Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jul 1915, p. 4

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KmlkenRuhinym-â€"Th:\t Im B. Shaw be paid $1.00, for set-Vices us sheep \‘ulunter 19H. ‘Vzuson~Célmple~Thutv the agree ment between J. H. Adumsand the Cul-purulinn of ng 'l‘uwnship n: nnhmilted tn the Council by our Solicitor he accepted. and that [he Reeve and Clerk be instructed to execute Deed upuu payment of $200.00. and that the Stat! M the Corporation be affixed to this resnlution. SATURDAY. July 10.â€"-Auctinn Sum nf household furniture on Richmond , Stx‘Pet. Richmond Hill. the property of W. “’enman. Sale at Zu'clm’k. Terms 4 months. Snigeun é: Mc- Ewen, Aux-ts. Members all present. Minutes of Just, mePting read and confirmed. A number of Communications wele received and read, and :1 number uf bills were presented and ordered paid. CalmpheHâ€"Knnkeâ€"{Dmt 1h? Tynan:- u’t‘ \V’m. \\'illimn5 for the umkiug of Cement Tile be accepted. \Vntsrmâ€"Un1nphell~â€"'l‘h;xt the hill of Dr. Kuy re attendance un \Vm. “'illisnn. dveeusvd. fur the sum of $9.00. be paid. The almvo Council met at Suttnu‘s Hotel. Schombm-g. on Saturday, June 26. Cmnphell~ \Vatsmt â€"- That R. “'. Dave he paid $2.001» damages through defective culvert. moving to lhefi' new home in Richmond Hi“ this week. The members pf the Epwuth League held at. social at [he parsonage lust Friday evel}illg._ iu_j)nnom- of My. Friday evening. In nnnour m mr. Adrian and Miss Mabel Killnngh, before the” departure him) [he village. Dmng the storm Inst, induy Mr. T. Uliwr‘s barn Was shnck by lightning. Some straw was» set on flu- but it was noticed in lime in prevent any damage. Mr. Joseph Murtson. one of our esteemed citizens. has been I” for some time, and We regret to say is not, Improving. The marriage of Miss Elta “‘ude and Mr. W. C. Mnnkman Luck place last, \Vednesday evening at the [mum of the b1id(.~‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. \Vude. The ceremony was perhu'uled by Rev. H. S. Levering in the presence of about, eighty guests. After the wedding lueuktust the young couple left. (H) il. trip to Quebec. The junior League held a picnic cu Riverdale Park last, Thursday. They went down on Mr. H. O. Bailey’s motor duly and had a very pleusmnt time. The La Snlle (ruining college is rearing its bend on the l’immclv. and cam now he seen fur many miles in all directions. Mr. Hulme. the Inca! decumtm. has secured the ClmhuCL for the painting, therefore it first-class jab is assmed. St. John's Anglican chmch people held an excnrsim mer the metro- pulitan, and picnickrd at Centre Island. Toronto. on Tuesday of this week. The annual Uniun Picnic of Unk Ridges and Jvtfm-snn Public Schmds was held in the Park last, Suturduv. Everybndy repuned u. must unjuyuldu lime. ThH‘P were games and guessing contests and racing contests for pupils, teachers and trustees. and several records New made during [he aftez-nuun. Thirteen exm-sinnists from \Vnnd- green Methndist and. St. John's Presbyterian churches. Tumult». wow killed and about shay others man m- 1054 seriously wmlnded inst waning about 7.40 n’cluck. when a Cur jumped the truck coming urr-und :1 curve bezwcen Brook‘s mnnunwnb and the sta‘ihn at, Queenston. The picnickers Were thrown uvt‘r n twenty foot embankment. Many of the dead and wounded were brought home XMH in the evening. Thomas Johnston has [rm-n elected schuul trustee in place of the lute Mr. Forbes Elliott. RICHMOND HILL. 0N1}, EH19 ihernl Ml. Dr. Snmeps. Dentist, of Tux-onto, whu has lately renmved to his new office cu the corner of Yonge and Queen streets. wishes to unnuunce that he wiH bv at L139 hots), Mupl», on Saturdays for consultation dur ing June and July. Kindly can In the fore-noon if you wish am up puintmenc 52 3 Fearful Trolley Accident KING COUNCIL Killpugh and f:}11)ily aye Aucfion Sales DENTISTRY Bond Lake Maple J ULY 8. “915 d l ’ .uluuuul I C. , _,-* Wu - I'rvpm'ty . . g” Y gmgH.H.SANuuflauN1 nul- the (.0 of A. J. HUME, TAILOR ’Phone for free demonstration in your own home. See for yourself this 9 lb. dirt devourerâ€"with its trouble- proof motor and new thrust bearing. Ask about our easy payment plan. There we 262'sectinns fur the horse classes-the most complete in the world. Thr prize fist amounts this year to npprnximutely 8560.000. IL practically all goes to the agricultural classes. The formal nponing of the. Canadian Natinnai Exhibitinn will be on Monday, August 30th, at 2.30 p.11), ' A1) exhibits from fun-sign