Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Feb 1915, p. 1

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NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING 5T 13.. TORONTO. Canada. Telr’phnne, Main 5311‘ Cable Address. "Dedo."! gcensed Auctioneers for the Conutyot York csutended to on shortestnotice and urea- sox'ab.e rates Patronage solicited A large stock of Fuheral Furnishing kept at both places PIANO TUNING RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Dominic and North Townto. Special attention given to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest uotica and conducte‘l by we lutest up-io-dme methods. Address: 239 Bulliol St , Noxtb Toronto. one in House. North 2292. Calls by phone nr otherwise prompth responded to LASKAY P. 0. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Phone No. AI mail orders will rewive prompt attention. A. Cameron MacNathton 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junctlon 72. '1‘. F. McMAHON, Tum PARSONAGL AT THE LIBERAL PRINTKNG 86 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. I‘HURSDAYj MORNING '91. M. 3631 Undertaken: .k Fmbnimol‘s. announces that she will teach piano Denton, Grover 84 Field [OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET \VEST T Samaon Maple D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS” EXPERIENCE HR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL VOL.XXXVII. RESIDENCE rum; house north of Atkinsnn & Switzer’s store. lVIISS 5A VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GI'ARANTEFD Phone No. 2403. {.7015}: .7. @avidson Diaple, ()nt. JOHN T. ANDERSON 'PIANO TUNER Barriste: BUSINESS CARDS, Saigeon & fllcEwon . Organs Repaired. Expext Work Barristers, Solictm‘s. [to WRIGHT BROS. VOICING AND . . r . ACTION REGULATlNG {THORNH ILL OFFICE AND RESIDENCE per annum, in advance.] @111: {gamma IS PUBLISHED EVERY EDITOR ; H. Prentice 28‘ 1-, Solicitor, IKENHE PUBLISHER RICHMOND HILL J K McEwen Weston ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY, FEB] Riohmona Hill CCMBIISSIONER. CONVEY AN'TCH. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance flIViSIDN Mouov to Loan onland andchatbel mortgagesat owest rates . Auroraofliceâ€"nev ovefl to the old post office one door wnsn of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmarket ofilceâ€"Three doors south of the _ _ post olfice BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC Tomntn Office. Room 3‘28 Confodern tinn Life Bldg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (“Libel-:11" Office). every Thurs‘duy fnr'enoon. 1\I:tple, Thursday afternnnn, ‘andbridue, Saturday fm'enncm. Monev to loan at Five Per Cont (5%] The Next Sitting No. 3, Countvc Dr. C. LaVerne Pabtison CRO\VNS AND'BRIDGES A SPE( Office located in Slundmd Bunk iug. _ Office bout-519.30 mm. to Hun. Graduate Royal Cnllego of DvntulSm'gPrms.Tumult). will be ill? Richmond Hill every Tuesday and Friduv. All from RICHMOND HILL and vi cinity who attend the famuus TORONTO. ONTARIO receive not only the highest grade ofBusiness and Shmthand Educa- tion. but assistance tn secure choice positions when Culm)etm)t.