(‘OWQ Wilt I‘IIO'FI'I'H. In one dairy record centre mainâ€"r ‘t:iincd by the dairy (lil’ifllotl. Ot- ,t-ziw:}, in Hill. there wero such elm ‘pl'le‘illfl' contrasts in yields of milk .iind fiii that thin lilll<i~ command tennis Shin * Teacher Speaks Hal 1 s or ’i‘lli‘ noon IHlllI)â€~litllï¬' attention at every l‘l"'5Â¥"“‘“l"“ ' (lairymiin. : HAT MOTHERS SAY 0e BABY'S OWN TABLETS I Once a mother has used l-Iiili)"s lOwn Tablets for her little ones she will Use no other medicine. She lqulckly realizes the Tablet: are :in l l l '-bsoliit,cly safe remedy and one “until Pills H U E-j mum), : Th“ MM m“, m (“w MM WW, Delicatcly (that. \villthg‘iveï¬ul‘e lreeiilts“ t‘iliig- ____ mm, 4.1;“, Pnumh “f mi-k and “my illnvpi’nedâ€" ermn 9m “3: lv- v in?“ - 13:3 pounds of f'it' tlu» 'ivcr-ino of ‘K‘ Y i v ~ V . H , I ' . . . .. I . . r . . i . ‘ ,[Pennaï¬it’ sask" mite“. l have, slit llul Mi l.iitli HI Hit in. But ‘HH, MIMI“ 1",â€, “ï¬g “My L772 concem lllt‘ Ilcrulh and "with tlbtiiiIn-d ('oinim'cd Ilcl‘. pounds of mill; and 130 pounds of; “810d- Int. lll ii llt'l'(l llt‘iLl‘ by the pooroMl 7 yield of .‘lll_\ ulll‘ row wAs hï¬b‘H llill- 311M" ,pounds of milk and ‘27“ pounds of AWNâ€: l}ll°;f;it; the herd avernire was 7.255 W H! l ' .uscd Baby‘s Own Tablets for niyl {ihi'ec babies and think Ho much of, them that I always kecp them in lithe house.†The Tablets are sold by medicine. denlm‘n or by mail :11 i :25 Cents a box from The I)l'. Wil- liams" Medicine (You Ilrockvillc, Out. 4-- BEN EPITN 0F IRRIGATION. (Iran‘s (‘i-irx Tl'lllli} lhlill'ili jtllli (Special). llllt'llsumle l†XP‘Vi‘leluml ipoiiiids of milk and 3-12 pounds oil pin their faith to llodd‘x Kitlllf‘)’1f"tr :Plll“ il‘ All-15* Mill." “lid?†“il‘li'l 'I‘lici'c were seiPi'nl individualr Llnn. teacher in the ltoinriii Catholic yields of over right. thousand. School hero. I ‘ pounds of milk. while one good “1jinn'I-xvccdiiigo. grade mw gain H.100 pullnlls iii illodtl s kidney l’ills. ‘ milk and 562 pounds of fat, \VHYSVORRY I Choose your variety and ask your grocer for “Clark’sâ€. grateful to When Sir William Van Horne Mix-s Whe- mid many “mm mm that, mâ€, llun states in an interview". "I “'35 (‘oiiiiiir‘r to the cost ol‘ fwd. plPil' ' _ ' “pin†by ,mdermkm thc “my. !,f‘ very much run down in health. W of howls hm) 3,, (“Huge a,“ pm, PABHi§2Â¥.3ALE' “Tlgmyim‘ east, of (.flgnryl wm‘m , (‘losc conï¬nement in lll)‘ “‘“Yk : (‘ow of from forty to ï¬fty-ï¬ve dolâ€" l H' w' DAWSON' N‘Mty comm“ sun?" 'I'Itc Robcck Smile. Toronto. This is Rear».\dmiral dc Robeck. the Irishman of Swedish descent. who has Rucceedcd Carden in conâ€" lll‘UlUIllffill ml‘ ttl'UllblO. ilars: men at these high ï¬gures “Readng of the many cures ll." the net proï¬t above the Mist of lei-(l Ilodd's Kidney l’ills I began f“ "SP l run up to fortv-six and him dulliil‘s them and I must. confess with wry as the herd average. I make the wilderness to blossom like the rose. he was d-exridcd, but to-dny this prophecy may be snid‘ to be a. literal fact. At. (my riite. I" \‘tbl' \\'.\N'l‘ 'l‘tl lll'Y Ill‘. SU‘YE . I“l‘llll. Stock, (li‘aln ui' l‘gll\Jl‘f/i'. \Viitn H. W, Haws-on. Miami-inn. In. «'1 (Mllmrin- St., Toronto. millions of acres have not. only i "(,1 “f (1.9 [)31-(lanelles fleet. He is I l“th filltll- ' Such results are full of enoourâ€" K. W. DAWSON. Colbotno St... Toronm. ibee" ret'lfl-lmed ll." ill“ (‘lllllllimyWu brother of Baron (le Robeck. 