RICHMOND HILL. 03112. AUG. 5, 1915 Bmd practice next week on Monday evening as usual. Mr. Frank Dunlap is sojourning St. Sullci. Musknka. Rev. J. R. and MN. Aikvnhand :Ind fumin ML vvsu-rduy fur Gui-dun B Iv. and will spend '1 month in Ill? Muskukn Distnut. Aurm-n I} unnel'.â€".\h. um] MN. N. J. Glnss :Iml «hughmn Margin-rite u; Richmnml Hill spe-nl m‘vrSu- day with MI. and Mrs. G. A. MtCnnnelL ThI'RNl Cross Cullectinn taken at the Mcthndisb Church last, Sunday amounted tn $26.55. Mr. and Mrs. John Stanan with tbvir wn Erin: ur' High P:-rk aw spending the week with their daughter. ‘st. O. L. \Vright. ~ (We g’giheml Mr. Jeffvrs Mnhafl'v nf Mtdit-ine Hut. spent. (WI-1' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hand. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Buer Hml twu «:hildrennf {\[nntI-vnl. :n-e spnnding a twn \vevkshnliday with relatives at Bichmc-nd Hill. Mr. H Sulmlsu'd Mnlkhnm New. and Mrc. 'I‘. Rah-[iffy nf G. inm- l)y;u~e \i<iliv'g rulnlives and frivvuh hPl't‘. and are gmsls of Mn. \V. Trtnch. Miss O. L. Phipps of New Ym-k City iiï¬islk'lrltliygji f} w Weeks with M: . and August. at The \VuiI-<. Lak scogee. in New Hazurs'm-e- Mré. A. L: l’l Mm. “a E Ni<h-t of Rurhostpr. N.Y.. ie \‘ixilinz hm- SiSH‘Y‘. .‘1IS.E. \\'. Mnylv, “Linda \‘ism' Gunman." Yonge SL. and will make a stay of some wwks.. Mr. J. H. Dunlup hue lwvn nppuinted Imp of the jmlgpe at Hw fur-Humming Internalinnul Flu“ Pl‘ Shnw In hp hold m. Cleveland. Ohio. in the month of Nm‘mnher. Mr. um] Mrc. Edwin Stunm-rs nf Turunln spu-nt lht‘ huliduv with [he- funnvr's skull; Mrs. Uallflflld \Vlight. Mru. .L daughtm s. han- gun“ Rev. N. \Vellxvund will take thv wmk on the oixcuit during lhenhsenw uf Rev. J. R Aikenhvud. and will pre‘lch in the Methndiat, chunch hme next Sunday evening. The Ford cars have taken :L r‘s-up in price. $61) all round. Thl‘il' Rlllmlm'lt may now he leChaSPd fm' $490; Tum-ing 02w $531); Tow n (‘mr $781). The prices are glmrunlt-ed Ln I hnse \vhu ‘Illl'CiHN‘ pl-im' Ln Au'uh‘t, l. 1916. MW pruticul :x's upplv In (Jr. A. M. Dnvisun, Uniunvillv. agent, fur this District. Cocoa. \Vlmt better haven-age to start [he dny \vi h then a cup of but Bakers Cocoa '3 Us pure, 10c. n lmr. or Onwzlns atl0um1 23('. :1 Lin: Pme (J‘Ult‘ rich spices. mixed snicv. cassin ginger. pvppnâ€"r. White and black, nllspice, etc; Ullkr‘ icingâ€"A gmul cunt of icing gives the edit: u gm-d nppr-nlunce. ChUClnlat/J‘ lulnnn. nlmund. pink and \vnilv “hich nle unsily :Ipplirtl: AlheI-t, sun-(livwsmne vl' :lw ('hl'iu'PhI Inmnda, per tin 231-. '1 HIV «V-hniulvnt In: Atkiusnn l\‘. Switzvl Fancy biscuits, you may he wanting fmv uf nun-assortment. 