\Ve were called npuu recently to fill pusitinns worth fnun $10 tn $18 per Week. as well :15 some from $75 to 3100 p91 month. THIS IS THE SCHOOL For YOU TO ATTEND. Open all year Enter now. \Vrile for our lill'gt Cutnlngue. Yong: and Chailes Sts. Prompt and Reasonabk: Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. Also agent for Frantz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at $32.00, Elec- tric Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-date zlppli~ ances thatsavc time and work for the House Wife. LENNOX & MORGAN H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Ezbnéai'rriixnox Oummissionm', Cnnvoyancer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. THORNHILL Tuesday, April 20, 1915 SHEPHERD Box 23 - MAPLE, ONT. Bnrrlslu s and Solid‘llors. Electricizn, Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL Unmmencinq at 10 :mn. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC DO IT ELECTRICALLY WILLIAM COOK BAINTERS PAPERHANGERS GRAINERS, ETC. ELLIOTT in thé C . SANDERSON '. F. MCMAHON, CLERK Aurora ._.O N~ \V. J. ELLIOTT. Principal of Divmon Court tc ‘f York, will be held curt Room. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials - COURT. G V Mom: BROS. RAN Build 5 p.11; I A LTY The 'Ihurnhill Brunch . \Vumen’s Institute held :1 very fnl meeting at the home of Muyle. Mrs. J. E. Francis interesting and inshuctivc 1 “Danger of luxury in mmlm-n article on the Life of Pauline was H‘éld by Mrs. A. Hull. '1 followed by the vending of "’1‘ my Paddle Sings“ by Mrs. followed by [h my Paddle Si Mrs. E. A. In reading from A hom- thut follo The next» mm March 1811) a: James. Pnpul E. Moylv, )lls. D. James. Maple Quite a number of young pimple {ruthede the hmue of Mrs. \\'.'1‘. Uunk on \Vednesdny of last \vvuk and spent the afternoon in making articles furthu Red Cz'nss sm‘iety. A large numhernf useful articles were made and Mrs. Utmk served ten. in the willing workers. \Vurd has been received of the death from pneuumnin, of Pre. Roscoe L. Phillips. who want to England with the first cnntingent. He was the younger son (If the lute Robert Phillips (If Tvstun. Miss Nelhe June‘s (if King City. and Miss Em Jones (If ()Wen Sunnd spent the week end at the home of Rev. P. The Epwm-th League uvxt‘ Mon eve-hing will he visited by the Tun (.‘rvntrul District executive. There be six members present to take ch: of the pragmmuw. A good mecl is expected. Everyhudy welcome. After the games a hanquet was given the \‘ialttll's by the Richmond Hill ngll’SL‘hOtIl students at the Rustic Inn where ,upwards of a hundred from both Schools sat down to tahles hcautifully decorated with flowers and patriotic symbols. the gift of the genial host and hostess, Mr. and Mis. \Vigmore. Following the re- freshments, a programme with the usual toasts \verelesponded to with Principal Davidson in the chair. 0n the t-hairnian’s right was an ex- prlncipal of the high school Mr. Show B.A.. now on Bioadview high school staff. and well known to Richmond Hill people. Mr. Shaw in the course of an excellent address which was partly patriotic and partly reminiscent complimented Richmond Hill high school on its present prosperous condition, and its fine hockev team. A feature of the entertainment was the singing of patriotic songs inter- spersed with the patriotic toasts hy the high school girls assisted by Mrs. Davidson who also aided in makng the. event a really sociable one, Miss Grace Pratt :11in presided at the pian’). About 12. o’r-lock. an evenngr greatly enjoyed by the students and teachers, *ended with the singing of the national anthem and all dispersed happy at this the first social gathering of the two high schools. RM. H. S. Loverng expects to have Mr. Tu'ylm', 1m Evangelist, uf Toronto to assist in the svrvices next Sunday. Tuesday, Mar. 23rd.