Or, Leonora West’s Love. CiiAP’rEn‘ lV.-Continucdl. j'I don‘t believe God has anything to do with .it." criod the old lady. violently. "If He did. He would prevent poor folks from marrying. in the first place." And then as she saw how patiently the woman endured tlicse taunts. she had lllt' grace to be ashamed of herself. “Well. there. there; I dare say you don't care to hear your folks spoken of in that way." she said. in a milder tone. "Bu-t then Rwlinrd West was no kill to you. anyway only your husband's bro- ther!" Mrs. West could not forbear a pertinent little retort. ' "And (‘aptain Lancaster i: only your husband's nephew. my lady. yet you take a great interest in him.†she said. Lady Lancaster gave her a keen little glance. "Humph! West has some spirit in her." she said to herself; then. aloud. she replied: “I can assure you the only interest. I take in him is because he is my Lord Lancaster; and as he holds the title my late husband held, I should like for him to have money enough to support it pro- perly. But if he does not marry tn please me, you shall see how little I care for the young pppinjaï¬v " Mrs. \I est._iii' do no reply. and her mic- .‘(rlfgé continued, after a moment‘s thought: “Must you really take the child, do you think. West?" “I couldn't. think of refusing poor Dick‘s dying request." was. the answer. “Shall you make your home iii Ameri- ea?" continued the lady. "Oh, no. no; I should come back to dear old England. I couldn't consent to pays my last. days in a, strange country.“ ' Lady Larcaster was silent. a. moment. Her eyes were very thoughtful: her thin lips worked nervously. Mrs. West wait- ed patiently. her p‘ump hands folded to- gether over the letter that had brought her such strange. unwelcome news. "Where are you going to live when the child comes?" Lady Lancaster snapped. almost rudely: ' "I don't. know yet. my lady. I have ‘made no plans. I only received my letter a little while ago." "You don't want my advice. I presume?" more snappishly than ever. "I should be very glad of it." Mrs. West replied. respectfully. "Why didn’t you ask for it. then?" "I didn't dare." "Didn't. dare. ch? Am I an egress? Should I have eaten you if you had asked my advice?" demanded the irascible old lady. shortly. “Oh. no. Lady Lancaster; but I shouldn‘t have presumed to trouble you so far." Mrs. Wes: replied. in her quiet way that was so strange a contrast. to the other's irritability. 7 "Very well. I've presumed to lay a. plan for you." replied the grim old lady. "A plan for me!" Mrs. West echoed. vaguely. "Yes --1 er Lem." "Here!" cried the housekeeper. doubtful if the were in her proper senses. "_\I'hy do you echo my words so stupid- ly. West?" ‘ “I beg your pardon. I was doubtful if I understood your words rightly. I thought you disliked children.“ Mrs. \\ es: answered. confusedly. "I did. and do," tartly. "But. for all that. I had sooner have Dick West's child here than for you to leave me. You could keep her in your own rooms. couldn't rpnaul needn‘t be bothered with her so ciety. "Certainly." tattered Mm. West. tremor of Joy. She was very glad that she was not to leave Lancaster Park. where she had dwelt in peace and com- fort for sixteen. yearsâ€"ever since her faithful. hardworking John had died a-nd left her a lone widow with only ï¬fteen You shall not go away from Lain- Park. You shall have the child ina â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€"_ - Reduce Your Roofing Costs. Protect Your Buildings From Fire, Lightning and Weather You accomplish all these results by using our heavily zinc coated “ Eastlake’ ’ Metallic Shingles They give longer service than any other roofing. Cost less to lay. Are rust-proof and do not require painting. Those laid 28 years ago are still giving good service. Send for free book that shows how “ Eastlake†shingles make your buildings lightning ï¬re, and weather-proof and why they other rooï¬ng. We Manufacture I complete [in f Sh I Metal Building Material 0 N THE METALLIC ROOFING CO., Limited 3 Manufacturer: 797NotreDuneAu.. WINNIPEG I will keep Leonora very close. indeed I .will. it you will allow me to bring her here." “Well. she shall he brought here. Of l l l ‘ course I rely on the world. Site for! name “'0- and fl very pnnntls between her had thought herself man when she secured this place. and her heart llllllllthil with joy at Ilii‘ thought that she was to stay on in pmu't‘ in spite of the incumlirance of he? lirotlier-in-law's orphan child. "Oh. Lady Lani-ester. I don't know how to thank you!" she cried. "I shall be very glad not to go away from the Park. you to keep ll(‘l‘ out f my way. I dislike the ways of children." said the hard old lady. who had never had any children herself. and who was an old maid at heart. “That is all I ask of you. Don't have her around under my feet. and I shall ll(\'(‘l‘ remember that. she is here." "Thanks. in" lady. And when am I 10 g.) and fetch my niece?" inquired the housekeeper. timidly. "You re no! to fetch her at (Ill. I thought I had told you that already.