Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Apr 1915, p. 3

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(‘OWQ Wilt I‘IIO'FI'I'H. In one dairy record centre mainâ€"r ‘t:iincd by the dairy (lil’ifllotl. Ot- ,t-ziw:}, in Hill. there wero such elm ‘pl'le‘illfl' contrasts in yields of milk .iind fiii that thin lilll<i~ command tennis Shin * Teacher Speaks Hal 1 s or ’i‘lli‘ noon IHlllI)”~litllfi' attention at every l‘l"'5Â¥"“‘“l"“ ' (lairymiin. : HAT MOTHERS SAY 0e BABY'S OWN TABLETS I Once a mother has used l-Iiili)"s lOwn Tablets for her little ones she will Use no other medicine. She lqulckly realizes the Tablet: are :in l l l '-bsoliit,cly safe remedy and one “until Pills H U E-j mum), : Th“ MM m“, m (“w MM WW, Delicatcly (that. \villthg‘ivefiul‘e lreeiilts“ t‘iliig- ____ mm, 4.1;“, Pnumh “f mi-k and “my illnvpi’nedâ€" ermn 9m “3: lv- v in?“ - 13:3 pounds of f'it' tlu» 'ivcr-ino of ‘K‘ Y i v ~ V . H , I ' . . . .. I . . r . . i . ‘ ,[Pennafiit’ sask" mite“. l have, slit llul Mi l.iitli HI Hit in. But ‘HH, MIMI“ 1",”, “fig “My L772 concem lllt‘ Ilcrulh and "with tlbtiiiIn-d ('oinim'cd Ilcl‘. pounds of mill; and 130 pounds of; “810d- Int. lll ii llt'l'(l llt‘iLl‘ by the pooroMl 7 yield of .‘lll_\ ulll‘ row wAs hfib‘H llill- 311M" ,pounds of milk and ‘27“ pounds of AWN”: l}ll°;f;it; the herd avernire was 7.255 W H! l ' .uscd Baby‘s Own Tablets for niyl {ihi'ec babies and think Ho much of, them that I always kecp them in lithe house.” The Tablets are sold by medicine. denlm‘n or by mail :11 i :25 Cents a box from The I)l'. Wil- liams" Medicine (You Ilrockvillc, Out. 4-- BEN EPITN 0F IRRIGATION. (Iran‘s (‘i-irx Tl'lllli} lhlill'ili jtllli (Special). llllt'llsumle l” XP‘Vi‘leluml ipoiiiids of milk and 3-12 pounds oil pin their faith to llodd‘x Kitlllf‘)’1f"tr :Plll“ il‘ All-15* Mill." “lid?” “il‘li'l 'I‘lici'c were seiPi'nl individualr Llnn. teacher in the ltoinriii Catholic yields of over right. thousand. School hero. I ‘ pounds of milk. while one good “1jinn'I-xvccdiiigo. grade mw gain H.100 pullnlls iii illodtl s kidney l’ills. ‘ milk and 562 pounds of fat, \VHYSVORRY I Choose your variety and ask your grocer for “Clark’s”. grateful to When Sir William Van Horne Mix-s Whe- mid many “mm mm that, m”, llun states in an interview". "I “'35 (‘oiiiiiir‘r to the cost ol‘ fwd. plPil' ' _ ' “pin” by ,mdermkm thc “my. !,f‘ very much run down in health. W of howls hm) 3,, (“Huge a,“ pm, PABHi§2Â¥.3ALE' “Tlgmyim‘ east, of (.flgnryl wm‘m , (‘losc confinement in lll)‘ “‘“Yk : (‘ow of from forty to fifty-five dolâ€" l H' w' DAWSON' N‘Mty comm“ sun?" 'I'Itc Robcck Smile. Toronto. This is Rear».\dmiral dc Robeck. the Irishman of Swedish descent. who has Rucceedcd Carden in conâ€" lll‘UlUIllffill ml‘ ttl'UllblO. ilars: men at these high figures “Readng of the many cures ll." the net profit above the Mist of lei-(l Ilodd's Kidney l’ills I began f“ "SP l run up to fortv-six and him dulliil‘s them and I must. confess with wry as the herd average. I make the wilderness to blossom like the rose. he was d-exridcd, but to-dny this prophecy may be snid‘ to be a. literal fact. At. (my riite. I" \‘tbl' \\'.\N'l‘ 'l‘tl lll'Y Ill‘. SU‘YE . I“l‘llll. Stock, (li‘aln ui' l‘gll\Jl‘f/i'. \Viitn H. W, Haws-on. Miami-inn. In. «'1 (Mllmrin- St., Toronto. millions of acres have not. only i "(,1 “f (1.9 [)31-(lanelles fleet. He is I l“th filltll- ' Such results are full of enoourâ€" K. W. DAWSON. Colbotno St... Toronm. ibee" ret'lfl-lmed ll." ill“ (‘lllllllimyWu brother of Baron (le Robeck. 