1 “Ballâ€? I Imd taken “"6 lwx [lagement f‘†“‘0 Ownmigi “ml “u‘ NURSERY éWâ€""' .but. the whole district. has hci-ii “ W H r > D was not only (-urcd but my strength ’gur well for the future of cow tent- ‘ 1, v . l. g BELTâ€), no (so improved and beautiï¬ed that N ‘ t H “'39 til'tlll'lllg l‘fllll(ll.\'~ “MI I felt {ï¬ling in the Maritimc Provinces. i, Eli-gill‘lillcliil'ndéï¬s Prime ihlcéiinncd .lmlc IIH' (lyilc llicnisclu. great improvement in every way.~ & Son. Port Hurwcli. Ont . . The river (.‘lyde has been brought Ml“: “llOlfln in“? the. real 1‘91}- .«till untouched. lleputations have n, its present am“ in. dredging son ot the popularity of Dodds gone to Ottawa to stir the GUVOI‘D- and the Smtch are Ye‘rv pmud of kidney Pills. They do not. cure men-t, into undertaking the work . it A pm.“ “f Amen-Cam smmed the ailment. aimed at at the expenw ‘ of some other part at llllE‘ iody. iOther (lairymcn may well strive to emulate these remrds of fifty and sixtyhve dollars clear proï¬t above lthe cost, of feed as mode by good individual Cows. This sensible nieâ€" :t.hod of determining the respective tithe-re is now a general clamor for irrigation in sections which are ATENfé . 0F INVI-I."I‘IONS out-side the proprietnrial limits of ~ , .. . A -, u . it ne din, (all this . 'l\t‘l‘i . . . the (.‘.P.R.. on the lands which H -“ .' .. v , - ._ l1 - , I'liey build up health all ovcr the merit of leach Cow as a. proï¬t niukcr meON' "080†6‘ DAV†said they. “In. its only a ditch I V T 1 - l v _~ I . , , _ 1.. 5h Jame. 5t†. Mom...“ - 10d}. hey (o this iy cuiing t 19 In"; a solid foundation for l)llll(lln§{ We“. lot Inloimutlon seem to require this treatment to; product- similiir results to those so c‘érilpai::\tl:erlgzh Us: Mï¬igzlgpif Kidneys. Cured Kidneys mean up a singularly interesting herd [(l‘l‘afjtlfyllig and proï¬table on the l “Awee'l mm] H Rai‘d a. Smtch‘ b'\_ pure blood. ,from n modern business standpoint, -.-\sRo-neailiig:ult. of this demand on Stand“? “Wm-“9 gt" Pl‘tl‘idem'“ i" . q. . E< i" “i i the part “f “,8 p90 )1? of gmâ€th thank for Your rivers, but we made “Mimod i'l‘lr-‘V' C re . . . _ . . _ l - | ~ I) lAlberta. Professor iiiiirï¬cld. super- “'15 “"9 00159] 5- “Mother wants a llle “Nb “f . u Guaranteed ‘intend‘ent of the Dominion ICxperi- +““â€"‘ Sim." d1"1“e~n } l vaer known to mental Farm. Lethbridre. con “We don't 1“’91) that†Fald ‘ 1“ . A ‘1 - We, W, M, .5.,.,g.,,..,,, Chest Colds and harness chem... . are m; magi.hoxr.§..o.; ! R s E production will not only be greatly “Oh. yes. you do." the little maid . ' soothing, healing; é takes the sting right out No remedy so quick. safe and sure as Putnam's Patn- trhe . less Corn Extractor. Sold every- retorted. “We‘ve got. it here be- .__. forc. Mother puts it down the drain _ n “Nerviline†Gives S eed Fl l' f m the baCk yard: P Y e 'e and The†the chemist knew that increased. but. ei-manent- homes established on he prairie; which can be rendered naturally beautie in] when irrigation works are avail- New Wheelock 18 x 42 L ï¬utomatic Valve . . ' . Cures Over N‘ . . . ., ,_ _' ’ athle' The pm'fes‘sm lfklild gloat Cot a cold? Ight “glory divine was another Way of “be†25_.__c' D†him" (vomplete operating Condition is ress on row-in a a a corn. 1 - , .~ . .