Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Aug 1915, p. 7

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Sixtcsn Established and Ten Flore in England Sixtz have and, after consultation with me FrenchVMinistry, the British Govern- ment has decided to set up an addi- tional ten large establishments. This announcement was made in the Home of Commons by the Minister of Munitions, David Lloyd George, who told of the progress made by his de- partment in overcoming the shortage in shells that had prevented the army on the Continent from doing all it might otherwise have done. These new factories are being erected in the vicinity of the. arsenals and the ex- isting armament establishments, and, the Government has completed in a few weeks the developments it is now engaged on the supply of shells will be doubled. “Thiéfsaid the Minister, “will not merely enable us to support our men, but will enable them to cleave their way through to victory.” ‘A despatch from Paris says:â€"A reâ€" i port from Bucharest that orders had‘ been issued to the Roumanian officials at all fronties stations to make the most thorough examination of all freight cars owned -by Austria- Hungary, Germany and Turkey to pre- vent any possibility of the passage through Roumanian territory of muâ€" nitions and arms has been officially confirmed at the Roumanian Legation in Paris. If is reported that car loads of beer barrels packed in ice sent from Ger- many to Turkey Were examined and the barrels found to contain war mu- 19%" M. m: Smuggling Devices INTERNED GERMAN BOATS HAVE TURNED AROUND A despatch from New York says:â€"â€"-- The War News Strategy Board of Brooklyn seemed in the shifting of six German steamships at Pier 33, South Brooklyn, another attempt of the detained fleet of the Kaiser to make a “dash for the open.” The marine superintendent of the Ham-v burg-American Line said it was true that the ships, including the President Grant, the Hamburg and Koenig Wilhelm the Second, had turned end! for end in the dock. Some of them had been nearly a year in dock, and1 the metal of the pier had badly de» flected the compasses. The object of mm; m PASSAGE OF MUNITIONS GERMANY T0 RESCUE 0F TRE TURKS lntimation Any Such Plan \Vill be Nipped in Bud by Surprising Move of Allies A despatch from Athens saysz~ Enver Pasha issued an extraordinary message to his troops on the Gallipoli Peninsula before the last big attack. It ran thus: “Soldiers, you will fight with all your strength. At least you will resist as long as possible, for I can promise you within a month's time shall be able to send you to your omes. The life of Serbia cannot now last longer than a month. Withâ€" in that time the German armies will crush her and will come to our aid." I learn that great pressure had been put on the Germans by the Young Turks to fulfill the promise to send German armies through the Bal- kans to the assistance of the Turkish forces. The Yéung Turks regard Holy See Declined Proposal Because of Condem- nation of German Submarine Warfare A deepatch from Rome sayszâ€"It is learned here that the Minister of Prussia accredited to the Holy See, who recently has been living in Switz- erland, has conveyed to Pope Benedict a proposal from the Kaiser suggest- ing that the Holy See offer to medi- §te between Germany and the United States and promising to abide by the Pope‘s decision if mediation should be accepted. - , vvlvt is ‘further reported that the Pope replied that he was unable to offer PROPOSAL FROM KAESER T0 MEDIATE dospatch from London says:â€" rn national munitions factories been established in England, after consultation with the hVMinistrv. the British Govern- {RAVE m WAY m MCTORY 0 Devices of Germans to Get Munitions a to Ottoman Troops Frustrated of CHECK SPY EXODUS of FROM GREAT BRITAIN Of A despatch from London sayswâ€"A to closer check on possible spies is in- l‘he dicated in an official notice published lm- in England to the effect that travelers T119 from the United Kingdom to Scan- eflt dinavian countries will not be permit- mg ted to leave this country on or after end August 10th without special permit \em from the Home Office. This restric- afid tion applies to British subjects as well de~ as neutrals, with the exception of b0f {soldiers and sailors. an... H;V"â€" [until the new factories are built the work of the department will be di~ rected to speeding up existing con- tracts. At first the Government had been faced with a grave' labor short- age, and some machines were lying idle becau‘se no one could be found to work them. One-third of the machines engaged in Government work at the outset were not being utilized at night. During three months his depart~ ment had succeeded in adding nearly 40,000 men skilledâ€"to