPSidellt. \V. J. Jnhnslnn: secretary. C. H. Stiver; treasurer, A. \Veigh: executive comâ€" mittee. George McUnde. George Robin. sou, M. Bun-ck. M. Huskin. G.\V. Ray- mond. K. Tarr and A. D. Bruce. 8.3., A. J. Meek J.B., '1‘. F. McMahon After the regular business 01" the cum-L refreshments Were served and .1. sucial hour was spenl. Gnud music on the piccnln and pmnu was furnished by Mr. Bennett, und Mr. Ituutley. A Correction The committee of the Ymk Choral Society wish to emphatically cont) adicb the report. which has leached their ears that the expenses of the lmnquet the other evening were taken fn m the proceeds of Lhe Concert for IheBelgiun l'nnd. Each member of the Society cnan-inuted his or her shun- of the ex- pense connected With the event. “He is not, it full and rounded mun \th thinks the world all \ang.” Installation The following ufficers were installed Friday evening in Court Richmond. 7046. A.L).F.. by Rm. \Vln. Gibsnn, P_.UlR.. nt pant Lndyemilh. 8929, S. \V., F. Dilliln J.\\'., J. F. Hickson Stay” G. McDunuld Treus.. H. A. Nichnlls JLHCUlth‘l 0.1%.. A. Mote-41f I’.U.R.. \V. A. \Vl'ight b. '.R., U. McDonald to Hm Ontario Lf'gislutlll'e at, its nvxL Session fur an Act reducing: the Cupi- tal Stuck Hf the Cumpzmy :Ind extvnd- ing the tiuw. fur cumpletinn uf the Railway and the expenditure of fifteen per cent. of the capital tlwrcun. D.nt.ed January 26th. 1915. Bicknell, 81in, MncDonell 8: Gordon 31 6 Solicitors fur the Company TORONTO, BARRIE AND GRILLIA RAILWAY COMPANY {NEW ADVERTISEMENTS APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT pnmtion LUMBING.â€"All kinds of plumbing done at reasonable pi-icvs. Satisfactionguaranteed. John Hicksnn. Richmond Hill. 31-8 ONCEâ€"The undersigned WishPS Mm inform the puhlic [hut he has ' ' on hand a good supply of can], and wood. Feeds of all kind. Bran, shm ts. Gluten nwal.0il cnkv. Brewer’s Grains. Mullusinn. Also :1 car of corn and Builed l‘nny jug: ‘nrrived, all :It rensunnlflv prices. S. Jarvis. Maple. " " 25-2 mus. ()TICE.~wOf inwrpsb to the neighlnm-lmnd at, Large. The undersigned “’lsllvs to inform the public that he is pulling in :L Suwâ€" mlll and will he prvpurpd to cut lumber this winter. S. Jznvis. Maple. Jun. 6, 1915. 28-4 OTI(JE.â€"L. Innes 87 Sons desim tnnntvif‘v the public that, lheir plant will he shut down for 11- pairs fur .1 work or ten days. cum- mencing Monday. the lst of Ft‘lll’llill')‘. 3U 13 In» UNLAM bfllUKfi. â€" )nu can getun imam-cam hrick at leic lnn whenever yuu want it. “"9 also have first class oysters. 30-2 [1 M l('k house on Richmond SII‘Pl‘l, Richmond Hill. Hard and soft, water. Electrically lighted. Pnssvssinn utnnv Limp. Apply. Mrs. “’illinms & Son, Victuria Square. 23-t.f. OR SALE-Four Cnlunnhinn \Vyzmdnttv pullvts and one your old cock for $8.00. Alsn one pm-lnhle pnlllhy lmusv in gnnd cnndiliun. Address Box 30. Richnmnd Hill. 31 4 0R SALEâ€"2.000 font, pin plank 10 feet. long from 12 to 20 inches “'i(h>.jl1~‘t the right, length for stable, 6 pit‘Cl'S of timber 10x10x30 ft” 6 pint: dnm‘ 2x6x6x6. 20 snsh 40x48. 1 Siberian dug fur cvnt nmlrlv nmv. 2 rubber sprmds nearly new. \V. Espoy. Richmond Hill. 30-t .f. MPLOYM ENT \VANTEI).