- ' , ,, , » In . i . which meangt mol'f fodder for live 18 your voice raspyâ€"is your chest salmg Chlumle 0f llme‘ (“ï¬ï¬‚t'lt‘r‘e‘ lml- flywheel. frame. belt. cylinders and all parts. Can be shown running at present time. Will congested or sore ? “I want. you to understand." said If so you are the very person that young Spender. “that I got my money by hard Work.†' “Why. I thought it was left. to stock. more fertility of Sulil. im- Mlnard's Llnlmem cures Dandrufl. provenient to all crops. Resolii- lNervmne will cure in a jiffy Ltions were passed asking the Minis- Nervmne is strong and De'netmï¬ng ter of the Interior 1‘0 Ca'l‘l'." 0“? lIt sinks right into the tissues, takes sell at less than half Quito So. cost price. largely - ,' - . k~ . .. ..‘ . . lil‘mme‘ilty‘ after an‘ is - l - - "l ‘l " [ lrllgalwl‘.““r N “1 t“’)allanll‘9 {"1 out inflammation and soreness, de- a matter (,f diet†.‘Oll l.‘_.\0“1‘ “01 "I" 9' .k I s_ FRANK WiLsow & SONS an cxtciismn oi the ( .I .R. system. 181158)}: C10\I;Il:nlll a truliv woliiderful way. “Indeed. I had the impression t So was. bfiit II Itilad lliai‘d I“oi v 73 Ade'aidc St. West, Toronto ' ' ' ' _ . l i ' ~ ‘ . ' ‘ 's. _ +_.__. e 9 me! tie Ciest rub on It was hugely a matter Uf “me/v 0 s9 1 Will '0†l9 '1 ‘l" ‘ , ilots of it, and watch that tightness idisappear. Nerviliiie won’t blister, it ,sinks in too taste-doesn't simply stay .on tie suiface like a thick, Oll) Illll For This Ono Day. For this one dayâ€" Grnnt us sight to see the road. IN FOR.“ .\'I‘IO.\' FOR IN I'IN'I‘ORN ï¬ranulated Eyelids. Eyes inflamed by expo- Messrs. Pigeon. Pigeon & Davis“ ' ('rcep plainly on our windinginlent would. _If the throat is raspy. surctoSumnusiandIl/lnd patent solicitors. Montreal. report, way and sore. rub it well outside with Ner- quicklyrclievcd byMurlnc that, 147 Canadian patents were And grant us strength to bear the "5â€â€œ9’ 3“? "59 hen'llme as a gargle‘ EYBRBIIIWY-Nosmafling- igqued for the week endino‘ Februâ€" Mload diluted with warm water. Just one or just Eye Comfort. At 23,d 191- “6 f [if] . . two treatments like this and your. Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine in m) l ‘ 3‘ U “ “3‘ “9‘9 1“†“‘15 One day- granted to Americans. 14 to (lana- dians and IT to residents of foreign , countries. Of the Canadians who received patents 7 were residents of Ontario, 3 of Nova Scotia, 2 of Saskatche- wan. and ‘2 of Quebec. Salvcin'l‘ubca 25c. For Book ol IheEycfrecask voice and throat will be quickly nor» Dmggists oi- Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chlcago ‘. . . ‘ ~ mal again. 1Ԡ{111$ WW d3)?“ A Just think of iteefor forty years the * Guide our feet the road along. largest used family medicine in this Let not our weary footsteps countryâ€"Nerviline must be good, stray, must quickly relieve and cure a hun- Help us lift a stave (it song ;dred ills that befall every family. Try 130,- this one dm; lit for earaclie, toothache, coughs, colds, sore chest, hoarseness and mus- cular pains in every part of the body. ~ . Large family size bottle 500.; ma] ,AliceAâ€"lhd you run for the cellar ’3 ,size 25c, at :ilideaie1~s_ Kateâ€"â€"No, I heard there were +_.__ _ rats there. Terrors .\ bovc but Worse Below. Kate (just rctni'ned)â€"â€"Yes, I‘haipâ€" pened to be in that very city when the German aeroplane dropped the bombs. (hitting Back at tho .Iiiilgc. A judge in i'emanding a. criminal called him a scoundrel. The pris- oner replied, as he was leavingthc What IS Your Mirror’s Story For this one dayâ€" I.ct- iis not sec the mud beneath. Ilizt know the gold above the .. Ham-um... . nan“â€" mmm‘mflu-tvn‘x A. WP.