$1 per annum, in advance.] VOL. XXXVII. pay 9:,†,. n “ his. gillï¬ï¬‚l IS PUBLISHED EVERY BHURSDAY MORNING * AT THE LIBERAL PRlliTING (x. PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON. Eon'on & vunmsuuu W EU SINESS CARDS . MISS AIKENHEAD announces that she will teach piano THE Pwnsoxwou RIt‘IIMOND Ii ILL ' all T‘. ANDERSON iPlANO LTUNER 200 BERESFORD A van. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction '72.. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Al mail orders will receive prompt- attention. .012. W. R. mummiâ€" RICHMOND HILL Rizsmnxcu hu'nu house north of Atkinson & Swiyzm-‘s store. Phone No. 2-102. JUHNIlCAMPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON. Cl‘hornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise prompth7 resprnded to D. H. PINKERTEN, vfs. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE 1‘1 aple , () int. Phone No. 28. (J. E. Prentice Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Knuth Tomato. ’ Special ntteuï¬on Riven to'sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales :1 silecinlty. Farms bought. and sold on commissxuu. All sales u‘ttenricd to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-lo-dme methods. Address: 239 Bullinl St , N01 t-h Toronto. one in House. North 2292. V J K McEwen Weston T Snigoou Maple Salgeon & McEwen, ceneed Auctioneers for the County of York. csacneuded to on shortest notice and at. ren- sorsbLe rates Patronage solicited F- C. EGAN LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SA'rIsr-‘Acnox GUARANTEED. LASKAY P. O. ONTARIO {505a 27110â€"12150;- PIA N O T U NI NG VOICING AND . . â€" . ACTION REGULATING lTHORNHI LL Organs Repaired. Expert. Work. Benton, Grover & Field Barristers, Solictors. &c NATIONAL TRUST (‘HAM BEES 2.0 KING ST 3.. TORONTO. Canada Telephone. Main 311‘, Cable Address. "Betta"! A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. ,OFFICEâ€"â€"SUITE 3i. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET “’EST Tel. M. 3631. WRIGHT BROS. linden-takers k Embnlmers. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL . A large stonk nf Funeral Furnishing kept. at. both places Dr; C. La Verne Baltison Hun. Graduate Royal Callvgv rzi llvutal Slu‘gwills. 'l‘ni'untn. will he at, Richmond Hill (Wt-i'y 'l‘uvstlay and I71-itlav. CIUHVXS AND BRIDGES _\ sm‘ct‘ui.’r\' ()flivt- lllt‘lllt‘tl in Htamlaul Bank l-ltiilti' lug. Office hours S)..‘ltla.m. to .‘l [Lill' ‘ - l LLNNOX & MORGAN l Banish-n s and launchers. Mouuv to Loan (inland snunhuttel mongegcsut nwest mtes Aux-oranfliwâ€"Ren‘oven to the old post Ollie; one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bqu Nowznarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the punt what) '1? EEmmnu-LEXNUX Aurora G V MORGAN BARRISTER. SOLIPITOR, NOTARY, ETC .Tm'nntn Ofï¬ce. Ram“ 32‘? Confetlera tum. Life Bldg" No. 12 Richmond St. E lfichmonfl Hill Ofï¬ce (“Liheral’ Ol‘hce), evt‘t'y Thursday fni't‘nmm. Maple, Thursday afternoon. , “ nodtn-idue, Saturday t'nl‘mmon. Monev to loan at FiVe I’ct- Cent. (53;) H. A. NICHOLLS i NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner . Convoyancer. etc , Insurance. and Real Estatv Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Riohmonc. Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLlC CCIIIMISSIONER. CONVEY KNâ€ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL SHEPHERD BROS. PAINTERS PAPERHANGERS GRAINERS, ETC. Box 23 - MAPLE, CNT. DO IT ELECTRICALLY l lyll. SANDERSON KElectrician, Richmond Hill Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. Also agent for Fi‘antz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at. $32.00, Elec- tric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and upto-datc appli‘ ances that save time and work for the House Wife. All from I'llCHMt'LVI) HILL and \‘i- cmity who attend the famous ELLIOTT WW TORONTO, ONTARIO receive not only the lllgllt‘st grade of Business and Shuxthand Educa- tion. hut :ls<i$[:tn;P to secure choice positions when con;petent.\\'e were i called upon recently to tilt positions worth from $10 to $18 per Week. as Well as some frum $75 to $100 per month. This Is THE SvuooL FOR YOU Tl) ATTEND. Enter now. catalogue. , Yonge and Chniles St‘s. i w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal l Open all year. “'litt- for our large W mvislm -‘“cnum. The Next Sitting ut' Division Court 101- N0. 3, County of York. will he held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL “ON... Saturday, Feb. 20, 19715 Uommencmz at 10 a.m. T. F. MéMAHON. Cume “in Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Libth J‘INNUAL SEE D FA l R will) thl- llhlimmnl llill Agiii-nllnial Sht'lt'ly. lll‘lll in lllt‘ I,llllll' Ilrill lust Salnnlay \\’;l- NIH'i'l‘xSllll Imih in :illi-l‘alant'w, and llw qualilv lllï¬ll tilt‘lnlity til the t-xliihils. 'l‘lit' hall was '(’l‘r!\\'(lt’tl in Ill“ :ll'lz'lnlmn, and [lil- :ultli-thi-s aml suggr'xtinus \\'(‘l(.‘ lmtll practical and Illlt'l‘l'\Ill\g. 'l‘lil' plim-ipal .‘ltllllt'\\‘ was {(IYI‘II IN MI. Sin-HI tln- lion-1111mm! n-lu menta- livv who sprnlcv (ill Illt' lll'l'l'\'>ii_\' of farmers MHVHIL’ rlmn wth men if this necessitatml hand [\il'l{illf_". The president. Mr. J. N. Bt-I'alw)‘. who m-clliviud the chair. (-alhwl on several gentlemen in the audiencvmnd lumight t'm-lh pmclival rumaiks from .‘lt‘~\l>‘. .l. lamau. \V. H. (‘lnhimu \Y. H. l‘ugslI-y, .i. )Iulman, 11A. Ia-ggv. \\'. 'l‘hulnpsmi. l". (.‘iaik, 'I'. Stephens. R. l“. lluynttm :iml (ilhms. 'l‘he shun-tat y. Ml: Nivhnlls‘. pniuil'tl out that the- t'Xlllllil‘ \\‘t‘l’t- mim- nunn-i-nus than at. any prm‘iuus Hm (I Fair. HP t'ungl'atulatml Ill'.‘ Hill'il'ty (in the Shell Ii‘aii'. although ï¬nancially. it. was ('-'ll I led on at a lugs, Ml'.J. ('. Slvuklvy, I)l.~ll'l(,'l Ill-[1w- pi'csvlitalivv. flu thi- tlutai-in Unvot‘n- mmll. also gan' a l'hm‘l)‘ address in which ln- stated that next, )var he hoped to make Rirhmoml Hill the cvntn- for a six \vevlt‘s course. Brim!) «losing. a \‘t'lt' of thï¬nlu‘, mun-d by Mr. (lluhim- and Mr. Lunau, was temlsu-(l Mr. Keith who acted as judge. 'l‘hv following: an) the prize wnmmw‘: Sl‘lilip‘ \Vllt‘Hl. ll. I". Buyntnli, \V. l. Brumwe-ll: Hailey. 'l‘. \V. Stephens, F. A. Lt-ggv; (his. white. ll. F. Klim'k. \V. 