iï¬cfai? 27. 1915 {airs ‘ 6157. gt RICHMOND HILL. 03:12. MAY .. â€". , Miss Frances Carlton of Toronto 1 spent Sirialav and ovr-r the holiday with Miss Irene McMahon. " A hunch of keys picked rip in ilrip Fair Grruiid on Victoria llay, has lieen left at The Lihr-ral ()flice. Miss Mary Sicckley of Bethesda spent a few days last “er-k with Iii-r cousin. Mrs. Ralph \Vidciiian (it lï¬lgii: Mills. Mr. R. \\'. Glass and family and Mr. \V. E. SLllildv‘ll'L and family of Cooksâ€" town. spent. a few days willr Mr. and Mrs. J. 1’. Glass. The June meeting of the \\'.(‘.'I‘.1'.. will he held at the home of Mrs. T F. McMahon next Tuesday afternoon at 3 c'clock. Mr. H. II. Iii-ise of Gormlev has gone to Stevensrilh- to attend Coili- inunion St‘l\'ices in connection with the Tuiiker Church. F.\V. Harrisnn.B.A.of Prince Allrert lollegiate Institute. Sale. has gradu- ated in law at the University of Maui- toha. \Vlllnipi'g.nlid is now B. A.. L._L.B. if; Mr. Chas. E lward I’aliiier. B.A.Sr'. has had Confciretl upon him the pro- fessional degree of El), (Electrical Engineer) hy the Li niyer sity of Toronto at the annual Convocation last Friday. G. Elmore Reainan. M.A.. on the staff of Queen's University, Kingston, has returned to Richmond Hill. He and Mrs. Reaman will spend the summer- vacation with the foriner‘s parents. The Alumnae Association of the High School requestsall those who :rie making sheets for-the Base Ilirtpliill. to'lerrve them at. Mrs. McMahon‘s not later than Friday, May 28th, at three o'clock. Many old friends were pained to read in the dailies on Victoria Day that, Col. Sergt. Major Lee McAlluni. with the. Princess Patricias. was reported ainongthe missing in France. Mr. MeAllum was a general favorite while he lived here. It will he Seen Iry President Pratt‘s letter that a nice: int: (4' the Richmond Hill Ratepayers Association will I e held in the Council Cliaiiilicr next \Vednesday evening. June 2. at 8 o’clock. No doubt there will lie al large attendance. Eyery rah-payer is a riimrihcr. Italian iirrcaroni. pkg. 10c: Baker’s unsweetened cliomrlatc. pl 3:. Itlc: icing sugar. II). We: prepared icings. lemon, pink. chocolate. maple and almond. pkg. 10c; extracts. all llayois. liottle 10-1 pure gold p-rstry spice, tin 5c; pure gold riilIl-ed sage. savory. sweet unri- joi-am. thyme, 10c. Atkinson & Swit- zer. The Dominion Par-ks Branch has recmitly issued three. pulilieations which are noteworthy on account. of the attractive form iir whir-h they are printed. and the interestinz matter they contain. They are: “Classiï¬ed Guide to Fish and Their- Ilalritat, Rocky Mount IIIIS Par k": “The Nakiinu Caves": and "Glaciers of the Rockies and Selkirks." The pamphlets may he ohtained upon application to the Dominion Parks Branch, ttawa, without charge. â€"â€"<opâ€"â€" Fired two Barns Herbert Rogerer 16 year old Toronâ€" tn lad, pleaded guilty to the charge of hui‘iiing the ham of Mr. Geo. Cooper, Newton Brook. on Monday. The loss is about $33.00â€. He also set lire to Mr. Caiue‘s lrurii. lint the tire was extin- guished. He will he up for sentence t'i-inorrow. â€"_....â€"__ Lair, Broken The only i'egzicltahlc incident at the Fair on Monday. occur-rid on the race track. \\'hile- scoring fora racc. thi- siilkies of .lolin Lowi y of 'l‘oticnhain and anollir-i drii‘er- collided. Lowry was thrown out and his leg was fractured. Thi- iiijured nicrii. :it‘t‘i‘lll- panied liy adoctor, w-rs placed in! a car and hurried to (icnrial llti~pllah MADE IN CANADA l SALISBURY l l l 2131' 255 ‘i l i COLLARS l ““ WILLIAMS. GREENE 8: ROME (20.. Liv-nut: BERLIN. ONTARIO i l 1 l \‘eiy large congregation Letter from Carl llill I‘ilil'l‘tilt or 'i‘iir: l.inr:ii.