â€"Fu implements &c., lot, 21. ank, the property of F. Sale at 1 o’clock. Tenn: J. H. P1-enllce.:mct. \Vednesdny, Mar. 24â€"F implements &c.,’ 01} Int Max-khan), the property Hillnmn. Sale at 10 n‘clu TermsSumntbs. J.H. PM Thurs. March ‘7'"â€"F2u*m s ments &c., Int 10. con. ‘J the propeer of P. \V. 1 Sale at 12 o‘clock. Term The I Schnnl Jl] n inr. and nutched uplhree in souvnd half makng the scare 5â€"0. The game lit-tween the second tpamsendvd also in favour nflhe locals with sum-v 3â€" (J. ()m- se-ninx- team is playing gnod hockey, having played in all. five matches. this season, winning all, scoring :29 goals to their opponents 5. a most creditable record. The return games with North Tm'rmlo will he played shm-tly which will C1058 the sm-ies for this season. After the games a banquet was and hnme gdnws Hi” high schm-I rink nn Friday visiting: tonum in cmupuniod hv students includ gnmvs were w mural) hm ween t good exhibition J. H. Breuti lunday. Mm n‘mphe props .H. ren erty m., HOCKEY AND BANQUET d by Mrs. A. Hull. This was l by the reading of "The Song idle Sings“ by Mrs. Bmtun. ,A. James gave a. humorous from Muik Twain. The social ML followed “'31:: enjoyed by all. xt» "mating will we held M) 18111 at 111» lmmo of Mrs. D. Pnpels will lie given by Mr. n-th_'1 hnck AUCTION SALES \lzu'ch Tâ€"Bx'ick I garden and fx-nit‘ of Gen. M. Rudd on the premise on t uuct yvd the first ufthv splines with the Ric! SChOnI playersin the l-iduy ewning Inst. ms in a special cur w. by :l large ‘numl Thornhill mn'to Brnadview High V team's, senior and the first, of (he humv Clmpmfin Am Brick House and ‘clock. Lunch Prentice. uuct I stuck. implc . 9, Markham ’. Bmklwlder rms 8 months c pup 11) life numb: md' Mrs Mt of , Liberty; in sum M rs hump hmond e lumll 9. Au hnsnn stock. )ll The H} :10- 31- of Both The unto will urge ling day the In Saturday, March 13â€"17 plements, elm, lot 2, church, the property mun, Sale uL 1 U’L months. J. H. Pren Monday, Max-cl: lipâ€"me stuck. im- pleuwnts. elm. half mile south of b‘ullivun’s (Ru-11ers, Ym-k. van Line. the property of \Vm. \Vhile. Sula EILlPJi). Terms 5 months. J. H. PlellLiCt’. uuct. Saturday, March (5â€"-F.-1nn stock, im- plemean, elm, Altnnu. Pickering, lheprupellyut‘ \\'-xn. Beesur. Sale ntlu'cluck. 'I‘ex'msb'nmnths. J.H. Prentice, Aucl. Monday, March Sâ€"Inxpm-tant sale of pme bred Holstein cattle. and pigs, Kingston Road. \Vcst Hill. pmpel-ty of J. Al'dnh. Sale at, 1 p.111. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice, zuzct. \V ed Mnrgnn. Snit- at 1 u'cluck. Terms 8 umnlhs. J. H. Pmnticu. nuct. Thursday. March llâ€"Fm-m stock. im- plements, eta, lot Gun. 5, Vuugh- :m, [Improperly 0f Grunge Fowler. Sale 'H. 1 o'clock. Tt‘l'lllS 5 mos. J. H. Prentice. Auut. Thursd \VEDNESDAY, March 3~me stock, implements. etch. lnl, 18. Gun. 5, Markham, the property of A. B. (Mulson. Salem, IZO'UIUCR. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. Thursday, )Izuch 4â€"qu‘m stuck, herd nfpule bled Holsteins, etc.. lot 8, 0011.5, Vaughan. the properly of E. E. Atkinson. Sale at. 12 o’clock. Terms 8 mus. J. H: Prentice. Auct. FRIDAY, Mal-ch Sâ€"qu-m stuck. im- plements, etc., nezu' Ulzlrunont. Pickering, H19pl'0pt‘lLVUfLPl) Yuke. Sale at 12 u‘cluck. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. Friday, Mulch 5â€" stock and implements, the pmperty of Geo. \V. \Villlums, con. 5, King, near Kettlehy. Salcatlo’clnck. Terms 9 nmnthx. Suigeon 6; McEwen, uucts. \Vednesdny, Mar. lUâ€"Farm stock, implement-s &c., lot 28, cum. 1, Mark- hnm, the plt‘pt'l'LV (-f Az-Llun' Mnrgnn. Sult- at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 umnlhs. J. H. Pmnticu. nuct. Prentice. :ulct. Tuesday, March 2â€" Farm stock and implmnents, the property (If John {ichm-ds, lot 21, Gun. 5. Vaughan. Saleat 1 o’clock, terms 9 months. S.)igeon (V: McEwen, uucts. Tuesday, March 2â€"- arm stock, imple- ments. can. at Uxhridge, the proper- ty of Mr. Elson, Sale at l n’clnck. \Tel-ms 8 mos. J. H. I’x-vntico, Auct. Tuesday, March 9â€"Auctiun sale of funu stock, implant-ills &c.. lot 50, cum. 1, Vnnghan. Elgin Mills, the property if Wesley Hellman. Sale at 1 o’clock. ’l‘ex'msS months. J.H. Plenticc, mutt. \Vcdnesday, Max-cl) 1 â€" me stock. implements, eta. Int 21. Con. 5, Yurk, Emery. the property of “It lute Jnunh \Villinms. b‘nle ill, 1 pm Termsfimos. Szligvun & ML-I‘hxen‘ aucts. Monday. March 1â€"»Fni‘1 nu-nls.vlc., lot. 7, ( (-huruh. pmpmty of Sale at. l p.11). Terms TIIVRSDAY, F ple-ments, e how, the In son. Salem momhs‘. J. uesduv, horses. ments. “day, March herd nf we“ perry of Ju: o‘clock. Lot Terms 8 mos 'Odnesduy, implement Markham, Nun-s. Sal mos. J. H Ill 79d” March 1' implements, [ht Hurt, lot 35. (:0 property of Alf K McEwen. :Lucl pit-menu pygpvyl y u'ners, pm all things, Charity.” J. H. Pro March 12â€"-Dispel-sion sale of i' we“ bred liulateins. the pro- nf Jus. Juhusnn. Sale ;\L 1 QUARY M:1I'Chl(5--IIigl) :hm'L hum ( hay, grain. wot u. 5. Mun-khan: , pmpelty uf J Sale: at 10 n. AUCTEON SALES the Mul ((2. m ‘nlwyty ch 18- Fm-m stoc Aif! 0.. lot 21. Can. 10, property 0f Henly ll) n‘clnck. Terms t nt ~r'unu s prupm'ty . 2, Van Ill t York Mi“ \Vtmds. Sal n’clnv rentic 1-1115 8 mos mic 'll‘n) 11-111 stock. in) (Jun. 9. \\'hit um stock. im Bendar. Scar ’ Chas. 'l‘homp 102k. Terms 5 ll) lll‘. Au cluss draught. :ullv. imple- st0( n. .‘ liu u-m stn Seal-hora ticv, Auct Auct Auct ‘gel-mun's 7. Under- Tcrms 8 ‘ctel 1915 implc W hit Smith J. H I'llls I :ln( Alfl'H im- the ll) _‘ Let’s fill your Bread Basket: We have the D.L. 86 W. Scranton Hard anl. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now STEVEH & RAMEH ALSO HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. it; . . AND . . Manitoba. Oats Wheat, Buckwheat, Also Good Bran and Shorfs Different Varieties of Ensil‘ age Corn at the Elevator The quality of bread we sell has a lot to do with your health. It; a1- so determines the num- ber of Urge you may have to call medical aid, The bread we sell you increases your health and strength add reduces Sickness to the minimum. Our price s no more than you pay for an in- ferior grade. Make it a. point to drive this way when you want bread and let us fill your bask- et. Or perhaps our buns and cakes will interest you. ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES A good supply of URITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. Sandel'son’s Baby‘s Own Cough Syrup for children Hive Cl‘oup Syrup for Whoop- ing Cough and Bronchitis Cough Lozenges and Tablets, in fact everything for Coughs and Colds W. A. SANDERSON Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar Cough Symip DRUGGIST . HILL 86 CO. Puttic Attention B A KE R S . AN D CONFEOTIONERS ‘V 11y Cough ‘3 [Single copies, 3 cts‘ 0N1) for the Chickens USE RICHMOND HILL Cracked Corn No. 35

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