WM. TRENCH 8: SON Summer sï¬pply of Knee Rugs, i Rubber Rugs, \Vhips ‘ i rnd Blankets. Repairing nca? lyaud p “Most parts of Canada where live stock production prevails are suitable to the raising of Angoras‘p especially if the land is high and drv the greater part of the year. They will Withstand the rigor of even the coldest winter and do not require any greater shelter than a shed to protect them from wind and storm, prmidinz a sufficient quantity ot‘nutiitions food and pure water are supplied. The, Angora goat performs a two-fold sen‘ice in the Canadian scheme of farming. lt producw a high grade of mohair and at the same time, may be used for the destruction of underbrush on lands to be broken for subsequent cultivation." Such is one of the opening paragraphs of Pamphlet No. 12 of the Sheep and Goat Division of the Live Stock branch devoted to the Angora Goat and a general discussion of methods of management, leeding and breeding, and of mohair production. by '1‘. Re g. Arkell. B.S.A., B.U.,-and Horace \'. Bent, 13.3.. that can be had at no cost whatever by application to the Publi- cations Branch. Department of Agriculture. Otlawa. The Pamphlet. gires a brief sketch of the origin and history of the Angora. which from being a native of Turkey in Asia has travelled somewhat extensively into South Africa, is fairly well known in the United States and not as well known in Canada is desirable. Mohair, of which Turkey, in times of peace. supplies ll),UUU,UtlU lb. annually, South Atriea 15.llUU,t).JU lb. and the rest of the World 6,000,000 lh., is the 'technical name given the. hair of the Angola goat. The Word is derived from the French “nowhere†and. primarily, from the Arabia "mttkhayyar", meaning mohair elolb. , This, with a vast deal more information about a particulal ly useful goat. is furnished in the pamphlet under notice. Nature and the necessary treatment for breeding and raising are set. forth with details of maiket possibilities. of shearing. of Tiench’s flarréage Works Everything in the Harness Misses Nellie Pug“ and Mary Connor! \vvru- the guests of Miss Ethel )Imlsun .ml Sundnv. Mrs. \Vinnifrod M-wtsnn with Miss Connie and Master AIheI-tnf Ridnnund Hill have lll'l‘n visiting reimivcs and friends how. 1 and raising are set. fmth with (lrtuils uf market possibilities. qf shearing. uf grading; and nf prepzn-zniun ful' shipment. Extracts frhm luuurs wrilLvn hy succuscfnl hrm-dvrs in Unusuln and llw Unih-«l Stun-s telling n1" lhuir expul’iunu- :u'u prinlvd :Is \\‘vll 8 some account, (If lhv complaints in which :he :mimnls *u-e nccusinunlly subject. with :1d\'icv:~‘ In prvvenli‘ves and remedies. Illllï¬la'uliolls uflypvs and Ihu flot'crs can i911 at \:u inns ages lenl impression, oxpl-pssinn and interest, to the pumphlut. :1 ml Rm] RICHMOND HILI hning The Mm pm; will lw vm v busy fruu' now (In. The Rq-(l (lmw wm ken-s :u'v energvtic and the latest canvas 01' [his luculily has lmulgllt in tho smunf$7L41L 'l‘hv Missmn Bum] cunlrilmtvd $15. 'l‘lu- tntnl $59.40 lms Inn-m svnt L.) the le Cross hmdqu'nrle-rs, 77 King SL. East. Mvmln-rs nl' the local branch hf lln- '\Vnmeu’s Institle attended the InstiLutu picnic uL Sunrlmln Heights. The trip was mudv by mutm , M95513 LG. Sluutvnlml-gh and Russ Klinck being the clnlfmns. Threshing has vicinin and MI will lw vmv hug} 31w gibvral All grades of Team and Light Harness, Home Made or Factory. REBï¬Mï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ HM. HARNESS SHBP gnerile Brznvu :lSSiSll'd in 111(- mun at Centennial church. vat m lust Friday evening. The snciul vntt-x-luinment wow in aid of the Cross. A Nor-ton-‘n'ell-known Goat IN CONNECTION \\'l’1‘ll Misses COME AND SEE US Victoria Square 41118. Jennings and ONT commencum this L. G. Sllvlltenhm-gh A 1' n mptly done 191 The m-xt met-ling of the Unnlwil of the Municipality uf Vaughan will ho. ht'ld in the Town Hull, Vul- lm-e, nu Vaughan Council CANADIAN. NORTHERN RAILWAY For full particulars apply tn $600 will purchase :1 ï¬ve rumm-d dwvlling at, [Clgin Milk. m-wly docm-ntvd, guud Int, \‘ury easy terms. Slrm-t. Richnmml Hill small fruit. gum] cellqu