Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jul 1915, p. 8

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WITH MAGAZINES THE LIBERAL and Ladies‘ Home Journal. . . Red Book McClures The Delineator . . . . . . . . Munsey .......... Quiver ... . . . . . Canadian Poultry Review Word and Works, with IIick's Almanac. . . . THE LIBERAL and Family Herald & Weekly Star Farmers Advocate . . . . . . Canadian Farm . . . . . . Weekly Sun . . .. . . . . . . HD-‘IOH THE LIBERAL and D21in Globe Daily Mail and Empire. . Daily World . . . . . . . . .. Daily Star Daily News The Lihernl has good clubbingr rates with the principal daily and weekly papers, and the popular mag- azines. Why not; subscribe. at The Liberal office forall your papers at reduced rates. We club with the following,r and can get you any paper you wish :â€" Clubbing; lkutos When remitting, address Greffierâ€"Pm-e hrvd imported Percheron the properly If B. Glass. Elgin Mills, will [navel through King. VVhitchm'ch, Markham. Vaughan and Yonge street. Terms $15. Proud Baronâ€"Imported Clydesdale,- the property of J. Hum]. Elgi n Mills will stunl at. his own stable. lot 27 con. 2, Markham. Terms $11). Toward Chiefâ€"Pure ln‘ed imported Clydesdale. the pmpm-ty of I).U. Steele. \Vill stand at, his own stable Richmond Hill. Tel-ms $1.”). Lm-d Mm'venâ€"Pure bred imported Clydesdale. the pl'npm-LV of T. H. Imgge. Home stable Tmnpenmce- villv. Goes to King City, Petehvillo. anlv, Elgin Mills, Aurom, ()uk Ridges. Terms $14. 'Iince T(‘gn â€" Imported Clydesdale. the property of Daniel \Vhitmore & Son, R.R. No. 2. Gm'mloy P.O.. will leuve his own stable, lot 10‘, Gun. 3, Markham. \Vednesduy afternoon. and pl'ncepd to Price Evans’. Cun- ‘um-d for night and Thm'aduv noun. Thursduv night In ’l‘lms. Gihlmn’s. IEngley. Friday tn Price Evans’ fur nunn. thence to his own stable. Terms $13. NE \V ADVERTISEM ENTS It is expuclt will (mun-y p to JnckSuns points on [h RICH nmxu H1 LL. ONT Elie EZihcml ‘icnit QI'H‘K RESI’LTS WITH WEEKLIES neatly and promplly {if} £1'6eral @fiz'ce WITH DAILI ES *xpocled let at Joust 200jit.m-ys |\('Y passengers from 'l‘m-nnto (suns Point. and internmdiute nn the (luv of tho "Lemmx .‘n Danton-cola. as Iineator .guonn...--.-n. T. F. McMahon. Liberal Office, Richmond Hill, Ont‘ Stallion Register BRING 506' frz'nh'ng .7111 fin is of done a} JULY 40 9O 1915 NORMAN BATTV CANADIAN NGRTHERN RAHLWAY WM. TRENCH & SON I Repairing neatly Summer supply ofKnee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, \Vhips and Blankets. French’s Sarriaae Works ; SERVICE TO QUEBEC. VALCARTIER AND QUEBEC RIC T\VO TRAle To 'I‘olonto, Oshawa. Bmvmnnvillfi, Pout Hope Trenton, Pictnn, Balk-ville. Dvsmnnlo :1 Leave Richmond I'll119.22:l..lll. and 4.20 p.111. verything in the All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made 01' Factory. C. R. Jameg RIBHMUND HILL HARNESS SHOP Walinut Grove Stock Farm Langstaff .-- r. HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDA LE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bnll Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafl by appointment. IN CONNECTION \VITII SCREEN DOORS \Ve have 4 grades at $1110, $1.50. $1.75 and $225. Cmnplete with spring hinges, pull, and hook and eye COME AND SEE US Goods You Require Now SERVICE TO SMITH FALLS AND 0TTA\\' Lvnve Richmond Hill 9.22HJ1L. excepL Svnd Cafe Parlor Cal's Toronto to Ottawa Electric Lighted Sleeping Ours Tnmntu tn 0! RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. FLY S\VATTERS and FLY CATCHERS \Ve are flying towards fly timeâ€"get re ldY Leave Richmond Hill 9.22 3.111.. vxccpt Sunday Standard Sleeping Cut-s Ottawa (0 Vulcmlim- Cafe P.11'lor Gal's Ottawa to Hnwkushurv For Reservations and Information apply t +++++++H+++++++++++++++++ -1118. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ i. LA“'N SHEARS AND RAKES GARDEN RAKES AND HOE)‘ and 'prnmptly (Tone Y. B.“ TRACY, SCREEN \V I RE 120. to 30¢. per yard. 18 inches to 42 inches in width SCREEN \VINDO\VS 4 sizes from 252. to 40¢. en LA\VN MO‘VERS From $4.00 to $3.00 each PRESENT OFFEENG 25c to 90c. each Phone Thornhill Harness to 400. each. Stat inn Agent Langstaff P.O. :l to Hnwkushury COUNTRY REAL ESTATE Lumsdml Building, UAdvInidP St. East. Tux-unto. 13 (S III One to three acres with d \vollirg wanted for client. cum'mliont [0 cu- line. fl'l‘L A chance of :\ lith big trade :unong the fruityslvnck. as well as hmim-ss in the town. STONE «S: WELLINGTON TORONTO 51 to sell in RICHMOND HILL AND \‘lCINlTY 'A REPREiENTATH‘E WANTED rnnlo and annnr-o “'ritv for terms Tm onto tn Ottawa 20 p.111., except Sunday THE OLD RELIABLE FONTHELL NURSERIES xclusive lm-rilm - outfit, highest John Fisher & Co. Properties Wanted ohnm my for Phone I ; lifetime to do the tunnels in 11 us urns-mental Brightm S RTS nnunssiuns hnndsnmo 51 16 iWill give you a fine suit. Sole Agent for Hobbean Tailoring ‘ W. H. BASSETT Come to-day and see what ex- pert clothing men consider the finest display of new season fabrics they have ever shown. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL Tailored-to-Your-Measure is a Hobberlin Suit and Finished in‘overy De- tail in High-Class Manner. L. E. HAND, v Anus unrnnuvuzw 1 IR_I'_(_1‘:_HM6FND H ILL BRAN C H THE STANDARD BANK WTS FOR SALE SEE, the fine new houses being built on this prop- erty. BAKER AVE. now open. Lots :50 feet deep, splendid outlook. good water, good drainage. Restricted to house costing $2500. ROSEVIEVV AVE. Some good lots left at reason- able yriaes. Apply NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HA We represent the New Williams Sewing Machir and have a uumber on hand at all times. '. easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secure you can have it. to dav, FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Very< panics. All have good financial standing. rates, and we assure “YOU” your‘ business tended to ifleft in the hand of Wholesale Florist urniture and Wall Papers Branches also at YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL LAWRENCE GARDENS G. SAVAGE & SON '. 0. Savage «3; Son Established . J. LAWRENCE, < Value Your bloney. Waste and mo Xtravagance Bring Disaster We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The A, B, C of Bafiking at, ARE AGENTS FOR TERMS REASONABLE Maple, Markham, Slouffvillc ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL Williams Sewing Machine Company hand at all times. Terms very $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"and over DUE] sired. He sclicils a trial] on Work and antees snlisfucfiun. Senu list of m-ticlvs with each 1 giving residencennd name in full Goods called for and delivered. has opened :1 Laundry south of McDon ald‘s Grocery Store in â€"AGENCYâ€"â€"â€" J. H. SANDERSON. V. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL‘VAYS ON HAND. REAL ESTATE Advertise in The Liberal RICHMOND HILL . I. HINAS Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill Manager. . Unionvilie and Locust Hi“. I one MANAGER PHON E 8002 choicest of Com- Consult us for ; will be well atâ€" GLASS AND work and guar , if de- pm'ce

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