“ m .. - . - You can’t have a beautiful And smell the wind from off the PRAISHS Biii'i‘isii A ’l‘ll.l a ' courtroom. Sir. I am not'as big , . _ u ,. heath ‘ R ‘l R" Minard's Llnlmem Cures Burns. Etc. 3 scoiindi‘el as your honor’ “here complexmn for tllc “dung. the culprit stopped, but ï¬nally uddâ€" edâ€"“takes me to be." “Put your words closer toe gether," said the judge. You will find relief in Zam-Buk! It eases the burning, slinging For this one diiy. ‘ It Is Now Superior to thc (.‘criiiiiii Batteries. Pat chlicd. An Irishman. having recently zir- rived in New York. got employment with a won merchant. Later he was ordered to take a load of wood l some distance away. Having gone . Vaseline Trademark COLD CREAM Made in Canada For this one dayâ€" \\‘licn l)U\\‘t‘(I at me for benison, Grant that upon the uphill way (liir passing smile has gladdcned one On this one day. -4. -.__._. Woman It is good to have it from Sir John French that the British artil- lery. at» various points along the front of twentyï¬ve miles held by the Allies. has increased its asceii- half his jimmev he came to a glee 1 Clancy lovehlt‘he enemy's batierim' lhill and while the horses .iweriii ‘ says he (1 as ‘ow Citizen. It is ’, ,' .- . V K- i ialeo eminent-13% satisfactory to be “nugghng to get to me mp his bohil . llia. ened o mee him. a‘ . e' told that. our men have obtained 21 pp t t “d g8 mg used regularly will remove blem- ishcs, and make the akil. snmotli. meat and sound. Vaseline Cold Cream contains no animal or vegetable leS. It is llow ii Sicli ,lthe horses in such difficulty. and,‘ Wmaâ€"u-m “mm ) . - 1 t. st, ,. . t}, en. ,.-., , , pain, stops bleeding and brin s - .. .- . .« '0. ‘ comp 9 ma 9 y ox er e in, . ‘ , h _ 9 stculized m the making 4nd ileu- (Wall Itebilvlll Health 18pm“. Very man). of the msuaL , .iiariiiï¬u?nat1adp eoicfili; " ease. Perseverance, With 2am- Catcly perfumed. â€"â€" ï¬les hitherto sustained have been ’VO p219. k ‘th ‘1] r e h h f‘ i . Buk, means cure. Why not prove “Vaselineâ€Preparationsarcforsule READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. due to this campaign of potâ€"shots l u 1‘“ 9 U 5 B 51‘?“ 8‘“; ~ this? All angégtgrand Stwuc- atall Chemists and GenerulStores. ,cnoug‘h to do without hauling you ‘llp the hill!" Pat. ï¬xing himself†more comfort-ably on the load, said. l “15 that what you stopped me for l" i "Yes." replied the boss. The... l .with a crack of the whip. Pat re- l ,plied, "Gee iipi It’s H. poor sliip’l AVOID SUBSTI'I‘U'I‘IN. Insist on “Vaseline†in original puck- ag'cs hearing the name, CHESHâ€" BROUGH MAN I' FACTL’ R- ING (30., Consolidated. I/liutraltj bani/Hf}?! an rtquat CHESEBROUGH MF’G CO. organized by the Germans. It has .been said that they have trained , marksmen for this work. but, given my face were not only mortlfylng to t “We: our )pe‘mh’ .