Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Aug 1915, p. 8

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WM. TRENCH & SON Repairing neatlyaul promptly done Summer supply of Knee Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Whips and Blankets. All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. Everything in the Harness Line. Trench’s Carriage Works The I'P-npening services of the Thorn- hill Methudist Church, which wm-e to h-we [wen held nn the 22nd. have lwen deferred to Sunday. August, 29. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Oke will preach at 1030 n.m.. and Rev. \V. H. 'i‘lmmyson uf Toronto will preach at 7 p. n). Special music will be rendered by the choir. and “Ratings will he taken in aid of the renovation fund. Sherwood Rev. M. H. Fischer, of \Villial port. 1321.. N.S., fornm-ly of our chu and Sunday School. will preach Zinn E‘ Lutheran] church next Sum! August 22. St)np=.â€"-In the summer time it is ensiexu cooler. :llld more pleasant, to h:u'e same nm- else (In the hut couking. Om‘ soups are all pH-pnmd. only llL’l'd the healing. “"0. have Heinz lnnmto Suup, Campbell’s \‘x-getnhlv. chickle and [(Illl'llu sulln nt 15 tin: Siren) BnlIillnn (:llhes~.l cube lllilkI'S a ('upâ€" 2 fur 56. Atkinson & Switzer. R nll Gull - - Dessext Recipes Paper - - Miss France-y Instrumental - Miss Eleanor Chapman P:lper,'1‘heOLllt-r \Vonmn.Ml-S.I.Brmvn Solo - - Mrs. Edgar Nigh Every person welcome Mrs. H. M. Perkins and Mr. Lmne I’Hkins attended the Lines' raising at, anlv on Friday. Miss ELln-l MOI-[son visited friends at Tlm.-nhill lust wr-ek. Miss E. Bell of Tux-unto is spending some time \VILh Miss Myrtle \Vilsun. Mrs. E. Brown and Mrs. I. Brown \VPIB Toronto visitors last week. The Victoria Squnle Brunch nf the \Vumnn's Institute will lmld their reg- ular monthly meeting at the home of Mr. R. L. B-.))'ntnn, Cushel, \Vednes- dav :lftt'lnnnl), Aug. 25th. at 2.30. l’l'ugumme : R nll Uull - - Dessext Recipes \iclorla Square The Mission Band gave .1 very interesting and enjoyahle entertain~ ment lust Friday evening. Ice cream and home-made candy were served from the booth, after which all ad- journed to the helm-e room where an excellent programme of choruses, recitations. :1 Red Cross Drill. and Gramophone selections were presented. Mr. Geo. McCu-Igue made an excellent, chairman. The President of the Mission Band and her suppm ters certainly deserve all the credit pOSsible for the success of the concert and social us it was quite an undertaking for the young girls. The proceeds after expenses :nepuid will be given to the Red Cross work. $32 are the proceeds. There was never a tune in the thirty- sevvn veuw of its history when the Canadian National Exhibition prom- ised more real instruction and enter- tainment than this year. In additinn to the marvelous proofs of the manner in which the patrth at home is taking care of his rvspunsihilities in the wav of increased production that. the patriot at the front "my have the wherewithal to keep his place in the lmttleline. there will he special features (If patrtutic and historic significance. The big war spectacle in front of the Grand Stand will he quite the must elaborate pageant ever presented luv the Fnir, while the Model Military Camp, aeroplane {lights and the mining and turpeduing of ships in the harhnul. supplemented by the war trophies. will he a. revelation. The new Giant Midway, with its army nf spielers. never presented a more diversified list of :lttlactit'ns, while the Hippndrume and Circus in frunt of the Grand Stund will bea feature in the amusement line. RICHMOND HILL. UNT.. AUG. 19. 1915 @112 gihmml HIGHMGND HELL HARNESS SHOP IN CONNECTION “'ITH COME AND SEE US Toronto Fair Thornhill \ ‘illiams- our chumh preach in 3y, 1-3 m. In Marble or Granite. Good work reasonube charges. Town or Country \Vrite, Canada in past. years has imported more poultry and mute eggs than she has exported. Yet her pi oductlon has materially increased. but it, has failed to keep pace with the ronsuuiption. In uventy years the egg prodnrtion ldevelnped from 64,499,241 dozen to 123,071,034 doze-n. but the consumption increased from 11.8 percapita to 17.39. That is to say the Individual fondness for eggs had increasul over fifty per cent. The population grew in those twenty years, or from 1891 to 1911. according to the cvnus, from 4,833,239 to 7,204,838. an increase :t 2.371.599. and the egg protluctit n mounted up 58,571,793 dozen. In spite of this fact, and althnugh the exports fell about to zero. 2,378,630 dozen hul to be imported. 