Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Apr 1915, p. 1

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“In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” VOL. XXXVI]. 7 on» gum " I I IS PUBLISHED EVERY ffi'URSDAY MORNING . AT THE LIBERALEPRINTINGBII PUBLISHING HOUSE ‘ RICHMOND HILL,ONT. '1‘. F . McMAHON. EDITOR & PUBLISHER -â€" BUSINESS CARDS . MISS AIKENEEAD I announces that she will teach piano TI-IE PARSONAGE RICHMOND HILL JOHN T. ANDERSON“ PIANO TUNER 2.00 BERESFORD AYE. WEST TORONTO Phone J auction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Al mail orders will receive prompt attention. on. W. R. admin RICHMOND HILL RESIDENCE Hirsi‘. house north of Atkinson & Switzer 5 store. Phone No. 2402. on R. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’rhornhill. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly responded to “D. H. PINKERTON, v.5. OFFICE AND RESIDENCEI DIaple , ()nt. Phone No. 28. J. E. Prentice fibicsnsed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Ontario and North Toronto. Special attention Riven to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales a. specialty. Forms bought- and sold on commission. All sales attended to on shortest notice and conducted by the latest up-Io-date methods. Address: 239 Bolliol St . NOIth Toronto. one in House. North 2292. Enigonn '1 J K McEwsn Maple Weston Saigeon rt McEwen, (sensed Auctioneers forthe County of York. 0 intended to on shortest notice and at reu- sonabie rates Patronage solicited F. C. EGAN LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEFD. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARIOI ‘Horfi’iing. 9avi’ds‘on'f PIANO TUNING VOICING AND . . ~ . ACTION REGULATING THOR.’HILL Organs Repaired. Export “’ork. Denton, Grover & Field Barristers. Solictors, &cl NATIONAL TRUST (‘HAM BERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Telephone. Main ‘31), , Gable Address. "Dcdo.”| I A. Cameron MacNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. IS KING STREET “'EST Tel. M. 363i. WRIGHT BROS. Undertaker-s a: Embnlmcrs. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kept at both places DIED titiiiiITTâ€"At Illt‘ I'PsidetitP of his I‘iiciid. :\.(1‘. I“. LIIH'II‘IIt‘t‘, 22 Rox- lioiough (lilvr, ’l‘oronto. on Friday. April 2, IIIIS. '1‘. II. llcdilii. Principal . (if Bari-iv (killvgifllt‘ Institutt‘. Funeral fioin above :ltltllt‘S.‘ Monday. Apiil 5. to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. For general war news see inside pages. W Dr. C. LaVerne Pattison Hon. Graduate Royal Callch oi Dental Surgeons. Toronto. will be at Richmond Hill (’H‘ly Tuesday and » Friday. CROWNS AND BRIDGES A SPECIALTY Ol‘ficc iocatcr’ in Strndaid Bank Build- ing. Office hours 9.31) a.m. to 5) pm. LEN NOX dz MORGAN Burris!“ s and Sullcllors. Money to Loan onland anuchattel nzoi'tgagesst owest rates Auroraotficeâ€"Revoyed to the old post otfice one door inst of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk Newmarket ofiiceâ€"Three doors south of he postoflics HERBERT Lnnnox Aurora. G V MORGAN WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC _T0ronto Office. Room ‘328 Confedera tion Life Bldg.. No. 12 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal” Office). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon.‘ \Voodbriduc, Saturday foreiiooii. Monev to loan at Five Per Cent. (5%) H._ A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissionei , Con voyancer, etc‘ Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer oi Marriage Licenses. Richmond. Hill J EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC CCMMISSIONER. CONVEY l\I\"‘ER. ETC.I Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL 3 SHEPHERD BROS. PAINTERS PAPICIIIIANG EIIS (IRAI::I-;I:s, ETC. ch 23 - MAPLE, (NT. M Wm -_....r.a' '. :7 DO IT ELECTRICALLY I. II. SANDERSON Electricizn, Richmond Hill? Prompt and Reasonable Estimates given in House Wiring, both old and new. Also agent for Frantz l’i‘cniicr Vacuum (‘Icaiicr at $32.00, Elec- ti‘ic Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-to-date appIiA ances that save time and work for the House Wife. Many (‘ollt-gt-s (‘lusr' for Vacation at Midsuiiiiucr. ()ui College DUt‘S XIII. 