Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Apr 1915, p. 3

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ory leveryt'hmg 'limbs got Nuts I were 5' fleshy z Uo., Wmdsor. unt. Road to Wellville “There’s a, Reason.’ Ever read the above me appears from thus :9 genuine. true. and tel-est. “After he examine he advised me to try y-tity of Grape-Nuts a my stomach bemm eat more. ga-n t( "I heard of a doctor who had a gsummer cottage near meâ€"a spe- ‘,ciaJistâ€"â€"â€"and, as a, last, hope, sent for him. “Four years ago I was taken with severe gastritis, and nothing would May on my stomach, so that I was 'on the verge of starvation. Prescribed Change of Food Instead of Drugs. It takes considerable courage for p. doctor to deliberately prescribe 'pnly food for a despairing patient. instead of resorting to the usual list of medicines. Some truly scientific physicians recognize mud tread; conditions as they are and Should be treated. Here’s an‘instance : If the Lord meant, for you to be a. farmer, do not try to be some- t‘hing else. If He meant you to be a. lawyer or a. doctor, do not try to be a. farmer. Stick to your “callâ€" ing,” it is just as great, and just as honorable as is anything else. In sticking, there is happineSS and contentment; in flying off the handle there is-tfailure, regret and lifelong sorrow. I The business manâ€"whether doc- tor, lawyer, or farmerâ€"(will find out. what he is cut out to ‘be, and then stick to it through thick and thin. If he does it with concentra- tion and courageous stick-to-it-iveâ€" ness he will win out in the end, and be successful. If he tries the thing he is not fitted-by nature -t-o be, or loses his courage in doing the thing he is cut out to be, he will ‘be more or less of a. failure. he also makes some people to be farmers and others to be doctors, gwyers, merchants and chiefs. If the doctor tries to be a, lawyer, or the farmer tries to 'be a. merchant or doctor, he is just about as sure to prove a. failure at it as the hen is sure to prove a failure at trying .to 5e a duck. If the Lord, or the forces of na- ture, or whatever your religion leads you to call the great creative Fen-iué of the earth, m‘akes hens to 1 ve only on the land and the ducks to live on either the land or the waâ€" ter, it is but natural to suppose that Did you ever see a hen try to lswdm’l Did you ever see one sucâ€" ‘iceed at it? A hen knows better than to try it, that is the reason why you have to say no to those two ques- tions. A duck may swim all day ‘long on water with cakes of ice floating around in it, and be none the worse for the experience; but a hen would die in short order if thrown into such water. The duck is built for it, the hen is not. flood-Bye, Old llackaclle Nerviline Will Fix You If you have an ache or a pain any- where, if you have a sore back, a stiff neck, a stiff joint, a strained muscleâ€" if you have lumbago, congested chest or sore throat, just try Nerviline. Rub it on plentifullyâ€"it won't b1is~ ter. it can’t do anything but cure you >quickly. The large 50c. family size bottle is the most economical, of course, but you can, from any dealer, also get the 25c. small size of Nervi- line, the king of pain-relieving re- medias. Backache isn‘t the only malady Nerviline is quick to cure. For lum- bago or sciatica you would go far to find relief so speedy as Nerviline gives. 'For chronic rheumatism there are pain-destroying properties in Ner- viline that give it first rank. The way it limbers up a, stiff joint and takes soreness out of strained or rheumatic muscles is simply a wonder. Stiffness is Rubbed Right Out; Every Slgh of Pain Disappears. Gee whizâ€"think of it! No more stomach dosing necessary to cure your lame back. Every trace of lameness, every hit of stiffness. every sign or weakness in the back’s muscles can be rubbed away for all yime to come by good old "Nervilne." ‘ No other liniment can do the work so quickly, can penetrate so deeply, can bring ease and comfort to the back-weary sufferer as Nerviline in- ‘Varlably does. I kept Wind and (“\REFI'L DOCTOR “K [LID E ll ENS CAN "I‘ SWIM. 1V8 C a-fte r examined me came-fully cleaa r to try a small qua-n1 Nut-s at first, then as became stronger t-o by C ent can do the work penetrate so deeply, and comfort ’to the rer as Nerviline in- n my wh lettgr? A new to time. The} full 01 human gradua. 