WM. TRENCH & SON} NORMAN a??? Repairing ne: Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Whips and Blankets. All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. Trench’s Carriage Works 1-3 m. In Marble or Granite. Good work reasonabe charges, Town or Country Write, Monuments. RICHMOND HILL HARNESS SHOP RICHMOND HILL. ONT" Eh» gilwml COUNTRY REAL ESTATE ansden Building, 6Advlnid» St. East. Tornntu. 13 6 In Tombstone Lettering 30 acres. "IiIP from \‘illngu, in Dlll'hnm County. fmme dwelling. lmnk lmrn. nice stream through buck 0nd uf prnpm-Iy with smm- \Vnuds. Price HPVPHLPFH hundred dollms. Itcusnnul-lelot-ms. Cbe IN CONNECTION WITH in HGDMCQ One Dollar COME AND SEE US John Fisher & C0. a year W. A. JONES, 22 Buchanan Sp, {\tly and promptly done Small Farm Markers and Cox-net- Posts. For Sale AUG Tin-onto 1915 - V»; new»;va : .wï¬msvgl“ .WA‘Z'mw'n‘-. 9:391:35- Timsmithing and all kinds of Galvanized Iron work promptly done, A good time now to in. stall a Furnace, estimates given and satisfaction guaranteed. A fe\v nice Hammocks priced from $I to $3.50 each. Lawn Mowers at special prices to clear $3.50 to $6.00. Screen Doors and Windows all sizes and prices from 20c. to $2.25. The New Perfection Oil Stove with two, three or four burners, used with Royalite Oil at 15c. per gal., is the best and most economical stove for summer use. Cal: and see them. HOT WEATHER NEEDS C. R. James mum :s-mwvge uh. Wallnut Grove Stock Farm L a n g s t a f f nuafly and prompily PRESENT OFFERING HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at- Langstafl by appointment. .Tï¬e £1'ï¬c ral @fl‘i’ce WHO ARE YOUR FRIENDS IN RICHMOND HILL ? Perhaps you haven’t looked at this matter lightâ€"haven’t seen ynur obligation will) respect dwellers in this community. Be :1. flie-nd um fliendsâ€"lxy helpful lem-tiseluents in The Liberal . Merchants who are our real friends advertiseâ€"tell us what is good for us to have and what, is the right price to pay. Merchant-s who inform us concerning what is best to buy and when to buy, are our good friends and save us money. Many men in and about Richmnnd liiH have their lives assured due to the persistency of the representatives of good life assurance companies. Salesmen who urge and rersuade us to buy the things we ought to have are our tlue friends. More friends of this sort are wanted 506 firinh'ng 57/1 Kinds RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. To the Merchants of Richmond Hill done a! +++++++++++++++++++++++H+ +++++++++++++é+++++++++++ <1- "In FA‘Euï¬. “‘3 I»). E. Phone Thornhill Langstaff P.0. Exclusive territory. hnn'lsnme free uulfit, highest cmmnissions. A clmncoof a lifetime to do a big trade among the funnels in fruit stock. as well as “rm-mental business in the town. STONE 8: WELLINGTON TORONTO 51 to sell in RICHMOND HILL AND VICINITY A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED \Vrite for terms this matter in this with respect In the :1. fl ie-nd and make THE OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES for Phone 18 .50 a 5%. .pï¬b; 5116 Will give you a fine suit. Sole Agent for Hobbean Tailoring W. H. BASSETT Come (0-day and see what ex- pert clothing men consider the ï¬nest display of new season fabrics they have ever shown. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMON D HILL W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Tailored-to-Your-Measure is a Hobberlin Suit and Finished in every De- tail in 'High-Clau Manner. LAWRENCE GREENHOUSE S Richmond Hill _R_I__C H M 0 Ni)" ï¬i'i'ï¬"â€'B‘R A N C H Furniture and Wall Papers ll Qt) Fruit Baskets FOR SALE THE STANDARD BANK Lots of 25 to 1000 or more at reasonable prices We represent the New Williams Sewing Machine Company and have a number on hand at all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"and you can have it today. . - o o n panics. All have good ï¬nancial standing. rates, and we assure “YOU†your business tended to if left in the hand of FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Very choicest of Com- Branchel allo YOXGE STREET Lots on Baker Ave. at reasonable prices RICHMOND HILL G. SAVAGE NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND PdVCd street for Automobiles Established at anle. Markham. Stouffville, Unionvme with cover SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Highest Current Rates Allow- ed, and Interest Compounded Half- Yearly on Deposns. 175 We solicit your account in our [be A, B,C of Bariking @@ ARE AGENTS FOR iet the Savings Habit. ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 OF CANADA OVQ!‘ DUE] Goods sired. Sam. list of article‘s with 9: giving residence and name in He solicits a trial on antees satisfaction. has opened 3 Laundry south of McDon ald‘s Grocery Store in VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HANDJ REAL ESTATE Advertise in The Libera- RICHMOND HILL â€"AGENCYâ€"â€" ‘. SANDERSON. V. . I. HINAS Richmond Hill :sidenceand name in full. called for and delivered, ifde- RICHMOND HILL MANAGER PHONE 8002 Consult us for will be well at.- Manager: and Locust Hi". with each puree Work and gum-