'l‘hunnmm: ()ats. lilac-k. \V. Thompson. '1‘. \V. Stephens; Peas, large. 'I‘. \V. Stephens. \V. Browning: (Thu-er. red. Ed. Ilian Clover, nlsikv, IL'II. llix’nn: I’nlntuvs. eaily, ’1‘. \V. Stephens. \V. Thmnpsnn: I‘llhltui‘s, lath. Charles Johns. I’vtm' Jtvllt’s. Thornhill The most, t‘njoyahle evening of the season was spent; last Saturday when Miss GM-lvude Ryan‘ entertained the 500 (‘luh and their friends to a skating party. Altm- skating until 10 ‘o’cluck they went to Hughes Hall “'llt‘lt‘ lunch was wailing them. Tlmy afterwards spent, a Social hour in playing 500 and dancing. V m ENGliAND T0=DAY Conditisns in War Time The almve is the timely triple 01) which a pattintiu IK‘t‘llll‘P. illustrated hy eighty Engli~h and \V'al' pictures, through the electric lantern. is to he giwn in the hlasrtlilc Hall. Richmond 20th inst. The lecturer is Mr. H..l. ()shm I), who is recently from London, England, was on the European continent when war began. and from lung t'XpPriHlL-p nfpuhlic affairs. and intimate knowledge of men and nun-Nuts in the Old Countrv. is sprwially wall ahlv to give Stltlllll, i-eliahlv. and lip-tu-(late information. Mr. Oslmi'n Is a journalist. as well is a lw-turer, and is a. special ('nl'l’l'S- pnndom of mm- mw humll'ml Butish nmvr‘papeis. The lecture lS,Illt‘l‘t‘ll(ll‘(‘, likely It) h;- an anthoi-atative (It-tail fllllll a \t‘vll informed and capahlt: speaker. and t‘lw'plv interesting. huth Ill III:Il[t‘l' and illustration. During his slnut‘slay so far in Canada (he is on a tifth visit). Mr. ()shm-ne has . spoken in livel- fnitv places in Ontario, he is \‘eiv f;l\‘ul':ll)l_\' l't‘ptllll‘ti in the press of Ottawa. Kingston, l’t-tL-ilim-n, Hamilton. Brzluttlud, \Vellautl, ()l'illia and “union-nus other places Hii' Hauler Greenwood Bart, the ln-ilhant, member of tho Blitish Parliannmt says: “II. .I. ()shm'n has travelled \t‘idvl)’. aml is pmfvutlv [Ishtmtl and Well informed on all [Ilt' questions of the day." Rupluie Exnell Here eeley. Who Fitted Czar of Russia, Called to Toronto F. H. Svt‘ley at Chicago and Phila- delphia. the notctl truss expert, will he at.th King Etlwaid Hotel and will remain in Tl‘ltllllt) the entire week fi-nm )Iruirlay. Foh. 22ml, to Saturday. Fell. 27th. iliCltlsiYP. Mr. Sealry says: “The Spw-mativ Shield as now Used and approved IN the United SCates (hn‘urnnll‘nt Will not nnlv retain any case of iupture perfectly, affording immediate and cmupletc relief, hut closes the opening in ten days on the average Cait‘. This instiumt‘nt re» Peiwd the only a \\'=lltl in England and in Spain. prmlnring results without ismut-1y. haimful injections. medir-al ‘ tI-eatuwnls or prrSirriptions." Mr. Shelley has documents from the I'mtml 1 StatesGowinment, \\ ashmgtnn,D.(‘.. j for lllSpt‘CllUil. All charitv cases with- l out charge. or if any hits-nested (-all he will be glad tn SIIDW same without : charge or ï¬t them if desired. Anyone xuptured should remember the date and takeadvantage ofthis opportunity. 