1 “Ball”? I Imd taken “"6 lwx [lagement f‘” “‘0 Ownmigi “ml “u‘ NURSERY éWâ€""' .but. the whole district. has hci-ii “ W H r > D was not only (-urcd but my strength ’gur well for the future of cow tent- ‘ 1, v . l. g BELT”), no (so improved and beautified that N ‘ t H “'39 til'tlll'lllg l‘fllll(ll.\'~ “MI I felt {filing in the Maritimc Provinces. i, Eli-gill‘lillcliil'ndéfis Prime ihlcéiinncd .lmlc IIH' (lyilc llicnisclu. great improvement in every way.~ & Son. Port Hurwcli. Ont . . The river (.‘lyde has been brought Ml“: “llOlfln in“? the. real 1‘91}- .«till untouched. lleputations have n, its present am“ in. dredging son ot the popularity of Dodds gone to Ottawa to stir the GUVOI‘D- and the Smtch are Ye‘rv pmud of kidney Pills. They do not. cure men-t, into undertaking the work . it A pm.“ “f Amen-Cam smmed the ailment. aimed at at the expenw ‘ of some other part at llllE‘ iody. iOther (lairymcn may well strive to emulate these remrds of fifty and sixtyhve dollars clear profit above lthe cost, of feed as mode by good individual Cows. This sensible nieâ€" :t.hod of determining the respective tithe-re is now a general clamor for irrigation in sections which are ATENfé . 0F INVI-I."I‘IONS out-side the proprietnrial limits of ~ , .. . A -, u . it ne din, (all this . 'l\t‘l‘i . . . the (.‘.P.R.. on the lands which H -“ .' .. v , - ._ l1 - , I'liey build up health all ovcr the merit of leach Cow as a. profit niukcr meON' "080” 6‘ DAV” said they. “In. its only a ditch I V T 1 - l v _~ I . , , _ 1.. 5h Jame. 5t” . Mom...“ - 10d}. hey (o this iy cuiing t 19 In"; a solid foundation for l)llll(lln§{ We“. lot Inloimutlon seem to require this treatment to; product- similiir results to those so c‘érilpai::\tl:erlgzh Us: Mfiigzlgpif Kidneys. Cured Kidneys mean up a singularly interesting herd [(l‘l‘afjtlfyllig and profitable on the l “Awee'l mm] H Rai‘d a. Smtch‘ b'\_ pure blood. ,from n modern business standpoint, -.-\sRo-neailiig:ult. of this demand on Stand“? “Wm-“9 gt" Pl‘tl‘idem'“ i" . q. . E< i" “i i the part “f “,8 p90 )1? of gm”th thank for Your rivers, but we made “Mimod i'l‘lr-‘V' C re . . . _ . . _ l - | ~ I) lAlberta. Professor iiiiirficld. super- “'15 “"9 00159] 5- “Mother wants a llle “Nb “f . u Guaranteed ‘intend‘ent of the Dominion ICxperi- +““â€"‘ Sim." d1"1“e~n } l vaer known to mental Farm. Lethbridre. con “We don't 1“’91) that” Fald ‘ 1“ . A ‘1 - We, W, M, .5.,.,g.,,..,,, Chest Colds and harness chem... . are m; magi.hoxr.§..o.; ! R s E production will not only be greatly “Oh. yes. you do." the little maid . ' soothing, healing; é takes the sting right out No remedy so quick. safe and sure as Putnam's Patn- trhe . less Corn Extractor. Sold every- retorted. “We‘ve got. it here be- .__. forc. Mother puts it down the drain _ n “Nerviline” Gives S eed Fl l' f m the baCk yard: P Y e 'e and The” the chemist knew that increased. but. ei-manent- homes established on he prairie; which can be rendered naturally beautie in] when irrigation works are avail- New Wheelock 18 x 42 L fiutomatic Valve . . ' . Cures Over N‘ . . . ., ,_ _' ’ athle' The pm'fes‘sm lfklild gloat Cot a cold? Ight “glory divine was another Way of “be” 25_.__c' D” him" (vomplete operating Condition is ress on row-in a a a corn. 1 - , .~ . .