Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Sep 1915, p. 4

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Tuesday‘s World contains an edl~ torial favoring a three cent postage stamp for ordinary domestic letters. The suggestion is a good one, and we see no good reason why the Dominion Government will not. issue who stamp. Surely a 3 cent stamp should be the equivalent of a. 2 and a 1. At pres~ eat 2 cents are supposed to be drop- ped into the Government treasury every time a. letter is posted, while the other cent goes under the name of a war tax. If the new stamp is coined, two~thirds may still go into Che treasury and the other onetblrd be known as war tax. Certainly. if the World’s suggesrion is adopted many a letter will be forwarded diâ€" rect to the owner, that now goes to the dead letter office. and returned to the sender tor the stamp he had for gotten to lick. A special meeting of the Red Cross Amnliury win he held in Furvsu'r‘s Hall. to-morx'ow (Friday) :Lftermsmx at. Bo‘cluok. Every’ member is asked to be presentns business of importance must be decided. Rxcnmmvn HILL. Om. SEPT. 2, The Socinty will hnld its annual exhibition nn \Veduesdayv Sept. 81!), in the Skating Rink. Only memlwrs can compete im- prizes. but; anyone can hecmne a member by paying the anmm) fee of $1.00. The Bull will be open for business at 8 3.11:. and all exhibits must be in place by 11 11.31.. when the judges will begin their work. If you hewe’nt got a prize list. go to the Secretary. Mr. G. F. Allen, who will gladly supply you. This list is very cumprelwmlw and it is almost cerm'm that you’l find that awards will be given for 50mg plant. flower or W‘getabls that you now have in excellence, right in your own garden; and of course you aw not nlluwed to take them from anywhere else. The awards are on n wry liberal scale. and you will be greatly intex-e‘stvd in cumpellng. The ad- lulSsiOll to See the Show has been fixed at 10 cents only. but children under 35 years go free. All the fees [u go in the aid of the Red Cl‘ns§. Nuw please geL the date well fixed in your mind, ‘\Vedncsdny. Sept. Sth.‘ and dn your share to shove Richnmnd Hi” :\ little further along toward (,he gnu! we are aiming fur, namely. to give our gmnd towu :Umme and repu- tation for everything that is neat. tidy, clean and beautifu). Elm flihemi The ministév will preach at both services Sundn'y next taking as his subject. for the mmuiug sex-vice, “showers.” ews Notes 5 Four tax-ministers of the Mnnlmbal Govsmment. namely. ex~Premiev Roi» lin. DI‘ Montague, Minister 0? Public \Vm-ks; and .‘IOSSOIS. Howdth and Caldwell Were arrested in \Viunipeg on Tuesday, charged wilh conspiracy to defraud them-0910. They were re- leased on 360.000 bail each. ‘ Soldiers digging trenches at the Ex- hihitiou found an Indian skinning kmfe in perfect condition. Mus. Wm. and Manny Vander~ burgh when Hamming from church Sunday evening were struck by an auto and rather badly bruised end shaken (m. ndvm-Lising. emuâ€"is deposued in the bunk to the credit 0f the nmnicipulity. If the nwner turns “p after all this has been done. the IIIOUPY in (he hunk is paid overtn him and that closes the whole matter. An accident nccm red Sunday pruning after din-k apposite Mr. J. N. Buyle‘s farm on Yonge street, which might have proven fumL Mrs. \Vm. Vmiderâ€" burgh and 5011 Murray were walking sumhward when they were both struck in (he lmuk by an automobile gaming the same way. As a Melin- pniimn car, with a bright headlight. was running in the apposite direction the pedestrians neither snw nuz' hoard the auto behind them until they were. struck. The driver picked than up. drove them in their hours. and hum-zed hack to Richmond Hm {m- u dnum'. Mrs. Vunderburgh was put ((2 bed. and though it is hum-d her injuries are not serious she recexivmi many bruisus. and bath mother and son received a Stu-ox? shack. Murray was able to move around :1. iii-tit,- :l day 01- tu'n after the accident. but Mrs. Vandprhmgh “as confincd m ileum-d several days. égld by phMic nuclinn under nuthm'it'y Hi the Luwnshlp or turn clerk and the balanceâ€"after paying expense of If an :mimn! strays tn mw’s pl-pmises it should be advertised at nuca in the Inca! paper. The law is very strict nn this pnint and