A‘large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places Tel. M. 3631. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING hT EL. TORONTO. Canada Telephone. Main ‘31], Cable Address. "Dedofl PIANO TUNING [as med Auctioneers for the County of York. 0 intended to on shortest notice and at reaâ€" aona‘am rates Patrouace solicited LASKAY P. 0. ï¬Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and North Toionto. Special attention given to sales of every description. Farm and {arm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales attended to un shortest notice and conducted by the lutost up-lo-dute methods. Address: 239 Balliol SI: , Nontb Toronto. one in House. North 2292. Undertakers & Embnlmors. Calls by phone or ntherwise promptly rospnndud Lu Phone No. 28. JUHN R. CAMPBELL. Al mail orders will receive prompt attention. THE PARSONAGE 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Juncth 72. Denton, Grover & Field . pamerqq __MapNaug‘hton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST AT TbE LIBERALï¬PRINTlNG MPUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY EEURSDAY MORNING announces that she will teach piano D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE “R. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL VOL. XXXVII. RESIDENCE tum; house north of Atkinson & Switzer 5 store. Snmccn ': Maple $1 per annum, in advance. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEFD. 64 VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Phone No. 2402‘ MISS A OFFICE AND RESIDENCE! l‘laple, ()nt. JOHN T. ANDERSON TPIANO TUNER goï¬n 3. Qauidson‘g Organs Repaired. Expert Work WRIGHT BROS Barristers. Snlicrux‘s. 8:01 BUSINESS CARDS . Snigeon it NICEH'OII, voucm‘c. AND. . : . ACTION REGULATING @1112 @ibml 9. mMAHON. EDITOR. S; PUBLISHER J; H. Prentice THORNHILL RICHMOND HILL J K McEwen \Veaton ONTARIO The Next Sitting of Divnsion Courttor No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. DIViSlflN - BUUR'F. ELLIOTT COMMISSIONER. CO Real Estate: 'l‘unox'ro, ONTn IS STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. NONE BETTER I); CANADA Euler nuw so as to take :\ pusitiun in the emly full. One graduate \nitns :â€"My new pusitirm pays three time-s what I gut at, teaching sclmnl hiss than fuur yt'msngv, just previous to enteling your College. “‘6 placed this ynnng man in :1 position after graduation and have now placed him again. Catalogue free. ...u u mchmond Hill Lihe Ofï¬ce). every Thursday fnr‘enoon. Muplo, Thursday aftPrnran \Vnodhridqv, Saturday fore-noon. If..»r ' ‘ Toronto Ofï¬ce. R tinn Life Bldg;u Nu. n Richmond Hill mm m I IA (S; MORGAN Barrlslu s and Solicitors. Money to Loan ouland annchatbel owest rates Auroraofl'iceâ€"Ren owed to the old post ofl‘iou one door Whit of the entrance to the Outan‘u Bank Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the postoï¬ice T HERBERTLENNOX G V Mmmm mortgagesa‘s BARRISTER‘ Many Cnllvgus ( uL Midsmmncl Dun: LEN N OX & MORG nmu zlgenn 101‘ rrnntz Vacuum Cleaner at. $32 tric Irons $3.50 to $4.0 convenient and up-to-d ances that save time nnri Prompt and Reasonabfe given in House Wiring, and new. CROW'NS AW) m ()Pf‘c- 'ocnffo. ’ in: Hm). Gmdunt: Dental Stu-gun†Richmond Hill ins Also agent for Tuesday, April 20, 1915 Youge and Charles St: jummissioner, C‘ 11H.SANDERSON Box 23 - RICHMOND HILL Electrician uluuoslllflef, Unnvoyancer, etc Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. ‘anlOnClDS‘.’ DO IT ELECTRICALLY RICHMOND HILL. ONT ocnfc ’ in Strndurd Bunk Olï¬ce huul‘s 9.30am). to EDWARD FRANCIS I) WILLIAM COOK ELLIOTT PAPER HANGERS NOTARY Puigï¬c‘ GRAmERs ldllflt? Ray $3.50 to $4.00 and 3 and up-to-datc a} save time and work e House Wife. . a. . -..~._.....u.‘.u£ w SOLICITOR, NOTARY 'i-U‘S ("I :59 h La Verne Pattison “1). ELLIOTT. Princin x Annra AINTER . Richmond Hm MAPLE, ONT In Essentials, Unity; (won-y T Fridnv )NYEY AN"ER. ETC: and Insurance IDGES A SPECIALTY Royal Cnl'ege of 'm‘onlg, will be at .nm ’328 Cnnfedern Eivhn‘mnd St. E r' 101' Vacation Our College G V Mom: ET( 10 21.11]. date appli Estimmes both old l’rem ier 00, Elec- uosday . CLERK a k Build for all ETC md ll) UullangS, good water. Tonns of sale; 10 percent down on the tin" of sale. balance within 30 days thereafter. Further conditions made known on the tiny of sale or upon application to Cook & Gilchrist. \"Pndnrs Solicitors. Confederation Life Building, Toronto. 