the ranks of the workers connected with arma~ ments, and they were pouring in fur~ ther supplies. His department had also enrolled 100,000 volunteers, but it had been found difficult to remove the majority of these from their pre- lsent employment. However, scores of thousandsbof skilled men who had lenlisted had been traced, and ar- rangements were made with the War JOfiice for the return of these men to nitions. The freight cars are re- ported to have been provided with yfalse bottoms and walls, behind which arms were hidden. Every device known to modern smugglers is said to have teen used to pass arms and mu- nitions through Roumania for the O1;- toman troops. the factories. A despatch from Rome says:â€" News has reached here that Turkey has only one month’s stock of am- munition. Consequently the Italians believe the allies will take the Dar- danelles in a relatively short time if Bulgaria and Roumania act energeti- cally against contraband. turning the other sides of the pier was to readjust the compasses to some extent. CHECK SPY EXODUS Mr. Lloyd George explaipeq‘ that the achievement of that plan as the only hope for the Turkish Empire in ‘ Europe. A prominent military expert who has just completed a tour of the Balkan States, and who latterly has been in Austria, expresses the belief that such an efi‘ort will be the next great move on the part of the Austrians and Germans. Should this cross move be made it will have immediate and important results in Hhis corner of Europe. It would be ‘ unwise to give details which are with- in my knowledge, but I think I may be permitted to say that counterbal‘ ‘ancing events are moving rapidly and lthe enemy’s plans may quite possibly ‘be nipped in the bud by a surprising [move of which the publie should hear at an early date mediation because he resides in a bel- ligerent country where Germany’s representatives cannot come, and be- cause of condemnation of submarine warfare, he could not pass upon a matter involving its justification. The Pope called attention to the fact that as the Holy See was neutral it could not assume the arduous task of settling controversies between the powars. He suggested, therefore, that the Kaiser submit the question to The Hague Tribunal. to be Set Up A despatch from Berlin says:â€"~A careful study of the German attitude towards the last; American note justiâ€" fies the conclusion that the note, in all probability, will not be answered at all. French Government Cannot Under- take to Effect Delivery. A despatch from New York says:â€" Hereafter the hardships of the French soldiers at the front will not be light- ened by the occasional gifts of cigars, tobacco and cigarettes which have been sent to them in the past by kindly-disposed Americans. ........ J V,“ The French postal authorities have informed the authorities here that they are unable to effect the deliveryI of the smokes to the soldiers or the prisoners of war in France. In conse- quence it has been found impossible to collect from the addresses the Customs charges to which all such gifts sent from abroad are.liable in France at present. Steamship men state that an imaginary line. known as the stability line, which keeps the steamers upright, was only four inches deep on the Eastland. These same men said the Government required this line to be 20 inches. 011 the majority of the lake steamers this line is 32 inches. 0n the larger steamers, which make the Georgian Bay trips, the line is 42 inches, preventing any possibility of a tipover. INVISIBLE AEROPLANES LATEST GERMAN PLAN NO MORE GIFTS 0F TOBACCO A despatch from Amsterdam says: Germany possesses invisible aero- planes, according to the Cologne Gaz~ ette. The wings are made of a clear transparent material called cellon, which is the invention of a German engineer named Knaubel. Cellon, which is manufactured from cellulose and acetic acid, is tough, pliable and nonâ€"inflammable, and is used instead of canvas. A machine covered with cellon is said to be virtually invisible above an aititude of 3,000 feet. Herr Knaubel made his first experiments with the material two years ago. 12‘?