Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Aug 1915, p. 4

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TIMES ARE CHANGING Not many years ago those who talked of prohibition and the closing: of bars were looked upon as cranks and fanatics. It will not be surprising if in years to come people who talk and vote for the open bar will be considered “queer.” Province a‘fter province are following the water wagon, and others are likely to follow at an early date. Prince Edward Island has absolute prohibi_ tion. No liquor is legally sold in Nova Scotia outside the city of Halifax. Licenses have been abolished in Saskatchewan, and a couple of weeks ago All'berta carried a prohibition measure ‘by a majority of about twenty thousand. in Mani- toba where the General Election takes place to monow both political parties are pledged to prohibition, so that despite St. Swithen‘s ruling that Provinces is likely to fall into the dry belt. RICHMOND HTLL. "What’s tbewmatter with our Can- adian youths anyway, when I learn that out of 3000mm enlisting in the City of Hamilton, 80 per cent. of them are British born ? We must get away from this self-satisfied com- placencv, which allows the young men of Canada at a serious time like this to spend their time at baseball, football, crieket or lawn bowling when the calitof the country is for young men, The need of the hour is recruiting, and we have not yet realized its seriousness and urgency. A recent. number of the Economist and Sun expressed regret that because no report had been sent in for two years, the Government grant had been withdrawn, and the Public Library in Markham Village closed. The paper closes its comment as follows :â€"“lt would be a great pity to have the library discontinued, and we hope that Markham has enough Dr. Godfrey, M. P. P. for West York, is not satisfied with Canadian recruiting. In an address at a Conâ€" servative picnic at; Runnymede on Monday he said :â€" Much money and energy are needed for red cross and patriotic work. It is a. pity, however,.to allow ~Toronto theatres to be open on Sundays even if the collect-ion taken is for the patriotic fund. This looks like the thin end of the wedge which may afterwards lead to the opening of all theatres on Sunday. People will begin to argue that if it is proper to have places of amusement open on Sunday for a worthy cause, it cannot be wrong to have them open for any other reason. CLEAN SPORT ($9) The City papers on Monday reported a d§sglraceful riot in Toronto Saturday afternoon at and following It is said the Poiice Commission will investigate, but it is safe to say than those who started the melee will be let off with the warning, “don‘t do it again.” MARKHAM‘S PUBLIC LIBRARY a lacrosse match near Cottingham street, in which it is said that fully one thousaud people took part. Laxity on the part of the police is charged, in allowing players in the game to brutally illtreat their opponents. Many people, including innocent by- standers and those who were en~ deavoring to make peace, were kicked and knocked unconscious,and a large number wereseriously injured. Such disgraceful scenes, which are of {requent occurrence, go to show that there is something u'adieally wrong in the manner in which Canadian sports are carried on. EDITORIAL ONT" AUG. 5. 1915 cultured intelligent and competent men torcalize what value a good public library is to any town or community, and to take an active interest in rectifying conditions before it is too late.” The Economist and SW?) does well to give a word of advice. The Public Library and Reading Room in Rich- mond Hill is placed among our valued assets, and our citizens would feel the loss if for any reason in bad to be closed. A l nold St. ASIC SLAG.â€"The mndersigned having received a. cal-load of that noted Nova Scotia. feltilizer. Basic Slag. will have a quantity to dispose of at $20 a. ton. For Ipnrticu- hrs phone Richmond Him. D. \V. Cluhine, Elgin Mills. 3 tf OOT AND SHOE REPAIRING.-â€" I have wanted the shop known as the Kennersley shup. nearly npposite thv Standard Bank, and am In w prepared to do all kinds of l-Ppuiring. All W'Ul'k guaranteed. Ynms sincewlv, F. A. Franklin. Richmond Hill. 5 4 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 00D ’PASTURE FOR SEASON â€"500 acresâ€"400 clear, 100 wood edâ€"all well fenced. 8 wire fence. \Vill take a. clul) car or two of cattle at $l.UO per month. You to pay f-m July. August, and September. Balance of June free and in October. Rich- mond Hill farmers club to put stuck in car, load at, Maple, to pay same to \Vyevale and also return in fall. I will take cattle from car at \Vyevalu on anival tn the pasture. 1% miles. There is running water, also driven well with gasoline pump. 1 will not be respnnaible fun the life 01- death of any animal. I will guarantee, daily. plenlyof water, salt and pasture. I live on place and daily inspect. the stock personally. \Vill “'elcmm: mvn~ ers ur their representatives to come and inspect, at, any time. Sales effect- ed on offers for ynm- approval if de- sired. Vincent, \\'il(lnmn. Manager Ranch C - 5 Tiny L 18. \Vyevale. Ont. Agply 1e Club to P. G. Savage, P. 0., Richmond Hill. 51 tf LUMBING.