Ont- humlu’d‘ncrt-s (In 2nd (Hm. nf V_'nughnn, brick house. gm‘d outbuildings. first-Muss ,snil, um- mile hum cm-pnmliun of Rich- mond Hill. Ono hundrvd acres in Markham, \vvll draim'd, new hlliltlillgx‘. The Village of Richmond Hill offers for sale the following: F ()R SAJ 11:“ Apply to A. J. HUME. Clerk Richmond Hill II. A. Niollolls NORMAN BATTY Monday, Sept. DEBENTURES Both farms at n bargain A seven rnmncd hunso m $3000.00 Public School Debentures Timsmithing and all Iron work promptly done. A stall a Furnace, estimates g gualanteed. A few nice Hamm to $3 50 each. 3 year term, The New Perfection Oil Stove with two, three or {our burners, used with Royalite Oil at 15c. per gal., is the best and most economical stove for summer use. Cali and see them. Screen prices from 2 Lawn Mowers at specia $3.50 to $6.00; Wallnut Grove Stock Farm L a n g s ta f f T\\'O CONVENIENT TRAINS DAILEY EXCEPT SUNDAY C. R. James HOT WEATHER NEEDS 90c. 650. Torflnto Exhibition HOLSTE OLSTEIN BULLS AND FEMALES CLYDESDALE MARES All cows are bred to the present stock bull _ Lyons Segis King. ' Interested parties will be met at Langstafl by appointment. 'Excursion Fares from Richmond Hill J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk at l ()‘clm RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. Gr-od Guingr August Return limit, 5 days Good gning August, 28H) to Svptemhex- 7111. inclusive. Return linnl Sr-ptmnher 1.311), 1915. ++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++iï¬+++++++ '1' i- Doors and \Vindows ail sizes and 06.10 $2.25. per cent. 6. 1915 PRESENT OFFERING nn Ynngo lut 42x16; quay tel-ms. Phone Thornhill DCCKS 2*[1110 Soplombor 81h. inclusiu from date of sale. Lanéstaff RO. A. Slit-121' smith sh“ vI-nl hlzlck HP lhnnk gum Dust A. Slu-Izm- has ro-npenr‘d the Muck- Rlllilh shnpnl. Elgin Mills. us gmh l‘l‘ul hlzl(.~k~‘n.ilh :unl \nwd “'Ul‘kt’l'. HP Hmnks his custnmm-s for past pnlmnngv, and hnpvs llwy will 11»- mnin \vilh him in thy future. guaranteeing satisfaction: as in [In Shm va Aclmncvnf :1 lifvtime to do n Mg trade among the funnels in fruit stock, as wvll us ornamentle Imsincss in the town. Exclusjvo tm-rilm'y, handsome free uutfit, highest mmnnissinn~x Tn lht to sell in RICHMOND HILL AND VICINITY STONE 8: WELLlNGTON TORONTO 51 +4"!- ++++++~P \Vrilo for [PI'HIS kinds of Galvanized good time now to m. wen and satisfaction THE OLD RELIABLE FONTHILL NURSERIES Y. B. TRACY. Station Agent. REPRESENTATWE WANTED 5 wmm-vd .. .. shnes, NUS. 1 Lu priced from ,Q I .50 SHERZER READ THE I IBIQRAI shm-s pvnpk‘ of Richmond Hill md surroundings : NOTICE prices to clear for liflitime to do n Phone 13 {H Pl)1:\(:k- IS gvn- worker. 31* past will w- fllhh'P. 5110 ‘EHS nls nts Sole Agent for Hobbean Tailoring HOUSE PA’lN’l‘ R, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMON D HILL Come toâ€"day and see what ex- pertclothing men consider the ï¬nest display of new season fabrics they have ever shown. Will give you a fine suit. w. HEWISON LAWRENCE GREENHOUSE 8 Richmond Hill L E. HAND, RECHMOND HELL BRANCH Tailored-to-Your-Measure is a Hobberlin Suit and Finished in every De- †jail in ‘High-Class ' ' Manner. W. H. BASSETT THE STANDARD BANK E1 Qt) Fruit Baskets FOR SALE $22.50 ots of 25 to 1000 or more at reasonable prices UCHMOND HILL YONGE STREET 015 on Baker Ave. at reasonable prices Established Over F1 Manager aim at h’Acle. Markham. Stouffville, Unionvilie and Locust Hill. The A, B, C of Banking SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Reliable Service 1 We solicit your account in our :‘dved street for Automobiles with cover if required ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 OF CANADA ‘erfect Safety. uick Assets. â€"AGENCYâ€" ‘ J. H. SANDERSON. V. S. VILLAGE AND FARM PROPERTY AL\VAYS ON HAND. REAL ESTATE six-ed. sutisfacliun giving residenceand name in full. has removed lï¬s Laundry to the build fng three doors north of the Post Ofï¬ce. Send [is Goods called for and delivered, if de- He solicits patronage and guarantees Advertise in The Liberal RICHBEOND HILL C. I. HINAS MANAGER 178 le-s with each parcel