. / Ellie iglgihcml Ric†\IOND HrLL. 03:12. JUNE 3. 1915 , 10,077.43. _L s Acar of shorts and hran at the I Elevator . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon of .‘lnpl‘i- spent Sunday willr Mr. and Mrs. T. l‘. McMahon. Atthv- last drill of the Richmond Hill Rifle Assorialion llr-v. A. Lawrence was elected Chaplain. Mr. John Sheardowrr is the latest of our l’lll’IJ‘nS to got a car. It is a Ford. arid was purchasr-Id from Mr. G. A. M. Dai'ison, the agent at l’nioririllr‘. \Vni. llcury. Esq. Mayor «it Ed- monton. Alla.. on his return from .r business trip to Ottawa, made a call last Sunday on this uncle, Mr. \\ Ili. Harrison of our town. “\Vhen the rat's away the mice will play !" That's what the trio must have thought last. Sundav when they took the joy rid» to Maple. The Ford car is just; the thing. Rev. J. C. Cochrane of Sr-huinaker. who will attend Toronto Conference. will preach at Headtoril on Sunday, June l3. at 230 and 7 p.rn. Spf't‘lill rrursic will he pi-m ided athoth sen icPP. Pure Maple Syrup. qt. hottle 40v; Edwardsherg corn syrup, 21h. tin 15m. 5 lb. pail 33c.:GoldI-n Sling cane syrup. tin 12c.:(‘a~ystal Diamond cane table syrup. 21h. tin l5c.: Lone Star dark lurking syrup. tin 10c. Atkinsnu & Switzer. Owing to the urgent call from the Canadian Hospitals at the front tor Jams and Jellies. The \Vr-men‘s Institute ha ve decided to hold a shower of Jams, Jellies and Maple syrup. Anv one wishing tn r-ontrilnite anv of theiahove please leave at. the home of Mrs. Pugsley on Fridav afternoon, June lltlr. from 2 to 5 o‘clock. Highlv spi.-erlâ€"-Relishcs that .'|l'(' prepared to ï¬t the palate of those who enjoy a suappv sort of condiment.â€" Gillard‘s relish 380: Pan Yan sauce 2%; Lea & Peri-ins \Vorvesto-r- sauer- 38m: Tomato catsrip 1.30: Olives, plain or with red pepper, It) and 150: Home- made English Chow-chow 20¢. Atkinsrrn & Switzer. A qualified apiary instructor. from the Ontario Department of Agriculture will give a demonstration on the management of lives in the apiary of IIH. Clark. east. end of Gorhain street. Ncwmarket. on Satrrrdav. June 5. at 1.30 p.m. Local liee keepers including ladies are invited to he present. A suggestion is made that all tiring bee veils. _.__â€"-.. Ratepayers Meeting» At a meeting of the Ratepayers Association in the Council Chaniher last e'rn'ns'. Mr. McCr-eadv of the Guelph Agricultural Collegr- gave an address. in which he strongly rrcoin- mended the study of Agriculture in our High and Public schools. Mr. Davidson. Principal. Suggestth that Agriculture take the place of Art in the HS. rurrimihiin, the latter norv lreiiig compulsory. On motion of Messrs. Pugs-le and Cowie, Mr Me- Creadv was tendered a vote of thanks for his address. Sandersonâ€"Tyiidallâ€"That this iate. payers association express its approval of the introduction of Agriculture. and request the Board of Education to take the um-essarv steps to have the suhit-ct UlllleLâ€"‘C‘ll'l'lerl The. question of water work: was afterwards taken up. hut nothing deï¬nite was laid hefore the meeting. a..- An Up-To-Date Grocery Mr. \V. 0. Savage. the Lorne Blook grocer. is horran to serve his customers with pure and wholosmne e=rtahles. To insure clean groceries he has plac- ed in his store a new sanitary Counter which for nishes alisolute protection to his goods. Sairiplo drawers are ar- ranged so that customers can 51-» ex- actly the kind of goods [hr-V are buy- ing. He is also having a new hard- wood floor. and the woodwork is new- ly painted and grained. .