‘ turtly. )Trs. Wut'e 6} es grew large and round with dismay. - , "Indeed. I thought you gum I should have her here." she exclaimed. "So I <litI~ I said she should be brought here. but I didn‘t say you should go to New York and fetch her home!" "But Dick wished me to go." perplexed- ly: "and how is she to come if I do not go?" 5 "She may come with Lord Lancaster the first. of June. I dare say he can go and get her all right." "th1 it seems as if I ought to go my- self. Besitles Lord Lancaster mightn't like it indeed." whimpcred poor Mrs. West. “Fiddlestlcks! I do not care whether he likes it or not." declared the octogenar- ian. snapping her ï¬ngers. "He shall do a: 1 [ml him. Aren't you willing to trus't the child with him 7" “Oh. yes. my lady." declared the home- keeper. with a sigh of relief. CHAPTER. V. "I‘ll be shot!" ejaculated Captain Lan- caster. in a voice of the liveliest. exas- peration. ~ "Oh. no: what have you done?“ exclaim- ed his chum lifting his handsome head from his lounge amid a. cloud of curling, blue cigar-smoke. "Vothing: I never did anything in my life in an injured tone. "and I am fain to as); why I am so bitterly persecuted." "Persecuted?" inquired De Vere. lan- nidly “Oh. yes; you can afford to be cool. You are the legal heir to ten thousand a. year. You are no: at the beck and call of a re- lative who gives you the most trouble- some commissions to execute without so much as saying by your leavc.‘ " growl- (d Lancaster. The young.r lieutenant laughed lazily. “You hava had a letter from my lady?" he said Look here. De Vere. I wonder if she thinks I belong to her wholly? Mus: one be a white islave for the sake of com- ing into twenty thousand a year?" “It is worth lots of toadying." declared De Vere. emphatically. "I used to like Aunt Lydiaeratherâ€"be- fore'my uncle died." said Lancaster, re flectively. “She was always tart and waspish. I didn't care for it when I didn't have to bear the brunt of it. She rather amused me then. but now I get. out of patience with her whims and exactions." "What is. it she wants now?" asked Harry De Vere. lazily. "It is something I have to carry home to her from New York. By Jove! I have a great mind to refuse. Anything in reason would willingly undertake; but. v a I .ah. really. this is too bad!“ groaned the victim. dropping his head back the cushions of his chair. It. was a. handsome head. crowned with sliorf. crisp masses of fair hair. and lie was a blue-eyed young giant with the perfect features of an Antinous. and a lel(’ that dazzled one when it played around the full red lips half veiled by the drooping ends of the long. fair inns- tat-he. He had an indolent air that w: not unbecoming to him. but rather ta - ing‘ than tilllf‘I‘Wicf‘. He did not. look like a man who would overtxert himself for anything. and yet the air might been cultivated and not natural. "I did not know that there was any- thing on lii't: side of the ‘herring-pond~ her lallvsliip would deign to accept." said L‘I‘ Yule, "There isn't. She has a horror of evehy- thing Ainei '31).†Till it why what?†pcrplexutlv and ninme brow cleared 'iughcd merrily at .i.i. “Give it up Il'irry. You couldn't guess in a month." he s 'd. "I give lI tip." l‘l‘-;igllf‘dly. among inquired the other. (‘aptain Lancaster‘s a moment. and he his friends amazed "It's a fen-ale." said Lancaster. l'fting - l:i~ head to note the effect on his iii- ' lcrior officer. ‘ It was startling. The hands that were .rl‘xped behind the lieutenants licad re- ? 1.xcd .