Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Aug 1915, p. 5

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Flunndvllc blankets, we have in stuck ull sizvs in white and grey, With pink and blue borders, price $1.40 to $2.00 :1 pi.: 'I'mewl suspenders‘ made of strong (‘i:lSll(‘. llutlun hule and 100p reinfurcvd. pr. 500.: Police suspenders. extm hmu‘y, pr. 350.: Boston gutters, nssm ted culm-s, pr. 25c.; Elastic arm hands. pr. [56. Atkinson & Switzer. The Red Cross Societv would like all thnse who have wnrk at, hu'me 10 please return a: sun!) as possible. The SEWiIur cmmuitlm- will he at the Fur- eer-r's Hull nu Monday afternoon to rpceive and (lislrilmle wm-k. Mr. J. P. Naughtnn returned Satur- day fl'mu Slmlfurd where he acted us delegate from Hiil Uresb Lmlgv, Riel;- mnnd Hill. at the annual mueting of Grand Ludge Independent. Order of Odde-llmvs. Horace \Vadv. sun of Mr. \Vadn. caretaker of thy Public school, while playing with a lllllllht‘l‘ u-f lmVs was thmwn duwn. and his elhmv was dis- ln -ated. The dislncaliuu was reduced by Dr. Pentland. Mr. Hinus has roman his laundry tn (hu building. three (ll-m-s nm-lh ur' thP Post Officu when-e he- has better uccumuuulutiun than fm-mex-l)‘. Send your list of :uticles and Chm-lie will do the rest. Mr. A. M.S. Nil‘l)l and Mr. \V. M. Stonehouse Ivan: Suturduv next for Kerruhert. Susk.. where [ht-y will work in [he hum-\‘vsl firlds. In the fall lhuy purpnse‘ talking up humesleud in the Pczlcc Rivvr District. RICHMOND HILL. Own. AUG. 19, 1915 Misses Margaret and Rhoda Mitchell of \VesL Toronto I) we returned home after spending [Wu wet-ks “in: Mr. and Mn. J. \Vuod, Mill Sheet. Home Guards â€"- Tqu (nut in gnnd time for the parade on Friday (-reniug. A Parade of (he Hume Gumd will he held un Friday night next at 7.30 «ft-luck. hvnded by the Richmond Hill Band. The Buudsmen are requested Lu meet at the hand hall at 7.30 sharp. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. “Right and family lvtt, Monday awning fur Buln Park when- lhvy pulpose spending a. couple of weeks. Mrs. F. M. Bethune. San Diego. California. with her little sun Billie is visiting her parents. Mr. mid Mrs. \V. A. Sudduhy. Mr. J. E. Francis will he Lhedelegnte from the Thnrnhill Cum-t. (A.().F.) to the High Uhlll‘t, meeting in Ottawa next week. Mrs. I. S. G. Van \Vurl; is making a visit at. the Lungstulf cutluge in Muskuku. All git-ls are asked to have their cakp dmntiuus fur the Red Crhss Sale in by 1 p.111. shun-p. Mr. G. A. McDonald. secretary Gum-l; Richmond. A.().F.. will lw in Ottawa next \vwk attending the High Court, Invetjng in that city. Miss Edith Kay of Flat, Turunto spent, her hulnluys with Mrs. Jnhn “’(md. Don't lmke your own cake nn Sutur- day. buy it, from the Red Cross gills. Mr. Puntun and Mr. Findley of Toronto spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John \Vuod. Lincoln's Uncle Tum's (Tahiu will appear in [he Masrnic Hall tu-nighl. 4 acts, 20 scenes. Plices 15c. :mdléc. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Greene have gone to Jackson‘s Point for a couple of weeks. E11112 fiihwul LOCALS TEAREâ€"At Lynhurst Hmpitzll. ’l‘m-untn, nn Julv 27111. 