\Ir. Savage invites inspection. Electrically lightcd he certainly has a very pretty grocery store. «09% Presbyterian Church Suhjeets Sunday. June 6th: II a.rn.: \Vill God reward everv rnan according to his work? Rom. II. T p.iir.: Is the time I'UHIIHQ when there shall he no llitll't' “'ar ? Isa. II. Mrs. \Voodrou' of Richirrond street, who has her-n known to this congre- gation only as a patient Christian sulfert-r passed home last Friday evening. The funeral which \i’as to Aurora was Very largr-li' attended hv old friends from her former l't SlllPIlt‘t; as well as by her brothers and other relatives. Mr. Itohoit (‘ox of Thoriihill passed to his rest last Saturday morning. Mr. t‘ox ll'ltl llt‘t‘ll air estcemcd elder of our church for many years, had for iirrii)‘ .Vcars linen treasurer. and for neaer 20 years Sunday School Superintendent. His life in Church and home and all other rr'latirns was lme “f exceptional virtue: a lrnl Christian iii his kirrdries arid thought- fulnoss for others and on the simple roetitude of his character he leaves an l influeiite that will long ue fell. l l l l tailor lll't'll, June. Red Cress Meeting A int-cling of the womo-ii and girls of llll‘ltlllvilltl Hill and \‘iriiiitv, will ltt' livlrl iii lllt' l“l~lt‘.~lf'l"< llull. Monday .liifr' 7. at four «I‘tha'k, lor the purpose. of discussing ivlriis for ltr'tl (,‘i'oss work. It is liopr-tl lll-‘Il all lllt' worm-ii and girls of tho iieiglrliorlioorl who are llil"ll‘slt‘rl iii [his work will (-oiiio to this inciting. ‘I‘ Methodist Church A lllr‘t‘l iii;,.’ of t he \\'lItIll‘ t'oiigi egalii ii will he held in tho school room of tho t'llllH'll next Monday evening. tit-ports from tilt‘ treasurer. thr- Sunday School, the \V..'\I.S.. Epivorih Aid and other hinrirches oi the church will he read. and the mile lmxs will lir- opi-tir-(l. Refi'esliiiioiits will lie [HI - \‘irlt‘d by the ladir-s of the congregation, 'All iiieiiihr-is of the Congregation will he made welcoiire. «c>â€"â€"â€"4 Alumnae Association The regular Juno meeting of the Alriinnao will he held on Friday, June 4th.:rt. 4 o’clock sharp. in the Hiin School. Papers on Sir Joshua lley- iiolds and Sir Edwin Lands-oer will he given hy Missthnrphr-ll and Miss Mary Trench. Reports on our work for the Rod Cross, up to dato. will he read. Afternoon tea will he served and a most. enjoyi-lile time is proriiised. Members are urgr-(t to he present and to each liring a friend. â€"â€"*O‘â€".-â€"â€" Card of Thanks Mr. Joseph \Vnodrow and family desire to express their sincere thanks to neighbors and friends whose kind- Hess and assistance knmv no hounds during the illness and death of the wife and mother. It ishard top-rr-t with those whom we love. lint the pain is lessened as we rr-inemlwr the kindness of those who have done so rum-h to Comfort our precious (lead. lrpfore passing away from this world llt'llHV. â€"-â€"-oo.~â€"â€" June Canadian A number if strong features are found in the Canadian Magazine for “The Fear of Russia." Irv Prof. A. \V. Crawford. shows that after theI war we have more to hope for from Russia than we r‘ould have from Ger- many. Prof. R. A. Macnaiighteir gives a n interesting poi-Sunni reriiiiiis- r-onseof Admiral .lelliroe. and Prof. D. Fraser Harris outlines the iiiï¬tielr O Ih‘it Italy has had on British life and thought. John Lewis reriews the famous trial of tho Ilon. George. Brown for contoizipt of Court. Mr. Newton MuTavish contributes a char- ar-ti-r sketch of Gmige Ham. the “most popular rnan iii the Dominion.“ There are six excellent short. stories. â€"â€"v‘â€"‘o S. S. No. 7, Markham Report. for May. merit. Entrance â€"Stelii Ileise 1221. Doric- las Fry IlRl. .Iolin Cola-r 1095. Brlllu Stow-ire 1077, \Veslev Sider 1037. S". III. -â€" Maliel (loin-r 939. Lillian Smith 891. Lydia Sidt-r 781. Sr. lI.â€"Mary Brilliriger'iï¬'i, Annie HeiSe 704. “Writer Smith 40%. Jr. il.â€"I.evi Sidr-rti'Tg. Iloriald Li I'r- man 679. Peter Sitlt'l'ï¬â€˜ll. .lt-selill Sider 573. Alvin Farmerï¬lti. Pr, II. â€"\\'v;ii[, Moorhy 59R. Goorgr- (lolrer 564. Irene Fr v 470. Gerald Lynn 315. P . l. â€" Verna Deniiie 431. Smith «ill. Pi inier - â€" Olive \Vidr’rnaii, Harper. Joseph Harper. J. A. Briutnell. Teacher. .0’â€". _ Thornhill Tire Thornhill IIortir-ullural S(r(‘iPl)' will rnm-t in Vl'fltiiiir Hall on Monday. June 71h. Mr. \V. H. \\'atsoii ol Richmond Hill will give an address on soil culture. .\lr. \Vatsoig is air experienCed gardener- and an interest- ing speaker. It will he we-ll worth while for all who can attend to hear this address. The meetings are open to anyone who is interested in gardening. The sale of plants. rose hashes etrn. and :Iflr‘r'lirmn tea on Mayzllih. was very much enjoyed try all those who attended. \Ve wish to thank all the friends of the Society who so generously contributed to its success hy giving for the sale. and also [how who contrihrrtr-d provisions for the tea. The proceeds will he devoted to Red Cross work. Divine Sr-rr ico, under the aiispit‘esof Patterson Lodge. No. 2305. A F.& A.M.. 'I‘horuhill, will lir- hr-lrl Sunday, Join- Names in order of Fraser Clifford 13. in the Methodist Church. at. 7 o‘clock pan. The Sci-moi) will he Pr-eavhed liy Ilcr. Bro. .l. H. lel'. The offering will he for lied Cross wm-k, MADE lN CANADA Sim COLLARS PYJAMAS SUMMERUNDERWEAR BtlSBLOUSES â€â€œ WILLIAMS. GREENE 8t ROME CO.. Liwrio BERLIN. ONTARIO [ll'ilgllt', lï¬llllt‘s i 1 Church Parade The lilr'lllllrillrl llill Civilian llellr' Assrir‘iriir‘ti will hold a t‘lllll‘i'll par: rli'. llr‘:|ilt‘nl ll; llll' lticliirioiui llill liaini. to SI. .\l:ii \“s Anglican (‘liiirr'li. :rl lln- no iiiing \I'l\lr‘i'. oii Hriiu‘lar. .liriw 12$. .\lllllr'lllt'ltll‘t'l~1il't‘lllgl‘llilYll‘tllli"l .rl to in†pir'swiil at tho lull tl‘lll.illilli‘_{ 4liills llt‘ltill'lllt' alirivi'rlalr'. so :is ii. lro :Iltll' lrl :ir'tiliil ilir'ilisi'lH s r'i !‘|lIi-Il~ ly wlrilc on par-adv. Further p.riiir-ir~ lais as to tho [llllt' and plat-r- ot' incri- ilrg will he given l:llt‘l'. ~â€"<-o<> â€"4â€" BUNBRETE HOUSE N.\ \‘Y PRINT Iltll'SE DRESSES CHILDREN'S \\'lll'l‘E )llllllllib’ .- - Turi '- »l;~ »'= .r Ho’l’ltfll Supplies “(41" m†H l" " I‘ “’1â€! BI'tH‘ Sizes «l to 12 years. The Alumnae Assoriatioii of the yltir'liiiioinl Hill High School have . shipped tnis wee-k for the I‘nii'crsitv.‘ Hasr- llospital tlio following supplies :25 ‘4“; towels. tiTslir-otsaiid lllpillowrasr-s.‘ 'l‘hrvsr- supplies ill‘r‘ tl.o result of tho Towi-l Shower, hold a low works ago, and thr- iirernlwrs of the Association are very much gratified with thr- r-r'sponsc to their appeal. Thu Itrd (lioss Tcnt. on the Fair (lroirnds on Victoria Day. under the auspices of the Alumna:- wasa splendid success. Refreshments were St‘rvr'd all day, and the home-made.- randv. ice cream and flowers wore much in demand. The i net proceeds amounted to $136 after: paying all rxponsr-s. IF’_â€" Get. PHDIIN Picnic Plates at The Liberal Ofï¬ce. A package of 2.5 for lily, $1.00 90c. M FANCY DRESS (THEI’E (‘HILD‘S PATENT LEATHER BELT \V‘hitc ground with floral dcsign in sky. pinl.