\i.: you worilillikc to hear a tow woiils {from another Richmond Hill hoy. “ho is serving his king and country, I am taking the lihcrty of sending you a few wordsregardinr our tiain trip l'ioiii ’Iliiltlllln tii Ilalit'a‘r'. ()lii' ili'liailtiti' r. :r-' l\i~pt .'l secret from thr- pul-liw pi cs -. lrut the nit-not the ."rtli Field .\iirlru- .laut‘i- seemed to know. prolralrly lry ,Illl‘ll‘ sixth ~t‘ilst‘, Ill‘ll wi- \\'iillltl leave that iociiioialrlc Thursday :il'tciiir-r-u. All day 'l‘huisday, April lfrllr, \\‘:i\'. spent packing' up. lrcsidrw cit-airing up our haiiar-k rooms and piopalitig our r equipment for departure. \\'r- entrain- cdalroiiti'ifiil p.iii.. the train pulling oiii at tlaiiiid~t tlic chi-Mini: and Illi- slrurting of tlic people llii'lt' aur-m liled. The hand was playing and the people were wishing us (Ind spur-d. a safe journey and a happy ictnr-n as our train slowly pulled away from thi- Exhibition grounds, liHlllllt! sonn- 257)†soldicr< \ho had her-n stationed their since Nov. ltlth. “’c Wont hy C.I’.R. to Monliia! ainl hy the lir‘ercolonial l'ronr thereto Halifax. our train cori- sisliiig of I3 coaches and the cook. house ear. The dit‘fdreni units which went in our train were the 5th li‘ir-ld Aniliulence Corps. the Field Butchers and Bakers. aird also the Casualty Clearing Hospital from Torontf‘i. \Ve travelled like p: inc ’r, cxcopt that we were in colonist cars and (IIII('(I, not in diners, hut from small coniei'tilile talrles attached to our seats. The ineals wete all cooked in the kitchen car and lirought to us hy inr-n on cook- hou<e fatigue. althouin we were all responsible for our granite dish-war“. with which the C RR. so thoughtfully and Cill't'ftllly provided us. Ilui ing the night we passed through Port Hope, Colman-g. l’i-csCott, Smith Falls, eta, reaching Montreal at 7 a.ui. The nextirioruing. owing to waiting and iiitcrswitchmg in the (I. T. R. terminus. we didn't leave Montreal till an.ni. During the meantime we were not allowed out of the coaches <0had to hand our li-ttris aiid cards out throueh the windows for passing civilians to past. which] hope they did. Afterleaving Montreal, in some two miles. we crossed over the St. Law- rence river on the Victoria hi-idge. which is one and a half miles long and holds the distinction of hiring the longest bridge either in Canada or the United States. The ride through Q'lt'lit’C was quite interesting. partly llt‘catidt‘ it wa.q new, novel and «twinge to llH‘. The farms are Very poor, lonp,r and nairow. such an arrangement is responsihle for the houses living close together as the French people want company. The houses were small, fl‘itllt‘ and whiteâ€" washed as were the harns. I never MW :1 wiie fence in the province of Qrichec and the tar ms were anything lrut prosperous looking,r as our Ontario farms are. Ori 'lflrursd..;: we DaSSed tho-ugh St. Hyacinth; Druninrrndxillc and Chandler-e F Its. Most of Qiiclrcr. was level. although ther': was considerable hush aird prin- Wood factories were dotted here and there. In New Brunswick what struck In“ most was the huge number of rapid rivers, me err-i y mile or so. Some of the livers were still solid with irte arid miles and miles along the track “('l‘t' c ryercd with snow. whilr- hack in Tor- ontothe grass was quite grr-en. At Newcastle we saw the Government's hig