In the matter of the estate of Alex- :inderMondiv. late of the Village of Richmond Hill. merchant. deceased. Pursuant tn statutes in that, behalf notice is ht-l'ehy given that all parties having claims against the said Alex- ander Maudie. l:lll‘ nf the Village nf Richmond Hill. deceased who died on 01' about the 17th (11y of December. 1914. are required on 01' before thi- 10th day of April. 1915. to send :1 statement of their claims. with their mlan and addresws. to the undersigned solicitnrs for the oxecutm-s. And take further notir‘e that. after the said last mentioned date. the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thei-vtn, having re gm‘d nnly to the claims of which they shall have then received nntice. Dated the 13th day of March, A. D.. 1915. COOK & GILCHRIST. Barristers, No.32? Confederation Life Bldg., Toronto, 12 Richmond St. East. Prayer. Anthem.“1‘he Strife is O’er,â€Steane, Hymn 70. Benediction. Orgau,“Sortie†Ceasar Franck. The. new organ has come up to all expectation. and is without doubt, on? of the ï¬nest in the prm-incv. An in)- usunliy largo congregation was present at the dedicatm-y service-s last Sunday. and all spoke in highest tel-Ins uf piaisnnfthomnv nrgnn. and also (if Ilia splendid work of organist and choir. The singeis wm-e ï¬ltingl] and decm'nusly dit‘SSPd in their new choir gowns, presenting n unifui-m, digni- ï¬ed. nnd harmonious nppwu-nnce which could not but he pleasing. The day was the consummation long de- sired by nmny ardent “'(ll'kE'lS, by none more than by the organist, Mr. Earle Newton. to WilUll) much of the credit is due for securing so fine :11] column. t’myer. Hymn 67. Sermon,“They have taken away my Lord. and I know not where they have laid him.†credit is du instrument annhgy. Invocatinn. Carol, "0 Blessed Easter Season,†Blu‘dett. Hymn 66. Scripture. Soln, Announcements, Offering. Organ. “ .zlster O‘Tortoire,†Loret. gun-0L “Christ, is Rfsen,†Fleld. Organ, “mstm- Prelude" Dudley Buck. anulnszv. Invocation. 7am}. “\Vclcome Happy Mun-ning,’ Field. the presence of their immediate )vliitiw-s. the Rev. Rt-v Gray of Kim: City ofï¬ciating. Thu lll'lllt‘ (-nleied the ronm tn the strain: of the wedding inarch.playe(l by Missvari in- Kinzingrr 0f Tmnntu, and was attended by Mi“ Olive Hall also (if anwnto. Sh» WM given away by her father. and was handsmnelv gmvnml in emliruidvrx-d net over white satin with seed pearl trimmings. wearing the raistnmary bridal veil and carrying: a lmnqnet of white carnation»: and HIHillL'll hair fern. After the (‘ervmnny the izliests n-paii ed tn the dining room where a dainty (lel'llntH' was served. The gifts were beautiful and numernus. amung them a sunbm'sï¬lnf pearls. the gift of lhv grunm. 'l.‘ * groom‘s gift, to tllt‘ luidr‘s maid was a gnld the grnmn's man, Mi. \Vm. \Vindas, ln-uthvrof the bride. munagrammed calf links. The harmv COUDlP left on the evening train for Pembroke and nthvroastern points. the bride travelling in a. tailor made suit of Belgian blue galmrdine with hat to match. On their return they will reside in Kleinlmrg. Their many friends join in wishing them every succvss in their married life. On Enstm‘ Sunday special (~hm‘zll SPI‘Vin'R will hv held. with :1 choir of uhnut. fany ‘micos; tho Older of servicv as fulhnvs : RICHMOND HILL. ONT v wedding when th GE? Wéhs 'ai Solo. Read the Hymn 58. Scripture. Solo. Annnunconwnts Offering. Organ. "Eastm- Morning." Malling. Lurlms’ Voices, “As it Begun tn 'uvn," Hm-ker. Prayer. Hymn 61. Sermon, "H0 is Risen." Pruym'. Carol. "Alleluia! Alleluia!" Burnaby, Hyum 62. BenHliclinn. Organ. “Grand Choeur,†Dubois. EVENING Organ. “Voix Semphlque.’ 