Q VOL. XXXVII. W†h“ A“ A :7 iv V 77’ 71 “ @112 ghbml ’ k- IS PUBLISHED EVERY .I'HURSDAY MORNING AT ThE LIBERAL PRINTING a: PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL , ONT. '1‘. F. McMAHON, EDITOR. & PUBLISHER bUSINESS CARDS . MISS AIKENHEAD announces that .she will teach piano N & THE PARSONAGE RICHMOND HILL JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER l 200 BERESFORD AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Al mail orders will receive prompt attention. “R. W. R. PENTLAND NlCHMONO HILL RESIDENCE Eli‘s“) uouse north of Atkinson & Switzer s storc. Phone No. 2-1132. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil]. Calls by phone or otherwise promptly ‘i-esprlidcd‘ to .D. H. PINKERTON, V.S. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE lVl aple , ()n t. Phone No. 23. ‘ J. H. Prentice Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Uncario and North Toronto. SpeCllll anemic: given to sales of every description. Farm and farm stock sales a specmlty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All salos uLtBlllletl to on shortest notice null conducted by the latest. upao~dnle methods. Address: 239 Balliol St . No.th Toronto. one in House. North mill. J K McEwen Weston Samoan Maple Snlgccn (‘2 NlcEwen, .censed Auctioneers tor the Countyof Yul-1i. es intended to on shortest notice and at mm or site rates Patronage solicned F. C. EGAN LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. LASKAY P. 0. ONTARlOl Eoï¬n £7. Z‘avz’dson PIANO TUNING THORN H I LL Organs Repaired. Expert Work. Danton, Grover & Field Barristers, Solictors, &c] NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Telephone. Main 31], ‘ Cable Address. "Dedo." l l l A. Cameroiii MécNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICE-SIIITE 31. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG. IS KING STREET \VEST Tel. M. 3631. _ WRIGHT BROS. : Undertakers k Elnhnlmors. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILI: A‘liu‘ge stock of Funeral Furnishing. kept at both places SH E Pll Ii lv’l) BROS. PAINTERS I’A PER II A NGERS (iluichns, Ic'rc. ch 23 - MAPLE, ON'I‘_ PHONE 1831 ll 12 Dr. G. La Verne Pattison lion. '(l‘ri-aduato: Royal (Ville-go Dental Surgeons. Toronto, will Richmond Hill owl-y Tuesday Friday. CIHHVNS ANIiRRIDfUES A SPECIALTY Ofï¬ce Zomllci' in Standard Bank Build- ing. Ofï¬ce hours S).31)a.ill. to 5 pm. of he “I and Barrister s and Solicitors. Mouov lo Loan onlaud snuchnttel mortgagesat owe-5t rates Auroraofliceâ€"lteu‘ men to the old post 0&ch one door wut oi the entrance to the Ontario Bunk New-unrkei Ofï¬ceâ€"l'hree doors south of be p )9: oliioe I‘ Emmi-ma LENNUX Alll"ll‘fl. G V Monasn WILLIA M C00 K BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, Room '328 Confodero tioll Life Bldg†No. 13 Richmond St. E Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Lillcral~ Ofï¬ce), cvol'y Thursday foreliooll. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vooclhridqe, Saturday forenoon. Money to loan at Fivc Per Cont (5%) “In Essentials, Unity; in N012- H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Collimissionci, Convoynncer. etc: . Insurance. and Real Estate Issuel oi Marriage Licenses. Richmond. Hill .1 EDWARD FNANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC CCM)IIS$IONER. CON“EYAN"ER. ETC. Real Estate and Insurance THORNHILL N FARMS WANTED Hlllltil‘t‘d and ï¬fty acres with good lulildlllgs, pill-chaser can pay four thousand cash. give his house- in Toronto and secure balance by mortgage on the farm. If you have a farm to SP“ \vlilc John Fisher 8: CO. Coi‘xTnv REAL ESTATE Lulllsdoll Building, UAdclaidu St†East, Toronto. 