Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Apr 1915, p. 5

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Greenhousb-s. lilies tn Muntl cities is Very] vnrinus plants tween 10,000 :; hving shippm Tuesday 1.500 Gruenhnusws. The shipment at Easter lilies [u Mann-9:11, 'l‘umntn and other cities is wry lrugv. and the Moon) of various pluntsis very beautiful. Be- tween 10,000 and 12.000 carnuliuns are living shipde even-v work. and on Tuesday 1.500 roses wont to various places. It is safe to say that such beautiful sweet pens were never be. fnreseen in this section of country. The nrchid pink beauty, with fuur blossoms on lung stem. is particularly fine. The potted lilacs in full blumn are also an. special feature at this season of the year. "A: Busin (‘l‘nss-R: and Uhurcl Cancel m‘oniu lions n The entolmimnent is well mg. horses at, HUM-l Richmond next Thfirs day. the property of Lauder. Spmu's 8 Howlzmd anhvx- Cu. There an- :Il least LU head. frum 4 tn S yours 01d right from llw lu'nher cumpm Suh- :II 12 u‘cluck Terms 6 Innmhs. Fun descriptinn of lllll'sl‘s‘ we anutlxvl' page J. H. Glass Slater lunnm rinks il Thu 1 MN hm“ hm th 1m 'I‘u-Inun-mv evening. Gum] Flidny, n le-nn-n st-rvice will hv held in the school rnnm oi the Melhndislz Chm-ch. Rev. Mr. Aikonhvnd will givv an m!- drum on “The (huoifixinn.“ It Is he- muning than. the thoughts of His ful- Imvm-s should lingvr about the cross at [his season. P. Gtuhmui. EL [1 Rumsdvn. I‘Ix-Ald FGuo. \V. Vt‘ll‘ill. Aw Inn-hm] wile fence 1s nunsidnu-d antigen-nus. and (nutmry to law :llung Dubliurnnds or line fem-vs, untim- is gch-n that if not remm‘od in Rivhmund Hill .1 cumpluinL will he made lwt'me u mugistrntv. (:mum tnthu home «If Mrs Alnuh] Sn. ;:L 3 n lhusu whn hum»- suldiw-S. finish this- tum lkvir wurk \In [)X'Ul Sal“ Hill RICH uoxu HILL. 0x1. Thl'l'l- will be: Rally in [he '1 Saturday. Apl'll Elvclitm Hf 0fth :lvlivm-wl lw F. F NI‘XL Bunle Special E nslw n 9d hy the ('hnir Chulch m‘zL Sum] be special surnu morning and (Wm: Owin price n! hulid at TI” Mrs. Gen. Nvidrmn 0f Kiudvmluy. Husk. at the hume nf Mr. L MI'.(7II:11*IMA. (‘vunpur has n lmildingr lutfmm Mr, H. Ii Stalin” SI rum. aniv. nu building this summer. was qnm [won $32 The ‘V.C.T.U. will mm- of Mrs. \V. A. \Vlight nflvrmmn. April 61h, at 3 Th0 Lndivs’ 1 Buzunr, \\':-dm clmnvd $118 :.f Sclumls cl! holidays. The 1.1% nmt ux-ling ln-phius :[uyml in link F Evita 3,12%ch The [null I'vm'ipt Rare Beauty in Flowers This is :1 husv week at the l' "F‘hmw- “‘m 'm- :m :umtinn sulv of n ‘llllnllle farm near ICluin Milk. [lH‘ 'upm'ty Hf (h:- latv Fullvx‘tuu (x‘ihsun. nlv at Hutvl R€L~hmnnd. Richmond 1i”, Tun-sdny, April (5. at 2 p. m. J. '1‘. Suigvml, :uwlinlwvl'. A. “CD H. Sun! April 1 Hislnp nmexs and nthers in need of wmk ses shmxld m-L 12-11! In attend the (1 annual sale 01' hmry draught ’lHl’l \sk lHUl'l luv cup .2. Am flhe n] [h In hmnn :jnnuld hero ' in ‘ Illa J In M: Muudny U;l\'. ldk Old Time Concert chi [ll .. at 3 u'clnck. And I have how: knitting nish “lis‘ u'evk :Ind “15;. Work Mnndnv :lflt‘l'llmul Curling Trophies Lenten Servxce bias with the winners 1k Friday nighLu'lwn rem) dofn'utcd skip 1 point. thus winning Mr. Glnss‘ rink lu-iw= {015 the Smith medal. fnlhm' blklk’ll times will he inll :s Mootin; 1) ll l‘( nu] iu' slm‘ music will )u ('hnir in [111‘ M Sunday. ’1th ‘ sermons by the Auction Sale kn Bundle Day \\' H l drum and (.