- ' , ,, , » In . i . which meangt mol'f fodder for live 18 your voice raspyâ€"is your chest salmg Chlumle 0f llme‘ (“fiflt'lt‘r‘e‘ lml- flywheel. frame. belt. cylinders and all parts. Can be shown running at present time. Will congested or sore ? “I want. you to understand." said If so you are the very person that young Spender. “that I got my money by hard Work.” ' “Why. I thought it was left. to stock. more fertility of Sulil. im- Mlnard's Llnlmem cures Dandrufl. provenient to all crops. Resolii- lNervmne will cure in a jiffy Ltions were passed asking the Minis- Nervmne is strong and De'netmfing ter of the Interior 1‘0 Ca'l‘l'." 0“? lIt sinks right into the tissues, takes sell at less than half Quito So. cost price. largely - ,' - . k~ . .. ..‘ . . lil‘mme‘ilty‘ after an‘ is - l - - "l ‘l " [ lrllgalwl‘.““r N “1 t“’)allanll‘9 {"1 out inflammation and soreness, de- a matter (,f diet” .‘Oll l.‘_.\0“1‘ “01 "I" 9' .k I s_ FRANK WiLsow & SONS an cxtciismn oi the ( .I .R. system. 181158)}: C10\I;Il:nlll a truliv woliiderful way. “Indeed. I had the impression t So was. bfiit II Itilad lliai‘d I“oi v 73 Ade'aidc St. West, Toronto ' ' ' ' _ . l i ' ~ ‘ . ' ‘ 's. _ +_.__. e 9 me! tie Ciest rub on It was hugely a matter Uf “me/v 0 s9 1 Will '0” l9 '1 ‘l" ‘ , ilots of it, and watch that tightness idisappear. Nerviliiie won’t blister, it ,sinks in too taste-doesn't simply stay .on tie suiface like a thick, Oll) Illll For This Ono Day. For this one dayâ€" Grnnt us sight to see the road. IN FOR.“ .\'I‘IO.\' FOR IN I'IN'I‘ORN firanulated Eyelids. Eyes inflamed by expo- Messrs. Pigeon. Pigeon & Davis“ ' ('rcep plainly on our windinginlent would. _If the throat is raspy. surctoSumnusiandIl/lnd patent solicitors. Montreal. report, way and sore. rub it well outside with Ner- quicklyrclievcd byMurlnc that, 147 Canadian patents were And grant us strength to bear the "5”“9’ 3“? "59 hen'llme as a gargle‘ EYBRBIIIWY-Nosmafling- igqued for the week endino‘ Februâ€" Mload diluted with warm water. Just one or just Eye Comfort. At 23,d 191- “6 f [if] . . two treatments like this and your. Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine in m) l ‘ 3‘ U “ “3‘ “9‘9 1“” “‘15 One day- granted to Americans. 14 to (lana- dians and IT to residents of foreign , countries. Of the Canadians who received patents 7 were residents of Ontario, 3 of Nova Scotia, 2 of Saskatche- wan. and ‘2 of Quebec. Salvcin'l‘ubca 25c. For Book ol IheEycfrecask voice and throat will be quickly nor» Dmggists oi- Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chlcago ‘. . . ‘ ~ mal again. 1‘” {111$ WW d3)?“ A Just think of iteefor forty years the * Guide our feet the road along. largest used family medicine in this Let not our weary footsteps countryâ€"Nerviline must be good, stray, must quickly relieve and cure a hun- Help us lift a stave (it song ;dred ills that befall every family. Try 130,- this one dm; lit for earaclie, toothache, coughs, colds, sore chest, hoarseness and mus- cular pains in every part of the body. ~ . Large family size bottle 500.; ma] ,AliceAâ€"lhd you run for the cellar ’3 ,size 25c, at :ilideaie1~s_ Kateâ€"â€"No, I heard there were +_.__ _ rats there. Terrors .\ bovc but Worse Below. Kate (just rctni'ned)â€"â€"Yes, I‘haipâ€" pened to be in that very city when the German aeroplane dropped the bombs. (hitting Back at tho .Iiiilgc. A judge in i'emanding a. criminal called him a scoundrel. The pris- oner replied, as he was leavingthc What IS Your Mirror’s Story For this one dayâ€" I.ct- iis not sec the mud beneath. Ilizt know the gold above the .. Ham-um... . nan“â€" mmm‘mflu-tvn‘x A. WP.