10 to 20¢ lh.: Jcmt. \tht better haven-age to start |e dny wi h than a cup uf hut Bakers Jena '3 Its pure, Me. n lmr. or vanns .l0 and 2.30. :1 Lin: I’me GUM rich IiCt‘S. mixvd sniuv, r- ssin ginger. LOCALS Hmrdd “nu d Bunk Half Ill fox .1 cum) H. Dunlap D urn! hy and to <pvnd 1h“ ipps k staff is Ivlimiug in :t‘cuupleâ€" hf weeks. Ilauvnnun 1nd little Lm-Iainn. Innnlh nf +- \Villn?pi- the at, The heavy min during the past fvw days has greatly injured the crops. Mr. "nd Mrs. Mm-grpgm- nf DuHar spent Sunday with Mr. and Mls. Ann. ing. East YOlk. cnlumn in The Liberalâ€" you. The Fu-omen's Excursion to Thomld yoeLPrdaIy was (:nllml 0!? on accnunt of th sevew suum nf wind and min. all hunts being cancelled. 'I‘h(> Misses Rhea and Etta Cowling (If \Ve-St Hi†um] )[iSS Olive Mnnrhv nf 'I‘m-nnm we"? the guest: of Miss Mnhvl Smith nf valfmd during the past week. Thu Lih mic nf Ninth um] EM? Yul-k and Nulth Untariu :urw planning 11) huldu hig dmnuvwhalinnnt, Mndsnl. nz-In'u kan- nu Sullnnhlv. Aug. 14. TM: affair will lu- M n p tr'nlin nature. and NW pl‘nclwds \VIH h" dunnlud to the Red Cross and similar nrgun‘zu- tinns. Migg Juhnqr n of Toronto and Mrs. “'In. Anniwz and litllo son. Enwrson. of Enet. Yer spout :I fmv days With Miss Tenn Anning of Kvttle-hy. ThP \anpn‘s‘ Instith will hull] tlwirnnnunl pivnic at, Bond Luku nu \Vorlnr‘qdnv :Ifle‘rnnnn. Ally. lltlv. going by 3.15 (:nr. Memlwrc will leuw l-rinl‘! I-vfroshuwnls. Gentlemen in- D". and Mv-c. Blunvhnvd and Mr. Stirling Blnnvhnrd. “‘hr- spun! tho \thv-r in (1:.li1'm-nin nnd Rl'itixh (‘ulnmhim "nude 3 fmv (huw’ visit with Mr. and MN ".13. Slivling.nn llwil' way hnnu- tn Frian Edward Bland. Mr. D. Hi†mu] Vice Pvn I Int-turn] |.\ Nu'til\\’l!~“|2:l Rnuvh H'Innuhv. Mr. H?†IManer Tut-«l hut ML: EV" “'HI sppml :I 1‘1'lll‘l'9 quke “'Hh girl fI-ivmh in a outtage the lwuch. Du not Worrv: PM. lhl 9" equnre meals =1 dav: my ynur pram-re: h» rnurronus m \ r m-t-ditnm: luv-n vmn- (“gustinll gnnd: ox: raisv: gm sluw :und n-lsv. Muyhp tin-re :n-n mle lhinge lhnf vnm- spm-inl cncv quhne tn maku vnn hanpv. hm. mv friend. lhpsv, Ill-‘Cknn, will ghe you a gmui lift. l-rinl‘! Ir-vfroshuwnts. \‘itod. Do you ever use an rrptmmes fu-r llphnlslmv nun-pucps.’ Fur cuvvl‘ing hmwi.aml 1h» many wuysan ingtâ€"‘uinlw miwl can think pf. “v hau- wmw nrvtty path†he tlmstll from 15[~I18:-. per N. If _\'ml haw :n vhairm- fmn. eIm-l tnr‘nun’. ur :a “'illdnw in Him. "ml mm bur as llllll’h nr litllo :m _\" II wish: Jun-mos» matting, hrn‘vn and m «mi-ll shadu. yd. 23c. Atkinson 8: SwitzI-r. There will ht :l ï¬ne-rial vil"9li!