“Y (:11 which Notice misum mtz P kill gn‘u :m min Hull Music 0m] Fl Mn March will he mintic frivnds :u-v nld linen and ‘r paying: wou- $141 \Vest, Yul-k [.ilwrnl “‘11 Hull. \Veslun, $. at 2.30. AHM' s. addresses will IIL‘ Pun-rive, Hun. Hm». Dowurt. Ald. Gen. Olmrlvs Mn Nine and nml Emu me at 1 Ct' kips I‘hurnliil Snci visilvt] lusL “‘(‘t‘ B. “"359. Ill lUl'llnlll. lm‘ the L‘h‘lhlldl m “Old Tm un du \V mi APRII and 15 ( worth he nutlwr [my the 7D_un|np 1s plll'ChilSk Rluuhlo a Ind inlum \ . Pugsley, And will Hitting: fur 1nd cunt the Ill Ah :ustnmes d duling Mnhuwk vxpvnsc the home’ Tuesd 1y ling tlu Elt‘t'tl'iL H‘s Adu lllll‘ rm inlunds pI-nvitl- >lhndi~'t ill alto pn'slnr, hill}! pub] whit nch. (lwh hum aster it". 191 tllr It! IV ELLIO'I‘T.â€"AL his late rvsiJmu-vulrlYer- Sun. on Sutmduy, March 2?. 1915, Fm hs-s Ellinlt. Fulwrnl Tuesday, March 30, t0 Aurora Grim-Lei y. HUMBERSTUNE.â€"-On Sunday morning, March 28, 1915. at. his late u-sidence, Newlnnln'ouk, S. T. Humbenslonejn his (59th year. Funnrul from above address Tues- day, 30th insl., to Fun-st Lawn Mausoleum. Yurk Mills. MCCARTEN.-â€"At Ne“'l(ll1br00k. on Sunday. March 28th. 1915, Jane Mc- lzxrleu. \viduw of the late Bernard McCarten, in her 86th year. Funeral \Vvdnesday, to St. Manic-H’s Church, Eglintun, thence to Mount Hope Cemetery. NEWBERYâ€"Ab Aurora, on Tuesday, March 30, 1915, uerr a. long illness. Eliza Alnold. widow of the late Robert, Newbery. Funeral Good Friday at 2 p.m. SMIT u C Srfhun 0le rmrtm' and chm-oh was “buir. Aflvrs this has lwen will :Ippwu' f whito Sun)“ Pvnning uf E the 11 and 7t and also Trinitv ()111m~h Thu Gnnd Fridnv mnrniug :cL ]U.3( Eastm Day SPI'\'iH‘s :m fnlh Trinilv chum-IL Tlunnhill, Holy Cmmmminn; Eve-hing 7.10. St. Marys Church. 11H. (.‘nmnnminn; 3.2" p. m.. :l 1 sm-vim- of tho chilrhon (-f (be Suhunls uf Trinity and St Chlll'ChPS. 7 n.m.. Evensnng, lert- \Vl“ lw Im 11 n't'lnr'k 5 Trinity Uhluch. Thnrnhill. u Dzlmet [hm u will he :1 special salvine in 31w (awning. Spvcinl Enstnr mmin :Lt. HAIUIAN.-At Ri Mun-uh :29. 19].": Frank Hui-mun :1 [rand suldirr Hf the Cums. 'l‘lu- Bishnp :Ilsn cnnfivmud une- cundidnlu, In the nm-slm uf Pfivnle Louis 5‘. Oliver. 12th York Rangers. :1 recruit in the 3rd Cnmndinn Onnlingent. On Sunday lust Prim“) Oliver l'l‘UPiVPd his first Cnmmuninn, and was nlpsonlml with H hzlnds‘nlnv pocket Toetmmmt. filo gift hf Bishop RHM'I'. For m‘m :\ yvnl' the :Imhitivn of the rmrtnr and mmnhm-s of St. Mnl'v's ChllH'h was In ham- :1 fu'tl suvnliwd Putl'iutic Stnl't'. :lfl. “l' s1): Rn sm-vclws were given by R(-\'. Mr. Ruhinsnn 01' anll'. Rev. Mr. Thom n: of vamnlket, :1an Rm'. Mr. Aikvn- lu-ud. \Vo .