9 Mann- HM NOTICE TO CREDITORS I'L-svnco of thvir in)" PS. the Rev. Rt-v va of ï¬ciuling. The bride vnlex :n the strain: nf lhv w< plays-d by Miss (Lu-1 iv Kin mm. and was nttendvd h lull :Ilsn of Tux-(mm. Sl' Presbyterian Church Cll ll] RichardsuWindas Tlu nco MORNING “Easter Pro l d marriage tank place in of thuir innnodinte ({V. an va of Kim: The bride vnteled the train: of lhv wedding y Miss (7.111 iv Kinzingur [ wns attended by Miss of Toronto. Slw \vnq her fulhvl‘, and was nwnod in emlu'nirh-n-d satin with seed pearl nring the customary carrying :1 bouquet, nf the lnide marriage of [ht'il' av, an G nrgrm. and also (if wk of organist, and 1s Were ï¬ttingly and ‘d in their new chair 9 W sdny, Mum-h- :2 daughter. Eliznl Advertisement, APRII Mrs. ( urn). \Vx that after date the distribute mung the mving re. hich they Hut] Mann- pl at Hotel Richmond. Richmond Hill, on Six months‘ credit All in good working: cnnd The next menting of the Council If tlu Munit-ipnlilv uf Vaughan will he held in the 'J‘uwn Hull, Vel- lm'e, on 4O HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES Vaughan Council EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLES smith shnpuL Elgiï¬ Mills. us gen- eral blacksmith and “'(wd wurker. He thanks his customers for past patronage. and hopes [boy will rev main with him in the future. guaranteeing satisfaction as in tho Shoes removed New shoes. Nos. 1 to 4, Larger shoes.......... To Lhr Motor Repairing Done TERMS GIVEN ON MJTOE’. CYSLES on large moms and ham mmn, hardwnnd Hunt's. ï¬rmplucv. large \‘ernndnh, l'ulnnco, three (‘(’â€:II'S. Lut 50x14â€. This house H in :L gnud lncnlmn and cmnmunds an unluuken View In picturesque surroundings. Six rmuned bungalow, nicoly deem-mod. vomnduh. lmldwuml ï¬unrs, kitchen cabinet, casement windows, ï¬re-pincv, and eketriu light. I have several building lots for Snle which are situatedanneal-13' all the principal stl'vvts nf Rich- mnnd Hill. Soc my “:1, before making your selection. tlnunghnut, hmdwnnd f ï¬re-place. s-loch-ic light an Lures, thl't'v-piecp' hull). : tank, hot \vntm- lmile-r, pH bunk Ln fu-ce hard and water through lumen. Pens Imcv. honm-r)‘. Lnt 50 : This is an ideal llmno 101- p ulnr ln-nplv. New cement-block hunso Monday, April 5, 1915 at 100‘clock puny lull in good working condition. fran to 8 years old, direct from the THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1915 A. E. GLASS A. SHERZER RICHMOND HILL L. CURTES Shenzer hasï¬xr-wopenr’d the MM Aucï¬un Sale PROPERTIES FOR SALE DER SALE AT 30x1 only nil). REAL ESTATE AGENT RICIIMO . CURTES people of Richmond and surroundings : M ()N EY T0 NOTICE BUILDING LOTS the property of SPEARS & LUMBER Co umber AGENT FOR HHS B. M (‘LEA N. Clerk IIOU_ '(HHIM'L fmm t, \‘omndnh. r ninvd in but ll] If ()1 H N'D III llllp O'CLO( RENTICI: lmlh .l() AN : trimmm wd flnms ht and ï¬x ‘1â€). son“: mm IIU off for cash LI ht 15 cents 30 cents 35 cents partk SH] 11E ink thi, f u r 220 Hill ll) ft “"I EASEER l. H. SANDERSON Anclinnvm-s, the fullmving I’QSidt'HiiEll pruporlyr living in the 'l‘nwnship of Vaughan in lllL' County of Yul-k and Prnvinco nfUntnrih. half :i lnill' north of Um village of Elgin Mills,;11)d being Lat. No. 10. Plan No. 1642. County of York, TOGETHER \VITH :1 light of way over LHL Numhm- Twenty~four (24) Said plan culnpl'ising 4.38 acres: nme which is said [01w siluute a two storey lne-tnlulud unï¬nished hnnse. lsturcy stable !1nd (I: iving shed, \Vell pump and about, 7.3 fx nit trees. Said pmpm-Ly is 5 tninmvs walk frun Ynnge Stun-t and tlw Mvtmpnlitun cur. The prvperty shall Iw swld suhiH'L to II. l'osvrve hid. In Marble 01- Gl'flhitl‘. Good work reasonable charges. Town 01 Country Write, Termsâ€"Ten per cent (10%) of the purchase price to he paid down at the time of sale, hulnnce within 30 days thereafter. Fm- fluther puuxculurs and (:nnditinns uf sale :Ipplv to Messrs. McVVhinuey & Bx-uwn. 80 Sun Life Building, Toruntr‘, wliciLm-s for Mm-tgugu. Undernnd liy virtue uf 11w powers contained in Ct‘l'lfllll Mortgage, which will I)? produced :IL thv'tinie of the sale. there will he lllft‘l'l‘ll ft-l' <nlo by Public Auction on Sulnuluy the tenth (lny of Api'il.1915.ut1he hmn' nf 12 Nuun :it Nu. 72 Uni-lion Street. Tm-(mtn, hy Messts. C J. Townsend & Cnmpuny. Anclinnm IS, tho fullmving residential pruporlyzr‘ “Plug in the annship of Vaughan in the (FonnLy of York and Province of Olltill'lh. half :1 milu north of tlw Village of Elszin Mills, and heng Lut Nn. ll). Plan No. 1642. County of York, TOGETH ER “'I'I‘H :1 light (Jf DATED at Tux-onto this 10th. day of March, 1915. 38-3 SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN MORTGAGE 0F LOT N0. 10 ACCORDING TO PLAN 1642 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN ’Phone for free demonstration in your own home. See for yourself this 9 lb. dirt devourexâ€"with its trouble- proof motor and new thrust bearing. Ask about our easy payment plan. TELEPHQNE Main 4-93 Taday and get your {graft}? freï¬â€˜aï¬w ELECTRIC Pu ro-ln « Monuments LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE ll]. Tombstone 1. etcering nvem FARE AND ONE )1] l‘iclu M. PALMER. RK‘MOND HILI HOLIDAY FOR SERVICE Apli turn SINGLE FAI nt Sel-v Man khan) snictly Ho] A. JONES, 22 Buchanan St, Mzn km's HI d Corner Pnsts eturnil FARES 111p :tvin Bu lsh 41h nt H TRACY. :\ pril (‘I “IS im xtion HIRD Tlnm Toronto Ill Thomas Thomson, Phone, Richmond ‘Hili l fl, C. A. SKEELE, Richmond ill Qichi‘a‘mm FISH FOR GOOD FRIDAY Interested part N0. 1 Timothy and Clover Seed also a quantityot'O.A.C. N0. 72 Outs. ELMBANK STQCEQ FARM £3 E ADFORD HALIBUT FOR FURTHER 1’NFORMA'IION WRITE 0R SEE Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on ' and Clarence Aver Acre Garden Lands. A. R,Icl)onal(l ¢V Son SHORTHORNS 3 Bulls and Leave Eaie PRESENT OFFERING hi} by a DAWSON, UNIONVILLE, 0LT Just Arrived 1m 0111' 11 bur HADDIE omtl H.165. E‘Eiii Ame); J. T. Locum co, lOAdelaide St. E Order and Females .l U St., Belrr M ark han :1 fly Richmond Terms ï¬eadford R. R. No. 2, ( l1} 0 W l' Hill Tmmo Gormley