1n the same time the number of poultry in Gunada grew from 12,696.70] to 29,548,723. Here again, although the inctease was t'lOSt‘ upon thirteen million. the import: exceeded the exports in value to the amount of $111.69b'. Every Canadian producer should endeavour, therefore. to ploduco this year more and better eggs and poultry than ever before. During the progress of the heavy electrical wind and rninstm-m which passed over York and Ontario counties on Sunday, a large burn on the farm belonging tn Jumtthnn Culvert. and tennnted by \Villimn Penny, cun- cessinn 4. Markham Township, mm:- the Village of Butlonville. was struck bylightning and burnt-(l to the gruund. All the other outbuildings ndjoininp; the burn were destrnvod, and the own tents. consisting of a large quantity uf hay. implements. poultry and hugs. By prompt. action on the part of Mr. Penny and the neighlmrs. the hnrses in the stable were saved. The loss on the buildings is placed nt between $1500 und $2000. The pruperly is said to he fairly well insured. NORMAN BATTY Monuments. Markers and Corner Posts. The Village of Richmond Hill offers for sale the following: Apply to A. J. HUME, Clerk Richmond Hill DEBENTURES Tombstone Lettering $3000.00 Public School Debentures 30 year term, 5% per cent. Timsmithing and all kinds of Galvanized Iron work promptly done, A good time now to in. stall a Furnace, estimates glven and satisfaction guaranteed. Afew nice Hammocks priced from $1 to $3.50 each. Lawn Mowers at special prices to clear $3.50 to $6.00. The New Perfection Oil Stove with two, three or four burners, used with Royalite Oil at 15¢. per ga1., is the best and most economical stove for summer use. Call and see them. Screen Doors and \Vindows all sizes and prices from 20c. to $2.25. Poultry Breeders' Opportunity HOT WEATHER NEEDS C. R. James Wallnut Grove Stock Farm HOLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull Lyons Segis King. Interested parties will be met at Langstafi by appointment. W. A. JONES, Barn Burned 22 Buchanan SL, RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. ++H~F++H++++++++++++H++é ++++++++H++++++++++++++in? Langstaff PRESENT OFFERING Toronto Phone Thornhill Langstaf f P.0. Achance of a lifetime to do a. big trade among the farmers in fruit stock, as well as ornamental business in the town. Exclusive territory, handsome free outfit, highest commissions. Shoes removed . . . . . . Nnvshoes. Nos. 1 to 4, Lm‘gel shoes A. Shel zer has I-e-npened the black- smith shnan Elgin Mills. us gen- eral blacksmith and wood “'(u'ker. He thanks his cnstnmm's for past patronage. and hupPS they will re- main with him in the future. guaranteeing satisfactirn as in tlw past. STONE & WELLINGTON TORONTO 51 to sell in RICHMOND HILL AND VICINITY To [ho people of Richmond Hill and surroundings : A REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Ono hundred acres on 2nd (,‘vnn. 0f V'nnglmn, brick house. gm‘d nulhuildings. first-r-lnss soil. one mile from curpm-utiou of Rich- mond Hill. One hundred acres in Max-khan), WP” drained, new buildings. $600 will purchase a five mmned dwvlling at Elgin Mills. newly dvcnmted, good lot. very easy terms. A seven roamed 1101139 on Yunge Street. Richmond Hill‘ Int 42x165. small fruit, gnnd cellar. easy terms. ,n rg \Vrite for terms. II. A. Nioholls THE OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES E‘OR SAIJE A. SHERZER Both farms at a bargain. NOTICE for ....15 cents . .30 cents cents 0H6 .50 ,8 ‘ w. H. BASSETT 5116 Will give you a fine suit. Sole Agent for Hobberlin Tailoring Come to-day and see what 19:- pert clothing men consider the finest display of new season fabrics they have ever shown. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL W. HEWISON LAWRENCE Tailored-to-Your-Measure is a Hobberlin Suit and Finished in every De- tail in 'High-Class Manner. YONG E STR BET 3%? {I WE ARE AGENTS FOR 3 @{fi RICHMOND HILL BRANCH HOUSE PAINTER, THE STANDARD BANK 11 0t Fruit Baskets FOR SALE $22.50 Lots of 25 to 1000 or more at reasonable prices ‘ The ABLélf‘iiéfiéng @ Furniture and Wall Papers NEW STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND We represent the New Williams Sewing Machine Company and have a number on hand at; all times. Terms very easyâ€"$2.00 down and $2.00 per month secures oneâ€"and you can have it; today, FIRE, LI FE, ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Very choicest; of Com- panies. All have good financial standing. Consult us for rates, and we assure “YOU” your business will be well at- tended to if left; in the hand of . . . . . D, a U a Manager. Branchel also it MAple. erkhnm. Stouffvillc, Unionvilla and Locust Hill. RICHMOND HILL Lots on Baker AVe. at reasonable priCes P. G. SAVAGE & SON P. 0. Savage & Son Es’cablished over Forty-om Years Paved street for Automobiles Richmond Hill SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Money Saved is M o n e y Gained. Never Defer Saving, but 171 Open a Savings Account to- dav. Vday. We solicit your account in our with cover if required OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 GREENHOUSES sired. â€"AGENC Yâ€"â€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY ALW’AYS 0N HAND. giving residenceund name in full. satisfaction. has removed b‘s Laundry to the build- ‘ng three doors north of the Post Office. REAL ESTATE Goods called for and delivered, Send list of articles with each parcel Advertise in The Liberal Ie solicits patronage and guarantees C. I. HINAS RICHMOND HILL PHONE 8002 MANAGER

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