Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jul 1915, p. 4

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MSKEXZIE f At, Richmond Hill, Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrpentering in Church. Use of Methodist Uhmch Pumping oran . . . . . . . . . Concert soloists... . . . . . Sundries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELLIOTTâ€"Suddenly. on Sunday, July 13, 1915, at the Elliott, Fax-m. Ncwluu Brook. John S. Elliott. in his SULh year. Cheque to Belgium relief fund $ 86 27 Total $ EXPENDITURE (Concert) L. Innes & Suns . . . .. . . $ 7 94 FledLynett, . 200 Richmond Hill Hm-dwme 30 Choral members fees .$107 25 Concert admission . . . . . . 163 90 \Ve wish to thank our patruns for their assistance and interest which Mr. Newton '50 richly deserved. \Ve hope to re-m-gamize ener this Autumn and expect, large things this yen. RECEIPTS Masonic Hull“ . .. . Music, Nm-dhvimer’s Piunn. Heintzumn’s. Music folios.. . . . . . .. As there have been requests for a publication of tho receipts and ex- penditures of the, York Chmnl Svciety during its last term. I have pleasure in submitting the fullowing report. The reader will please nnte that the ordin- ary expmlses in connection ‘wiLh a .._, V r , lala‘e Chm-:11 Society are considelahle, purticulurly the. music. us so many copies (2f each selectinn are required, and for a hall in which to practice. A few nights ago Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Hon. Martin Burrill delivered addresses in Ottawa from the same platform, and it is hOped that many such appeals will be made in all parts of the country. “Conscription” seems a hard Word. We believe if the matter is fairly presented there are thousands of young men in Canada ready to take up arms in defence of their King and Empire. It is true that those who go to the front are risking their lives, but those who are in a position to go, and refuse the privilege, should hesitate before again waving the old flag, and singing “God Save the King. in party warfare which endangers friendship and good-will among the people. It now seems almost certain that no General Election will be held in Canada. during the present war. Premier Borden has so far made no announcement. but the presence of Liberal and Conservative leaders 0n the same platform is an indication that our political particsrfeel they are better employed in pleading for recruits in the cause of liberty. than RICHMOND HILL. OWL. JULY who 3%me Tuesday. July 20. 1915. Samantha widow of the late David McKenin in her 62nd year. Intel-nu»le Thursday at 'EDIT‘ORIKL neatly and promptly «Tie L’ifieral @177“ ENLJM, YOUNG MAN Total 1 EXPENDITURE (General) £706 .‘T‘rinh'ng FRED. \V. ROUTLEY Treaslu er Financial Statement .7711 finds at 2‘ done at Total Grand Total 31c 30. DIED Richmond Hill 10 ()0 1 00 2‘7 00 1 00 37 :30 54 81- 17 00 00 $6854 $116 31 22. 1915 271 15 In Marble orGramto. Good work reasonube charges. Town or Country Write, 1-3 m. Liberal Office. A package of2-5 for 10¢. at, $1.00 per month. You to pay for July. August and September. Balance of June free and in October. Rich- mond Hill farmers club to put, Stuck in Cur. load at Maple, to pay same In \Vyevule and also return in fall. I will take cattle from car at \Vyevlill- on arrival to the pasture, 11! miles. Theme is running water, also drive-n Well with gasoline pump. 1 will not he i-vspnnsible fox the life or dealli of :mV nnilnnl. I will guarantee, daily. plen'yuf water. salt and pusturv. I live on place and daily inspevt lhe slack personally. “"ill welcome n\\'n m-s m- lheir roprpsentzuhes tn ('nnlt‘ and inspect. at, any linw. Sales I-l’fm-t- Pd (In ()ifv‘lS {01- your :lppi'm'nl if (it‘- sii-ml. Vincrmt \\'ilrlumn. Manager Ranch C - 5 Tiny L IS. \Vyevule. ()nL. Applv I9 Club to P. G. Sunige. 1’. (7),, Richmond Hill. 51 1f «I-+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 00D PASTURE FOR SbAaoN â€"â€"â€"500 acresâ€"400 clear, 10“ wood edâ€"all well fenced. 8 wire fence. ‘Will take a club cm- or two of cattle LULIBINGrâ€"A” kindfi nf plum!) ing done at, reasonable p-ir-IS Satisfaction guaranteed. John Hirkson. Richmond Hill. 44 ]y D l‘tml'd and hump. c-m Hill \illage. A Offim'. ASIC SLAG.â€"The undersignvd having l'Pf‘PlVl‘d a cnx-lmld of that nnted Nun» Scntia feitilizer. Basic Slug. will have a quantity tn dispose of at $20 :1 Lou. For purl il'll- lars phone Richmund Hill. D. \V. Cluhine, Elgiu Mills. 