wireless plant which sends mess- ages to Ircland. IL consistcd of six towers l5!) feet high around one centre, I. 180 foot tower. At Chandler-e Falls and Moncton we were out {or III iii and at the latter place piradcd up town accompanied hy two handsand a crowd of people. On Saturday “'P passed throutzh Nova Scotia and at Ti iiro wore met by a crowdwho seemed to enjoy watch- rug us soldier-s twinge,r put through our pares iii the physical rxeicises. “'c arrived at Halifax at '7 p.ni.. Saturday. April 17th. and Were. kept on the train. tinder-guard, until nearly El Iii-fore We were allowed to go up town for an hour. “'c reported in at 10, and had church parade at 9.3)") sunday iii-Hiring. After returning to our train and getting our equipment ready we paraded down to the hunt. going on hoard at. I3 o'clock noon. \Ve sailed on the S. S. Noitlilaiid and landed at Aronmonth on the west coast of England on Thursday. April 29th. For the convvnicncc of any who might. wish to write me. I en..losr- my address : l’ic. (‘:.il If. IIill. 63:3, frili Fit-id .\llllillll‘li"". II Sci-(ion, '_!iril ('aiiaili'iii ('rviitiizgi-iri, British ICxpvrliiioruriy Force, Army Post “Film. London, England. Thanking you for the space in the .itilI-lix‘ of your paper, I iciuain Yours to command. CARI. If. IIII.L. x†ml w; t‘ mp, Kent County, Eng†.\l ry Till, 1:15. .â€"â€"‘o’~â€"â€"â€" Card of Thanks \Vc wish to thank the many friends for in“ prompt service tho-y gave in trying to extinguish the ill't‘. which . was \‘ciy hard. and risky to conquer. 1 “I. 1;“. I“... 1",â€... an I :Il,~() to those who worked taihtul to save the contents. and to the Masons for the use of the hall. MR. .\.\'1) Mas. .IiillN (in icy. Maple. Sii 00â€"â€" Methodist Church The anniyeisaiy services on May I): _| V and 221 were particularly satisfactory. The patriotic ser nron Sunday morning by Rev. Dr. Hincks was grand. and a was present in the cyeiiiig to listen to Rev. I.)r.To-: . yell, associate pastor with Dr. Hincks. The amount realized for the aniriieiu sary was $339.36. -._____â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" â€".â€" siiirll.l.tNti'l‘oni’tii‘i'l(rigs m i \’ r7 . Richmond Hill. ' 130R SALEnE-ggs for hatching from Arrested for Stealing Tuesday turning a phone tin-«ago [lev- Sir r Tilllil‘ill" that lieilrip~ i mm" f"“'†“"“l‘l'T “MIN; “WI 11'1"" . . r , â€" \ n . . w men had ‘iltllt'll limits and :lllll‘li‘s lioiii the store at that pl.r¢'c. (‘Utliily (‘HII\I-‘lllll'\' Slir'iiiilriuii :riiil 'l'iiirizipsirii got busy and l-itc III tin- i-ycning :iiirwtr-d the trio iir llll‘ irriglilmihi-ol ivt' lartllrz‘IillI. 'l‘lii')’ wr-ic hioiiulit lo lr'irliinoial Hill and lwpt in Illl' Lock-in all night. and _\'I'~I¢‘Itl.t_\' 'illlli‘ill’i'tl la-foir- Magistrate Iiiunioii. (Inc of [llt'lll was M'Ill ioj‘ril tor If) days. other â€"â€" 4o- â€"-â€" Ratepayns Meeting 'I'o 'l‘llli liiriroii: lloar Sin-«A lcw \\‘i‘l'l4\' ago you \u-re wondering win-lhcr or not the IIalv'paycis' Association \\‘.‘.\‘ still in i-xistr-nztc. aird possibly you ivcic juditicd in the ipniy. “'clll what with “'ill'l'illl‘lilt‘l'fllilllliii all their heaiiiigs and acti\itii's, no douht municipal and local ipnuiions have been soon-“Lat Siili'ltai‘kctl, lil'l at your intimation and at the irrpir-xt of smeial prominent, ratcpaycis. l have decidcd that it would hr: well to have a citizens meeting to discuss whatever-to them seems host, and as there is something more than nit-it: rumour that we are on the ore of \Vater \Vorks developcnieiit. iio doulrt that suhject will receive. attention. So let all iatcpayris asscinhleatthe Council Chamber on \Vcdncsday evening, .lunc an, and if they hayi- anything of interest to the community. trot itout there: it'they have anything to giowl ahoiit. trot that out too. The chair- will he taken at 8 p.m. \VM. l’iuT'i‘, Pies. Association. ._...