1d 1‘6 ‘overa m mem- before irape Il'e W sona-g front his c] When M. Poincare returned t- his house after his election as Pre sident of the French Repulblic, hi mother, neglecting the official per sona-ges present, kissed her son 3 front of themgll, and then. owtin‘ Over the whole, sysme of the Canadian Pacific ideas and sugges- tions made by employeies are not only welcomed, but lead to pro- motion. They go to the Record Office, where a statement of the employee’s career is attached to the suggestion before it is con- sidered by a, committee. If the idea. is adopted the record of the employee’s career is then before the eyes of the powers that be, and reco nition is sure to follow. The neede in the hayku is easy enough to find with a magnet, and there are a. dozen magnets looking out for merit among the 100,000 emâ€" ployees of the C.P.R. The Dog Doesn “De only tin wmmands an In any organization so large as that of the C.P.R., where under normal conditions over 100,000 em- ployees are on the payroll, one great problem is that of keeping theemployees, so to speak, dyna- mic, part of a. living organization and not of mene machines. Zeal. and ambition must be kept burnâ€" ing. Just as every soldier of Na- poleon carried a field mar'shial’s baton in his knapsack, so every office boy in the Company must feel he is a possible president, not merely earn his dollar a. day till pension day. One system intro- duced on the Western lines with this in mind has proved exceeding- ly efficient. Each superintendent or foreman or head of a departâ€" ment makes two reports a, year on his stafi. Bright men are thus ear- marked for special promotion. If‘ any man is criticized the report is shown to him and initialled by him before it goes to Winnipeg. He gets a square deal, and if\he has any life in him he mends his ways so that no such criticism can be made twice. Then again there are independent scouts, looking for the bright men, the tidy station agent, the courteous trainman, the man cool in an emergency, the inventive mechanic, the stenographer who can run the office when 'the chief is absent. These scouts are search- ing for me‘ritAonly, not for faults. lot unde Certainly not! and no one less so than the British Chancellor, Mr. Lloyd George, judging by the pic- ture displayed above. Mr. Lloyd George is extremely busy prov1dmg “silver bullets” for the war, and just now he is trying to persuade the people of the Old Country that they should stop drinking 1nth1v cents till the war is over, declaring that alcohol is the greatest enemy the'empire has at present. Baby’s Own Tablets are an ideal medicine for little ones. They regulate the bowels and stomach and promptly cure constipation, indigestion, cold and simple fevers, expel worms, cure colic, and give baby health and happiness. Con- cerning flhem Mrs. Fred VanGo‘r- dve‘r, Dunm‘vilvle, Ont, writes: “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for my four children and find they al- ways give perfect satisfaction.” The Tabllets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. William-5’ Mediâ€" cine Co., Brockville, Ont. SICKLY, CHILDREN whistle to de dog were new in- WI- Downlu'nl'lod my tune Doesn’t Know Any A SQUARE DEAL. ken A Will-nil] g PROMPTLY CURED refpeotf that u know men clever as Better. hm Minn-(1's Liniment used Minard’s Linimegt Iampberman's Priend‘ ‘No {More ‘Corns Ly FyeRemedy. No Sinaning. I Just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist’s 50¢ per Bottle. Murine Eye Salvein’I‘ubesZSc. For Book oilheEyefreeask Druggists or Murine Eye Remedy (20.. Chicago Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. I was very sick with Quinsy and thou ht I w uld strangle. I used MIN D‘S LI IMENT and it cured me at once. I am never without it now. Yours ratefully. M S. C. D. PRINCE, Nauwigewauk. Oct. 218C. ' quickly rcfiévcd Eye Remedy. No just Eye Com 'There isn’t much use in telling a. girl you would die for her unless you carry a. pretty heavy life insur- ance. Sore 3M? F ‘ U ‘ Guaranteed Never known to fail; acts Without Is pain in 24 hours. soothing, healing; takes the sting righ; out. No remedy so Quick, safe and sure as Putnam's Paln- less Corn Extractor. Sold every- where-26 e. per bottle. Wise WillieHHe was the original “See America. First” advocate. Governelssâ€"Whp was Ohristopher Columbus 7 The Express éompanies {vill carry such parcels free if plainly marked for “The Red Cross‘” '1‘0‘ 3 Canadian away from home it would be difficult to conceive of a more acceptable gift in the spring of the year than some genuine su- gar o‘r syrup from “the land of the Maple." There are few farmers who could not spare at least a. gallon of syrup or ten pounds of sugar for sudh a. worthy and trio‘tvic object. Those who resporn ,â€"--and it, is hop-ed there will be ma‘ny,â€"a\r1e ausked to pack carefully and expness to The Canadian Red Cross Society, 58 Wellington St, Montreal, Que. A letter from Colonel Gorrel, of the First Canadian Contingent, 'tells of tlhe enthusiastic reception accorded a recent case from Can- ada containing, among other things, a few cakes of maple su~ gar. He states, “the man went fairly crazy with delight when it waj given to them.” Appeal for Maple Syrup and Sugar for Red Cross Society. The Canadian Red Cross Society has sent an urgent appeal to Mr. J. H. Grimm, who is weld known in the maple syrup industry, for a donation of syrup and sugar for the boys at, the front. Dodd’s Kidney Pills make their users enthusiastic because they not only cure the particular ailment aimed at but they spread good health all over the body. They do this by curing the Kidneys. Cured Kidneys strain all the impurities out of the blood. That means pure blood and new health all over the body. “I took just three boxes and they made me well.” “For more than two years I suf- fered from Kidney disease,” Mr. Gagn‘e continued. f‘It finally de- veloped into pleurisly and I W345 a very sick mu when my wig} peri suade me to give Dodd’s idney Pillus a. trial. Ste. Marguerite Bay Mills, Sug- uen-ay (30., Que., April 26th (Spe- cial).â€"“Yes you can held the public of the great rerlie‘f I got from Dodd's Kidney Pills.” The speakâ€" er was Mr. Joseph Gagne, 9. Well- known resident of this place, and he has every reason to be enthusi- astic over tlhe great, Canadian) Kid- ney remedy. Quobvc )Iun Took Ilia Wife's Ad- vice and Is Now Enjoying a New me‘ of Health. Suffered For More Than Two THEN JOSEPH GAGNE A CURE IN DODD'S KEY PILLS. AN APPRECIABLE GIFT. hum re n61 Originator. Eyes inflamed By expo; sure to Sun. Bus! and Wind guicldy relieved by Murlno granulated Eyelids, Cure ISSUE 18â€"’15. by Physicians FOITND KID- Years Keep Minn-11's Llnlment 1n the house. Ask for Minard'n and take no other. Don’t waste all your flowers on the dead. Throw a. few bouquets to the live ones once in a while. “Not me; the one that can’t dance wants to dance' all the time, and the one that cagx’t talk wants to talk all the time. ’ Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam ily When Hope Had Gone. St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th.-â€"At one time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St. would succumb to the deadly ravages of advanced kidney trouble. “My first attacks oi back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago. For six years that dull gnawing pain has been present. When I ex- erted myself it was terribly intensified. if I caught cold the pain was unen- durable. I used most everything but nothing gave that certain grateful to lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. lu- stead of being bowed down with pain, to-day I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite. sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been instilled into my blood â€"oheeks are rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a. medicine as Dr. hamilton's Pill." Every woman should use these pills regularly because good health pays, and it's good, vigorous health that comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton’s Mandrake and Butternut Pills. “Bohh your admirers are going to be at; the ball toâ€"night; are you go- ing’l” Death Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Lady Gibbsâ€"-“I believe inredriyrrii‘éi‘ng, don’t; you “I” Dibb‘sâ€"“Weld, there’s w-.- .. JV“ . u.uuu vvvnu, uuva'U B no abstract excellence in early ris- ing; it all depends upon what you do after you rise. It would/b3 bet- ter for the world if some people never got up.” ‘ A Board Scthool bemher, putti‘n his hand on t’he Himulder of a. boy 0 doubtful chamacber, said “I believe Satan has got. hold of you .” “I belifsve sobygoh’.’ wag rthe replyf Mr. Rooks â€" “So you wanth’w marry my daughter. Weld, young man, what are your prospects?” Young Manâ€"“Excellentâ€"if you dop’t spoil them.” Not Always‘.â€"4P'apa,â€"”Yes, my son, if you want: to learn anything well you must begin at the bot- tom." Littlne Boyâ€"“How about sw‘llnmjpg, pa. 7” An honest Sunday-school boy has explained “suffering for righteous- ness sake" as “having to come to Sunday School N’ Freight Prepaid to any Railway Station in Ontario. Length 1.5 Ft, Beam 3 Ft. 9 In., Depth 1 Ft. 6 In. ANY MOTOR FITS. Specification No. 2B g'ivlng engine prices on request. Get our quotations onâ€"“The Penetang Line" Commercial and Pleasure Launches, Row boats and Canoes. “You never know what you can do till you try,” said a writer, "am-d then you are generably sorry you found’ out!” Supercilious Youth (to tram covnducforyâ€""Is that Nomh’s Amk fuyLI yet?” “You, all but the mom keyL Jump in.” ,JV- .....-u N w yLuLuâ€" tdan ?" Country Pupilâ€""A man who gets run over by a. motor.” A cynic s-ugzgevsfls the finale qui‘ck- est ways to send a mamgeâ€"“Tcleâ€" graph,’ Telephone and '1‘edl-a-w0- man I' men Canoes, Skifi‘s, Motor Boats THE PETERBOROUGH LINE. If any canoe can give ypu sqtlsfacdon, it is a “PETERBOROUGH.” Always and evér the Mia 01’ service, model, strength and fin- ish. Over titty styles and algae. Write for catalogue. The latest canoe is the Peterborou’gh canvas covered. Ask for illustrated folder. Skirts for the popular outboard Motors. Power Launches, all sizes and pow- ers. Get folders telling all about these. Wit and Wisdom. Of two evils it isn‘t, alwag My 10 01100813 eibhen Children wre won by awe hen by bonn'ets, men by i Teacher â€""Wh.ab is a THE GIDLEY BOAT CO., LIMITED, PENETANG, CAN. “Overstern " V Bottom Motor float Sidcstepping Thom. THE PETERBOROUGH (RNOE comPMy. LIMITED, PETERBOROUGH, ONT. t, always nece‘s orbs menu pede W ANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETCu internal and external. cured with- out pain by our home treatment. \Vrlte us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Colllngwood. Ont. N Ews'PA'PEnst’nfSAEa. HOE‘I’P-MAKING NEWS AND JOB 01‘ 11009 for sale in mood Omar-1n towns .I ficen for silerini Eo‘oil- éâ€"fiigrlB'QwBâ€"a. The most. useful and Interesting of all businmm. Full information on $991109!“ Mon to Wilson Publishing Company. 73 West Adelaido EL. Toronto. Inspected Price, One ton. Also Snow. two It is a most effective antiseptic dressing for cuts, bruises, boils, and skin irritations of all kinds, such as eczema, poison ivy and barber‘s itch. Also good for coms. AVOID SUBSTITUTES. insist on "Vasc- line'r' In original packages benrlnz the name. CHESEBROUGH MF’G C0. CHssEBROUGH’MANUFACTURINC co.. Consolidalcd‘ For sale at all Chemists and General Stores. 1330 CHABOT AVE.. MONTREAL UT it needs looking, after. Carbolaled “Vaseline” will help it to heal quickly and prevent risk of infection. First aid treat- ment with CARBOLATED Just a Scratch Vaseline iméfiffimous Trademark Made in Canada Fr” bullet on "gum SEED POTATOES (Consolidated) $55333

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