~nddenly. and he sat llnl! upright cost less per year than any . v my King and DnlferinSu.. TORONTO A on this sofa. his brown eyes distended to their greatest size. his whole air indica- tive of the greatest astonishment. “By George! You don't say so?" he ejaculated. Lancaster relaxed from his perturba- t=oli to laugh at his startled heart-r. "It's: astonishing what an effect the mere men- tion of the female >ex has upon you. De Vere." he observed. "Well. you did take my breath away. I (‘OIIIt5s‘ myself tI‘ZIOIIle‘lIPd. Who is the female. Lancauer? Not." catching his breath excitedly. "the chosen fair? the fatal «he who is to ontraptain the cap- ain himself. and lead him captive to the hymcneal altar?" "P>h:l\ T" disgustedly. "how you run on. Of course it is nothing of the sort. t‘onld (tic come out of New York that would plea my august aunt?’ " it any good come out qt'oted the lieutenant. ‘But I iv. Lancaster. you have cxoited «mun .t_v to the highest pztch. Who the female? Am I to be associated with you in the care of her?" '1 null hand over to you charge. if you wsli.†slid w.th the same d‘sgnsted aid. ‘t't'la depend. Is she I have found New Ycrlt . rather ins. t"t‘.tl.!lE usiialiv.†said Do \ere. rcvuLk of iiig sundry ti’rt'JLmHs by the l.ght -haiide.:er. w.!h nobody \t-rv near. You _\'Q6 very young. I ~lionld any.†growled the capiaai. e.tl'(lt\ll.(".lli_l-‘. "But not to keep/you any longer in Ell!“ pcnse. lawn to this portzon of my dear .1Illl’in ep.>:lc: .\'am~ ILghtly. of rctli .7 the the whole captazn. and faqr? "There a small rutnmIs~ on I w.in vou to cxt‘xi e for me. t‘l:ve. My house- keepers brother has d'ed :n New York and left her a little girl to take care of. I can not spare Mrs. West long enough for her to go after the chzld: and. in fact. I don't think it would be safe for her to go. anyhow. She is so simple. poor we ' S have - .q.:- r ' =1 ‘5, Ed arms til . {'1‘ Ol'llli Attracul L ’Coll‘eg Paan ed wi‘X/i éGuelpli. MARTIN~5ENOUR PAINT ’ E. You’ll Find Just What You Want ' For Spring Painting, In MARTIN 45ENOUR FAINTS AND VARNISHES Your needs have been foreseen. “MADE IN CANADA" Dealers in your neighborhood have been supplied with the Martin-Senour line. And you have only to name your Painting IVants, to have them promptly ï¬lled. HOUSE PAINTâ€"Why should you waste money on impure paint, or bother with mixtng lead and oil, when you can get Martin-Senour “1007. Pure" Point for all outside and inside painting ? Always the same in quality, color. ï¬neness and purity. FLOOR PAINTâ€"There's only one to be consideredâ€"the old reliable SENOUR’S man. she would be quite lost in the wil- derncss of New York. and might be de- voured by the bulls: and bears that I hear infest the place. So I want you to bring the child to England with you. I dare say she will not. be much trouble. I III» close a cart with her name and New York address. You are to go there and get little Leo and bring her to her aunt Now. do not upon any account forget the child, Clive. for West would be ready to die of chagrin if you did not bring the little girl to her the ï¬rst of June." " He paused and looked at his friend in comical anger. _ "Did you eve," hear of anything so deucedly cool in your life?" he said. “No. I never did. It is most outrage one. What shall you do ‘2" "Advise me. please. Shall I rebel against. my tormentors mandate and re- fuse point-blank?" "No. never. Rather meet the peril bold- ly and vanquish it. Walk up to the can- non's mouth In other words. accept the. small commission.†"Small commission. indeed!" the wretched victim. "What shall 1 with a (hildwa .«tirlchild, toowperhaps baby?" "l‘hat would be the. best of all. You need have no trtuble then. Only provide a nurse a sucking bottle. and some cans of condensat milk. put theme-board with the baby. anti all your trouble is over." suggested the lieutenant. "Is it so easy as that? is a baby. She calls it gi‘oa ned do 3;. Well. perhaps it a girl. a little child. Yes. I have no doubt it is a baby. Well. when we have Boston we will go' over to New York and see. about the nurse and the bottles." sighed Lancaster. ('IIAP I‘I‘ZR VI. Captain Lancaster and his friend. hav- ing brought letters of introduction from England. were having rather a nice time in the cultured and aesthetic ('irclt‘s of Boston. They had made the grand tour of the States. lingering at the last in the beautiful city where they had made routel very pleasant acquaintances. and whet-ed as eligibles of the first water. they were feted and tourted in the most flattering. manner by the fashionable people of the} place. It ‘s true that Lieutenant De Vere sometimes declared that he found New York more charming. but still he linger- ed. loath to go. and it. was two necks after the reception of Lady Lam-Liner}: letter before they turned their faces toward the tity that l‘t'ltl the child that was to go to England with them the baby. as theyl had quite decided in their own minds i: must be. There are a few people who. when they. have a disagreeable task to perform. 