__ Presbyterian Church Suhjrcts Sunday. May 30th: It :L.Ill.: “As Much as in Rom. I. 7 p.m.: “As a Garden No \Vatcr." Isa. I. Last Sunday two alrle addresses w re given by Rev. \\'m. Kannawin morning and afternoon. on the occasion of the Sanday School Amri- yers run In the evening a Visitor from India, Rev. Thos. Leadingham. gave a graphic account. of twenty years experience in Central India, especially in the training of the famine orphans. The Ladies passed all previous records on Victoria Day, hoth in ti e number and quality of liiuals supplied. Two hundred and seventy dollars were taken in Victoria Day, apart fit in any additional Sunday offerings. The iiienihr-rs of Thornhiil Church have decided to support this year, one of the m's~ion churches in the \Vert atan outlay of $230. in addition tr their iegular missionary contrihutioii. This is fairly good as the ladios harr- only recently contributed 820‘.) to the Red Cross Fund. â€"â€"Qcoâ€" â€". BORN Clamsâ€"On Sunday. May 23rd. 1915. at Aurora, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. (II iss, a daughter. special Me is." That Ilath y . ¢»__... DEED tiCIiAIiirszâ€"At his late iesidei’ce, Maple, on Monday. May 24, ltvlfw, Leeds Iiir-liri-dson. in Iris Tilih year. Interment in Maple Ccmetriy, \Vednesday. NEW ADVERTISE i’IENIS XV’ANI‘ED --To Rent, small lioriSe in \ Village. A pply, \Valrlrie, Box “)3. Richmond Hill. ‘UVU§Li..--on tlicd‘hiii' ground on 4 Monday, a sum of money Owner apply to or phone J. Shi ardown, Richmond Ilill. 48 2 h ()iS'I‘._--~Iietween Iii-liinond Hill and Lansing, a l't'lsi‘lll Iranih cap. Reward at The Lihcial ()lIicm 4543.) " . [AN'I'ICIL-nt'ipe oiganist for St. ‘V‘t Mary's Anglican church, Richmond Hill. For further particulars. apply to the lircror Rcy. S. A. Lawrence. ILA. Nicholis. t‘. Reiswill, \\’aidens. 1‘UI'R YUITNG t‘AI‘TLI'} were 1‘ impounded In the Viliagc l’orind. 'l‘ur-sday. May I'J. 'l'hc ownei may have the same Iiy paying cxlicnsos. (ico. Smith, Pound Krepl'r.g I - l‘ilizin Vaughan. . sale. Apply .l. L). )lilln liIt L’ti, ' ‘UI’I’LI‘i r‘.’ HI'MMICIIH. â€"(‘:iipr-iitei 1 contractors, Iilgin Mills, Stop .32. 41-12 I‘lxpry. (‘on. 2, ; 1)i.1'.\iiiixo.;.\ii kind; or pliinrh» it"; done at reasonahle prices. Hail>fuclltill uiiaiantccd. .II-llll lIii'ksoii. lilt'llllltiilll llill. «ll 1y I ' Ul't .C(‘I.ICANINC MAIIIC PIA-‘13" 1-1 w l'\t‘ the Fialitz I’i'ciiiii-i' Iii cctric Cleaner and do the \Vtrlk rpiick and easy. Trims. $1M†per day Telephone now toi your appointment, to I. II. Sanderson. 4:; it" Martin strain of “hire \\ yaiidutts. Eggs Slit!) per settinc of 13 eggs. ll'laily Iriid~ lay the winter eggs.) Also 1,201) I’cer- bred to lay. less lircnlratorand Breeder in first- class condition, with all equipment. .Ilalfprice. Apply I. ll. Sanderscn, Richmond Hill. 32 tf. ‘OR SERVICE. â€"â€" Thornghbred A Holstein Brill. lot 35. Con. 23 Vaughan. Terms cash. John Slim-y, Etgin Mills. 42 t.f. Bee-Keepers Meet The Slillllg irrectiirig,r of York (‘ountv lir'i-vkt'i'llrls :\\siri'i:ilii'ii “as held iii the Ian-iii- Ilall. Saturday afternoon. There was an attendance ofahout ll) inr-inhris, a iiunilicr lie‘lIiK ladies. Mr. .I. ('. Sir-ckli'y li.