‘lt'PSUI'L‘ (hiltt‘dfh (If my spvnkm's (-xprpssml [hp fe-elingmf :IH pl‘t‘SPHL wlwn tin-y said they wmw dvliqhtvd with [119 ontn‘tuinnu-nt. and gave \n-Hâ€"mvlitml praise to {he (-hnir mnstvl'. Mr. Eurh‘ Nuwlnn, whnsv nmsicnl ability, and ululv mrlnngvmvnt are much :lpprrcintml by the pastor nml cnngreznlio x. 7. Ouidwull. nil :lppifllldl'd :1! ank (,‘rnm pl.l\‘ed with very (-njnynlz as pianist, :1 un the \‘in um] Ml the ('11): A largo :lnrhonm- enjnyod l the lllllsimll prngx-ulmnv n1' 1] given in (lu- Prvshytvrinn (:l evening. 0f cumsv lhn mugniritrr-nt organ was Lh ulu'ucliuu, hm, Hm svwrnl vm-nl Snth and instrumental wow H” llmumglfly Pnjny‘ snluists includwl Mrs. Vam V Grnoe- Pratt. Mrs. Gvdfi-in Th Um-rnlhms. were mu: 1nd the discussinu Hm: lw Mr. Bun-tun. was of I 1nd Ml mlln, Hid}: ulightfnf snci; H L‘njnyod fin [he RStCl B t Ill Tl llJiSUn; Ivchvs \w 1m ilu \V: W131): ll] includL-(l Mrs. V .m ‘ I’mtt. Mrs. Gvdfi'in I, :1” nfu'hmn “‘91 rd uftvr ouch uum Converse Smith as Church of England us [he mnsi Ind Mrs. J. x sympath \V Words 1 m PnsanrdSHf[119m THE LIBERAL Stun Women's Institute men's Institute of :ludionm- enjnyvd In thv full. I] prngrnlzmm "f 11 numbers w Prrshytvrinn (:hnxeh Inst. 0f cumsv (1w nvw and “'11:. Her! nlple tum-s, and MISS slntirmm y at THE LIBERAL Sacred Concert it Richmnnrl Hillfinndny 1915. [n M]. ' and Mrs 80H] pk fihmt r0 2i MARRIED [h All [he lm in] hull T1) rsnnl h ‘Mi BOIE dvfi DIED u'd On Sunday morning. at his Lute lesidence. 5. T. Humbenslonejn mp 'I'Hll ‘slit mt fBEShnn Rum'l‘. P :Imhitir'n of the 's of St. Mnrv's :1 fun surpliu’d elm of hard \vm-k lighml. Thu (-hnil- irst lime in thvir [he mnrmnu and :nm} Br‘h {he lnL Lh md J‘h Vinynd. 'i‘l1c 111 “M11, Miss 1'111 and Mr. were [19:11-1in 111111101; Mr. :1? \‘inlinist. hut pmdmrvd 1 3115s Sismzm 11-111 McBride punk-<1 with u-esrpwuling * pastor, M1: Ingramlutrny fnnuw: un-Iil- u uh'nxs, Tm- Smilh, Oak 0w Public v, 3 cents h’wt inn Mrs. I klel 1nd ‘, 191 [out 'udin mst‘: clinn \V . hill the ll) A. D. BRUC E , C A ‘11:} L1 ANNUM MEETWG E\\' HOUSE FOR SALE.~On L Chum-h 81.. G Hmth and Bull) rnmn will) inside l:I\'.~itnry.fitlc(l lhrvughunl with latest. imprm-enwnts. Lnxgc- nanny :llld cnncretv sture mmn. EnunwlLunndry tub and sinks, hut and Sold suft Wiltv!‘ and lmul water. good well. pressure tanks run by puwur, electric light with latest fittings, Hardwnnd flnnrs, Furnncv henlrd, cellar 1.1!de and plnsLen-d, just decorated llnnnghont. very large \‘l‘lflllLlNll. Lol (Sfixllib, chicken llllllSPS, low price for quick 5:110. if dr-sirvd large :nnnnnt can remain on Morlgngv, further pmlicnlnrs apply. H. A. Nit-hulls, Exclusive Agent, Ricnnmnd Hill. 39-2 you! mun. huu L (hmmnuu Apply \\' Bl-(mk. I’hunr n can] and I Will cull. “.Ldervs-s D. Lewnrs. (whim-St. \\'usl, Richmond Hill Hurdng dispuse pnr svHil My llw \ HnH'priCu. ‘ Riulmwud Hi PO: -\ul \/ ILK FOR SALE. -â€" Gun dulivor L ' PHhJ“ nig‘hl‘ or:_l>mrz_\‘ing.