20 bravely ftrward and get it over. There. are .i grut many more who sliirk such things and put them off til! the liI<I mo ment. Captain Lancaster belonged to the latter clasu. He was intensely afraid of dieagreeables. He rcvolted t-Xcewliiiglv from the idea of "that squalling baby’ he had to tarry to England. He thought ‘r that Mrs. West shcnld come after it her» self. Yet t'uptain Lancaster wa.~ no: a. bad end selfish man. as one might liavel suppwui from his reluctance to do this" kindness. The whole gzst of the matter lay lit the fact that It‘s aunt had so cava- lierly ordered him to do it. He ('hiifwl‘ beneath the plainly visible fact that sliei eaait to lead him by the nose as long as she lived. .n virtue of the money :lic. was going to leave him when She died. I '50 our heto mtntally kicked Ligajnst‘. taking home the orpth child. and all un-l ('Ollli‘iouï¬ly to himself directed a par: t-f his vexatlon at his aunt against the little-l one. The 2 ention of it was exceedniglvi d.stas:etu'. to him. and when Lzeutenanti De Vere onue or twice represented to him that he ’onght to go and see about Leo-t nora West before the last day." he in variably replied; 'lly dear friend. it is one of my rules never to do anything to- day that 1 tan tut 03‘ until tomorrow. 50 it wa- actually the day before theyl called when Lancaster hunted up the ad‘ . pens“ with the pleasure." . for . Floor Paintâ€"the kind that wears, and wears, and wears. BARN PAINT â€" h‘lartin - Senour “RED SCHOOL HOUSE" is the paint for the barn. easilyâ€"covers more surfaceâ€"and holds its fresh. bright color against wear and weather. WAGON PAINT â€" Keep the machines, wagons and tools fresh and bright â€" and protect them against rust and weatherâ€"by giving them a coat or two of Mortin-Senour “\Vugon and Implement†Paint. It spreads “'rite us today for “Farmer's Color Set†and name of our nearest dealer-agent. ADDRESS ALL ENQUIRIES TO ’Gï¬e MARTIN-SENOUR Go. LIMI'I‘ED. 655 DROLET STREET, MONTREAL. dress and went to look after his charge. his "small commission." as Lady Lancas- ter had blindly termed it. He went alone, for when De Vere offered to accom- pany him he sheok his end and replied. decidedly. ‘.\‘0. I will no trouble you. for I can get «\‘cl‘ disagreeable things best alone." So he wen‘ alone. and the address took him to a ouiet. genteel boarding-house. in a quiet but highly respectable street. He rang the bell impatiently. and a smart female servant opened the door. smiling and ibridling at the sight of the big. handsome young aristocrat. "I have called to see about little lVest. Is she here?" he inquired. "Oh. Lor‘. yes. sir!†she replied. "Please to walk into the parlor. and I'll take your card." lIe handed her the small bit of paste board with his military title. “Captain Lancaster." simply engraved upon it. and said. abruptily: "Send lilies \Vest's Miss nurse to me as soon as possible. please. I am in a hurry. We must sail for England tn»uiorrow." She gazed at him a little stupidly. "The nurse!" she echoed. "Yes. the baby's iiursc. Of course I must see her and make arrangements for our voyage." he replied: and the girl hastily retreated. and he caught the echo of a suppressed titter outside the door. "American rudeness and freedom." he said to himself. disgiistedly. at: he walked up and down the limits of the pretty lit- tle parlor with its Bl'llFA-(ilh‘ carpet. lace curtains and open piano. "What did Sllt‘ sec to giggle at. I wonder?" And ht- glanced carelessly at his own elegant reflect'on in the long. swinging Illil"l'< r. and fel' coniplaeently that there was nothing mil‘tlinrovoking there, l’roni the top of his fair handsome head to 'l‘m (Ut‘ of hi“ shining boot all was (‘lt‘gllll and irreproacliahlc. “Now. how long is that nurse gmng to make me wait? I hope. upon my soul. she won't bring that horrid young one in t~~ display its )If‘l‘lt‘t‘lltlllï¬. I can well dis he said to hint- self. grimly. and he then turned hurried- 1y around at a» sudden sound. The door had opened softly. and a young girl. clad in deep. lustrele mourning ap- parel. had entered the parlor. (‘HAP’I‘EK VII. t'aptain Lancamer was taken a dis advantage. He was not at all a vain