'I‘oiiox'ro. ONT" Is STIIII'TIA' FIRST (‘I..\ss. Noxr: BETTER IN t_‘.\.\'.\DA I Enter now so :I.~ to take a position in lllt.‘ eain fall. ()iie giaduate wiitcs :â€".\I_v new position pays ' three time-s what I got at teaching scliowl less than four _\'t‘:ll$:lgl . just previous to eiilI-iiiigz your L‘ollcgc. \\'e pluvml this young man in a position after graduation and have I now placed him again. Catalogue free. Yang: and Chailcs Sts. w. J. ELLIOTT. Prlnclpnl Tl'e Bluebird This bird of llll‘ IIII ush family appeals to our nth-minus for its t‘:|l ly app-sar- :lll(‘t‘, so IIIIHSHIIIIIg iii ar-tiou. and as the harbinger of wai mtli, life. leaf and flower. Il nests in llu- hollow ( fsniiic Il‘t‘t'. pint, or biid liousv. the \\‘I‘III‘I' has H‘YI‘I‘HI hollow posts f‘lf‘(‘lt‘(l I'oi IIII’II use and some rif Ibeni aie (it'r'lh pit-d l-ul'li your. It is quilc .iiiiusiiup: to “'llIl'll Illi‘lil in Ili-‘Iln'lllfl a choir“. soiim days arc «('iuipii-d iii (I:~'idiii;_r the matter and making a Iiual si-li-I-tioo. TIIOV have two but lill< in a smiumv the male biid I‘r'rlllllgnlitl caning for the first I)I\HHI as snow as llu-y ll':I\ 1- lllt'll' nests. \vliilc tlu- I'm-mali- plt'IIIII'I‘S IIII' nest for :iimlIu-r iio-iilialion. [Illi- greater pnit ivl' its I'I-mi is takrn from Off the g: mind and p: iiiripally («insists of cuiiioiois. r‘FIll'IIIIIlJIS, l'HIlI-{l‘l' \vor us, gi-asslivppcis, crickets. iimths and other iiijiii ions anii‘lial lift‘. His Pill‘lili".\\‘ in coming maki-s him of more \:.Iu«-. by tlu- consumption of large IiIIliilu'Is If iiisI-I‘Is lwforv llir'y have limo to mulliply :li-at Sl‘ll]t’lill)l‘~‘ might lf“|-'ll Iwyoml control. If ru- couraizcd about garden and (lit'll;ll'tl it would be Iiizitciial assistance to the owners. This your the hlucbird appeaied the day after the robin but. often this is rcvcrscd. It comes to us in Morh and leaves in NUVQ‘IIIIII‘I. As in tliciiuuiau family the mother bird has Iiiost. to do in the family cares, shows his affection by song to cheer. brings dainty moi-sols of ford. and spends much time in l101'(fnliiptlll)',:llld III the I'ourtiiig season should a iival anpear>lmws his jcaluisy by a fight. Fond of being IIPill‘ its former surroundings. and never accused of taking cultivated fiuits or destoying crops. we should llinkt‘ it. a favorite. Tth claim assistance in protcctiI-u frou us, towaids their enemies the En :lish sparrow and red squirrel. The bright blue of the upper parts. als » the wings and tail and the derp cin iaiuou-brown breast and sidefo In a c IIIIIJIIHIIIIII] iii colois of thc heavens ab we and the earth beiieath.with Some white. make this combination and blending (Icohirs worthy of :ltIlllIl'il- Liri'i in this little bird. Its song a pleasing,r warble in spring might be accompanied to .hi-ce syllables ..Pnr-i~ty” or with tlirc-o words “(Ionic with inc." In the fall the plaintive, somewhat iiiclaucholy farewell notes bring pleasant reminders of the season‘s ,‘issociations, Its beautiful colors, lovable disposi- tion. mellow voire, beneficial habits. accompanied by such modesty and Et‘tillt‘llt'ss, surely Would appeal to us for encouragement and protection. and appreciation will grow with acquamtanccssip. D. J. â€"â€"â€"â€".~.â€"â€" Map'e ,Posti'rs are out announcing a (‘oiiI-cit and Organ Itwital iii the Methodist I‘lllllt'll Monday evening. Api H 112. under the auspices of Maple Methodist. choir. to up?” the new mgaii. Dr. Howard. oigaiiist of St. Stephen’s Anglican ('lllllt‘li. Terrmto. will play a number of selections. and him boy singers from the city Will also :I~‘.\I.~‘Iv with songs. The following 'I‘oi'outoaitists will also assist: Miss .on Dciitoii. sopiaiio: Mis. \V. J. Striwt. soprano. Mr. Goo. “'illiaiiis. liai-itoi'w. The chair will be taken by the pastor at 8 o‘clock. Atluiissiun '_.3v. The remains of the lati- \Viliiam .'