1915. to Mr. and Mrs. R. Philip Teale, Tiunmns. Ont.. a. sun. SATURDAY. Aug. 21â€"Auctinn sale of hnusvhnld furniture at the residkncv nn Rnsvvivw Avenue. Richmond Hill. the property nf \Vm. Burns. Terms cash. Alsn the house and lut. Sale at 2 o‘clock. Saigeon & McEwen. aunts. Aug. 16, 1915. As lumhrcn 0f ynur honm-vd father. we extrml UHI sincere sympathy to you, and lmpv and trust you may find (:mnfurLHmI happiness eve-u in yum- lnge-lv hmns. 0n behalfo Richmnnd Lodge with him in this world. On every hand arr- mmnentoes of mot-:ulily. friend :Ifh’l' friwul (lvpnlts. yet we :emn tn f-vl-grt we are hum tudiv. May we nuL all pl'nfiL by the many reâ€" minders that life is shnrt. and that wé’ are fast travelling to nnnthm- “mid. MI. A. J. Hume. Lth-uriun (If our Public Library, is in Slnnffville try-day (Thursday) at the annual meeting of York County Public Library A350- ciatiun. Mr. Heelev who enlisted some time 3,20, and had been drilling :lt, Barrie- field Camp. Kingston. is hnme fur u few Weeks on his liltlu farm at Elgin Mills. Bv rvquvst uf Captain Hickmnn at the drill Friday 't-vening MI'. Herley tuuk charge of Lln- Hume Guard. and gave {he buys snnu- puinlvrs in the way of handling their Iifivs. “'omen'i tea wprnns \vilh frill of embroidery 25u.: \Vhile lawn upmn. 36 in. wide, luuul of inst'rliun almve hem, each 25c.; Buys khaki shirts. dark shade. size 125 Lu l4 cullm'. catch '0-:. Atkinson 8; Switzvr. “Positivelv no sillingnn these steps." Is it nut, surplising that slum-keepers me C(llllpt‘lll‘d u- put up :1. “notice” similhr lu lhu. allow in order that custunwrs may he able Lu enter lhvir places of business? Uenuin men who helped to bluck the doorway should feel they have been justly rebuked. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hill spent the wook‘ end at "Richmond," the summer home ui Mr. J. L. Innes, in Luke Jnsvph. Muskuka, and Ieturned Monday evening. \Vhile trolling Saturday rvening Mr. Hill cuughtu six pvund trout, which nlensuu-d 26 inches in length. Mrs. \V. H. Bussth and twu childrenâ€"\Valluce untl Edithâ€"leave Saturday In spend the Winter at: Mrs. B.|ssell‘s fmmer home near Bristol. England. They will sail from Moutn-al by The Corsican. The Red 01055 girls will hold it home made «:uke sale on Saturday, Aug. 21, in Mundic’s store. Cakes both large and by the dozen will he sold and the prncerds (lmnle‘l to [he cmnpletion 0f the $75 l'UQuil'Cd fur the hospital cot donated by the Richmond Hill girls. Dom-s upcn at 3 p.m. The most u-grotuble news which has come to hand this week is the sinking of the Royal Edward. M. British lrnns~ purl. nnd the Inst; of 1,000 lives in the Avgvnn Sea. The ship belonged to the Canadian Nun-[horn fleet. and was sunk by a submarine un her way to the Dal‘dnnclles. Resolution of Sympathy Auction Sales BORN \V. A. \\"right \V. II. Lnge T. F. McMahon 3 LAND; Sugar is the best sugar for ASIC SLAG.â€"The nndvrsigned having received a cal-loud (vf that noted Nm‘n. Scotiu fPllillZPl‘. Basic Slag, will have a quantity tn dispose of at. $20 :1 ton. Fur pal-litu- Lu-s phone Richmund Hill. D. \V. Cluhine, Elgin Mills. 3 tf Hundreds of people thoroughly on- jnyed the open air com-(wt (In Hutvl Richmond luwn Satmduy vwning. given by the Richmond Hill Band. under the Imdelship of Mr. Gray. The programme included marches. \vullzvs. nvertmos. and popular .md patriotic selectinns. May \u- ht-po that. our music-inns “ill gn'e the rili- zens a. number of Similar treats during tho summer season. D I have lenled the shop known as the Kennersley shop. nearly opposite the Standard Bank, and am now prepared tn) dn all kinds of repairing. All \vm-k guarantevd. Ynnrs sincervly, F. A. Franklin. Richmond Hill. 5 4 LUMBING.