1915.:1L the hour uf 2 o’ch :lftel'nnnn. at, [he Hit-lulu Richmond Hill. by John ’I auctioneer, parts nf Luls 53 the Fixsb Concesm’nn of [he of Vaughan. containing th dwelling Them will he nï¬â€˜ered fur salmsuhject, to reserve bid on Tuesday. April (L 1915. HE the hour (If 2 o’ulm'k in the :lftel'nnnn. at, the Hit-Immnd Hate], ‘Dinl....,_u.1 ‘rv-n . The funcial of the late Forbes Ell- intt took place from his lale. residence Tuesday :lftPl'noml t') the Aurora cemeteiy. Many old friends were present to pay their last token of re- spect, and esteem for the deceased. Many beautiful floral cï¬'erings were placed on the casket. and animnressive address was given by the pastor, Rev. J. R. Aikenhead. Seven weeks ago deceased was at- tacde with appendicitis, andJu-L get- ting relief an upelalinn took place last Thursday. Ht- was not ahle to hear the shoek. and passed away shortly before midnight Saluxdav. The Gm‘ornnwnt l::|s announced that tho new stamp act will tnke effect on April 15! h. ()u and after lhuL date all letters will require, in addition to the present qu cent stump n sps-cinl one cent“\V:u- Stump.†Fm In Llwsnnw date :1 twucent “\VurStnmp" willlmx‘e to be afï¬xed to all cheques, hills 0f 9x- chnrge and promissory notes. The stainpsare tn be cancelled by the banks when prvsentml. l’I-mnissnry notesmut payable at or deposited in a bank for cullectiun do not require to he stumped. The penalty for failure to afï¬x :1 stamp is $50. while failure to cancel it by the bank is $100. progrzunnw \vns glvvn, feature ('f whirl] was :1 “Resolvml that mow harm i Gassip thnn hv Stealing." number from the League nf were present and two of Lhei Mr. Brrmks and Mr. Omssley the afï¬rmative side of [h The nvgnlive was upheld Edna. Gnrdnnund Mr. \V. hm; the docismu was gin-n ii the afï¬rmative. The pmcv he applied to the organ fund Mr. and Mrs. D. \V; farewell party to their Friday awning. Nl’ul'ly gues‘s \\'(‘I‘I‘ ptesmlt, enjuyu/lvle limv Wils‘ spent Mr. and Mrs. J. Iii moved fmm the farm to I the Vlllago. A SUCiHI “‘ns under tln- um League. AfLm junims Ll'nglll'. The ing pmgrnmlm- 111' ('f skutchcs of l lu- livvm hv U)" chilflrpn :md REZY. H. St Lowering Mr. and Mr: farewell party Friday HM)ng Mrlhndist Uh next. The c (“1‘ngme (I will he pl'vnch on {he subject The St'r'ViCO Inst, Sundnv m Easter Cards at TIK ill 1‘ ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF VALUABLE FARM we have a fine stock of plants. Patronize borne industry and purchase them at the Greenhouses. in Non-Essentials, Liberty “'um whirl] was at (IL-bate, hut more harm is dnnu by I IN Stealing." Quite a n the League nf King City Land two of their number. 1nd Mr. Crossley spnkc on 11mmng was given ‘llv. The-w wax" an in un- «If phm nx'vs‘, Sn]! lu- livvs of Bil)!“ chm mm and a short, :lddl War Stamps (It Inusit'. :bed by Rev hIh-(rl Cllnil :m’s Jefferson {NIH Cut flowers in ,"V u-rnrinm: L in lhv Mnlhudi aster {lilies .. THURSDAY. APRIL fl Side of the debate. ‘\'-'IS upheld by Miss 1d Mr. \V. Manning‘ was gin-n in favor of The pmcveds :ue tn men on Ives (If [mt \\':| Maple THE LIBERAL sto n-m tn the Misx will huv ll! Watson gave a air friends [:le I-ly nne hundred , and :1. \01'3' ‘llt by all. Richards have \nd the v. “.SJ Mnndu)‘ night. the Epwmlh svrved :I gum] n =n-y Society [ing in the iven h. an inn . suing the [thief L debate, ddross ls have home in sermon nvm ing hm z, and Ictm's “in; H‘h Illt’ EEHHOE? Mr. :Tnd Mrs. L. G. Stuntvnhmugh sppnt Sunday with fripnds in York. How did you like the Dug Show,boys? \VEDNESDAY. April 7â€"Yearly credit sale of horses. Cults, fresh milk cows, spl'iugms and young mule at the “'(mdlu-idge Hullse Yards. \Vuod~ bridge. Parties having stock In dispuse of may bring same on day of snlv. Terms 6 months. Sale ntl o’clock. Saigeou & McEwen, ands. l The Victoria Square Red Cross workers of No. 4 Division. Markham Township, collected in Felrruarv $122.20 and purchased with its eight wehs of grey and shaker flannel. and made. it, into garments and have shipped to Red Cross headquarters. Kingr St. Toronto. twcnty ï¬re night shirts, thier day shirts. twenty-four surgical jackets, twenty one pajama. suitsthirteen grey lied j:rckets.se'\-enty pair grey socks, and one pair pillows. The funeral of the late \V. G. Boyn- ton took place on Tuesday. 