Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 May 1915, p. 4

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(. . â€" (l .3; i RicHMoNnHiLL. UNT.. Max 13. 1915 Mr. F. “J. Simpson of Thornhill has asst-d his first. year‘s eXaminntion at the School of Practical Suit-nor. ‘.’~â€"â€"â€"_ l A Farmers and Butchers l’rotoctiou Association for the- County of York was formed in Richmond Hill last evening. An account of tho pm. (windings will be given in our next issue. .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Qo§â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ( Trip to Toronto Next Monday evening. 17th inst.. the Epworth League will attend the annual rally of the Toronto Central District, which will he held this your in the Eaton Moniotial church on St. Clair Ave», Toronto. A sportal cnr twill lt'zu'e Richmond Hill station at 0.45 l‘i.m.. and Irtmning. lruvc Toronto at 10.46. Friends are invitcd to use the car. The programme at. the Rally service will he good. The popular preachor of Bathurst St. Ulmrch. Rev. T. \V. Nral will give an address on “Tho Methodism of 'l‘u-morrow. Lectures on Personal Purity The boys of the second. third and fourth books of thr- vaiions country schools around Richmond Hill. alSo all big boys and young follows who have left. school. also all t'athurs who earncstly destre thrir boys to ho thoroughly and heautit’ully instructrd in how to take ("ire of tlwirhodies. are earnes‘ly invited to altmul two lerturrs (No. 3 and No. 4 of tho series) on Personal Purity and Sex Hygwno. to he given in the Richmond Hill Public School on Friday. May ill. at 10.3!) sharp and in the High School at 2.31) sharp. These lvcturrs are of Vital and etornal importation. No lmy should llt' deprived of the golden opportunity of learning lessons. Spll‘lldld and terrihlv needed. about the Wonth and sum-od- sts of the hotly. Those lectures Will be given hy Mr. Althur \V. Boall ALA. of tho Provincial Education Dupart» )uent. Toronto. Mr. Bvall is a spt‘cial- ist of fourteen years" standing in this work and an export in :uldl'ossingimys. Mt. Brall will also deliver lectures to tho hoys and girls together in the Public school Thutsday, May 20. at 10.30 and 2.30. 0..“â€" Maple The Ladirs‘ Aid of tho Methodist Church hrld a social last, Friday We ning. After a short programme the mite huxes were opened. and their contents were found to amount to $26. Refreshments were then served by the membs rs. Tho doe-pest sympathy is felt here for Mr. Rohrrt Rumhle and family. al- so for the wife and little daughter of Mr. \Valtrr Rumble who \v.15a [wasan- geron‘the Lusitania and who is re- ported lost. “'alter was well and favorably known here. having spent the greater part of his boyhood years in this village. , Mr. Geo. R. Cupping who, with his wife, is also reported lost Was a first, cousin of Mr. '1‘. Cousins. Mr. Tawuer of Toronto will preach hero next Sunday in leL'P. ot Rev. B. S. anering who is away for a brief holiday. Miss R. McMut-chy and Mrs. D. Lloyd. who have spent the past four lnouths in California and the North \Vest. returned home last Work. The Annual Meeting and oleution of Officers fox-the Maple Methodist League- has been held. and the following were elected (Illinois for the ensuing year: Presidmlt. \Vilfrod Manning: 1st Vice- Pres.. Laura Richardson; 2nd View Pres. , Grorge Bails-y; 31d V ine- Pres.. Jessi“ Rumble; 4th Vice- Prrs.. M yrtle Srigeon; Secretary. Dell Saigvon; Cor. Seep, Adrian Killnugh: Truasurrr, Elmer Garrow; ‘ Pianist. Annie Rumble; Asst. Pianist, Dnnalda Rose. l‘he following addresa was prosonted to Miss Edna and Mr. Horace Gnltlnl). on the eve of their departure for tht-ir new home at Richmond Hill :â€" Dear Edna and Hot-arc. : Your fellow leaguers of Maple Ep- wol‘th League realize tonight we are Saying good-bye to you. \Ye wish in this very humble way to say that we i have appreciated you and vour work. i To multiply words know, serve the end we seek in speak- ing to such as we all know you both to l , be. for you have, lived and Worked with us as proplr who non-r sought display. Lot us simply say that no? fuel that \‘utt ham! graced 'he- moxtl worthy and most honntiiul ot all] namrs, that of “Christians.” members of our lraguo. \Ve rogrot ' that you must go. Praying that God may bless you in your Vutum u'uil; tor" ? " Him as He has hlrst you and madoyou ‘ ; it blessing hero, \Vt' rrmain your faithâ€"l . t‘t iouds and companions in the Master 'si ~l work. Signed on behalf of tho PNPtlllin‘. \Vilfred Manning Laura Richardson Myrtle Saige-on Russrll llumhlc The Next Sitting of Division Court to N0. 3, County of York. will he held in the Court Room. i RICHMOND HILL : -â€"â€"0‘.