Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jun 1915, p. 4

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JOHNSONâ€"-~On Frldnv. May 28. 1915. to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Iohnsm , (formerly of Duvisville)Clurcumm, Out. a sun. Coxâ€"On Saturday, May 29. 1915. at ‘ Thurnhill. in his 81st. year. Robert Cox, husband of Emma L. Kirhv. Funeral on Tuesday, June 1. 1915, to Richmond Hill cemetery. \VOODR3Wâ€"AL Richmtmd Hill, Fri- day. May 28,l915.A|1CP Tenchm‘ife of J0_s_eph \Yogdrnw'. in her 7lst year. _ _~:J-___ The Alumnae Assncmtmn of the Richmond Hill High School take illlS opportunity of expreSSing their thanks to all those who contributed to the success of the Towel Shower. by donu- tious of tmw-ls. money, cake. candy. etc.; to the Dorcas Society for four pairs of sheets: to the unknown giwr of three pairs of shl-ets. nod to ll)p public for their patronagv. They also desire to express their Sll1(‘('le grati- Iude to the Hunt Clul) for the- use of their tent on Victoria Day; to tle. members of the Home Guard for their valuable assistancmto St Marys chm r‘h for the 1mm of their dishes: to the friends who donated money, flowers, candy, cake. etch: to the unknown done:- of five dollars. and to all those who helped in any way to make the day a successmlso to the public for their generous support. A cnrccr‘. under the auspuos mi 1330 Munle \Vnnmn's Inabilute will he held in the Methodist (lhurch, Maple, Fri- day evening, June 4.:1L 8 n'clm-k. A wm-dmum"At the bar 0f Civilization" will be presented by the \Vondln-idge RPd Cross Auxiliary. It is hule the church will he crowded. RICHMnND HILL. 03TH .1131 Elle fiihc 'n‘l‘; “Fulaéravx-l‘frinrm Hm- lnte l-esfdence, Monday. May 3lst, to Aurora Cemetéry. J OHN WELDRICK, Ml LLlKEN 'll Potato growers cannot afford to be without, thesv machines. They save labor, dn the work better than can be done by hand. and with care last a lifetime. The Aspinwull Planter is the only relinMs- self plunlv r in the market. These machines are exclusively used at Lhe O.A.()., Guelph, and all the Ontario Government Pubhc Instilutirms. ASPINWALL POTATO MACHINERY The Oldest and Largest Potato Machinery Manufacturers in the Wcrld The Alumnae Express Thanks Wallnut Grove Stack Farm L a n g s t a f f C. R. James HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstaf} bv appointment. Bell Phuneâ€"Milliken Red Cross Concert - BY THE - ASPINWALL MANUFACTURING COMPANY BORN DIED {you get all the advantages of water colors, and have a. Washable, durable wall finish besides, that will not fade. chalk, peel not easily mar,on walls, ceiling, wood or metal work in private homes or public buildings. In many colors and very economical. Let us Show you our large book of color combinationsâ€"and all our Lowe Brotheu’ “High Standard" Products. MADE IN CANADA RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE COMPANY NORMAN BA'I'TY PRESENT OFFERING “'RITE FOR CATALOGUE The Best Decorators ‘Now Advise Plain Walls Many of the high priced metropolitan decorators have declaredin favor of “flat” finishes. that is, plain, dull colorsâ€"for they are more restful, more refining, more har- monious. If you use Phone Thornhill 1915 “TELEPHONE Main 493 Today i and get your 1.H.SANBERS6N In 11w prize list given last week [110 nnnu- of Mrs. Fred (Jim-k, Hendfurd. s‘hnnld have how manned fur lst, mix”. $10!). fur lwst. mw p-mnd of butter at the Richnmnd Hill Full'. ’Phone for free demonstration in your own home. See for yourself this 9 lb. dirt devourerâ€"with its trouble- proof motor and new thrust bearing. Ask about our easy payment plan. Lianéstaff no. SOLE AGENT FOR YORK COUNTY LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE ’rafl'g Premier ELECTRIC Home Plumeâ€"â€" M a l Vex-um NIL 3 ASPINWALL POTATO PLANTER Correction ran mam-led tnr lwst mm pannd hude Hill Full'. to hear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment, Rnll of the Municipality of the Township uf Vuxghalu for the said year 1915. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accord- ingl)’. Maple. )lny 1915 Court of Revision Richmond Hill, May PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a. Unurt for the Revision of the Assess- ment Roll for the vanship of Vaugh- an. will he held in the Council Chum- ber, Vellore, on DIVISION - IIIIIIRT. The Next Sitting of Divxsmn Courtto No. 3, Country of York, will be held in the Court Room. Court of Revision To the people nf Richmond Hill and surroundings : A. Sherzer has reopened the black- smith shnpnt Elgin Mills, as gen- eral blacksmith and Wood wm-kel'. He thanks his customers for past patronage. and hupPS they will re- main with him in the future. guaranteeing satisfaction as in the past. Shoes removed s . . . . . . .15 cents New shoes, Nos. 1 to 4,....30 cents Larger shoes . . . . . cents MONDAY. JUNE 7th, 191.3 AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. Municipality of the TOW‘NSHIP OF VAUGHAN l’uhlic Notice Tuesday, June 15, 1915 Unmmencmc at 10 mm. '1‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK l have several building lots for sale which are situated on nearly all the principal streets of Rich- mond Hill. See my list, before making your selection. New solid lnick. nine huge bright moms. oak trimmed tlnonglmut. hardwood flnuis. fire-place, electric light and fix- tures, three-piece hath. septic tank. hot water hniler, pl essnre tank to force hand and soft, water through house. Pease fur- nace. hennel‘y. Lot 50 x 220. This is an ideal home 101- partic- ular people. Six rammed bungnluw, nicely decorated, verandnh. hmdwood flours. kitchen cabinet. casement windows, fire-place, and electric light. A. E. GLASS A. SHERZER New six-momed fmmt- house. clvcuic light, verandnh, cuuuwle collar. wuwr piped in house. sink. Lot. 50x150. If tnkPn snnn this property (‘iln he bought at H. bargain. RICHMOND HILL PROPERTIES FOR SALE J. B. MCLEAN Clerk of the said Municipality REAL ESTATE AGENT MONEY T0 LOAN NOTICE RICHMOND HILL BUILDING LOTS HOUSES , fuf- the purpr Itsnndapoealsag f the said villug; 20. 191 J. HUME Cl nm it may worn them- theVillage its filst sit- n \Vednes- gain un‘ do EIF. J. WOUDWARD ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 25E?” : SH‘ PATRONAGE SOI [CITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FOR FURTHER 1NFOR'AIA'IION \VRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE, J. T. LOCKE &:CC.. Richmond Hill F. J. WUUDWARD. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley Richmund Eiill Annex G LANE AND INTER HORSES A SPECIALTY Our stocks are the very best obtainable and from most reliable seed men. Sow good seedâ€"â€""Its the harvest that counts.” G. A. MCDONALD & SON Seed Building Lots on Yonge St., Belmxnt and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale an Easy Terms fora Eunafiout: Price $540 deakr for Markham, Scarboro and York Townships, including Yonge Street. G. A. M. DAVISON, UNIONVIL'JL A"gust 1, 1914, and Angus 1 1915. prufit; if we sell 30,000 cars between All cars fully equipped, including electric headlights, In em ofall Ford cars will share in our ,“MADE IN CANADA'S r ices EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCLER TERMS GIVEN CZ? MOTCR CYSLES L. CURTES Motor Repairing” Done 0.1%. Ford, Ont RICHMOND HILL L. CURTIS 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto AGENT F(

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