13 6 lll \. M N DO IT ELECTRICALLY I. ll. SANDERSON Electrician, Richmond Hill Prompt and Reasonable Estimates ‘ given in House Wiring. both old and new. Also agent for Fl'nntz Premier Vacuum Cleaner at $32.00, Elco :l'ic Irons $3.50 to $4.00 and all convenient and up-ti‘date appli- ' ances that save til‘ 9 and work for the llousc Wife. illl‘ \ :iczitlon Midsllullllwlu ()ul (‘cllcge Does Not. @H‘ )Ially (Iiâ€"lllcgcs (‘low at 'l‘oiloXTo. HST†is s'rulc'ru' i‘ius'l‘ cl..\ss. NONE lll-S’r'l‘l-jll 1:; (_'.\.\'.\I)_Enter now so as to take a l)i)>'lill.ll ill the cally tall. ()lle gladuatc \vlitcs :â€".\ly new [)tISitillll l‘.’l_\ school loss lllilll folll- yclllsagl ,jll>I 'lli‘\illll< It entclillg your t'olll-gc. \\'u plat-rd this young man in a l position :lt'tel gladuation and have I thl'cetillles \\’Il£l[ I got at [tutL‘Illllg llowplaccd llilll again. Catalogue free. l'unge and Challes Sts. w . J. ELLIOTT. Principal M ONTARIO ENCOIIRAGES HER NOR'lllERN PIONEERS TIII' Illillkt’ti plospclily ill i“!illl("'. pl'ocldillg tllu war, and likcwisi- ill Belgium, (llcsll lllilaill. :lllli(il‘lllllll1_\‘ was (Illt' ill pill to lll(- Ill’1\\'!1ll\'.\‘ of oxcclloul. roads which Pl‘tlillil‘d Illt‘ falllll-ls of tlioso collllllics with :l Ill-Vl-l' failing lllcalls lll‘ o-lsy colllillulli~ cation with IIH'II' local nial kl-t cl-llllcs. Today. in tho zilllcs of war, lIlF’ pullin- l'oad Illl' pivot upon which IIIP schoulcsot'llll- srl-‘lti'jqiwts [lll‘ll. lull, \\'Ill‘!3 pl‘fll‘l‘ is (’(llll‘llllll‘li. the highways is of Flanders and vii. lllllllll‘ilsil‘lll France will ho among: IIll' loos-i important faclms I‘l hl-illgillsz .llluut lcstohllillll of conditions which prc- \lllll‘li lcfolu (icllllany -lltllllplcd to lunch I’lliis through Luxvlllhoulg :llld Bt‘lgllllll. Ill Canada. in lllv’ curly days, load building was sysil-lllalizl-d lly ill!‘ military, hut, dill illg,y IIH' last ccnllllv. 1119 “Hillary :lflll-i'l lllls Ill‘l'il lil>l in Lili- mollition oi ihl- sen ice dl-lilalldml of tho good road ill the national wink of disllillulirlll of products. 'l‘llc pcoplc. to ;l gin-atol- l'Xlt‘llL l'ilL'Il your. :ll't' ('(lllliilg to :lppll-igiate lllc possillilitics for develuplllent through Illl' extension of llctlcr roads throughout the Dolllinloll. \Vllcn tllcy llocolllcï¬llally convillccd that good roads are comple- mcnts of tho llliougll lliilway lillcs. lllelt- will he an cpidclnic of road coll- sll-uction. and the hopes of cconulllisls who have lleoll pleading with Canada to ill<élcaSc her production will he 'ldvllllCed long way towards realization. The province of Ontario through its Nol-lhclll Dl-vcloplllollt lirlluch has til‘lllllllSll'.lI(‘(I ill a. Siliklllfl' lllanlloi- [he Ilt‘lil‘iil:i(-‘tli l‘ifcct of holler roads upon agricultural districts. Colliâ€" lilissiollci- \Vliitson, who has supcrvisccl for three yeals the i-oad-lmilding activities of the service ill New Ontario, in addressing his lcpld'L to I’iclilicr Helllst sayszâ€"‘WVimn ill- spcctillur thedlll’cient districts along:r the roads, which have been Constluc- [ch dul illg the last illl'l't‘ ycals, I ï¬nd that good pl-oglOSsis hcing made by tho settlers; aloll these loads, lically all the vacant Irll. suitable for setllc- lllcnt is heincr taken up and improved. In the valley of thc llainy Rive: exceptional progress has taken placc: the sf‘itlcl‘s are now .llllo to l-cacll