“ m .. - . - You can’t have a beautiful And smell the wind from off the PRAISHS Biii'i‘isii A ’l‘ll.l a ' courtroom. Sir. I am not'as big , . _ u ,. heath ‘ R ‘l R" Minard's Llnlmem Cures Burns. Etc. 3 scoiindi‘el as your honor’ “here complexmn for tllc “dung. the culprit stopped, but finally uddâ€" edâ€"“takes me to be." “Put your words closer toe gether," said the judge. You will find relief in Zam-Buk! It eases the burning, slinging For this one diiy. ‘ It Is Now Superior to thc (.‘criiiiiii Batteries. Pat chlicd. An Irishman. having recently zir- rived in New York. got employment with a won merchant. Later he was ordered to take a load of wood l some distance away. Having gone . Vaseline Trademark COLD CREAM Made in Canada For this one dayâ€" \\‘licn l)U\\‘t‘(I at me for benison, Grant that upon the uphill way (liir passing smile has gladdcned one On this one day. -4. -.__._. Woman It is good to have it from Sir John French that the British artil- lery. at» various points along the front of twentyfive miles held by the Allies. has increased its asceii- half his jimmev he came to a glee 1 Clancy lovehlt‘he enemy's batierim' lhill and while the horses .iweriii ‘ says he (1 as ‘ow Citizen. It is ’, ,' .- . V K- i ialeo eminent-13% satisfactory to be “nugghng to get to me mp his bohil . llia. ened o mee him. a‘ . e' told that. our men have obtained 21 pp t t “d g8 mg used regularly will remove blem- ishcs, and make the akil. snmotli. meat and sound. Vaseline Cold Cream contains no animal or vegetable leS. It is llow ii Sicli ,lthe horses in such difficulty. and,‘ Wmaâ€"u-m “mm ) . - 1 t. st, ,. . t}, en. ,.-., , , pain, stops bleeding and brin s - .. .- . .« '0. ‘ comp 9 ma 9 y ox er e in, . ‘ , h _ 9 stculized m the making 4nd ileu- (Wall Itebilvlll Health 18pm“. Very man). of the msuaL , .iiariiifiu?nat1adp eoicfili; " ease. Perseverance, With 2am- Catcly perfumed. â€"â€" files hitherto sustained have been ’VO p219. k ‘th ‘1] r e h h f‘ i . Buk, means cure. Why not prove “Vaseline”Preparationsarcforsule READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. due to this campaign of potâ€"shots l u 1‘“ 9 U 5 B 51‘?“ 8‘“; ~ this? All angégtgrand Stwuc- atall Chemists and GenerulStores. ,cnoug‘h to do without hauling you ‘llp the hill!" Pat. fixing himself” more comfort-ably on the load, said. l “15 that what you stopped me for l" i "Yes." replied the boss. The... l .with a crack of the whip. Pat re- l ,plied, "Gee iipi It’s H. poor sliip’l AVOID SUBSTI'I‘U'I‘IN. Insist on “Vaseline” in original puck- ag'cs hearing the name, CHESHâ€" BROUGH MAN I' FACTL’ R- ING (30., Consolidated. I/liutraltj bani/Hf}?! an rtquat CHESEBROUGH MF’G CO. organized by the Germans. It has .been said that they have trained , marksmen for this work. but, given my face were not only mortlfylng to t “We: our )pe‘mh’ .