Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 May 1915, p. 2

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STARVATION 0R MERCILESS TORTURE A choice between sta‘rthion 01‘ merciless bouture is the dismal pros- pect before all victims of indigesâ€" tion, for although they are in need ‘of food to nourish the body, they are afraid to eat because of the dong periods of pain and discomâ€" fort that, follow even the lightest of meals. . The urgent, need of all who suffer from indigestion is to gain strength so that the stomach Oil-f: way the stomach signifies its protest that it is Mo weak to do nature's work. To take purgatives is only to aggravate the trouble. Dr. Wilâ€" iiams' Pink Pills giro new strength to weak stomachs because they en- rich and purrin the blood supply, thus enabling the stomach to di- gest food naturally. Almost from the finst the appetite revives: tlhen 'food can be taken without pain and the burden of indigestion disapâ€" pzmrs. The following case proves the truth of those statements. Mr. _‘W. H. Silver, a. well-known farmer Jiving in the vicinity of Hemfond. lN.S., says: “For upwards of seven beans I was tortured with indiges- tion ; sometimes I was so bad that I would not taste a, bit of hearty food. .but would have to content myself with a, bit of «stale bnead. At times I suffered excruciating aims in my stomach, and could ardly sheep at night. I tried variâ€" ous prescriptions, but got no beneâ€" t from them and naturally I was '11 a. very r-eIdIu-ced state of heallth. I 'had come to believe that I was Boom-ed for the balance of my life ‘to this most constant torture, when 51 Dead of a. case similar to my own ‘cu-red Ithrouglh the use of Dr. Wilâ€" ‘liams’ Pink Pills. This gave. me new courage, and I decided to try them. To make a. long story short, the use of the Pills for a couple of youths completely cured me. This {1's some two reams ago, and I have had no return of the trouble, and am able to eat as hearty a, meal as anyone." You can gait. Dr. W'illiams’ Pink Pillls thmu'gih your medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- Iuiams’ Medicine Co., Brockvilvl‘e, Ont. Where rain water cannot be ob» mined. ordinary water should be ,sbood out of doors \for some hours {before use. CREAMâ€"the demand has spread from year to year until it is now on sale in nearly every town in Ontario. There seems to be something about the climate of Canada that makes it the confection that everybody craves in warm weatherâ€"infants. invalids. children or grown- ups. it makes no difference what your state or station. City Dairy Ice Cream is most refresh- ing, nourishing and digestible. HORONTO'S MOST POPULAR SUM- MER DISSIPATION IS CITY DAIRY ICE For Sale by discriminating shopkeepers everywhar. We want an agent In every town. Prof. M. J. Ro-senau, professor of preventative medicine and by- giene, Harvard Medical School, is recognized as America’s foremost pure milk authority and author of “The Milk Question,” erbc. Writing in “Safe Milk,” published by City Dairy 00., Toronto, Professor Rosenau says: “Milk is one of the cheapest foods on the market. It is also one of the best. It is best because it is “Milk contains all of the ingre- dients needed to nourish the body. It contains these in-g‘nedient-s in just the right proportion wxhioh ex- perience and science show should be contained in a we‘llâ€"ballanced naâ€" tion. Thus, it contains: Mr. Double‘chin was the despair of his socially ambitous better-half. They had been dining with some friends, at whose abode they had, unfortunately, arrived a. little late, and now, on the homeward journey, it was quite patemt that the lady was not in the best of tempers. “Milk iIS one of the cheapest foods on the market. It is also one of the best. It is best because it is so easily digested, and because it Ls one of the most nourishing of all our standard article-s of diet. “The albumin furnishes the mar terials which build up the body and keep it in repair. The fat and sugar provide fuel to keep the body warm and furnish it with power needed to do its work. The water and salt are necessary for life. Milk also contains antitoxinis, useful cells and other substances that are of great im-puo-rtanoe, euspecialy to the infant. It must be plain, then, that milk is an enormously complex sub- stanceâ€"it is both food and drink. The infant thrives on miLk alone, and the adult can Live for months with nothing else. Albumin, Sugar, Fat, Salt, Water “Milk may be served in a num ber of Idefer‘ent ways, as Custards puddmgvs, sauces, cream, we cveam 7! “Well, missus, replied the hus- band, with a broad smile, “I reck- oned the hostess, as you call her, would keep; but, judging from the r-a.ttILe of the knives and forks, the ‘grub’ seemed in dang-er of disap- pearing.” “Whatever were you thinking of; John!” she said, “to make your way to a. seat at the table Without first greeting the host/633‘?” TORONTO. His Stomach First. The Food Value of Milk like like like like White of egg .. cane sugar bwtter 3 to com. table salt the Sign. Look for c-les, the food vmlue of milk normalâ€" ly contains a large proportion of waterâ€"8 %. When, however, the portions ordinarily served at meals are considered, the high worth of milk is clearly shown. Thus, the food value of a glass of mdlk is ap- proximately equal to two Large eggs, a, large serving of lean meat, two moderate sized potatoes, five tablespoonfuls of good cereal, three tabl‘espoonfu‘lls of boiled rice, or tw0 slices of bread. “One quart of milk is about equal in food value . one of the followâ€" ing: two lbs. of salt oodfisvh, three lbs. of fresh eodfish, two lbs. of ahicken, four lbs. of beets, five lbs. of turnips, oneasixth lb. of butter, one-third lb. of wheat flour, oneâ€" third lb. of