countries are uanith by the customs duty free. It, is estimated that there Me 10000 reSIdents of Exhibition City during ths- twu weka uf the Fair. Nn articles offensive in ()dmu' or ap- pearance, or of u cumbnstiblo 01- 9x- plnsive chm-actor. me accepth for t‘XhihiliOl). No horse is “Unwed in the judging ring until it, has lwcn examined and pronounced sound by the Association's veterinary surgemw, TELEPHONE Main 493 Today and get your fiSQflQGQGfiGQGW®G®W§S®9®9 $§§G®SWQ<§§S fi§®6®fi§6 3&1 Q? Q 65 9: WAR 032 N9 WAR 3% LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE 5216*; Premier ' ELECTRIC Facts Abm the E‘hibifion :u'e perfux Hung an important husk in [his rPgu-d in supplying the demand fur COlupclent, recruits for Business OtfiCes. YOU CAN SAVE TIME AND MONEY by graduating from (me hf mn’ High Grade Schools and quickly qualify fur warning .1 gum} salary. AUTUMN TERM OPENS AUGUST 30TH “him for descriptive Catalogue and phm to get a Good Start. W. H. Shaw. President SHAW’S I'dnfldt'l must, do Engines" and We must, have well tr ninod y. ung people to carry un (his gleut work. BUSINESS The Next Sitting of Divxsion Court to No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. Yonge and Gerrard Sis" Toronto DlViSiUN - COURT. In Marbleuz-Gmniu'. Good Wuyk rensnnuhe chm-gas. van m Ummhy Write, Four pawsengvr Excursion trains to the Pam-imic Picnic 1:» he hrld m .hu-ksnns knit”. July 215:. will run from TI-mntn. Br-iwm‘h n and uthm- imvrnudinu- points. In nddifitm in '11}: Hit-w will )meexCursiuns \Iy hunt from Lindsay, Barrie and Ulilliu. -3 m. Shoes removed. . A . . .. Newshnes, Nos. 1 to 4, Larger shut-s . . . . . . . . .. A. Shel-zer has re-opennd the black- smith shupm. Elgin Mills. us gun- vrnl blacksxhilh :md wand wm'ker. He thanks his custnuwrs furz past patrnuuge, and hopes llwy will u» main with him in the fulnrv. guaranteeing sulisfuctiuu us in the past. To the people of Richmond Hill and surroundings : Saturday july 24, 1915 Monuments. Markers and Come:- Posts. auger New sixvr'wuned hut-k hnnso. heuutimny (leeward. hmdwnud flours. elvclric light, sink. 1mm- dry Uth, hut-water lmiler. 3- piwe hmh. septic tank. largo. mum. furnace, pressure tanks, electric mutnr. etc. \VP have .1 very special price on this [’H‘Up- el-ty for rum munth. ~ $4.500, fifty-auras, (hum miles east 01' Newumrket. Good loamy soil. hunk hum, puwer mill. Silu, gnnd frnmP hmxsv. $1.000 cash required, huhmvv mny remain on mortgage at, {five per Cent. New solid hlick. ninv huge bright mums. oak trimmed thlvughuut. hardwood fluuls. tire-place, elucu'ic light and fix- tuws, \In-w-piec‘m hath. septic tank, but \\‘:{;:'I' hnihw, prvssm'n tank to fun-v hard and an“: water through llnll‘ifl. Peas:- fur- nace, hvnnory. Lot, 50 x 220. This is an ideal home tm' partic- ular people. A. E. GLASS A. SHERZER Tomhstone Letcering RICHMOND HILL Unmmencmz PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL EbTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL NOTICE lencmsr at 10 mm. T. F. MCMAHON, CLERK \V. A. JONES. HOUSES FARMS â€"IA Bnclmna n SCHOOLS ..15 cents 30 cents 35 cents Toronto ALL BRANL HES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 PATROXAGE SOLICITED Axn SATISFAC-riox GUARANTEED SEOEING LAHE AND INTERFEBING HORSES A SPECIALTY 1A2 . J. wmmwmam FUR FURTHER ‘NFORMA'IIUN WRITE OR SEE C. A. SKEELE, J. T. LOCKE 81 CC., Richmond Hill g GENERAL BLACKSM 1TH. . J. WUUDWARD. New Gormley Richmond fiili Annex G. A. MCDONALD 82 SON TracLage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Building Lots on Yonge St., Belrmnt and Clarence Avenues. Acre Garden Lands. Ford Runabout 52. Price $540 For Sale on Easy Terms m, G. A. M D\\'FO.\">‘, UNIOXVILLE dealer {0" Markham, ‘carboro :nd York Tovm lfips, inuludi )g Yonge Street. i" ‘i'h S?“ 3014mm”.- and August I. I; ’ Tum ing (‘nr $.39“; Tuwn Cur $810; F.O.B Fwd. (‘nn wuh n” :quipuwnL includmgvl 1 (11k: I M Higlllsu (‘ms on di~play and sat! P: il'ne nf rm ‘HH il’ H'HV '0‘" A? $35)}? Hm wir‘y h) rnv litm- mist": IVI‘YS ’ Us Servo 3'0“ ‘Vilh “MADE IN CANADA? ' spam parts havelwen minced 1: u perm m. A Fond tum-ing he l'nughr. part hv part, for WP \hm \hv nice of ii)» an? ~. Avmhv-r Mg Slit? off the f Humming. r) 4 e um share in our profits - ln-tWeen August I. 1914. EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYCL E R5 Motor Repairing Icre TERMS GIVEN RICHMOND HILL L L. CURTIS H) Addaide St. E, Toronto CURTES AGENT FOR 1-? LIGT OB. CYCES E

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