. Atkinsmi of ICdgeley. who (Ilt'll rot-Hit» Iv in New Mexico. were iiitvircd III Maple (leiiieterynii Monday. I’t‘I‘I‘ilSt'd was :1 son of the late John Atkinson of Edgeley, one of the pioucvis oi" Vaugliaii township. .â€"â€"â€"â€"¢-> Presbyterian Church The I'li'ral decorations of the church for IC‘ISIt'I‘ Sunday were of surpassing beauty. Lilacs I'lltitllIthlitII'IHIS, Easter lilies. (-aiiiatioiis, and spiiea were hlruded togI-tlit'I Iii beautiful pro- fusion. ThI-clioii'nf forty with IIIL'II' new gowns. caps. and white tics I‘Iilintlvtl out a scene fitttd to make . cvei-y hI-ai-t rch ice. The congrr-gations \vei-c exceptionally lai go and Lllt' t‘horal Service was greatly appreciated by all. Expressions of gratitude were numer- ous to Mr. John Dunlop who had so genciously colitiibiitcdaiid arranged the floral decorations. Last wet-It‘s (‘lioral concert plcased cvt'rvliiidv. I‘here was a sense- of genuine pride that the community (iSSPSSt‘d such a director and organist as Mr. Earle Newton and in a CIIt-Il' 'that could attain such excellent results. The organ will be heard at still glt‘dlt‘l' advantage at the recital which Mr. Newton will give this. Tl)lllS(I:l_\', evening. The Sunday services for April 11th will be as follows: ll a.iii: “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth." Eccl. XII. 7 p.111. : “Behold the man! John XIX. Grand Jurors’ Presentment The Grand Jury for the trial of criminal actions. at the thigh of the ir recent session. gave a. pirsciitiiicut. to the acting Judge, and described Illt" vaiious public institutions in ('tlllllt‘(‘- tion with 'I‘oioiito and York (‘ountv. The following i'clatrs to thc Mcii's .Iziil Farm on Youge Strict. This institution is a new Illltlt rtak- iiiu tor the City of Toronto, with its Illllllt'llSL' :I'tii-agc, (-alt‘I'ully tiled and propuin looked afh i. should prove a I't‘ill \llct‘t‘ss. 'I'ht- Im-atiou of the main building site lins IH'I‘II carefully chosen. The iirw jail is “'1'” planned with larg slevpiug appaitiiu ills at each end “IIII'II arc blight. thrciy and well vs ul ilated. a vast. rhaugi- from the old Confined cu-lls. The new addition is piogii-ssiug I':l\(:1:llily Ior otsidc work in \\‘Illtt‘l'. \\'e alin \ isitt'tl the barns and stables III'\\' list-d. 'I‘hciv aic clevr-n teams of horses, all of \\ hi1 ll am good all-round farm woikL-is. The cattle are not by any nit-ans as good a giade as they should Iw. and would iw-coiiiiiieiid im- mediatc :illr'lilihli to improve same. The several pens of pigs aie good. “'0 were tdvisid that new lmins and stables were about to be elected on this farm. Such bring the case we would Strongly adv ise that one or [no IPCUgIII'lJ'd (‘Xpt‘l't I'armeis who are thoroughly CllIth‘lSEIIII. wiili the right Iip-tlrdate It'quircmciits in III‘III Ii.” us and stables. III,- engage-(I as supei vistas, and under no conditions ailow those buildings to llt' either planned, laid out or built. by city or other aicliitects Ull- til the plans have been first approved of and sanctioned by the said experts on bai us and stables. “’0 would also recommend the eu- gaging of at. least two or more practi- cal farm hands Compcteut. to take charge of men. either II] groups or otherwise. to instruct and look after the. work to be done. It could not rcasmiably be expectcd that prisoners who are serving more or less short tcims \vouid takc sutlicicut interest to do a reasonable day’s woik it left alone in the fields. \Vc fully endorse the hiring out of the prisoners by the sopI-Iiiitiiidcnt. and the wages so earned It‘llllllt‘d to LIIC‘II' fEtIIIIIIPS. In cases wheie the pl‘ISUnt'lS are willing workers and take :in Illlt list in their employment. we would I'H'Olll- mend that the superintendent. be em< pIth‘l't'Il to give Illt‘lll a cash bonus at tho end of llirll' IPIIII. Mr. Scott, the foi'ciiian. is wmthy of special‘meiitiou. His all-round prac- tical kiiowlvdgc of banning and farm iiiaiiagciiieit will in due time prove to be a valuable :isst‘t to the institution. “'0 find ill“ supciiiiteiidunt. Mr. Findlay, imbued with good, bright, cle ir-cut ideas, lillr‘lfll in his views with regard to pi I'a‘lint'ls and their sur- I-ouiidiiigs. The f'llllllllg drpaitiiu-ut is a big propodtiou. and will It‘qllll‘e unilied comporatiou: \\ ith the suggest- cd assistance there is cvriy reason to expect succv s. \\'e would also sugccxt that the superintendent usi- his bust efforts to have St'\\'ll‘g iiiacbiucs and laiiiidiy (‘Illllplllt‘lli furiiishrd at the “Women‘s Farm for Int- ll\'l‘ oi the two institu- tions, as soon as it ran be airaiigwl. Maple P. S. lit'poit of Jr. IJivisloi. for Mari-h: Sr. ll.