Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Jul 1915, p. 5

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Excuxoxa HILL. ova-L. Jun 23, 1915 FOUNDâ€"A barge wrench fur vehicle. enquire M The Liluâ€"ml ut’flce. ~ (We flint:le Mrs. Davistm nf Newnwukfl is visit- ing bc'r sistel-in-hm‘ at, Elmwund. Dr's. Rum}! and LiHinn Langstufl’ (Ix- puct. [n have fm' their vncutinn on me 2711) or 30.!) of July. M'us Marv Trrnch is mnki ‘g u Visit with her brother Mr. \V. Trench in P1 escott. - Miss Main-l anp of Bum-In is spme ing a fvw weeks whh her (mend. Miss Maude lemkuy. when- in (his paper. nmf leave yum uldcrs at The Librrn‘ 0mm). Mr. H. Brown at Sum-y. Snskq is spendiugu few days with his uncle. Mr. \V. H. Pugslvy at. Ehnwuud. Newnnuket, Exm-oss- Hel-uld.-<I\fi~s (fiance I’mu nf Richnumd Hill. is spending a. xacuLiuu with Miss Mrn'juric Fun-stein Picture past cmds slnmmglhe Rich- mond Hill Hume Ullalds in tin-iv first Chm-ch Parade. JllnP )3. 1915. may be hnd M. The Liberal Officm Enwst Allvn made the highest. num- ber ut marks nf any candidnw M, Lin- l'vnent H. S. Entrance lfixmnhuuinn at Hinhmmnl Hi”. thus Winning Ihv schwlmshindunzm-‘d by fine Bum-d ‘f ‘1 sch'whn ship dunzm-‘d EJKICHHUH. Fins c." one year. Trinitychurch. Thmuhill. and St. Mary's Church. Rlchumnd Hill, will hr-Id their annual S‘ 8. Picnic tu Bnnd L‘Akv. Thuvsd-«y. July 291 h. Cars haw 'l'hnl-nhillntl n‘chck and Hichmnnd Hill fifuwu minutes iutw. Memlwrs nf suhnn! fl'l’l‘: mm-nwmhm-s. adults 150‘ return. chihlrvn half fan'. Liberal Ot’ficv. A pucknge of 25 fur 10c. Thv Richmmni Hi“ Furnishing Stun: â€"â€" Fur awry pumhuso vf Five Danysr($5.i(Kl} <m_ {fl-{(hy and Satyr- day. July 23rd and 2111'. we will givv in lhv purchaser M4 4 hnivv frnm nur wgulm stock of either u 50 cent lie or 50 cent suspenders. fm- Friday mm Saturday 4:11))”. Ju)y 23rd and ZHh # Nurumn J. Glass. Muster Jerome Van \V'axt. Run hf Mr. and Mrs. L S. G. Van \Vurl, has taken :1 uwdimhh’ stand at, St. Cir-mem's ()nlh-gv, 'Funmtv. whore he hnstmmplvmd his swmud your. Thu- publislwd l't’purls shuw that he [link firsz pine» fur Gum-1n! l’wficivncy, first. in Scripture, .wmlnl in Pru- mntiaus. um? Sih'm- Mpdn} fur Perseverance, Industry. Umnlpsy and Inticgrity~ ++++++ ++-H-+-r++ k+++++++§+++ R v +++++++++¢++¢+++++++++++++ Set, Pnprus Picnic Pizmc at The RIN FED BUTTER \VRAPPERS ul over our clubbing rules elm. LOCALS ALWAYS ON HAND LIBERAL OFFICE AT THE “six-1M)“, uhm-uy lwfme ¢ ("duck Thai-rd»)! nflesmmn. wearervd the lmdy n! Harald Brlhin. the yuung luau frum Eglmtmx, whu ml the previous Tuesday Inuruiug lust lfis'lifu’ White hathng in the watms of Band Lzakc. Much dime-"Hy was I-xpkrienct-d owing tn Ilu- pwsrnre of large branches and trunks uf trees. and the hudy was at inst recnven-d in about 8.3 frrt of \anrr. The remains wrw Mk?» 1» the blame nf his parents, 100 South» Ave, North Tot-(mm. After neuriv three days of almost Leusrh'us efforts. Mait Ayktoyd and his 1 Sch-law, utficers, lmchms and lfrivmls ul 1110 Mulhudist SnHmLh tichuul had a must enjoyable time nl Ilht-ir annud PXCIH‘Finn and picnic at 1 Burn) Luke m: Tuesday. Tharp Was a in)! pmgmmnw nf spmth‘ and gmst Um quuwing bring prjzr Winners The cnmnm‘s jmy that hmud (Le (Widener fnflmviug (he unfurtuuate ocnnwuce in Tun-Mu huvught in [ha fullnwmg wrdiqt : "We. the jaw. find that Rum-IL Muutgmm-Iy div-d at St. Michm-l‘s Hospital nu July 9. l915. [rum hm-mululgu on the lu-:1iu.cmtsed by (he sr-w ring of rm urn-1y by a How rwviu-d frmu Fumk Unnmhs, whn lw‘mg nllmzked by dvcvasvd uud \Viiiialn Mnmguumy. ucvuuling tn Uw «with-Her. was defending himself whaâ€"n [he blmv Wm: struck. and Hum Uwre was nu inn-m. [H (In hudin injury (0 the huge." u'x'lm'k will .IlH-H’lllll‘u fmrUmH [um-nu» mom fur prints of SH. nnd $5.5U; ‘1».