23rd inst. There was a large processian of relatives and friends gathered to show respect and syrnp-rthy lo the family. i Rev. Mr. Aikenhead had charge of the :service and spoke feelineg from the text “For Me to Die is Gain.†The late Mr. Boynton ahonta year agn had a. severe attack of internal herrrorlrago. Recovering he seemed in better Spir its and health than fornrer-lymnd engaged in work with energy. However another attack this spring proved fatal and he passed away on Sunday 21st. in his 54th year. Mr. Boyntorr spent his life in this vicinity and was an energetic and successful farmer. For thirty-four years he was a member of the Methodist Chum-h. "Geordie" as he was called Was ot‘ a genial disposi- tion and was respected by all who knew him. In politics he was a staunch Crrrrserratir 9. Last Sahhal h the Review was taken up by rrrrrnhers of Mr. Geo. Gerr’s class of young men. The three papers on the quarter's lessons by ll. Collard. If. Mortsurr and Mert. Brown Were (-x- cellent and instructive. The young men's class also led the singing. Mr. and Mi‘s.Jal'\’is Stor-rvof Blnnm- ington spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Dennis. Messrs. M. Brown, H. C(llal'tl, H. Mor-tson and H. Glover attended the rink at Richmond Hill, Saturday evening. u “Huxllnlll‘ me puny candidate. and in the meantime the Exm-utix'e was instructed to intervivw several gentle- men and ascertain if they were Willing to allow their names to go hefuI-e the meeting. Unugnll. 1.151 Dllff<‘l'ill strve The nwrting was mmninm [em thv riding. A muss me he lwld in Turrmtn at. :m t to nnminntv the party cnnd‘ in the meantime the Exm‘ instructed to interviva sewn men and ascertain if they \w ()no. Twn 'l‘ln'e lhé nnnim' Friday Easter novelties at The Liberal su 600d Snpplp mmtn in all things, Charitv - H mm. .,. mu- Ill. 1.151 Dufl‘orin strvet. Imwting was unanimous In con- w riding. A muss meeting will . n [d m lnrnntn .ltnu r-urly date minute [he putty candidate. and South York Organized AUCTION SALES Victoria Square lckenzie. East ms Fitzpatrick. A. \V. Rennick luu-h's Murphy, ugf-ly :lllcnded an] ‘ 11f+-\‘el'y section of itutinn was adopted and the fnllowiug 7â€"Yearly credit :. fxesh milk cows, up; mule at the ;e Yards. \Vuod- having stock In SSOCl Fiennick, \Vurd ‘ Im-phy, \Vurd u'n-nco. VVm-d d, \Vm-d Six, rmn-es. J. Mc-I (hllnl'd, H. llU‘nde the l, Saturday 191.5 offices 0: ltinn, Ml“ presiding n E W nt. Wii Mark- Mzn k- hnwnd Yol'k ‘ \Vesf. :10 Dn- held ice [RICHMOND HILL. ONT D. HILL STIVER & RAMER ALSO HANDLE THE Canada Portland Cement; . .AND. . Tile for Draining. Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. We have the D.L. 86 W. Scranton Hard an1. and Kennel-Coal “None better" Order now Special Prices on California Naval Oranges for One Week Manitoba. Oats Wheat, Buckwheat, Also Good Bran and Shorts Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES A good supply of URITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. W. A. SANDERSON Cough Lozenges and Tablets, in fact everything for Coughs and Colds DRUGGIST Hive Croup Syrup for Whoop ing Cough and Bronchitis Sanderson's Baby’s Own Cough Syrup for children Sanderson’s White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup Puhiic Attention 200 size One bundled and ï¬fty dnz 150 size, 216 size, ‘V 113' Con 211‘; inest Grape Fruit, 5 for to sell at above price [Single marmalade om nzes 200 per (1 oz. regular regular legulzu for the Chickens 25 cents .AND.. \Xï¬d‘iour Ow“ Cpmmmiï¬y Cracked Corn RICHMOND HILL copies, 3 cts. 20c for fur )l 200 No. 40