“ answer is sent it will not be to Weaving was practised in China more than a thousand years before it was known in Europe. Germany May Not Answer UOS. Note HOW EASTLAND VIOLATED RULE. _ -58Fi’. BEAM 1-. III- uâ€"n u-u almost 5 Garrison argue any questions of principle, but to suggest a possible means for ar- ranging indemnities. Any steps that the Government may take depend to a large extent on the German con- ception of the tenor of the American note to England. N0 COTTON RESOLD A despatch from London says:~ The Foreign Office denied a statement published recently that American cot- ton seized by the British authorities is‘being reshipped to be resold in neu- tral ports. In the Middle Ages people in Eng- land wore the beaks, or points of their shoes so long that they encum- bered themselves in walking, and were forced to tie them up to their knees. “um FGREPES RETREATENG NORTHWARD Successful Progress of Br1 Minor Reported by A despatch from London says:â€" “Gen. Sir John Nixon reports that as a résult of an action near Nasiriyeh (Asiatic Turkey) the disorganized Turkish forces retreated northward more than 25 miles. more than 25 miles. “The enemy’s casualties in killed, wounded or prisoners amounted ap- proximately to 2,500 men, the prison- ers including 41 officers arid 690 men, of whom some 200 were wounded. Our capture of arms and material includ- ed one 40-pounder gun, twelve field and txvo mountain guns, several ma- TRIESTE IS ” mom) AND WRECKED IN NEUTRAL PORTS Has Been Withdrawn and the City Virtually Been Evacuated l: 9 o'clock at sunset. lights at the dock- of British Campaign in Asia Led bv Sir John Nixon FAKE PASSPORTS MADE IN BERLIN Germans Enter England as Citi- zens of [7.5. and Switzerland. A despatch from London sayszâ€"It has been learned on high authority here that the British authorities have arrested a German subject who had in his posseSSion a forged American paseport, which the arrested man ad- mits is not genuine. The forged document had been compared with the original passport which was issu- ed to a bona-fide American citizen. The real passport, which was sent to London by the State Department at Washington, shows that the forgery is a dangerous imitation. The arrested man is understood to rave declared that the false passport was given to him in Antwerp by Capt. Schneitzer, a German secret service officer. The American State Depart- ment is Said to have taken up the question with the German Govern- ment, as the imitation is so clever that it constitutes a. danger to Ameriâ€" cans abroad. The real passport on which the bogus one is based was is ‘ued to an American business man who reached Germany March 24th and left that country April 8th. This man was at his home with his pass- port when the holder of the false document was arrested in England. The late Mr. Joseph Chamberlain was probabiy the Statesman who smoked the most cigars in the course of a day; in his case the damage was done not by the number he smoked as by the strength of the leaf of which they were manufactured. Mr. Fred Terry, until he was stopped by his doc- tor, had a. way of going in for chain ‘smokjngâ€"â€"that is to say, he lit one { cigar from the stump of the one before As a result of investigations by the United States Government, the State Department has instructed Ambassa- dor Gerard at; Berlin to bring to the attention of the German Government evidence indicating that Germans have been engaged in forging Ameri- can passports and furnishing them to German spies. 5 When the average man comes 1.302055 Sir Edward Cal-eon, the new British AttorneyGeUeral, with his trim, erect. sturdilyâ€"built figure. he is apt to forget that the great lawyer and Ulster patriot is sixty-one years of age. He certainly does not look more than fifty. This impression is accentuated \by the freeand-easy way he dresses, for nearly always he comes to the House of Commons in a double~breast- Anecdotes and Facts About People Whose Names You Know. On an occasion Lord Flslher may be seen walking in St. James's Park, Lon- don, with his Wife. Very simple in his habits of dress, he is partial to a. (101» hie-breasted coat and a flat hat, 91111118,:- to that popularized by Mr. Churchill. These warm, sunny afternoons he likes to uncover his head, and then one notices the stiff. white hair has a tendency to fall on Que forehead in a Napoledn-like projection it. and so on ed lounge éuit and a. bowler hat chine guns, 1,000 rounds of artillery and 30,000 rounds of small ammuniâ€" tion and explosives and bombs, and other miscellaneous ordnance stores. “Our casualites numbered 564 men, as follows British officers killed 5, and wounded 20; other ranks, killed 47; wounded 142, and missing 30', ‘lndian ofiicerS, killed 4, wounded 7', iother ranks, killed 45, wounded 257. land misaing 6. ~ - . . y auu ......... a v “The evacuétion of the sick and wounded from Nasiriyeh has com- mencew yard have been damaged by the Italian aerial bombardments. The city has virtually been evacuated, the garrison having been Withdrawn and only the gendarmes left. These are requisitioning the scanty supply of foodstuffs. Thevwlâ€"t'alian language has beer. abolished. A rupture between Turkey and Italy is inevitable. Turkey has ignored the Italian remonstrances and threats against the interment of Italians, PERSONS OF NOTE.

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