‘8' )IML Mark ham \‘5. Vaughan; lug-ufâ€"wnr. l'hm-uhiH \s. Richmc-nd Hi“; humng raw. and several [out mum’s for udu Ls and childtcu. Mmls svn‘rd from '5 ‘0 7 u'clnck. Thvrc \\ in be dancing and n guud mmicul pm- grnmnw in (he evening. Admis‘sinn 23 and 1:”) Cents. 'l‘u'vmy~fit u [M'l' ct‘nt uf Druccuds for Ru] Cruss wan. Largo push-ls are out announcing: a Union Picnic of St. Luke‘s chm-(h. Thnruhill. and St. Mary‘s chluvh. Kiulnuuud Hill. at "The Ahlwy Farm." Lungalufi. Saturday. July fit. The prugruunm- «If spurts. nunnnvncing at 3 u'vhwk will :rlt'lltrlv :4 [MIUmH [unrmr uwnc fut prizvs of $1}. nnd $5.5M; lunev Sun-4. A. Gramgvr Girls ram", 8 y! Hauling A. Hewimu BUYS race, 10' ‘ Handing. Girls rune, Dunlup. IL U Buys raw. 1:) ylswb‘. 51mm, J. Darling. Y. Uahhvell. Girh mun l3) yrsâ€"3V. Sum; G. Hmmnnnfl, V. Dnriing. Fat, Man’s raceâ€"JP. McMnhun Aikvhheud. J. Sundvrstm, A. Hum". lenied \ane “’5 rm-o ~ Mrs. MrLt-uu, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Rubinmm. \\'l\evllmn-m\' r:u:e-â€"1)nrliug -'\Viley. SinitlhDurlmg. Junosâ€"UaMWt-H. Driving nails“ Mu). MuMuhun. Mré‘. DIMHSUH. Bum-hull match â€" Mrs. Ms‘lks, apmin. £5315qu raceâ€"J. D‘n‘lmg. H. Jones, ({ixls spun” mw~ V. Dau'liug, G. H-uuumud. L. Ellis. Liu 1e gills race â€"â€" H. flux-1mg. E. Heummmd. A. Howisun. Avar u lk-mpLinq {9.1 in (he puvilinn zlll ram-“ed sui‘vly aimth 8 u‘uluck. hand at Tht: Liberal nfiire Printed BllUl": \Vx'appers always ‘VHPS 5 \‘ilL‘k‘, Me;hodi51 S, S. Piznic Unintentional mow 171m Red Cross News Body Fund Urlnomd. v. 15 ylswE. Smith, Ualdu'ell. a. 1:) yrsâ€"3V. Sum; V. Dzu-iing. Union Picnic 8 yxsâ€"lfl'. lek“. L 8 yL-sv~1. \Viley, M. 10' vs â€"- A. y) swE. Junes, D‘ HH’ A Garden Party will he held an the Phlth Schuul gmnnda. “'ilhmdalr. nnfder the auspices nf Um Epmmh League (If Newnm Bra-0k and wmmv. (infant) Saturday. July 2:. A grad Famlmll Match is being untangm! fur. and a hand is (-xpcch-d (n he in «Hendzuuze. Tm. for 25c. and WP. sum-d from 5 to 8 o‘clock. len- “i l «150 he refu-shml-m huuths and a gpud pl'ngrumuw. Adluissinn Lu grmmds flee. Everybody welcmnv. Th9 Rev. R. “Orbison. B.A.. Wflh his family lvft Inst Munduy morning m spend Hwil hnfidnya in Musknka. In Ms ahsnnm- the [{6'\‘. E. ('«wklmtu M. A.. Lihralism rf Kuux (Inllegv, 'l‘ulnMu. will ncéupy Hw‘ pquils at. Richmund Hill and Thm-nhill at the usual bums hf srrvinm \‘iz. Mn mm mm. and awn-n hm). at. Richmond Hill, and mm p.11). nt Thumb”). Mr. (‘uurklnnn Sanccnmpanmd with family. “‘th will urcnpy the Manse during Mr. HPl‘hismI’s nhwncn. Mr. Jnmcs Mm'phy, faruwr. unrth hf Elgiu Mills. (12rd suddanv Sundny morning. Ahlmugh it Was knuwn that his how” was not strung hp went In hcd Salmdny night feeling as “1'” as usual. Ahout 3 :mn, he :uruke. and hits. Murphy m:ch lhv remark that it washui. yrt Iimv Ln nrisv. About 5 h‘chmk slw drHch :\ Inhqu M‘Rpil'r‘l- (um. and (w [tum-d «Way in a fm'r minutes. Tl“- {uueral tuuk plum‘ frnm his lute hume- TIWSduy mnruing to the Newnuu'kl‘t I'(’ll|0(('l'_\'. “with-s a WEN deceased Imn'cs a family uf fun: mms und four daughters. Ns-ighhc-h um! fr'wnds jn'm in Are-p sympmhy fur \lw futility in lhvir sudden hcrem‘vmum. 