â€"~â€".\lag~_zie Hall 1137. Garlic! KIIIIIIILZI] IIIIS, (ii-Ir-gv liill l412, Blllt't‘ IIlIst‘ I'JIT. Iva III \\'llt'V 121$). Haiold Imnmi 121:), Mary ..\laiiuiug I150. Irene Moulgoiiu-iy 1148’. Gladys (Iroombridge 91.3. Iran»: Jarvis 937. Eustou I’ilsou (5.37. Giact- Blll'fl’l‘y 426, May Bt’t'k 42L .Ii-. II.7\\'e-lliogtou omimm 12.37. Irciic Limos III]. 7 Imstcr l’ilsou OUT, Goidou Lines 5235‘, Bai r (Irah-im TIR. Sr. I.â€"â€"('iilIu-rt .‘IHIIIt‘u'H‘II IIISS, Dorothy Cooper 1025?, Muriel \Vatsoii 9.30, JUhIi Bt't‘k Rtili. I’t‘illl Mnlfat 2'44, Aberdeen Cilillplirll TIZ. Jr. I.â€"Orlaiid l)mvuvy 91!). Clarence Lines HUI. Gordon Suich- TSO, Vtiiia Lines 705. (Sr. Piaâ€"Arthur Jones 520. John Lcece 257. Jr. Pinâ€"Nellie Bock. Ruth Ilohiu- son. \Vinuic MacDonald. Azala. Fit-r- IIPIIH‘. Irene Pilsi-u. Doris Lines, Rupert Jackson. Ruth Pollack. Lizzie King. M. Marsh, Teacher. 5.5. No 4 Markham Repmt for March. I‘otal marks (Int). I\'.â€"(l. Cruicksliauk (562. 0. Murphy 058'. N. Boyiitoii 620. Sr. III.â€"â€"F. Curtis 692, C. \Videman 686. M. McCague 677. R. Baker 657, .l. Beatty 545. Jr. IlI.â€"(‘. Thompson (325. A. Cober 576, E. Horner 493. Sr. ll.â€"E. Lepofsky 663.11. Coher‘ 6.33. E. Honsbergcr 622. E. Hoover 601, \V. Dixon 563. Jr. II.â€"M. Lyon 6.03. L. “'idenian 682. E. Gee 649,6. McCaguc 621. L.. “'oodwaid: 541. \V. \Voodward 531. A. Lepn‘sky 523, E. Bake-r 497, M. “'ood ward 488. CS. Hazen. Teacher. i I FATAL GUN ACCIDENT A very HUI accident which proved fatal occurrcd yesterday afternoon win u (‘ccil (élass. about 13 years of age. st-Coud son of Mr. aid Mrs. J. P. Glass, was fatally rbot while returning from the woods with George Blanchard. Toe boys “‘I ie walking together. Cecil a short distance behind. when George heard a report. Turning: round he saw (‘ecil fall, and um to him. He iziiiiiedialcly ian to Mr. Glass.’ and securing a liorsereturucd with other as\i<taiice and brought. the injured boy home. Ilcsidcs our local doctors two experts IItilII Toronto were speedily summoned. It was found a. bullet hart entered his head. The doctors performed an opt-ration. but nothing could he done. and he passed away about 1a.iii. this moining. A coroner's inquest will be held to-dily. Fuucial Saturday at 2.30 p.Iii. r¢o.___. Church of England The Easter Music will be repeated in St. Mai ys Cliuicli. Ricbiiiood Hill. and in 'I‘iinity Church, Thoriihill, on Sunday morning and evening next. Ben S. A. Lawrence will ofiiciate at Trinity (‘hurch in the morning and St. Mary's Uhuich. Richmond Hill. in the. evening. A full account of the Easter service and annual vcsti y meeting will appear next. week. M iii , Vi VV liy Cough? USE Sandei‘son‘s White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup- Sanderson’s Baby’s Own Cough Syrup for children Hive Croup Syrup for Whoop- ing Cough and Bronchitis Cough Lozenges and Tablets, in fact everything for Coughs and Colds W. A. SANDERSON DRI'GUIST RICHMOND HILL Public Attention Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR always on hand. _â€"0_ Wheat, B‘IIckWheat. Cracked Corn . . AND . . .Manitoba. Oats for the a â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€" ALso HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND . . I Tile for Draining. I Chickens Orders taken for Red Clay Pressed 1. Brick. I We have the D.L. dc W. Scranton Hard anl. and Kennel-Coal “None better” Order now ; ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES ISTIVER 8. RAMER

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