mai IGI’LS along the Canadian Northern Railway. which Illl'l'c‘ yours ago were illacccsnhlc. I‘lcl-clol‘llre .wllorc no roads \vcl'e constructed. thc settler \vasnlcl'cly lllalking time; since the construction of roads, he has taken courage. and nmv clearing up lul'gc areas of" land. and ill other ways llllpl'tfl'lllg his social condition. This willapply to almost all the sections were good roads have llccn coll- structch It has encouraged the settlers to build Schools and has made it pl»$silllc for the (‘IliltIl‘t'll to attend them. This in itself Il'ls done much to stimulate settlcliirllt. as in the past Ille \\ :llll ot‘ schools and their inacccs- sihility for lack of roads. l have found 10bellllt‘llflllt‘gl‘l‘fli obstacles ill the way of scttlclllelll.†Sillcc 1912 llle Northern I)L‘\'('Illp lllcllt Blanch llavc hcoll engaged upon it ‘thc collsll Ilclillll of 1,705 miles of roadâ€" way. cllicl‘ly ill the grcslt clay bolt and ill [he “only Rivcl- District. At the height of last season from 4.500 to 5,001) men were clilploycd. TIN‘l‘t' were under constl uctioll 705 miles of load, of which ‘ " were new, cut out, of the finest. Grading Opt-lotions werc pro- (:ceded \villl, upon 2915 milcs. iU)’ were surfaced with gravel or crushed rock: 214 welc partly gradvd, or Illlpl‘lflt‘d llv cutting down hills, and by ditching. Forty hl'idgcs “(r3 ('ol.s:ructcd. Three experimental farm plots wrre established at suitable locations. This constructive programme is the result Of a recognition of the true re- lation between the long and Illt‘ short h in] ill our [lillhpl‘l‘Iillillll wol k. The chief lllalkcts ill ('auada :llo \vidl'ly separatcd and the through railway lines :IH‘ all aIlSIllull' Ilcces‘silv in gcllclaldcvl-lopllll-Ilt. But, as Colu- \\'hit.~oll points out, tllc highway, btl'tltlllilg from the gate of the farm to tho lie-alcst lailway station. has a distinctly encouraging uticct upon :lglil-llltl'l'al plodllctioli. \\'liilo the good l-oild may he l'ogaldcd as a file gift hv thl- clllllllluuity to the ill- di\ idllal l'lll llll'l', lIll' cost {'i' llll‘lt’lll:lll l‘cllnid ill the I‘XIM‘IHIIIIHL‘ of tho t'XIl‘il \vclillll carllcd hy the fll‘llltl' as ollc result of its C(jllsillll’-I lion. Tilt llll llll'l' is a Inge consullu-l-l of tho ll]:lltllf:ti‘llllt‘l< which do llllu h Ill maintain ('iIiI". 'l'llc l.‘l>I I)lllllllllllll it is ll~llally l (‘cilslls gavca list of plllillll'ts total~ ling ill value to :llllll‘llxllllilIt‘Iyl SIUJIUIU'U which found Illt'll' lllalket :lllllost clllilciy ill the rural distlil‘ls.» :llldII11‘}‘€llL‘Illl';l>lll.lll plopol-tillll ot' the goods pullllascd lly the filllll‘dS throughout this country. The (“11:11 in (ilfl't‘lllllit‘lli appears to he tit’i.(’lll inch to adopt it gcnvl-al logical plall tor the' dcvcloplllcllt of lllc lit-h new il-gionsl of the provincc. As new centres; spring: up along the Canadian .\'ol thel it and {hi- National 'I‘l’illli‘Kllllilll'lltllI Railways, tho settll-ls will he equipped, to practically guarantee lheir coll- tinned gl myth and ulLilnatc pllrspel'ity. [Single copies, 3 cts. DIED I “'l‘21.l..\l.\.\’m-l\l, IIll' li‘<l(Il‘lltfl‘ of IlPl‘l (Inllgllll'l'. .\ll<. I."\\'I\' Nichols, Vic- lollaStplalv, oil 'l'llosday, April 27.( VNOTILI: T0 CREDITORS IN TlIlC MATTER ot' the I‘lslatc of Francis “'ill-y, I.‘l[(‘ ol' the Village of III..