\Tâ€"-â€" I Tuesday, June 15, 1915 I Uomzuencmz at 10 mm. . T. F. MUHAHON Conan ‘ . would not. we. . wlulo‘ ' iitfis‘I‘O'N? titan Men's lll'thll or grey tu'rrtl t";i[i~.t silk linrd 5i]t'.; Boy‘s narv Varsity. raps 25c.: A largo assortment of straw hats. ('liiltlrvns. hoys and llll'tl from 15 to 75¢. oa.; (liil‘s school hat: of imanlit straw. trimmed with hand ot fancy i'ihtmn with howat sitlt', on. 3:). Atkin- son (K’ Switzrr. l I l'so l’atriotio statiotwry. You can got. nirv (losignw 1.1‘ plpt'll‘llt'b‘ and [ahl us at Tn r: Linnuu. oilitro. r. PROPERTIES FOR. SALE \(LV‘. lllCll MONT) ll [LL wwvwvvd ’1. 0w FA'RES€~ 9 T0 WESTERN CANADA 1 Until) GOING EVERY 'l'l'h'h‘llAY 9 FROM MARCH TU “(‘TUBEK a A Wonmxu Max‘s (‘n.\.\'('r: TWO MONTHS RETURN LIMIT $475~l€lgin Mills a me rimmed B C Rt‘llli-(it‘lilf'llt‘tl li'n)m*l1ml<t‘. good full sized brink collar.usun1 out- lnnildings. $.31) rash is all that AIMS” THE G is rrquirul and tho, balance may be paid as you Would rout. HOUSES Now SiX~HH>H>Ptl frame houso. (‘lrctiic light, \t-randah, courts-to Collar. \varor pint-d in house. sink. Lot Sllxlfit). if taken soon this CANADM N NORTHERN RAlLWAY Foo. LITERATURE .\.\‘1) FURTHER PAR- dz ' “FL. INS AHLY ,H.) Brogmw ran he longht at a a New Solid lnick, nino largo Y" 8- TRACY bright looms. o-ik trinnuI-d twp“: Richumminm throughout. hardwood lloois. n lll't’-]li:t(‘v, electric light and h):- fl 8 GE & tort-s. lhrrr-pieco hath. septic tank. hot \VHlt‘l' holler. pro5snro tank to full‘t‘ haul and soft watrr through lmuso, Peas/.- for- "10”, llt'l nrrr. Lot, 5|) 9: 22!). This is an iilral homo tor pattie- ular potiplt‘. Six rooiurd hungalnw, nirt-ly (ivroratt-(l. vr'ramlah. haidwoo: floors. kilt‘ilf’l) minim-1, last-mi- windows, tiio-piatto, and electil“ light. honors. To the proplo of Richmond Hill and surroundings : A. Silt‘l zor has rrmpenod tho Mark- smith shopat Elgin Mills. as gouâ€" oral hlarksndth and WUt'tl worker. Ho thanks his customers for past patronage, and holws thoy will roâ€" iu futuct'. BI‘VILDING LOTS l haro s‘z‘t‘r-ral building lnls for salo which :uo Sitnatt-tl on oral ly all tho princitml stroels of Rit-h- "ml" W‘H.‘ mm. in“ . mnnd Hill. St 1- my list hrl'oro. guatruutemng satisfaction as In the making ym", when“... ms . l Moxrx T0 Lon: Shoes rmnowd . . . . . . . . . . 15 cents -â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- New Shoes, Nos. Ito 4. . . . .HH routs Larger shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 cents ++++++++++++++++++++++++i"? l I. 5% Price headlights, profits August 1, G, A. M. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ‘ A. E. GLASS l REAL ESTATE AGENT -.._l A. SHERZER Automobile Bargains , and starter. Been driven about 20th miles. Good as new. Carrie‘s Oakland guarantee-n Cri;inal price $1700.00. ‘ $900.C0â€"â€"191â€"l Empire touring car, electric lights and starter. Usvd as demonstratoi for ahout. 2000 llllltfl“. Orâ€" iuinal price $1400.00. Motor jut overhauled and guaran- teed in good condition. " $8 MOOâ€"l9“ Empiro roadstor, t-lrxtrit’: lights and start,â€" rr. Used as a demonstrator. Original price $1375.00, \Vrito, Phour or Cill for Demonstration f $l3<l0.(iGâ€"-1915 Oakland demonst ailing; car. PlcCt ric lights E l Naughton Bros. Z I Elgin Mills Ready-for-Use Paint YOU are paying your painter to pamt,‘ not to mix paint. Science and experience have demonstrated that machines can do the mixing more thoroughly than the hand, and the maker’s name on the can is safer than the use of unknown ingredients and varying skill. l is machine mixed --ready-tor-use. The supreme result of over a third of a Century oipaint Hknow how.” The "Little Blue Flag ‘ on the can stands for quality in an entire line of paint prodv ucts for every purpose-Floor paint, k) (2 Richmond Hill Hardware Co. ‘ O Q Seed .2u fl. 4‘ u ' .“MADE m CANADA'? ' a 4 ‘lForci Runabout All cars fully equipped, includirg cl ctrlc Prices 1’. 0. B. Ford, Ont Buyers ofnll Ford cars will share in our if we sell 30,000 cars between 1914, and August 1, 1915. DAVISON, dealer for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships, including Yonge Street. Our stocks are the very best obtainable and from most reliable seed men. $540 UNIONVILLE ,. r44“, : Jaz I“ l? , I t .5. Corn w a ’4. vi. a. ‘4.» i.-. Sow good seedâ€"~"Its the harvest that counts.” x G. A. MCDONALD & SON " ‘ r For Sale on Easy Terms Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmtnt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Trackage Lots 0n Canadian Northeri Ry, and Metropolitan Ry. FOR FURTHER C. A. SKEELE, Richmond Hill I. _-_, , , F. l. WfiflDWlRBl GENERAL BLACKSMlTH, New Gormley ALL BllANt HES OF THE TRADE' STRICTLY ATTENDED ’l“) SHOEING LAKE AND “WE HIRING HORSES A SPECIALTY PATRONAGE Soucrrsn AND S.»\Tisr.\c'rios GL‘ARAXTEIED F. l. WUODWARD. YNFOKMA’IION “‘RITE CR .1. T. LCCKE & (0., SEE IO Adelaile S'. F, Toron'o L. CURTIS Aor:.\"r run EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLER Motor Repairing Done TERMS GIVEN 011 MOTOR " "T in H.435 L. C U R T l S RICHMOND HILL

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