“ie flame-l" “1“”. a1' my feelings. but because I moughl my ‘ way s. i-eac l equality iii anything, “km “Gum never look nice again “and in much human effort. bllpt‘l'l' grew despondeiit. Then my appetite‘OI‘lhl- “9 “Hide the Cfl-"lpalg" “For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor. pimples and blotches on MISCELLANEOUS. railed~ I grew very weak, \‘ariouskdeficlenl in guns and men. To-day‘that can’t carry the captain. r ‘ V ‘ I (Conmndued) remedies, pills, tonlcs and tablets liniatters are on a different boring. ,lCAififfiingngligfé,"kFI‘gfli'd aft‘fii} 1880 CHABOT AVE... MONTREAL tricd without permanent benefit. A > The adverse balance in field art-ilâ€" louc pain by our lioirie o-eat'mant. \vrne‘ , us before too late. Dr. Bellman bledlcul l Co., Limited. (‘ollliigwood Ont. i Vis“ to “'3’ Sister 9}” into {my hands lery and guns of heavy calibre has a box of 'Dr. Hamiltons Pills. Shei been pretty Well adjusted: the 1111- i pli‘ce‘l reliance upon (hem, and "0"",inerical inferiority in men is. being; i l that they" have made me a well woman - ~ - ‘ . * i ' e s - c I womdnmt be without them whatever “lip dill! ,5 enedl If It ha’q‘MnO? b'ee‘“ l they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ‘ a [Ogfi lel mime “p' ‘ “19"“61‘ ‘ 'l'o u horn it. may concern: Tlllfi is r... z -. ~ . - ‘ . there have been evident-es. in much cer‘ifv thui I have used MINARD'H LINI- {UHF pills?“ In?” mild “let seargmng of the “Rent, fi ham 8] m d” lMEiNT mrsé'lt' as well as resorle ii in action \el} suitable to the delicate ,3 g ‘2 3 lmy "practice where a ltn ment was character of a woman's nature. They “'951'3m fl'Om- that the All!“ ha“? i quired and have never tailed to get never once griped me. yet they estab. already secured a moral aocciidane l deal“ cm)“- (. A Kr“. M n ,llslied regularity. My appetite grew 0“. Over the Hun levies- In Pnhmd . .. _ . . keen-111." blOOd YE‘d and Dllre~lleal'l'lsomething of the same influence is I‘k“ ilie rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin is as clear and un- iwrlnkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd. wife of a wen. .known miller in Rogersvllle. is. proof 'sufficient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are ‘a wonderful woman's medicine. ['59 no other pill but Dr. Hamilton‘s 25¢, per box. All dealers or The (“titan-tr ozone Co., Kingsron, Ontario. +â€"__._ The chap who is huriul in vion is also a dead one. \M'l‘nard'u Llnlment lolleiss Neuralsla. .i.i~;.' , observable. The compliment paid to the PrinceSS Patrician Canadian l i Light Infantry. by Sir John French. , 1 will be appreciated from end to end I of the Canadian Dominion. They lime had their baptism of fire and emerged from it with lustre. Noticing that. Harry was a trifle 1 downcasc when the dinner was . about. half over. his young wife ex? claimed shyly: “Cheer up. Harry. the worst is yet to come.” Her hus- ~â€"-â€"â€"â€"-+â€"__ l , . . i It ‘..\ ther for a girl to IIITLU .1 . . I 1' ‘ - ’ ‘youinr inn-n over than it is for her band glanced up quick}. 'andjvith, ito hit what she {brews at. an despairing 8181300 inqmred: l “Wharf have you made a pie? ’ Last year the gold output of the Transvaal was 8.33135: i';i')(‘es. .valiied at 53345.5“.075. Mlnard'n Llnimont tor tale everywhere. l El). 7. HM}; ii '15. “Overstern " V Bottom 7 D Motor Boat l’reiglit Prepaid to any Railway Station in Ontario, Length 15 FL, Beam 3 Ft. 9 In, Depth 1 Ft. 6 In. ASY MOTOR FITS. Specification No. 21} iiving engine prices on request. Get our quotatloua Orrâ€""The Penetang Linc" Commercial and Pleasure Launches. Row boats and Canoes. THE GIDLEY BOAT (‘O., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAN.

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