'rhk‘ rvgnlnr monthly nweling of (he ‘v'ivtmiu Squaw: Brmwh of the \me‘n's Irwlimle \\ H] 119 m the hnmo of Mrs. H. L. Kfixwk (m \Vedm-sdny afn-rnnnn, July 28. at 230. Pran :unmv: RUM OJ". Fluwm' Qunluvinus; Duvt. Mir-305 .lvnninga‘ Herimlinn, Miss Mmguurite Bmwn: Viniin Duran Mmguurite Bmwn: Vinlin Duet. Misws Brown and Hwtd: ledinfl. MRS E. Murisnn. Lawn Tennis. Sampie (-f cake-s made by the girls. Rum] H10 “Sww Adu-rUstmu cvluum in The Lihcl‘nlvib \x'Hl pa; you. Presbyferian Churn!) Th9 REV. R. “Orbison. “.4 Use LANTEC Sugar. Because it dissolves quickly, it will not scorch or burn in the kettle. LANTlC Sugar is refined from cane only, granulated extra fine and comes to you clean and pure from refinery ln original packages. 21b. and 5 lb. cartons and 10 lb. and 20 lb. bags. 100 lb. bags coarser granulation. Weight guaranteed. Buy in original packages and look for the LANTlC Red Ball on each package. Atlantic Sugar Refineries Limited, Send your address and smafl Red Ba“ Trade Mark frOm bag or top end of carton and we will mail you book of 50 assorted Fruit Jar Labelsâ€"printed and :ummed ready to put on the jars. BERMUDA ““ W‘LLMMS. GREENE 8: ROME (30.. Llevm BERLIN. ONTARIO SALlSBURY n /» n~4 xslun this; your will 1m In the» 'I‘hlu'ul‘l. uu \Ve-(lnesdzly, lhr- ngust‘ Thu ultrmflinus will Fiwmvn‘s rucps. drills and 6361’50 Annual Excursion MADE IN CANADA 2161‘ 25,93 Victoria Sauare Sudden Death (Lidia Fifi, strung he) went feeling as “1*” he :uruke, and wnml k Mn N. I'ifit‘. Ahnut 5 COLLARS u}: mm” E‘“"‘*é’1""-.n no“ 4W» .4» W) was?" “PW”? WWW LEM»; . * firmfi {Wm m: ,\ amphixr M at V33 3%, ._ mafia G 00d V'alucs wmr. pr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36in. hmn‘y gre-y outrun. yd .. . ‘ . . . .. . ... . . . . .. Buys' Nugligev Shit-(s. white and hlur clwck, sepnmle Collar 34 in flumwlvttt‘. pink mu! fawn strip»), yd . . . . . . . l’lmn lim-n lea clnlh 22 in wide. yd H in. all wnn! navy sm'gr, yd ..», - y . . . . . . . - . . - v . Buys‘ \Vhiw Knickels, sizv 2‘} m 27 Boys‘ Shirt \Vaists. svpm‘nte collar: Men‘s dark hrmvn twwd Pants 2 Tumatnrs pm- Lin . . . . . . . . . . . Gum and I’mu‘. (-uvh . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clulk's Pm k mu] Bvans. Lin . _ . . . . . 0M OIL-hid Pumpkin. (in . . . . . . .. A . , . . . UX-n‘er Lnnf and .Hln'm- S'th thmm, finch :} 3): [ins Tiger Brmld Sulumn. 2 I'm- Kimwuâ€"d Hvrring in Tumntu Sauce, :1 fur Slu‘t SHIIHIEPS. (in . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . (Hawk’s Cumed wa, (in . . . . , _ . _ . . . . . . . . Luhstc), tin THE HORMONE HLMURNMEE 3mm We have :1 full line of M 2);" Wurking Boots to the finest, The very latest, in HATS M from $2.00 to 50, and mat) the balance of our S'I‘RAWS and PARA MAS :11: less than cost. Log us show you w! an; we have Also Odd l’uuls. Overalls, Smog-ks, Shins of all kinds NORMAN J- GLASS PROPRIETOR STORE CLOSES AT SIX O'CLOCK ON MONDAY AND “'EDNESDAY Atkinsan & Swiizer CONCRETE HOUSE MONTREAL, QUE. ST. JOHN, N. B. Can 11 0d (fr-00 d s 2.3m Zimu pr......‘.... : 3 collars. much . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ants, gnnd “‘L'lght for gem-ml 00 to ‘J’S BOOTS firm the Heavy st. of Bax Cam priced from 40 \v [Prices $ 50 50 ll)

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