“ie flame-l" “1“â€. a1' my feelings. but because I moughl my ‘ way s. i-eac l equality iii anything, “km “Gum never look nice again “and in much human effort. bllpt‘l'l' grew despondeiit. Then my appetite‘OI‘lhl- “9 “Hide the Cfl-"lpalg" “For years I was thin and delicate. I lost color and was easily tired; a yellow pallor. pimples and blotches on MISCELLANEOUS. railed~ I grew very weak, \‘ariouskdeï¬clenl in guns and men. To-day‘that can’t carry the captain. r ‘ V ‘ I (Conmndued) remedies, pills, tonlcs and tablets liniatters are on a different boring. ,lCAiï¬fï¬ingngligfé,"kFI‘gfli'd aft‘ï¬i} 1880 CHABOT AVE... MONTREAL tricd without permanent beneï¬t. A > The adverse balance in ï¬eld art-ilâ€" louc pain by our lioirie o-eat'mant. \vrne‘ , us before too late. Dr. Bellman bledlcul l Co., Limited. (‘ollliigwood Ont. i Vis“ to “'3’ Sister 9}†into {my hands lery and guns of heavy calibre has a box of 'Dr. Hamiltons Pills. Shei been pretty Well adjusted: the 1111- i pli‘ce‘l reliance upon (hem, and "0"",inerical inferiority in men is. being; i l that they" have made me a well woman - ~ - ‘ . * i ' e s - c I womdnmt be without them whatever “lip dill! ,5 enedl If It ha’q‘MnO? b'ee‘“ l they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- ‘ a [Ogï¬ lel mime “p' ‘ “19"“61‘ ‘ 'l'o u horn it. may concern: Tlllï¬ is r... z -. ~ . - ‘ . there have been evident-es. in much cer‘ifv thui I have used MINARD'H LINI- {UHF pills?“ In?†mild “let seargmng of the “Rent, ï¬ ham 8] m d†lMEiNT mrsé'lt' as well as resorle ii in action \el} suitable to the delicate ,3 g ‘2 3 lmy "practice where a ltn ment was character of a woman's nature. They “'951'3m fl'Om- that the All!“ ha“? i quired and have never tailed to get never once griped me. yet they estab. already secured a moral aocciidane l deal“ cm)“- (. A Kr“. M n ,llslied regularity. My appetite grew 0“. Over the Hun levies- In Pnhmd . .. _ . . keen-111." blOOd YE‘d and Dllre~lleal'l'lsomething of the same influence is I‘k“ ilie rings under my eyes disappeared and to-day my skin is as clear and un- iwrlnkled as when I was a girl. Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it all." The above straightforward letter from Mrs. J. Y. Todd. wife of a wen. .known miller in Rogersvllle. is. proof 'sufï¬cient that Dr. Hamilton's Pills are ‘a wonderful woman's medicine. ['59 no other pill but Dr. Hamilton‘s 25¢, per box. All dealers or The (“titan-tr ozone Co., Kingsron, Ontario. +â€"__._ The chap who is huriul in vion is also a dead one. \M'l‘nard'u Llnlment lolleiss Neuralsla. .i.i~;.' , observable. The compliment paid to the PrinceSS Patrician Canadian l i Light Infantry. by Sir John French. , 1 will be appreciated from end to end I of the Canadian Dominion. They lime had their baptism of ï¬re and emerged from it with lustre. Noticing that. Harry was a trifle 1 downcasc when the dinner was . about. half over. his young wife ex? claimed shyly: “Cheer up. Harry. the worst is yet to come.†Her hus- ~â€"-â€"â€"â€"-+â€"__ l , . . i It ‘..\ ther for a girl to IIITLU .1 . . I 1' ‘ - ’ ‘youinr inn-n over than it is for her band glanced up quick}. 'andjvith, ito hit what she {brews at. an despairing 8181300 inqmred: l “Wharf have you made a pie? ’ Last year the gold output of the Transvaal was 8.33135: i';i')(‘es. .valiied at 53345.5“.075. Mlnard'n Llnimont tor tale everywhere. l El). 7. HM}; ii '15. “Overstern " V Bottom 7 D Motor Boat l’reiglit Prepaid to any Railway Station in Ontario, Length 15 FL, Beam 3 Ft. 9 In, Depth 1 Ft. 6 In. ASY MOTOR FITS. Speciï¬cation No. 21} iiving engine prices on request. Get our quotatloua Orrâ€""The Penetang Linc" Commercial and Pleasure Launches. Row boats and Canoes. THE GIDLEY BOAT (‘O., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAN.