" Elie RICHMOND HILL. 0N1. APRIL 29, 1915 EDFTFQEEEéL Conservatives are divided in the advisability of holding a general el- ection during the war. The World favors a June election, but The Evening Telegram opnoscs the scheme. saying “An election in 1015 is undesirable, unnecessary and would be utterly devoid of party advantage. to the Borden Governâ€" ment.†Many of our citizens are naturally asking “What has become of our Ratepayers Association ?†A year or two ago many important questions were discussed, and the Council and other bodies were pleased to receive suggestions. A word of advice or caution from a body representing the whole village should always be worthy of consideration. A public meeting was held in To- ronto, Friday evening to protest against the holding a general elec- tion at the present time. Among the speakers were Professor Wrong of Toronto University, Chancellor Bowles, and many other prominent men and women. A resolution, after an intelligent discussion, was carried unanimously, and a copy was sent to Premier Borden, and also to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The general opinion seemed to be that to bring on an election at the present time would be not only foolish but dangerous. We have our hands full new ï¬ght- ing the enemy; would it not be cruel to make people ï¬ght their friends, even for party advantage? "m Thornhill The regular meeting of the Horti- cultural Society will be held in Victoria Hall at 8 o’clock on Monday next. An interesting program has been prepared. The prize lists are now ready, and to make the exhibition on August 26th a success. we want as many as possible to compete. The meetings are open to all. \Vc get the most successful hm-ticulturists for our speakers and our object is to learn to improve our gardens. The ï¬rst meeting (if the junior branch: of the society was a decided success. The large number of children ‘present showed the interest that they take in gardening. Mr. Geo. Baltl win of Toronto gaâ€"ve an instructive talk on growing vegetables and flowers. and he could not have had a more altent ire audience. After the meeting Mr. Galbraith took a photograph of the children and this will be shown at their next meeting. *0~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Jefferson P. S. report for Following is the the month of April. Sr. 4th.â€"-Lillie leblo. Lola Hoskin. Sr. Rutâ€"Fred Clubine. Harry Mur- phy. Claudia Logge, Ray Dihb. Jr. 3rd.â€"â€"Flnrence Hazelhurst. Janet \Vatson. Sarah Kt-hoe. Sr. Endâ€"Ella Dibb, Cecil Mortson. , Vaughan Morden,’ James Park, Jack Dihb. Jr. 2nd. â€"- Annie Clubine, \VaLSon. Sr. 1st.â€"H01ner Legge. Agnes \Vhit- ty. Stewart Linton, Kathleen Flanni- James gan. Primer (a),â€".\I:n tha Johnson. Fred- die Brown. Charlie Dibb, Douglas Dibb, John Glubine. Primer (1r). â€"â€" Lawn-oct- Casseily. Mac Redd-away. Edris Morden. Attendance 41. stir â€"â€"QO-aâ€"-‘ Inferior Lightning Rods Again I wish to warn the farmers of Ontario against inferior lighting rod~. One of the same companies that bun~ cot-d the farmers with imircr-ntt-red rods last. year is repartod to be selling the same rod again, this year. out. for them. There is no ditiicnlty in spotting ' The t-utsidc f‘lH‘t'l‘ltlg is a , of the ‘ copper is a strip or" galvanized sit-cl or ‘ these rods. thin Sheet of copper. Inside iron onelmlt'inch wide and two gal- vanized steel or iron wires about No. 1U. lm~ crippr‘i sllt'ntll is twisted around the strip and wires giving the Iod a corrugated appearance. steel or iron will rust out in from live to ten years. For photograph of what happened to a rod of this kind in less than eight years. see tigure 3t. bulletin , 220, which may be had by writing the Department of Agriculture, Toronto. . An illinois firm is circular-wing the trade and others advocating the Mast Lightning Rod System. The)“ dcclai c that twisted ranles are positively dan- gerous, claiming they art like "chok: - coils." that tubes only should be nst-d. that insulaters must b».- usul. rtr. concentrated of oirrr circulars surpass anything do: I l'.a\ c seen. Beware of the man with the l11'l‘.- centered rod and the man who ("aims that. twisted cables are dangerous. This Department. will be glad to he in- formed regarding the operations of either. Department of Physics, 0.A.C., Guelph. AV. H. DAY. l‘\‘.\‘t‘1‘.('k‘ WGVWWWW Teena “'atcl) ‘ The i For , llh'st‘ - 4.. ELOW FARESa 5T0 WESTERN CANADA Q .‘ (Hull) (“DING EVERY 'l'l'lCSllAY 9 Film.“ )l.\l:(‘ll 'Il) (it"l‘tilll‘Ilt @, l DTwo mourns RETURN toura 125,000 FREE HOMES @ .\I.(L\’t; Till‘i CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY 5? g) E) FUR I.1TI£1(.\'I‘I‘RIC (Lb .\.\‘l)l"171l’l'1ll£1{l’AR- ll(1'I.\1.:~' A111.\"l() l 1 Y. B. TRACY Richmond llill (% (.323 ‘ (3.N.lt. Agent L3 ab ‘1 ' __I . PROPERTIES FOR SALE _IN_ RICHMOND HILL “0178138 New six-roomed frame home. Clectt it: light, verandab, concrete cellar. water piped in house, sink. Lwt 511x130. If taken soon this property can be bought at a bargain. l . . . . hew solid hiick. nine largo bright rooms. oak t‘rlmnn-d thioughout. hardwood floors. tire-place. electric light. and ï¬x- tnres. three-piece bath. septic tank. but water boiler. pi't'sslH-o tank to force hard and sot water through house. Peasc- fur- nace, hennrry. Lot 511x 231). This is an ideal home tor parti :- en large rooms and bath room, hardwood floors. ï¬replace, largo verandah, furnace, three Cell ll‘S. Lot 50x14â€. This house is i1 :1, good location and commands an unbroken View to picturespie surroundings. Sixroomed bungalow, nitr-ly decorated, rerandah, hardwood floors. kitchen cabinet. casement windows, tire-piace, and electric light. BUILDING LOTS I have several building lo: 3 for sale which are situated on nearly all the principal streets of Rich- mond Hill. See my list before making your selection. MONEY TO LOAN . l A. E. GLASS i ular people. New cement-block house, sur- l REAL ESTATE AGENT NOTICE To the people of ltirhrronl llill an l so: ronmlinys: A. Slit-17ml has IonopwliI-(l 1 ln- lilrll'k- smith sliopat l‘Ilgin Mills. e-ral blacksmith and wot d workri. llt' thanks his t-nstomots for past l)’|llt>1):lgt',:llili loiposlhvy will it'- lllllll with llllll in tln- lotnm. go trantrrirg satisfaction as in Ho- past. --.r. _ .l.\ hill tht’s lemorrd . . . . . lSt-t-nrs Newwhoes. Nos. lto 1,... lot-rots Largt-r shot-s .............Il.'.~ roots A. SHERZER TELEPHGNE Main 493 Today and get your Era@remier $32 ELECTRIC CLEANER I: f9-IA. M. x and the day’s’ _1_ work done «,3 Gets all the dirt, dust and lint V ’ Phone for free demonstration in your own home. See for yourself this 9 lb. dirt devourerâ€"with its trouble- proof motor and new thrust bearing. Ask about our easy payment plan. *-~4fn:ï¬?€:3 Mgr ‘ mm__ at; ~"‘ ' ‘ a.u.sanne son LOUA I. \,. .« Makes Beautiful Interiors Saves You Money f i i In your decoration you will find that )Iellotone will give the most beautiful efl'ects, in durable, fadeless colors. lived ï¬nishes. Mellotone is better than paper, calcimine or other shortâ€" 1, ' Mellotone is washable and does not easily scratch 01- mar. Mellotone is easily put on, and works well when applied on plaster, concrete, metal, wood, burlap, or any interior surface. -I abilityâ€"longer service. Ask for color cards and suggestions f0: color combinationa. Richmond Hill NORMA?" Mellotonc will save you money, through its greater dur- 207 . Hardwe re Co. 1 BATTY REPRESENTATIVE I -." i Price- headlights, proï¬ts it‘ we sell August 1, (1, A. M. ‘4‘":1' 4134.2 {PR t. f' (3r. A. For E ale on Building Lots on Yongc St., Belmt at. and Clarence Avenues. “MAka IN CANADA" Ford Runabout All cars fully equipped, including electric Prices Buy ers of all Ford cars will share in our 30,000 cars 1914, ard Argrst I, Dili'lStle, dealer for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships, including Yonge Street. G IR (') C) I}? 12‘. 1 EC. V a. t Niel)0nald $540 l". 0. ll. Ford, Ont. between 1915. [INIONVII.I.1’, 5‘ itâ€. so 7:19» t "$31 ' 'li git WV 4'31: 5.. '/ Y ' 551$! "32 m , v “vâ€" .5 .f «g ' 224192;“: ' 1': 4. 8.: Son‘s -w- ‘1, , ~\ ,w p - l . >flvr t “2.1:... Easy Terms Acre Garden Lands. Trackagrï¬Lots cn Canadian Northern l{y., and Metroi olitan Ry. For. FURTHER TNI-‘OFMA'IIONLW'RITE:l R :‘LE C. A. SKEELE, Richmond Hill s- l. l. WQDDWARU GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley ALI. BRANT HES ()I’ THE TRADEi STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 SHCEIKG LAKE AIID INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY PATRONAGE SotICITED axo S.’t’1‘151~‘.\(3"‘l().\' GUARANTEED F. l. llllltllllllllll). J. ,r. LOCKE & cc, 13A1c'aite t 13, Toronto L. CURTIS .»‘. :sz'r r in EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLER Mstcr Re; airing Done CYCLES ,7...†F...:‘- thob-I‘U y'- F.“ cu ‘rp'pm -1 “v. v.‘ L. C U R '1‘ ES RICHMOND HILL