man. lie did not half know how ï¬ne looking lie was. and his hasty perm-a] of tliu mirror was directed rather to his dress than his face. But as he turned about hastily and met the half smile on the lips of the new «inner. he realized instantly that hie at- titude liad savored strongly of IIILIr-‘Illl . vanity. and i not unbecoang flush mounted to his good-looking. straight- featured face He had a sneaking sense of shame in llf‘dlg caught lltlrJlg. as ‘1 were. before the mirror by tli s exil't‘lllvly pretty girl. She was more than she was rarely beautiful. ... ul pretty. this girl She was of me- dium lie:glit and size. and her ï¬gure was symmetry itcclf. all its ‘lFit'()IlH curves and slender otitluice defined at tlicir bet-t “Refining black jcrntry wa eâ€. she med up to the graceful wlii'c had n trzck of holding .‘sclf high. :s If .nnmcntly proud of the fair face that ~hi'ne above '7 the face 1h. (‘.ipt:i.n Lancastei gaztd a' .n wondei i moment. and “hen .n the most lat?- by “be c worn i’) throat .11 74 and decided disapprobation. For she was much too pretty nurse. he said to himselfâ€"too pretty and ly to he a too young. She had an air of reï¬nement. quite above her position. She had an arch. pretty face, with beautiful bluegray eyes that were almost black when the full white lids and dark lashes Ilrooped over them. The dazzling fairness of her com~ plexion was heightened by the unrelieved blackness of her dress. and her p0ullll,; lips by contrast looked like rosebude. TWO long. thick braids of loveiy chestnut brown hair hung down her back. and some soft. fluffy rings of the same color waved over the low. broad forehead with its slender. dark brows. She was not only beautiful. she looked bright and intollh gent. and the half smile that parted uer red lips now made her wonderfully’lively. But Welly as she was, she was aware that (‘tlptain Lancaster was regarding her with knit. brows and a general air of entire disapprobation. Perhaps it was a novel experience. It seemed to amuse he“. The dimples deepened around the sweet. arch mouth. She looked down at the card in her hand. and began to read it a-lond in a soft. htxitating. inquiring voice: "CtlpAtain Lari-caster?" ‘ 'Ye.. he replied. and was on the ponit I of making his most elegant how when he not at . with and remembered that it was all necessary to be so ceremonimis the nurse of his housekeepers niece. he straightened himself up again :uid. almost trirtly: "You are the baby‘s nurse. I presume?" The long fringe of the girl's lashes lift- ed a moment. and the flashed a. dazzling glance into his face. "'l‘lieibaby?†she inquired. "Yes the little lilies Wcst~the child that is to «o to l-Ingland under my care. Aren't you her nurse?" The young lady had put a very small. white hand up to her face and coughed very hard for a moment. She looked at him the next moment. very red in the face iron] the exertion. “1 all. yes. certainly; she replied. deuiurely. ‘ And then ensued a moment's Silence. broken at last by the girl. who said. quiet- ly and politely: “Won‘t you be seated. ('aptain Lancas. ter?" He dropped mechanically into (I chair near him. but the pretty nnrnemaid re- mained standing meekly in the centre of the room. liei small hands folded before her. .i demure look on her fair face. The caller clcaicd his throat and gap. rather nervously: "It isn‘t [)0 "'ble that you expected to go to England as that child's lllll‘te?" he said. suddenly I'm the nurse." be- “I had hoped to do =0." answered the girl. with a sudden air (ll chagrin“ "But? (Ill' really, you know. you re tho young. aren't you?" stummercd Lancas‘ ter. feeling abashed. as he knew not why. but nia.utaining a grave indicial air, "Too young? I should hoiie not. I was eighteen last week.' lifting .1 email head with an air of great dignity. He would hardly repress a r-lIlilC. but he put long. thIc hand hastily across li's ' li.dc it from those biaght. keen 33+ to "And do you think you can really takt gnotl cure tlf .\l'.-s \\‘%T?' be en ti. "Rm nicuiliI-r. ..~ .~ a long: trip 2|(‘I‘Urh ilir ccean. r >lie fl.tt~llt’(l « III' of her snuff. lir'gli‘ "lama 3. c To be I‘i'il' liltctl. Ill any drtiggiki. Wéitch Your Colts 0f any such a11men:,g:ve small doses of my. iow the must iii-ed in existence. SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND the ï¬rs: symptom: that waerth rem- Ttirl Goodi- house. or SPOHN MEDICAL 00., Chemists and lasteriologius, Goshen. Ind.. U.3.A.