WM. TRENCH 8: SON Repairing neatly and promptly done Summer supply ofKnee Rugs, - Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. Trench’s Carriage Works Use Patriotic stationery. Yun can get nice designs of papetex-ies and tablets at THE LIBERAL utï¬ce. RICHMOND HILL. 0NT.. JUNE “(E5112 gihcml RICHMOND HILL HARNESS SHOP We are control Hundre one mil This Model mountable 1 and bell cov l O ' I O Thls magmï¬cent 5-passenger IS a compendlum of the latest and best development in automobile design, massive in its make-up, refined in detail, and utterly up to the mark in every partlcular. Q IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES ST. w, TORONTO. Once more The Willys Overland Co. of Toledo have demon- strated their leadership beyond all refutation. This is evidenced by the marvellous quality of the new l9l6 models now on diSplay at the company’s salesrooms, l l2 to I I6 RICHMOND QT' \VI "PAH/Nix vmrx IN CONNECTION \VITH Arrange for emonstratmn. Horse Power COME AND SEE US 35 )1 In tery Big Business is in Store for Cars. d5 of )X on hxclusx THUS to its has a 35-horsepower motor, 33 x s. collapsible windshield, one-man dcmcd mud-guards, dimmer hendli l steering column. oronto’s citizens are critically insp: its startling value, its undeniable q sive DistrEbutors for Counties of York, Pee 1915 NORMAN BATTY 19w 5711 kinds of 306' {Printing nealy and promptly done a! .‘Tï¬e £1'6'era! éï¬rice SCREEN DOORS \Ve have 4 grades at $1.11). $1.50, $1.75 and $2.25. Complete with spring hinges, pull, and hook and eye Goods You Require Now RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE GO. FLY S\VATTERS and FLY CATCHERS \Ve are flying towards fly timeâ€"get ready. pecting this latest production quality, and its supreme style +M+H+H+++++++++++++++++ 4-inch tires (with non-skid on rear), de- top, full stream-line body,- with bell back, :hts, (18-inch steering wheel, with electric LA‘VN SHEARS AND RAKES GARDEN RAKES AND HOES ++++++++++H+++++++++++++ i- SCREEN \VIRE 12c. to 30c. per yard. 18 inches to 42 inches in width SCREEN \VINDOW‘S 4 sizes from 250. lo 400. each. LA\VN MOW’ERS From $4.00 to $8.00 each 25c [0 90C. each ‘, Simcoe and Ontario In Mnrlue nr Granitv. Good wer x-vnsunuble charges. Tuwn or Count) y \Vrite. \V. A. JONES. Toronto Monuments. Markers and Corner m. Tombstone L ettering 112 to 116 RICHMOND ST. WEST TORONTO . and all are of F. 0. 3. Toronto PRICE $1060 22 Buchanan Sh. ‘nsts Phone 18 j w. H. BASSETT Order Your Spring Suit Now W. H EWISON HOUSE PAlNT ‘11, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Ladies I have a splendid range of patterns ï¬wwggg . - - L. E. HAND, SAYINGS DEPARTMENT RIC‘EIMON D HILL BRANC H WE ARE AGENTS FOR LOTS FOR SALE THE STANDARD BANK SEE the ï¬ne new houses being built on this prop erty. ROSEVIEW AVE. Some good lots left at reason- able prizes. BAKER AVE. now open. Lots 150 feet deep. splendid outlook. good water, good drainage. Restricted to house costing $300. RICHMOND HXLL ill s and Blue (5 from $18 1(1( Apply Furniture and Wall Papers NEW STOCK ALWAYS 0N HAND We represent the New Williams Sewing Machine Company and havea number on hand at all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"and you can have it today, FIRE, LI FE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Very choicest of Com- panies. All have good ï¬nancial standing. Consult us for rates, and we assure “YOU†your business will be well at- tended to if left; in the hand of Wholesale Florist Branrhel also at Maple YOXGE STREET chunse from 3ents’suits to measure from $15 RICH MOND HILL P. G. SAVAGE & SON LAWRENCE GARDENS ’. 0. Savage & Son Established . J. LAWRENCE, Get the Savings Habit. Highest Current RatesAllow- ed, and Interest Compounded Half- Yearly on Deposits. 175 We solicit your account in our Zhe A, B, C of Banking TERMS REASONABLE gmran ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 RICHMOND HILL OF CANADA an†Manger. I. Markham, Stouffvily‘: Uniunville and Locus! HilL ! He sclicits a trial on work and guar antees satisfaction. O'VQI‘ Sena list of articles with each pal‘ce giving residencennd mune in full. Goods called for and delivered, if de sired. DUE] has opened a Laundry south of McDon ald’s Grocery Storm: in VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALW'AYS 0N HAND. REAL ESTATE Advertise in The Libera RICHMOND HILL . I. HINAS â€"AGENCYâ€"_ . SAN DERSON. V. Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill MANAGER