|2 nf tlw 19!] ()uxss Suwir-l \' t‘n Friday. Aug. rhh. :ItRp.In.,1u Illnke‘ ï¬u-ul arrange- Int-MN fnl~Sull1Idm K ml»- und nlx‘n In ":Ir'k HIP mwde whirl] :ll‘t- rpndy In lw «ml away. A fufi :IllwuLHH-o is do- -'il' '1. al‘ I‘ :I'] ll‘w'c- “hn h:(\1- cl‘il I: up <m-k< fixishml a v uekr‘d In bring lhom 'Ihv Fwd Cums Suciviy w ll hr Id :1 S'llr‘ hf hnnwmule (sunkng in Mnmlu-‘s \inl'P on Szi.’ll:d-;_V. Aug. Tm. 'l‘hme will he a qnnd as‘qm-Imwnt ('f hume- nli'llk‘ ll!‘('. (1, canâ€, pies. tarts. cunk'vl Ill-“HIS. vugi 'ril‘lvs‘. etc. The ll!NI"S will he open-d at 4 p.11). Thr-lmlie-s nuiside «If the \‘n'age are Crmtrihling for this s: wand ’L is lnppd there will lie H. lave :llU'ndullCi‘ u: I ~79 villn'te ladies tn puzchnw. A comm-lites! 0" ladies will he : t thr- stun;- nmn Le-n n‘. luck until ~‘il' “I. HI d 3'] ll‘w'n \\ hn wwk< fixishwl ;: v :|~"<r‘(] to lh s met-ding 0n Frid he : t thr- stnre ..nm ts-n two to receive the suppfie- Read the Red Cross NeWS â€"A BRAHA M LINCOLN. Advertisr’ment 'l'hr- meeting unfc Hall at, 8 ltuth man and imilel to al- it, will pay Hill (‘n U" nenzmn with the Tn Radial Railway. stun ('nmpnny had 38 mih \‘vnr Hwy cave-I- 82 n ago they curl-i ml 2.24 Last, year lhvy curriw There :u-v. LlulthIt-SQ. [ tmvn who say that lhvi: "no grind.†Those pen the pupm, and nnly sm- hm-rmv it, from LhI-ir m- CLUBINEâ€"OH Julv I't-sirlvncv. 5H C m Previous m SnsL’ntunl) :ulnpling pun. hilvilinn lhw Susknlnnn thmix h-n- den-d [ho fullmving :uh-ir‘v tn the unli- Ianm-nm-P crowd :»â€"- "If llw tnwn ï¬nes dry. buy a guilt-n of your fuvm it? ln-:'.n(l unrl [urn H, mvr tn ymn' will). (In all ymu- drinking at hnnw. Evrr)‘ limt- ynn {aka a drink pay vum- wife 15 cents. “’th the flush gullnn is lnzl-rmv it, frnm Lhn-ir nvighhtn's. 'l‘lh- \vzlv tn makv yuur lucnl paper unml i< to take- it and pay for it, and Send in ilt-Ine of news. If ynu hvlp tlw publisher nomminmnlly luv handing in personal and otlh-r ilvms and re-arl thn mpnr regulallv you will admit that, it is better than you thought it was. limI-ynu taken drink pay \‘mn- wife 15 cents. \V'lwn the ï¬lsl. gnllnn is gum» your wife- will have right tlnllurs [u put in th lmnk and two dullnrs In lmy a m-w >ll[‘|)l_V, each gullnn menu:- ing sixly-nilw (ll inke. In turn years n! vnur prom-ht. rulv you will lm duml. and vum- “il'l- will hm 2- vnnugll mnney tn gn nut and mme a (ll'Ct'lll mun. The Angustissmâ€" [If Rm] and Gun in Canada published at. \Vtmdsllu‘k. Unl., hy \_V. J. Taylor Lilllill'd. :Illll nmv on lhv nuws stands. Illilkl's gum! reading ful' tho- spurtsnlan. lls slut it's of hunting and fl~hing and “lwen [ht-rt" (lesvriplinns uf \‘sll'ilvlls unlings in ‘mnadian “‘unds‘ Ul‘ nn (.