>‘..~\., llr-paitiiii‘iit of Am iciiltuial rrprcseiiiaiiu- conducted [iiirt't'l'tlitig8. and the (‘ounty was well rcprcwntrd in r-\ciy part. Mr. \V. A. \Vcir, ('oiiiiiy Inspector. gau' his annual iepoit. showing that . the past winter Iiad lira-n a hard one on thr- hcc industry, urairy colonies: dining (llt'tl though lack of attention i and dist-arse. ‘ The principal discussion lt'l.iIt'tI to i.\lllt'lltf:lll howl liroi d, and it was ‘ pointed out lry several ot' the speakers ithat much l‘.ili' is iii-r:c<s‘.ir_\' in order lto stamp it cut. ’ .lr. Morley I’ctit, pi incipallyon the \VinLi'nianagi-inr-nt irf lions, Before :iiljoiiiiiiiig the following ofï¬cers were circled for the current. _\'i':ll'2 l’i'i‘!~iili~iii, (I..\.M. l):r\ison. ['iiioniille. Vicihl’r-rs, \Viii. A. \Vir l', l'eiiiperaiice- \‘ille. Hccy-Ticas, J.(‘. Sieckley. Ncwmaikct. ____ a . ‘â€"_ RFIAI) TH E LIBERAL . Provincial j l Apiai Ht. gave- a very interesting papci‘i mawmn sTruu-n urn-mm Pcrsenai Purity 'l‘hc lectures gin-n in the Public School by Mr. .‘ri‘irur lieali. of the. l’roiiircial I-Iduc rtion llr-paiiirrr-nt on Thursday and l~‘iid.ry,on l’r-rsonal I’ll- iity, \\‘i'l’t.‘ most helpful. The lecturer. \\liii lllltll‘l‘lilllllS lirr_‘.“' I] Hi liri- iittt‘il- lion ol‘ his audience lioiii iii-ginning to curl. and ho had reason to he] he hail a luiplit and intelligent class before liitil. .‘Il‘. lii'iill l:Ill\t'li tn Ill" lio)‘~‘ alroiit lllt‘ll irioihcis. si~lru :rlill girl It li'lltl\ in a way that non their re- spect, and his sound and Liird advice should make a listing iinprc-sion. Not a \Ilillt‘ could lie M't‘li oii .riiy face as he plcadcd with the hoys to lead a llle i I piii ily. â€"-â€" .-->râ€"â€"â€"â€"-- Aurora 'iV'on at lhmianii (hi the I":lll' grounds on Monday. six ii-ullh took part iii the luv-Hull rompe- tiiioir. Richmond II:I| II. S. and HeliomlH-rg playwl lirst, Richmond Hill “inning Kettlwlry their faced l'Iilgi-lry. thr- lattr-i Iii-in}; sitcccsaful. Aurora next, Won Iroin Maireâ€). ill thr- M'I‘uiitl ii-uiai Ric-himin Ilill drew the bye. Aurora dcl‘cati'ri I‘ldgely. and afterwards dcte-rtrd Richmond Ilill. thcichy winning the 82.") cain prize. 3 $123 an“ math» .2 32.1.; aâ€; 1‘3"“! gnu.- D R Y BATH TOW ELS GOODS LA Dill? white and natural 1 n Medium weight ï¬bre and all white. 8 u m m c r Silk "one . . ï¬-. , 5 . r .. each lot. D c s | g n s prir 00' m-â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€" Ladi's’ Colhrs \vniTE REPP i' ‘ t‘rcss Goods Collar and Cult 33 in- “'14?- Trimmings Sets per yard . . Underwear Colored Silk Tics 13t- ‘“ 'â€"â€"I 38 in Art Muslin \Vonren‘s Black Silk Hosiery - = = fawn centre. dark Gloves, doublc tipped Corsets green floral horder ï¬ngers. 2 domes = = - Linens per yd. 15c rilltii’iéiiil its. paii‘ 50c Store Closes at G gun. on ‘Jmclnv and Wednesday 2""“3'1‘â€. ‘v *Pi'v-rr“rwW"'»€‘-rw*€i .. . . ‘ r L WWW no.4 guano“ ii iEUlll} i STU We have the very latest iii 3 ill 1)! m 0‘! eril 1. ,~. it :- -.... If“ "a? s v . uuumuwwmb‘d‘A-suâ€"nunm .-‘,.\,,,.¢. ii 3 ii A115 or rs ‘ AND .ri.i. Kixns '2; L: 'i v Mons liaincoazs l‘\" l‘ v "V, . rNi’ “a... (. “Jun-ANS. NORMA}? E y.â€" â€". and would he pleased to show them to you from Men's Suits, very latest, from $10.00 to $16.30 Also Boots and Shoes of PROPRIETOR re; '2 r "1"“. reefer-Wormnew ’1 7,1 a". it} E3 E L.â€"-â€"l iii. Friar-in l I iii 1 SHIRTS TI ES UF I’IIIINln'lilfiiir', 810.00 to $15.00 all kinds J- GLI‘LSS WWW E3 M“ " mm'w'im "" m gowns Ana's-@913 'g'i'm'm'â€