‘ and mauve, pr'l' yard. 150. ‘ POLICE BRAVE in black. red and white, with cross flirg ornament. 150. MEN‘S H EAV Y (TOTTJNADE PANTS N PINS Dark grey ground with line stripe. of blue. t-xtra Weight. per pair 350. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS medium dark stripe. high waist, good pockets. pair $1.35 CRA\VLERS ANJO â€"‘Artist, MndelLâ€"wrth case. also a. Mandolin. Both are good as new. \Vill sell cheap for a quick sale. Apply at The Lilieral Office. tf. TRAYEDâ€"Thrce turkeys strayed into the premises of lot 21, war- \\'IDE SILK TIES CHILDREN'S run. 2. Markham. The owner in iglit blue and cardinal CM)“ Hue “uh led Plpmg' ages 3 may have the same by proving to a years property and paying expenses. Fred Clark. Headiord. 49 2 250. BRASS EXTENSION RODS ANTED --To Rent. small house in villago. Apply. \Vahhie. Box [03. Richmond Hill. UUNl).---()n the Fair ground on Monday, a sum of money. Owner apply to or phone .1. Si“ ardown. Richmond Hill. 48 2 V()S’f.~’--I$9t\\'99n Richmond Hilll and Lansing. a Persian Liih 300. COUCH COVERING green ground, floral pattern in gold, 52 in. wide, per yard 500. in four- sizes, small size 100. cap. ReWard at. The Liberal Ofl'ice. 48-2 AN'l‘EI).---Pipe organist for St. Mai y’s A nglica rr church, Riclilriolid Hill. For further particulars. apply to the Rector Rev. A. Lawrence. H.A. Nicholls, U. Ker-swill, \Vaidens. OUR YOUVG CATTLE were impounded in the Village Pound, Tuesday. May 19. The owner- may have the same by payingl expenses. Geo. Smith. Pound Keeper. 473 V ELLINGTON POTATOES for sale. Applv .l. Espey, Elgin 47 Z MillS. lot 26. Corr. 2, Vaughan. also 13 , . lug door- at. reasonable prices. Satisfaction giiaiantecd. John Hicksoii. Richmond Hill. 44 ly OUSECLEANCVG MA DE EASY r â€"L'se the Frarrtz l’rt-iriir-r El cr-tric Cleaner and do the work (prick and easy. Terriis. $1.00 per day or 15c. per hour. Telephone now for Your appointment. to I. ll. Sanderson, Richmond Hill. 43 if ORSALEuEggs for hatching from Martin strain of lnr-d to lay, nlritc “yantlotts. Eggs $1.110 persetlintr of 13 eggs. (Early hirds lay the winter eggs.) Also I, 1200 Peer- less Incubator-amt Blt‘('(lt‘l' iir first- class condition. with all PtflliDlIlt’lll. Halfpricv. Apply I. ll. Sanderson, Richmond Hill. 32 if. 1:0R SERVICE. â€" Atkinson & Switzer PI’IE .2; SUMiiEris.:o.u-poam- CUIIIIHCLUI‘S. Elgrir Mills, Stop 53. 41â€"12 Roseheath Poultry Farm F. R. Oliver, Richmond Hill Proprietor r.r9iiiiixti.;.tii kinds of pluinli- Ont. i l l l Thorughhreil Hols-rein Bull, Int 28. (Jon. 2 Vaughan. Terms cash. John SINGLE LEGHORNS After May lst hatchru; eggs, from our noted heavy winter laying strain, 75c per 15, $2.00 per 50. $4.00 per 100. COMB \VHITE Slim-y. L'lgir. Mills. 4‘]. t.f. iiNi‘iiiiniiiNi: Special attention given to a _t “on I s i“. ll} 15"?“an gm, Elvid iii ml TEVKTY‘E "WW ‘3 It i Till] lCHMUND HILL FURNISHlNG STURl' Li ,3 ii i" l \ ‘»~ Pressing Cleaning i .N Repairing ~, “on. “Am v.1.- r M... ,w» _p r We have the very latest in Eli ii A'l‘a‘ ca es 5 H I R'i‘s TI ES AND ALL KINDS OF FURNISHINGS [E‘- inn!“ r“ a r and would be pleased to show them to you lAJ.HUME NOTARY PUBLIC Men‘s llaiucoats from $10.00 to 515.00 tFYsp M Men's Suits, very latest, from $10.00 to $10.50 Also Boots and Sliocs of all kinds mow“. Conveyancing, .j k, nï¬t’w‘ mini in. t NORMAN" J. GLASS . ' l . Leases. W11 s, Etc PROPRIETOR .F v ;. \amflm «F. Pl E. "c l'. '\l .l. K! . ‘« '\ "4' 1" \l ,y'. is l' u E“ g . .~ \ ,- \ t 1. \‘. ‘ Liéuv'du: ‘..~-»-r-I- ...uuv-L3>.-A.Luuv- NU» RICHMOND HILL