â€"Fnrm hand. oxpe-rienced.sinah-.51(mdy. sober. wishes work by mnnth m- fm‘ spasm}. Good rvarpnmw. AddH-ss H. \Vnndrmv, Elgin Mills RD. 302 DVERTISEM ENTS in this column bring quick results. If yuu have anything to sell. 01- if you wish to purchase something. hire help. do. try this " NEW ADVERTISEMENT " column. OR SALEâ€"Two 200-021: Pf’l‘l'IOSS Incnhntms. twn ZOO-chick Brood- 91's,:1nd other punltry supplies for sale cheap. Apply lmx 30, Rin-h- mond Hill. 29 4 A handsomely mustmted weekly. Largest. ctr- cululon of any scienuflc Journal. Terms for Canada. («.75 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by All newsdenlers. MUN" 8100;222:ka We}: 011166. TRADE MARKS Dcsmus COPYRIGHTS &.c. Anyone sending a sketch and descr! tlon may quick! ascertain our opinion free I ether an Invent on I: probably ntentable. Commuan uommrlctly confidant nL HANDBOOK on Panama new. 71mg. 9192:: ggency‘tofyecurlpg’pmnm‘. "1556665 {ARI-I EEEéfiéfi'mTfinâ€"E‘EE'x-bcéfvn mgal gotta, ylt‘hguc ctflge, 1!: flag Sfiéfififié ’Hfifiican. Application will he made by the (PE CREAM BRICKS O RENTâ€"House on Richmond St OR SALE OR GREEN \\'OOD. hard 1 any length. apply to II. R Gm-mley. OUSE TO RENT. â€"E 00D FOR SALE. â€" A quanl ity of dry 4-funL hurdwund at $5 a cord. delivered inside the nor- ion. L. Inm-s & Suns. 30 3 Apply to A. J. “Tight T‘ 55, Maple; Ont. Eight mom (ll 23 if ‘ Soft, [IPiSt‘. 29 4 314 NORMAN J . GLASS g PROPRIETOR ' mmmmmé fixEmuLKET £3 E" .‘\""€' b t‘n‘v‘w" - '. § \‘ (F'- m E COUNTRY REAL ESTATE Lumsden Building, 6Adelnida St. East. 'l‘uwntu. 13 (5 In COUNTRY REAL ESTATE Oftvn means much. IL has meant success to thunszlnds (if young people who wrote for mu Cuta- lngut; as the first step toward a, gnnd salaried pnsitiun. Take the stop today. Address (Jenn-:11 Business College, Ynnge St., TUI'OIItO. W. H. SHAW, Pres. \Ve sell suburban and country homes. farms. and all classes of cuuntry pran ties. If ynu hm u property tu sell \niLe THE RICHMOND HILL FURNISHING STORE} John Fisher & Co. THE FIRST STEP Ground riuv, package . . . . . . . . . llh. Baking; Soda . . . . . . . . i . . . A . . Pastry Spicml tilL... Ammonia powder . . . . . V i . . . . . . . Tip {up smlpchips. pnrkugc .. .. Rising sun stave pulish ...... .. Quick pudding. assorted flavors ()nwnn‘s perfeclim) cocoa. [In Boy Scout shoe polish . . . . . . . Prepared ivings. package . . .. Pure- Gold baking pmvdvr . . .‘ Celery salt, in glass shake]; .‘ Men’s Suits and Overcoats, just; a few odd lines, and just one of each pattern, in sizes from 36 to 40. We will clear these out at cost and less, and from $7.50 up. Men's Hats, a few odd lines, regular $2.00 and 2.50, to clear at $1.00. All good up-to-date stock. Atkinson & Switzer CONCRETE HOUSE GROCERIES angen â€"â€" Stove Pipes â€"â€" crimped ready for use. Any person can put them together without Filing grinding and all kinds of repairing promptly done. Opposite Dr. La ngstafl's Notice Skates (Erouud every afiernoon. neatly madeipr... [by-gowns, yokes Jasnh Eyer .50 10c 10c “c ()c ()c 5L DC .12c 25c .11c .35c

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