‘lllIllll)(l llill ill tlic County of Yolk. (lonlloman. (Il'(,‘l‘.'l\'l‘tl Pursuant. to S from tho home of i\ll‘- II‘fm-M. '5 mild“. i-‘liany. aprllmllll, :lI 2.1m “"“lg. ""'â€â€œ" [he said 19]."), Salall ('llllllllu-llill, widow of tlll-laic (Gringo \Vcllllllln of Elgin Mills. ‘ F‘lllloi'al NIl’IIlIIS. taintcs in that IlL'IIllIf. glv‘cn that, all paitie-s against the estate of In“. “ Francis \Viley, late of the .-_ \[lllagivc 1of Iilcllnlolld llill. deceased. / _ ‘ w in ( lct on or ahllut tllc lDth (I’l 0f i ._ . â€" 'V T} I LEE-IvLEPILRS A V ‘ March. 191.). :llo irilllil'ld ï¬ll or Ill’iUI‘e V lo ll’l’-I\'l'l'pll|§.{ llllclcsts I†\flf'l‘ the lï¬tll (lily of Mllv 11115 to send it (llllotv :ll‘t‘ ill a Nelly solicits lulï¬ltll’†statement of tlloil- ilaims with their “'1'â€l'l"""â€â€˜,“â€â€œâ€™ ""‘l 1"" I)“l’m't†nanlcs :llld :lddlcsscs t‘o Cook & Ill-'ut ‘HI AKI'H'HII'W’ l"l_â€"'-“““F"““'*’v Gilchrist, Solicitors- flll‘dllc‘ Executors .I, t . Mcrklvy. ll.5.:’\.. ullltos \vlth the U And tako V V _ l'ultllcr notice that after (“culdy IIl’l'spcclol' ct llli’ll's‘. _“ “Ln/L the said last illclltioncd (late the l'll‘ {I rllllolllilcl-\l c, in ca lug: (.xocmuw u.†... '. " I , Il:lltli'lil:ll- attention lo the Conditions. I WULHd m dlbtllhutl‘ the itssots of tIlL‘ cstatc among the pal-tics entitled thereto, having regaid only to the claims of which they shall have then l't‘(,'Pi\ or] notice. _ COOK 8: GILCHRIST, Bari-lstcl-s etc, 327 Confcdi-l-alion Life. lllllillg Illl‘ last “'Illlt'l‘ clllllllil-s ll;l\l- din-d, some of attention, lllll many tllrlluglldiscase. 'l'llc plillcipal disease- is known as .\llll-lic:lll l"oill Blood and its nature is such that it is readily tilillsnlittcd many of the through lack , _ Eldon, ' 4 2 ' ‘ llolll llllc Illlt’ to :lllotho-l- lllllcss some Eng? FUH'HU" 1 Rmhmmld 5‘" tllolollgll means are adapted for cou~ I)..[u1'u â€" .. . . , , I) l I l ; , “numb, “NU discus“. t lth d I) of Aplll. A.D.. It ovcntually \Wlpi'h‘ out Illt‘ hl-yolld and passes on to lhc next. spli-sldillg itself over the lleigliholillg IIL'(‘ yaids \cl‘y .quickly. Isolation cannot llc plactised as we (lo with our discascd cattle and stock MI that we must watch carefully and either destiny “1' thoroughly treat diseased colonies in order to si-cul c the iicsil'cd cud. All I'(‘(‘-kl‘0ph‘ls are hund- ed il)gPllll'l‘ ill the light against this t‘llt'lllV. w Ilt'illr'l' they like it or no, one man's failul c is often the undoing of a lot. of work on the part of otllel'F. Furlllcr details of this diwllse and its tl'cllllllellt can he ohtainul from the bulletin entitled "Bee Diseases†hy the Pl'millcial Apiarist, Moi-Icy YQ‘IIII. This hullctin may he had from J. (I. StockIcy, Newlllllllict for the asking. 1915 43-4 __ _.- N THE FIRST STEP muâ€" Oltcn means much. It has meant success to thousands of young people who wrote for our Cato. loguc as the ï¬rst step toward a good salalicd position. Take the stop to day. Address (Jcntral Business College, 395 Yougc St., Toronto. \V. H. SHA‘V, Pres. Ill the illcantllllc it, is illlpel-ative _._, that the following pl't'Cl'llILlUllS he 1‘ _V_ .77 .1. , 7 k __ taken :â€"lst, «'lll dcqul co’oulcs Ol‘ caddy hives and corals should he lu pl, lilzflt-l- cmcr \Thcl‘c till» llccs cannot gain ac- cess to thrill. Do not. llllllt‘l‘ any Coll- sidtâ€"laiioll, leave- :ollllls outside fill the llt‘cs toroh out, it is dangclous [)lltl'v ' . . licl‘. 2nd, all weal; colonies should *'_'-’â€" have the entrances cci'llractcd to Rt least all opening of 3x2, iilclics and \vatcllcd it: See that the hecs are get» L'llg more nulilclolls as the days go oh. As soon as fl hit or dandelion lllomll appears a careful examination of your lllvcs is ill order and suspicious cases should he rcporlcd to Morlev Pcttit, Gill’lpll, Uilt., giving name. address. alld particulars as to concession and lot number of vour fill in. .