â€"-All kinds nf plumb ing done- at reusmmhlu prices Satisfaction guaranteed. John Hicksnn, Richmond Hill. 44 1y PAIR OF BOOTSâ€"“Ms lukcn from :1 clump of lmslws lmtwven Richmond Hill and Elgin Mills. Will the finder please- have the same at, Nunphton‘s stan. Elgin Mills. and oblige. Mal-tin McKinnon. 8 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ‘ OR SALEâ€"Nine mode house, on Yonge SL. Richmond Hill, with about 20f an acm- ruf land. Apnlv to J. H. Naughtnn, 621 Trudels Bank Bldg" anmmv. Phone Main 3476, m- Elgin Mills. 8 4 LANIIC Sugar is the best sugar for preserves and jelly. because it is pure cane of extra line granulation and dissolves quickly, wlth no gritty grains; and because it is kept pure and free from specks and dirt by the original packages of guaranteed weight filled at the refinery.Ԥ2 lb. and 5 lb. cartons, and 10 lb. and 20 lb. bags. 100 lb. gag‘s'gparserkgranulation.7 7 Buy“ in‘firigiuai‘ packs??? and look tor'the‘ LANTIC Red Ball on each package. $3,000â€"0n improved town or fun In property. $7,000 â€" Eighty acres, Mark- ham Tu“ nship, 2!; miles east, of Yungo SL. hwu- Thnrnhill. must, be sold to close an es‘ulle. Let, mv have your ufl’er. $9.500â€"One hundred and fif- teen HCIG‘S. near Lemunville; good buildings, plenty of spring water, pleasant situation. $2.501) cash required, balance on easy tCl‘lllS. $600â€"h‘ve roamed semi-de- tached house with large lot at Elgin Mills, stable for hul'sc (-1' row. hennery. and guod garden. Vely small cash payment w- quired. balance payable in amounts less than rent. Act quickly. $10,0UUâ€"»One hundred acres of clay Imnu soil in first-class state of cultivation. situated ('n llm 3rd l'UllL‘t‘SSilIn (If Markham, \‘i- l'illityuf Handful-d; large new lmnk burn with first-class stub. ling. silo. ruot C(‘llt’l'. lu‘g pvns, dliving sin-d, Ill-ink house and .‘l. never-failing stream (:1050 m the bmldings. ERSEY CO\Vâ€"Fnr Sale, well lured. fnur years old. due Lu calvu. .lnhn \Vnnd, Mill St” Richmond Hill. ERSEY A. E. GLASS OOT AND SHOE REPAIRING.~- AUGHTON or thiml‘lo berries fur sale. P. \V. McGrPgor. Thor-n- hill. to]. 1 long. 2 short. 7 2 Apply Hill. PROPERTIES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHMOND HILL MONEY T0 LOAN Band Concert (35) Wâ€"Xgnng. “f‘ny Sule- . R. HOUSES FARMS Oliver: Richumnd THE BlCHMUND HILL FURNISMGâ€"é STORE: E- The Best isjust what you need, and must have The vcrv latest in HATS at from 32.00 to $2 50, and also the balance of our STRAWS and PANAMAS at less than cost. Le; us show you what we have We have a full line of MEN’S BOOTS from the Heavy Working Boots to the finest of Box Calf, priced from $2C0 $5.00 Fruit Jurs all size; \V'nole and ground pure spices A150 Odd Pants. Overalls, Smocks \anon‘s fine COI'SL‘ NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR Teas, Japan and Mack, gULd value Cream curtain scrim Heavy blue and STORE CLOSES AT MONDAY AND Men's unshlinkuble Goods of that sort \V Atkinson & Switzer I! x 28 in AT hite coin spot Pickling Vinegar and Malta Vineg BUNGRETE HOUSE AT l3c. YARD _ ‘Vhite Sunny finnnelette 34 in. Wide Excellent Boilnn Cafe-0, per lh. 40c GROCERIES AT 35c. EACH t cover trimmed with lace and ribbon AT l4c. PAIR hunvy combe Cutton towels \T 17c. YARD _ _ white check shining 29 m. Wide AND curtain muslin 36 in. wi 1e 25c. YARD hemstitched border. 36 in. wide l5c. YARD 40c. PAIR *, all wool. cashmere socks SIX O'CLOCK ON \VEDNESDAY Jar Rubbers. rod and white are found here Green Rio Coffee, Rb. 2 Shirts of all kinds at. 30¢. per 1h. ‘EH‘

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