3 Lf will registm Gm-mloy. 0R SALEâ€"A small range. :1 Singer sewing nmchine and a hedmum suite. Apply Turner, Arnold Sh. Richmond Hill. 3 2 .EM EN'l‘ \VORK nfall kinds dune hv \V. Gnuld. Richuumd HIIL Gil cul.u- cisterns :\ spec inlty. All \i‘ork gllulwuntet-(L 3 4 n ASPBE'RIfiEs.â€"Fm-. the mug» m- USL‘ ARRIVED.-â€"A car (If B. U. shinglew. Including XXX and XXXXX. Gt-t, (mr prices hefurt- ordering eliewhere. \Ve nlso have for sale. Beau-1 hum-d. \Vull hmml, Realty 1m)!ng &c. Gt-t nur prices. L. Iunes & Sons, Richuumd Hill. 3 tt 0R SALEâ€"First class mowr-r, only used one season. Also cultivator. disc harruw and plnw. Apply E. B. Biggar. Stop 52, non:- Elgin Mills. 4 2 TRAYED.â€"â€"T\vn horses strayed into the premises of the under sigm-(l nu (Ir "hunt the 13th day (If Jnlv. 'J'hl- mvm-r may have Sums hy -â€". m ing prupm ly and [myingexpensw' .Bnylv, Richmond Hill. 3 3 V, fILD RASPBERRIES FOR SALE. -â€" Orders may be left with \V. Gould, Richmon 1 Sn, Richmond Hi I. Miss Manir, .le-lh-rson. I} 3 1030 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Get Paprus Picnic Plates at The Monuments. Markers and Comer Posts. Tombstone Lettering 0R SALEâ€"Young sow with seven pigs five weeks old. Apply. Lennard Clement. Maple. Phone in 4 3 OARDERS 0R SALE.â€"FunrTnnuvmt.l| hugs. Also three Tmmvnrth sows. all 00D (ll-(«p In! fur SJIP, nu Sluliun Road. 50x3lU. Apply “7. H. B:lsseLt,Te-ilnu~, Richmond Hill. \V. {S \VANTED. â€" Gund and ummm in a private L‘UnVPnil'Ut tn Riuhmund Apply at, The Lilwln! f2 9. . JONES, Buchanan Sf H. \V. B Toronto ntnn. The Next Sitting of DiVIsion Court to No. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room. DIViSiflN - BGURTS +++++++++++++H+++H+++H+ fi+++++++++++++~K~+++++++++++ Shoes reumvpd. . . . . . . Newshnes, Nos. In; 4, Larger 311003.. . . . . . . .. oral ‘Il;le;lhilll :uul wovd WurkH'. Hr‘ [hunks his custr-nu-rs fur nusb patrmmge. and hopes [ht-y will re- main with him in the future. guaranteeing satisfucliun as in [11!“ past. To the penple of Richmond Hill and surroundings : A. Shm zer has re-npenrd the MM suui_L_h»ahftphp Elgiq Mills: us ge New six-ml”de hrlck hnnsP. beautifully decmuted. hnrdwnnd flours. electric light, sink. laun- dry lubs. hut-water built‘l‘. 3- piece hath. septic tank, large cellar. furnace, prs-ssm-v tanks, electric mntm-. etc. \VP have u very special price on this px-up- el-Ly for one month. $4.5m). fifty-"Mes. throv miles east of N9\\‘lll:llk‘rl. Gnnd loamy 80;]. hunk lmrn. power mill. silu, g0le frame 1.01159. $1.000 (:nsh lequix'od, Inhmce lnnV remain on umrtgage at fiive per cent. New solid lnick. nin lulgv bright mums. oak trimmed thmuglmut. hardwood flnms. fil‘e-DIIICP, electric light and fix- Lurvs, (hwy-piece hath. septic tank. but wait-[- lmiler, prvssure tank tn force [Mud and soft, wutvr thlrmgh hum“. Peas? fur- xucv. hvmwry. Lut 50 x 220. This is un ideal home tnr partic- ular people. aturday July 24, 1915 A. SHERZER A. E. GLASS RICHMOND HILL Commencing at 10 a.m. T. F. MCMAHON. CLERK A. J. HUME Tailor NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING, ETC. PROPERTIES FOR SALE CLEANING REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL NOTICE PRESSING REPAIRING HOUSES FARMS 15 cents 30 cents 35 cents ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SEOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY F. J. WDUDWARD. . J. WGGDWARUJ FOR FURTHER TNFORMA'IION “'RITE 0R SEE c. A. SKEELE, ' J. T. LOCKE & c0, Richmond Hill GENERAL BLACKSM 1TH. New Gormley Richmfind 5%“ Annex (i. A. MCDONALD & SON Ford Runab‘ofit‘ Price Building Lots on Yonge St., Belant and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands GR()C}SRIICS For Sale on 'Easy Terms at G. A. M.DAVISON“, UNIONVILLE, d<aler for Markham, Fcarboro nd York Townshifs, including Yonge Strrer. R lyms nf l’uu‘. mus will share in our profits if wr- u-ll 90,00” r‘nl's between August, 1, 1 l4. EllldzAUgUS‘l 1, WI'. Taming Car $590; Town Car $840; F.O.B Ford, Cnt.. With all rquipmeut. includmgo «ctric l cadlights. Cars on di<play :md 58. u, Prin nf Fwd spare parts have been Ieduced a n .n 0mg» «4‘ tan pmcent. A Fmd touring -'-: r nmv nuw he bought. part by part, for th$3£h7 mme than [hp price of the car- rt-ndy tn nun. An-Iher hig slice off the “after cast" hf mun Ling. ‘ Us Serve 3'0" ‘Vith .‘MADE IN CANADA”, EXCELSIOR MOTOR CYC L [ R L. CURTIS Motor Repairing Icre J. EB RICHMOND L. CURTIS EMS GWEN IO Adelaide St. E, Toronto AGENT FOR WT'I @331 Iii

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