‘ _l_)1-up nl'! The annule meeting of Markham Township Reform Associatiun will he held in Victoria Hall. Union- nlle, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, at :mythil u pm'chusv ry this “ olumn. insi {WOR SALE. â€"0. A. C All Liberals invited. as business importance will be transacted. I O R S A L E ‘1"; phnnr lnhinv, E ‘06 ‘0 R EXT Apply ‘ 00D \VORK ‘ IHL \\'ANTE1)â€"F 3 mm SLAG O he Th 'hmg fran 0R .8“ IUIC » l’f'." UR SA LE 0R SALEâ€"Tun lune hit-'d Unl- su-in Bulls, Puntim: lure-ding. fiL fur spy-vita nicely nmrkvd. Gm). ding, Richlan Hill. 40 2 OR SA LE 200 curds OR SA LI AIH’E 1' W ADVERTISEMENTS \‘nu wit Rh R SALEâ€"A qmlnlilv Unhhlvr pntulnt-s. TJ Elgin Mills. hm' Hut lmusmvm k. at LIBERAI Martin slum-1' “hitv \\ mm Johns Hill. Apply Hill. TICK I) DA TS “L full LTR Y FOR \vintm uhzltnr udilim A pply MIG. Cm-ds mixv ml and liml xvtling nf ll} -\ LI‘lâ€"Bnl'l‘od “0 k ('ggs. fur Imtr iudl ‘U LE.â€"â€"Timlrt hy Usuke and mi- nulrlo, :1 Fnrlhm \ m'isvs m 01' rly mnwthin NEW A rccci wt] :1 ( {ichm n Mill will h w 1?. A V l N G I, with all Apply I. H HK'IISP on Rinhnmnd St A. J. “light. 23 [I 30 Thornhifl l “(WHC‘ nu! )l'llll Thumhill MENTSin thi k results. If p. In Imlull M Gurml HORSE For Sale. Darling, Richmond 3!) 2 USUâ€"Phl- geneml Gum] wages. Apply ()FI-‘u‘E. 34 Lf. (ill qu ‘ltlt IH IH'XI.\\'I'1‘I{. Sup ml help (he. link 44) l SL111 in ('hun DVER \V. C. GOHN Sec'y lntlty No. 72. Outs, $1 per bushel. xuws. Newtm) ill. 4!) 2 ndwm \Ll 1- if yqu hirv Ila-1p Hi1] hutchil lnvd Eggs (Eu: ly D I. 2”“ ,‘k m \Vhitc hing. (50:. mdmquned loud uf that L t'vrlilizm'. munlilv tn \'t‘ly huge n-n hlIllSI‘S, if dvsirvd Tl nd Uluvn L the EIL one by L. Richmond 36 12 V uf Early SheppardI in first quipmont Sanderson liscnlm‘ ’)‘uu 1m you \\'i Elma-1 [ory udwhndy 1L $3 pm Phone \pply gene! :11 10 ‘IEN'I uticn $1.50 ’l‘ilc umh all: [In {93 h wm Q WE, “mpmmi a)“ way (lulu buildings. SllCt‘t‘SS In pvnplc wlu luguo as th sllcvvss U) Lhunsuyds uf young pt‘nplc who wrulo fur um Onw- lngm- us the firsL slvp tmwud n gnud sulmivd pnsiliun. Take the sly-p [0 (My. Addrt'ss (Smurul Business Cullvgv, 395 Yunge St, ()flvn means nun-h. It sum-ms U) Lhunsuyds pmmlc who wrulo fur Beater Sneaking and Truer Living 'm'onto The Best Things Ta Eat The Art of Eating 31050 THE RICHMOND .} STU John FiSHE THE FIRST STEP Small Farm Wanted Sample Boots for men, women1 boys and children in sample sizes. In very latest styles â€" all leathers â€" sample quality. A: 20%> less than regular prices. . . . Building l‘m-nntu NORMAN J . GLASS PROPRIETOR “1' Villa \\"1' Im\' ‘Sllitflhlt \V. H. SHA\V, Pres. can be studied to best advantage those who have Headquarters tor Boots, Shoes and Rubbers â€" For Men, Women and Children ~â€" The place to flind these 200 Atkinsen 85 Swifzar‘s mn’oni r 8: Co. Joe EMCRETE HQQSE plan. 11:15 nwnnt cost HILL FURNISHING HL‘J Opposite D r. La ngstafi’s p Y them . , ' cnmpeu ready A n EHHC NMEC Skates Groumi every more to. 1111 VG mduccmcn fiasah Evgi Stove Pil perSOn Hy afternoon. Imqu d’ox ne r without an put for use. 1nd

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