-â€"All kinds nf pli mb ing done at, reasonah‘.» plies Satisfaction guaranteed. John Hicksnn, Richmond Hill. 414 fly where in this paper. and leave your orders at The Libeml Office. CEMENT WORK of all kinds done- hv \V. GI-uld, Richnmnd Hlll. Circular cisterns :\ specialty. All Work guaranteed 3 4 UST ARRIVED.-â€"A car of B. C. shingles. Including XXX and XXXXX. Get our prices before ordering elsewhere. \V9 also have fur sale Beaver hoard, \Vall board, Really x-nnfing 85c. Get our prices. L. Innes & Sons, Richuumd Hill. 3 tf 6QQQQQGQSESEQESEQEGQGQSQSE % SHAW’S BUSINESS SCHOOLS g OR SALE. â€"â€"'I‘wn Internatirmal gasnline enginesâ€"one :1 [Wu horse power, and one four hnrse pmver. Hnth thm-nughly overhauled. A Inn-gain for quick sale. “7. Johns-m, Hemdfurd. 5 2 1060. ++++++++H+++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ W. H. Shaw. President Yong: and Gerrard $15.. Toront‘ SQSQGESQGQSQGQSEEQ®GQ5 Read over our clubbing rates else- 0R SALEâ€"Yrung sow with sewn pigs five weeks old. Apply, Leonard Glemeut, Maple. Phupg O‘V FOR SALEâ€"\Vell bred Holstein. four years old. Inquire Box 123, Richmond Hill. 6 2 LACK RASPBERRIESâ€"For sale. I’. Junps. Phone 2860 Mngk: UlCK SALEâ€"Steel range and fall leaf table, nearly new. “’ill svll at. low price. J. Turner. Exchange. Include the Central Business & Shorthnnd College and Seven City Branch Schools. All give high grade courses and qualify young men and women for business appointments which are Su- (‘lll‘t’d fur graduates through our well organized employuwut de- p-ru'unent. EVERY Is uln‘ record (‘n July 24th when this chpv WM Written. Dull times effect us but little as our records Show. and good pruspm-ls fur the brightest business period in Canadian history when the war is over make it. advisable to get ready to earn a. good salary. AUTUMN TERM OPENS 0N AUGUST 3013 AUTUMN Address W. H. Shaw. President Free descriptive cutulngue mailed on request. TO RONTO TERM OPENS GRADUATE Head Ofificos at Yong: and Gerrard 515.. Toronto ++++++++++++++++++++€‘+++++ The Next Sitting of Div1sion (‘r-nrt N No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. §-+-£-+++++++++++++++++++++++ DIVISlUN - COURT. Shoes removed. . . . . . . Newslmes. Nos. Ito 4, Larger shoes . . . . . . . . . . To U A. Sherzer has re-npened the h]:le- smith shnphL Elgin Mills, us gen- vml hint‘ksndth and wand WUl'kt‘l'. Hr» thanks his custnumrs for past patronage, and huva tiwy will re- main with him in the future. guaranteeing satisfaction as in the past. $10,000 â€"â€"One hunde acres of clay loam soil in first-class state of cultivation. situated m) the 3rd onnCessinn of Markhmn, vi- cinitynf Hr-ndfm‘d; large new bank hnrn with first-class stub- ling. silo, root caller, hcg puns, driving shod. brick house and a never-failing stream close to the buildings. $7,000 â€" Eighty acres. Max-k- ham Township, 2,1, miles east of Yonge St.. near Thornhil), must he sold tn (‘ll-Se an estate. Let nu- have your nl'fel'. $9.500â€"0ne hundred and fif- teen acnes. near LPmonville; good buildings. plenty of spring waLer, pleasant, situation. $2.500 cash required, balance on easy terms. Saturday Sept. 4, I915 $600â€"fiv9 manned somi-de- tnched hulwc with large Int at Elyin Mills, stable fur hnrso m‘ rmv. hr-nnery, and guod garden. Vexv snmll cash payment 1-p- quired. balance payable in numunts luss than rent. Act, quickly. $3.0(10â€"nn improved Lawn or fun In pmpelty. A. E. GLASS A. J. HUME Tailor NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING, ETC. A. SHERZER PROPERTIES F OR SALE CLEANING RICHMOND HILL Commencing at 10 a.m. T. F. McMAHON, CLERK ONTARIO REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL ppnple of Richmond Hill and surroundings : NOTECE MONEY T0 LOAN PRESSING REPAIRING FARMS HOUSES PLACED 15 cents 30 cents 35 cents ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 SEOEING LAXE AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY PATRONAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED There can be no assurance given against an advance any time. We guarantee, however. that there will b‘ these prices prior to August 1, 1916. FOR FU C. A. SKEELE, F. J. WUUDWARD. Richmond Hill GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley Richmond fiiii Annex The folluwin G. A. M. DAVISON, [INIONVILLR dealer for Markha: Scarboro and York Townships, including Yonge Street Irord 1‘ [ 0t 01' Conlpany Ford Ford . A. MCDONALD 8: SON Building Lots on Yonge St., BCIant and Clarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadian Northern Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. 30“ Acre Garden Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms No speednnwter inr-h equipment. nthelwise FURTHER II‘IFOR‘MA'IIUI‘I WRITE 0R SEE LE. . J. T. LOCKE 81 C0, Us Serve {N'SbE‘Nf‘EC SIERT Runabout Touring Car Town Car . of Canada lelted inr-luded m'l‘, Cm . rflk-ctive Aug. 2, 1915 (3:415 EXCELSIOR MOTC R CYC L E R L. C U R T I S RICHMOND HILL Motor Repairing 12an TIMES GIVE?! CN MC’ICR CYCES an advance in these prices at there will be no reduction in in this yearns fully (quipde VYou ‘V'itll L. CURTIS 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto $480 00 $530.00 $780.00 A GENT FOR m‘kham.

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