\lul:hgood \\'(rlk. in the spread of facts cullccl‘llillg this disease and. bee- kcepillg ill general, is Ilk‘lllg done 1)}v the York (‘ollllty Bro-Kecpcrs' Asso- ciation, and a hearty invitation is he- illg extolldcd to ALI. luv-keepers to :lliclid the next, Siltlllg lllt‘t’Illlg oll Sallllday afternoon. May lJth at ‘ Riclillllllid Hill. 5_-¢.._ Victoria Square Smiling is wl-ll advallcl-d and llll'Sl. of the lel'llluls will lilli~ll [his work. Tuesday evening, April 20th, was social (‘\'l‘l|lllg for IIIr‘ lcagul'. 'l'lrc sulfiril Vice-President. Miss ISHIIL'IIII Flishy, planned a unique elltl-lt;lill« lllcllLalld cvcl'youe nil-sent clljoycd Lllclllsolves. Aflel‘llpt‘llillg i-xclciscs. Messrs. Mert Brown and Roy Glover chose sides for an old time speiling‘ match. There were eighteen on a side . . . . .7F and alter a. tune of wrestling “'llIl thinâ€"m‘g “llndsâ€, the result; was a tic. Nllllllll is M Public illenllan groups were called upon to sing,y a verse and chorus of afavolitesom. cht Different Varieties of Ensil- age Corn at the Elevator IE ‘Vliy Cough? i USE Sanderson's White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup Sandel‘son’s Baby‘s Own Cough Syrup {or children Hive Croup Syrup for Whoopâ€" ing Cough and Bronchitis Cough Lozenges and Tablets, in fact. everything for Coughs and Colds W. A. SANDERSON DRUUGIST Rlcinioxn HILL it was announced that a llunl‘u 1- ol' llllllillllllt'LI hats with Ililillllllig wclu to he ('llLI:t'll hy the gv‘ntlvlllul pl'Lsc..l, and :lftcr llOL'lIIcS and thread welc given out, the hoys tl'illlmcd the hats. All the lending fashions \vcrc l‘t‘pll‘- srntcd :lllll nevi-r was llllllllll‘ly tulili-d out with more (plickllcss :llld dcspatcll, tastefully ll'IlllllH‘lI and glam-fully wol ll. Noilul-d of going without hats. “'Ill'll Illl’lL’ are so many good lllillillcls‘ Also Good Bran and Shorts A good supply of PURITY AND PASTRY FLOUR “VilIIHIlIl‘. 'l‘hc girls and hcys thou always on hand. receive-d nulllhcl's and after getting pslrlllcls lunch was SI‘I‘VI'II. Al'lcr _O‘â€"‘ lunch the closing exorcise hl'oughl. an I Wheat, Buckwheat olljoyahle time to .1 close. Cracked Corn .\lr. llllss Klinck has purchascd a A“) new Ford car and is learning to I‘ll“ it.‘ ' " ‘ ' ’ Ross will Poou he cxllclt enough to go out. llollkl Illlllkl ‘ )Il'. liollt-it Ililppcl' is under the docâ€"l to) 5 call». )lls. \Vt'IIIlliln died at IIIP l-csidr-lllm l'flll'l‘ daughter .\ll$. Lcwis Nil'llols.‘ Tuesday m piling. It isl'nlllol'cll that till- colltclllplalillg organizing Tcllllis ('lllll. .‘1l‘.:ll.d .\II'<.(illll. ('lalk of Tort/nil). \ i~IctI :lt _\ll. (ico. Mrl'agllc's on Silll»‘ :Manitoba. Oats ‘ for the Chickens ~0â€" ALso HANDLE THE Canada. Portland Cement . . AND. . ladies are, Zlile for Draining. a Law ll , VOrders taken for Red Clay Pressed Brick. ,dny with Mr. (,‘lai k’s sister, Miss We have the D L & VV I’llillvs (‘lzlllvz . J - - ‘ ' .‘Il’: \\ ill. King and Miss I‘:.\IIIPI‘ scranton Hard L031. Altllcl-loll spent, Sunday evening wi'll and Kennel-Coal flit-nth oil the town lino. _ , ,“None better" Order now The {liliclal of the late OIIVCI'I\III1CI\' - took plav e to Victoria Square Cemetery . ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES 'S'llll'ER & RAMER Mr. cl“; Collard is home from the: rental (‘ollegc for a short. time when he will attend camp at Niagara.