cheese, three-quarter lb. of lean rournd beef, eight eggs, two lbs. of potatoes, six lbs. of spi- n‘aldh, seven lbs. of lettuce, four lbs. of cabbage. “Milk varies somewth in com- position, especially in amount of butter fad; (oneaaim) it contains. Cer- tain cows furnish richer milk than others, (therefore, it is customary in good dairy practice to mix the milk of several cows immediately after it is drawn. In this way the consumer is assured a more uni- form pl'odugt from day to day. Collicky children can be promptly cured by Baby’s Own Tablets be- cause these Tablets .act directly on the stomach and bowels and cleans-e them of all impurities. Concerning Uhvem Mrs. Jlas. C. Slater, Sum- m‘ei'vi‘lle, N.S., writes: “I have used Baby’s Own Tablets and am glad to say I have found them an excellent medicine for colic and losns of sleep.” The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 08an :a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Bl‘o-ckvill‘e, Onlb. “InA the household,“ milk should always be kept cold, clean, and covered.” A Marshal’s Baton May Be Found in the Knapsack of Jacques Goujon A good deal is heard of brave deeds that win the Iron Cross and the Vic- toria Cross, but the heroism that calls for an award of the Medaille Militaire by the French Government seldom reaches us in the despatohes. This token of valor is the highest mark of distinction a French soldier can re- ceive. As in the case of the Victoria Cross, only intrepid souls may aspire to the Medaille Militaire. The wearer is among the bravest of the brave, and he finds himself in a select com- pany. He is honored with that gener- ous envy characteristic of the rank and file of the French army. One of the youngest soldiers upon whose breast the decoration has been pinned in the great war is Jacques Goujon, a boy of 17. Jacques volunteered at the -begin- ning of the war. He knew nothing of the school of the soldier. He was simply the raw material of which heroes are made, and he soon proved himself one” The opportunity came when, with some of his comrades, he was ordered to locate machine guns of the enemy that had been v'ery troublesome. The little party dis- covered the hiding place of the guns, but only after two German sentries were shot down. Before the quick- firers could be seized the French were attacked by a superior force and all but Goujon were killed. The lad dis- appeared into a hollow made by a shell, and remained there for 3 hours until the coast seemed to be clear. Emerging from his hole in the earth Jacques did not immediately return to his own lines, but decided to ex- ecute the orders given him. Being an inexperienced soldier, Jacques spent no time in speculating about the reason why the machine guns, of which there were three, had not been removed by the Germans. Two of the guns he at once destroyed with bombs, and in the very act the boy was taken prisoner. But Private Goujon was not done yet. With ready wit and a pair of.nimble legs he made his escape while being con‘ ducted to the rear. Later Jacques, pulling the remaining quick-firer, ap- peared in the French camp. No de- tails are given in the meagre dispatch of how the boy achieved this coup. Probably darkness favored him. We know only that the Medaille Militaire was bestowed upon him, that he was mentioned in an order of the day by the adjutant of his regiment, and that he was promoted to corporal. We have an idea that there is a marshal’s baton in the knapsack of Jacques Goujon, although since he was honored in the presence of his comrades a shell has blown off one of his arms. However, it is only an incident in his career as a soldierâ€"â€" that splendid veteran General Pan has but one arm. COLICKY CHILDREN VIVE LA FRANCE. mpa-ned with other arti d value of milk normal :11. large proportiondo It has been figure ent, experts that my American diet or milk products. evidence of the lIC l. milk has ‘ able as well as on (301’! 1f 011T» the W1 mon OI tn! likely still summer trenches a men live bhlou‘samd‘s ered with earth after the Briitish rush. Many have [been buried hy bath :the Germans and the British, and little white crosses t~0â€"day dot the landscapes between the lines. So quickly did the British 'break through the German line that full details of :bhe action are only now becoming known. The suddenness of the advance was such that many of the men were so dazed «than all they know was that they got tlhrough. In fact, British Staff of- ficer‘s say that it was $00 quick for the best, resulms, the German line giving way so suddenly that the British found rhhemselves like a mam who halts his opponent wthh all The rib Ne‘hther '1 riltish dare re, and If 1 wr-eckag‘ nan {l l' -ps to am f fhe opp rth s and and Lml \‘Cl Itn€ h‘arb1 kitchen. No smoke, no odor: no éoal; ashés or kihdlings. Let your hardwarcdcalcr show you the NEVV PERFECTION ‘oday, in the 1, 2, 3 and 4- bumer sizes. If he can’t supply you, write us. direct. ROYALITE OIL GIVES BEST RBSU LTS me S rbor the ‘bodie men which were riva Aftermath. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY It'h rman BRANCHES IN A} )-u ts IS when PE‘RfiLCflmN ,5 .1V ]K( O] 1t raz Limited his might. and encounters but slig‘hlt resbsfiance, and is (thereby thrown off his balance. Said one officer with a. smile :â€" “At any rate, we gave the German-s the worst drubbing orf lthe war, and the effeth all along our front has been in-c‘alculalble. Every man in the British army believes sinoea‘ely we can break Itxhe German line if we wanlt Ito, and chat is a, mighty comufontable feeling.’ bee the we we Cams will never re-enter a, garden if, from a, concealed place, they are treated to a syringing 0i paraflin. "ES "NOW SERVING 2W9“) i OM BS”

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