'l‘iiv :Iumnl Sit-ml hair in (-mmr’r'tinn - Hill. on Saturday evening next. thi- ‘ ' AUCTlOI-l SALES Fat†FI‘l‘. fIUW-Aul'tivu Sale of louseâ€" l lltlltl goods, >\ll'll as Illill livtls‘, lllvssms. srwiug marhiuvs t\'r-., at tlw liltllllllllltl Ilill “Vail I’apt‘t‘ 51.1w, thv pimp!»in of John Ellis. baln at I (iii'ltn‘k. 'I‘I‘l‘lils (Inï¬ll. Faigvvn k Mcl‘lu'vn. :lllt‘IS. ’i'uvwlav, Fch. Li‘lâ€"r Fresh milch «own with t’:tl\'t‘\‘ lly side. spliilgr'ls rim.- .llait‘h and April, h: t-l~ lingers, etch. tlu- lll‘upt'lly It .I. \V. ('amliliu. at 3 ("rlw-k p.ln., at tlw Que'en‘s llotvl, l'ninlivillc. \V l-Il).\'l€.<l).\\‘. It‘nh, Zlfllhupr-zsinn salr- (Hm. Iâ€. Markham. tho plopt'l'ty (ll.- -\.. J. llonsot'. Sale at 11 o‘clock. ’I onus 5 mos. THI'RSDAY, ("t-l». 215»-('1Hlit, sale if lill‘lll Slot 1;. imph-nu‘nts. etc†Ynngu 81.. lIHl‘lll nl' Am'lua. thv pwpr‘uv of Rhllf'l t, l’hilli5)<. 'l‘l'l'lll\‘ SJ numthx. Saigcon & Alt-Ewen. Allcts. THI'RHL\Y, I’M). 25~Faim shah. inr- plmnonls, with. near anlai'. Star- l mu, tlll' property of Chas. 'I'hunip- xvii. Salcat l2 (-‘clurk. Tt‘lnlS 8 Hit mhs. J. ll. Prentice. Ant‘l. 'l‘uwdwy, .\I2t\‘Cll '2. â€"â€" I’ann sumk and in plum-nix. the pi-upt-ity of John’ lichai'tls, lot, 2L Fun. .1. Vaughan. Saleat l o’chwk. tum; !) months. t-‘aigeon 6; .Ilcl‘lwt-n, ittlt‘lN, 'I‘ul sdav, Much ZflFai-m stuck. impleâ€" ments. «((2. at, L'xlu'iwlg'e. the [wiper tv of Mr. I‘ilsmi. Sale at 1 o‘clock. ’1‘. this 5 mos. J, H. I’m-mice. Anct. \Vr-dm-sday, Match 3â€" Farm stock. implements, elm, Int 21. Con. 5, York. iL'mt-i')‘. Illt‘ pl'upvity of the late .lzu-nll \\'illian\s. Sale at, 1 ram. 'l‘mrusllmns. Saigwm A’ Illtl‘ln'en, nut-ts. \\'1~:n.\‘l.~‘.sn.\\‘, Mal-ch :lâ€"Farm stock. iluplvlm‘nts. t-IC., Int 15'. Col»). 5. Maikham, the plotxvrty (if A. B. (Hudson. Sale at It! (i'l‘llt‘k. Terms 8 months. .l. II. I’rentiuu. Aliet‘. Thins-(lay, March 4â€"Fill‘lll stock, hold alpine hit-(l Holstvixb‘. ('11:. lot 8, Con. 51, Vaughan, the lll'hllt'll)‘ of E. F). Atkinmu. Sale at 12 o‘clock. 'l‘m'mss mos. J, H. Prentice. And. FRIDAY, Mart-h 5â€"1“aili) stock, im- pleuwnts. etc... \‘mar (.‘lzll'tlll‘Jlll’. Pickering, the propel [Y of Len Yukc. Sale at 12 o'clock. Tt‘l'llls S mImths. J. ll. Prentice. Ain't. Friday, March Sâ€"l‘him stool; and implements. the morally (f Geo. \\'. \\’iIhamS, con. 5, King. near Kt'illvliy. Saloutlnlclnck. Turms 9 months. Saigcon & AIL-Ewen. aucts. Satmday. Mai-ch Uulhnvm stuck. im- plements, elm, Altpna. Pickering. thepI-«vpmtynf \Vm. {tie-sot. Sale at. l n‘t-l‘nck. Termss months. J. H. Prentict', Auct. Tuesday. March Eeruutinn sale of falm stur'k. impleun-nls &t'., Int 50, con. 1, Vaughan. Wain Mills, the pmpt-i’lv I f \Vt’Slt’V \Vt-llman. Sale at I (I’ll! ck. Terime months. J.H. Plviil'ct‘, ‘llll'l. \Vtï¬lllt‘ï¬tl-l)‘. Mar. ltlâ€"l“a1 In stock. implements km, lot :13, run. I, Markâ€" ham. tllt‘ pinple ('1‘ Arthur Mm gun. Sale- :It I Helm-k. Tt-I ms 5' months. .I. ll. I’ll-mice. alu't. Thinsday, March llmFarm sllu'k'. imâ€" plements. elm. lot 3. (.‘nn. .3. Vaughâ€" an, tllt' pl'npvl‘ly Hf (lemge It‘uwlt‘r. Salt,- 'lt lu’clm-k. Tl-l'llls 5' mos. J. H. I’l't'llllt'l‘. Ain‘t. Friday, March l'lâ€"llispmsinn salt- of lll'l'tl of Well Ill't'tl Ilnlsteins. the pro- {wily of .las. Johnson. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Imt 2}). (Wm. l). Smil'lnu'n. Terms 8 Inns. .I. ll. I’l't‘lllit‘l'. ANN. Saturday, Match l.‘l~l":u‘m stuck. im- plenn-nts. 9th., Int 2. (.‘nn. 9. \Vhit- church, the, pi'nperty of I’t-tvr Leh- man. Sales at I o't'lnuk. 'J‘elms 5 months. .l. ll. l’l‘t-nticv. Aunt. \Vt-tlnvstlay. I‘lill’t'll ITâ€"~ Fa) In stock. implmm-nts. vita. Int 2|. t‘ml. It), Markham. the pmpmly of Henry Meals. Salt- at III o‘clock. Trims 8 mos. J. H. Pteutil'e. Aunt. “'9th March lTâ€"lt'arm stuck and iniplmnents, the pi'npm-ty of Allied lliltt, Int 35. con. 2. Vaughan. the [nr-pei-ty of Alfred Hal-t. Saigeou A: MuEu't’n, and. Thursday. March 18~Farm sir-CK. im- plements. etc“, at Yolk Mills, the property (if Elias IVmuls. Hall: at l o‘clock. TmmsSmns. lice, Auct. Friday, Man-h 1!)» Farm stock, imple- ments. t‘IC.. lot :21. (Km. 3, East Ym k, the puipexty of A~hley Hist-hnugh. Sale at 1 o'clock. Tet-ms 8 months. J. H. l’t‘l'ntima. Auct. Saunday. MaicliZUâ€"FMin stuck, im- plk‘Im-nts. etc†lot 9, Con. El. \Vhit- church. the property of Philip Lem- on. Sale at ] o‘clock. Terms 811105. J, H. Prentice, Auct. Tuesday, Mar. :23rd.â€"â€"Fai'm stock. implements &c.. lot 2l. con. 1. East York,tlw ptopei'ty of F.G. Grungall. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Teme 8 months. J. ll. Prentlce. auct. \\'eduesda_v. )lar. illâ€"Fain) stock. implements &c., nnlnt 15. con, 9, Markham, the plupm-ty of G. M. Hillman. Sale at 10 o‘clock. Lunch. TermsS months. J.H. Prentice. ant-t. Thurs.. March 23~Farm stock. imple- ments &e., lot 10. con. 9, Markham. the pt'npet-tv of P. \V. Burkholder. Sale at 12 o‘clock. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. WWW RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, FEBRUA 11' 8. 19l5 ul‘ null tnva lil‘l‘tl Ilolslvins. 191.2. , l J. ll. Pi-t‘nlicv. Auct. l J. H. Pl'l’H-v l l l I'SE White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup Sanderson's llal»y's Own Cough Syrup for children Hive Ci‘oup Syrup l'ul‘ Whoopâ€" ing Cough and Bronchitis Cough ancugcs and Tablets, in fact everything for Ccughs and Colds qr , . Saiidci'smi's 2:71 W. A. SANDERSON' Dui'mas'r lllmnmxv HILL u “Ethic am Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR ' always on hand. ._.O_â€". Wheat, Buckwheat. Cracked Corn . . AND . . ' Manitoba. Oats for the Chickens .__O__... ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. & W. Scranton Hard an1. _ and Kennel-Coal. “None better" Order now ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES SIWER & HAMEH D. HILL 80 00. B A KE R S AN D CONFECTIONERS ..__o___â€". Let’s ï¬ll your Bread Basket The quality of bread we sell has a lot to do with your health. It a1â€" so determines the numâ€" ber of times you may have to call medical aid, The bread we sell you increases your health and strength add reduces Sickness to the minimum. Our price 3 no more than you pay for? an in- ferior grade. Make it a. point; to chive this way when you want bread and let us ï¬ll your bask- et. Ornerhaps our buns and cakes will interest you. “0* lBICEMON1)HILL. ONT.