‘vamulian wale an- in line with the \at'aliun seaminam! the- Inagazine is mw “‘1'†wurlh while luvking into Llw (~Inh or dunnage- hag when setting ullt un the annual summer vacation. Our Catalogue is yours for the asking. If ynu me loukillg ful‘ the right I‘mld to a gmld paying: pnsilinn you shuuld huw- u L-npy. It describes this road by explaining Ulll' dvï¬nile Innney pi-mlucing courses. Evrly minute you sm-mi un one mt our cmu'ses has n (illI‘Cl lumring (m nmnr'y gelling within .l slim-L linw. PPi‘hnps that is “no reason why our graduates say [but lhe hast \‘k‘fll‘ in [in il' suhuul life is than sprint, in «me cf Shaw's Business Schunls in Tun-mum. A numln-r 0f curs lwlwven Tu and liluhun-ml 11'“ wer mm-ellv l) ginning of lni> mnnlh. 1‘] :ul‘ lu (he I'r-gnl u- lImII I)‘ 51‘! \ im-va lve-UH-en the (Jim and Nmuum-kw fu'luwing cal" will nun helut‘en (mln um! R‘chnmud Hill :â€" Unzs [Pave 'l‘x‘mmlu .II 6 :l.Iu.. 7 4;).111.. 5 [Ln]. am! 6 p.m.; and cans I‘H\L' BIL-mum d H.†1'.) ' 'J'uum'nu an 6.LU .1.In., 7.U6:-.m.. 8116 mm. and 5.00 pm. ++++~l~+++++++++Q~++++a~++++++ HE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ‘ n-sirlrncv. 5H Chum-h 51.. 'l‘m-unln, \V. F. A. (‘Illlzimq in [IN 02nd \‘t‘ill‘. merul Sunday. in Ful'cat Lawn Mausoleum. Printed Butter \Vrappm‘s always on Pavronize the Local Paper Give the Wife a Chance with [ht A Catalogue For You Cars Cancelled Rod and Gun Bullvl in Growing DIED rs hwlwven 'I‘urnnlu 2' war» rnlu'elled the- munlh. I‘l :uldhiun II I)‘ 51‘! \ im-Jnm’m k‘l , Im. issued In r jurnlltn and Y [rs that. in 1905 Hes Hf 1:1ils. 'J "I H.581 puswï¬gm-s -d (i.‘_’8'),.395 pvnpl: 10, 1915. at his Int? yours for [he Inukillg fur the paying: pnsilinn y. It describes pt-nph- in mm" 1' 1mm] pnpvl us up!» never Inku - iL\\’hPII llu-y 11hr- This HJII lllt‘ ‘ w Jim ‘ 3‘ mmww WWWMWW .\ 3' .‘tw' \ :w' ‘ 3 It“ ‘ r“: t m :*' y T‘ ‘Ff ‘ 3" w»; r" n: It“ ‘ w; w [1M THE RICHMOND HILL FURNISHING é, STORE The Lady Who Shops \Vill ï¬nd a ,qo )d We have a full line of MEN’S BOOTS from the Heavy Working Boots to the finest. of Box Calf, priced from $2.00 $5.00 The vcrv latest in HATS at from $2.00 to $2 50, and also the balance uf our STRAWS and PANAMAS at; less than cant. Le; us show you what we have assortment of the A150 Odd Pants. Overalls, Smecks NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Latest Designs in STORE CLOSES AT SIX O‘CLOCK ON MONDAY AND \VEDNESDAY all the varieties and CONCRETE HOUSE fibrics. in Dress good Summer Underwear -isle and Silk Hosiery Atkinson & Switzer Corseis, C hildren’s waists \ Neckwear, Gloves, Etc. at the pupular store of Shirts of all kinds