holds rigidly to account any person neglecting: tn thPX‘tiSe strayed animals. If the mvnor does not claim the animal after it has been advertised the legal number of times. the Township or Town Clerk must then he notified. The animal is then EDITORIAL Presbyterian Church Horticultural Society Estray Stock Badiy flan 1915 The ‘Peace’ Patent The ilklstmtinn above shows the Metal \Veuthm'Sh'ip npplivd Lu Wino flows, and the munnrl' in which it works. and its effectiveness in keeping out the com and dust. J. F. ATKINSON RICHNOND HILL AGENT Parties interested will please call, write, or phone No. 20c. The \Venihvl' Strips cm) be fitth to 01d urneu' \vm-k‘ and old shaky and rattling window; mm hr- nmde wind and dust-proof and uhsuluwly noiseless Improved Metal Weather Strip For Windows and Doors 6%; %S% 9% G 29%:st 9% §ZS§§ SW fiQSQGQfi’éfiESfifiQfiQ Three packages of Amo Cleaner for 15¢. Three boxes of Soap Chips for 10c. IRST OF ALL I beg 10 cal! your attention that l have (\pmwd up n, \Vatch, Clock and vaoL ryStore and willhdn my host to Select, gnnds that will give entire satisfaction, und still arrange tn keep within the City prices. A on“ will Convince you. In nd~ diuon {dun}! kinds (vi \Vntch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing nn the promises. Also any patrons who have Sewing Machines, Phonngraphs, Music Boxes. etc” can have then! put in older, and satisfaction guaranteed. A call sniicited. . . . . . . . . . Bargains that are worth while considering Five Bars of Sunny Monday and one of Fairy for 25c. Three packages of Handy Am- monia, reg. 30c for 25¢. J. H. GRATZ WATCHMAKER - JEWELER Sivers Block - Richmond nm NEW JEWELRY STORE we 100 packages of Pan Shine for 150. Soap Soap , TORONTO ‘W' ONTARIO Include the Central Business 8: Stumhnnd Cullege and Sefien City Branch Schools. Allgive high grade (:mu'ses and quuhfy young men and Wmuen for business appnintments which are su~ cured for graduates through mu- well organized empluyment de- puerent. EVERY AUTUMN SHAW‘S 15 our record on July 245:: when this copy was Written. Dull times efiecc us but “we as our records shmv. and gtmd prospects for the brightest business period in Canadian history whvn the war is over make n. advisable to get ready to earn a gum} sahn-y. Address W. H. Shaw. President D. HILL & CD. TERM OPENS “W Free deseriptive catnIague mniied an BUSINESS GRADUATE Credit Sale Head Offices at Yoage and Gerrard Sts.. Toronto The Cows are large and in pink of condition. ‘Voodbri ago m7 Saturday, Sept. 11,1915 They are the best bunch of cows that have ever been offered for sale at. Wood brid ge. TERMS : â€"Three months’ credit on approved joint. notes; 6 per cent. per annum 011 for cash. at 2 pm. sharp, the property of Geo. VV. Blurray Will be sold by Public. Auction 3:; Woodbridge Honse yard The Next Sitting of Divxsmn 00111110 No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Com-1; Room. DWiSION - COURT ++++++++++++++4+++++++++++ §~++ SINGLE FARE For the Round Tlip Good gaming and rehnning Mon- day, Sept 6th, only. FARE AND A THIRD For the Round Trip Good going Sept. 4, 5 and 6, return limit until Sept. '7‘ 1915. For all pmticulnrs as to train service And pzwlnr cars, resemw Hons, eta, apply to To 3)) stations in Canada. Port Arthur and East, and to Saute Sc. Marie. Port [lawn and Detroit, Mich., Black Rock, Sus- pension Bridge and Niagara Falls, N‘ Y. Forward Springers RICHMOND HILL ~0Nâ€" Saturday Sept 4, I915 0F TWENTY Fresh Milk Cows NOTARY PUBLIC CON V EYANCING, ETC. ++++~§~++++++$+$+W+~§++++ Hummer)ch at 9.30m“). T. F. MCMAHON CLERK CLEANING ONTARIO :§%G%§§§®S§§ SCHOOLS @ NO RESERVE Saigeon & McEwen. J. HUME Tailor AUGUST Ila'bor Day Excursions PRESSING REPAIRING request. AND Y. B. TRACY. Statinn Agent. ..,.'_~_._â€"â€"- PLACED Auctioneers SOT H ‘ F. J. WDUDWARD. ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0 $301 PATRONAGE Sn! {CITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED C. A. SKEELE Richmond Hill GENERAL BLACKSMITH, New Gormley Richmond Hill Annex . wounwmmg BuildingLots on Yonge St., Belmxnt and Ciarence Avenues. Trackage Lots on Canadia Ry., and Metropolitan Ry. Acre Garden Lands. For Sale on Easy Terms FURTHER INFORMA’IIUN WRITE OR SEE The above mices f.n.h. Ford. Ont, et’lecmw- Aug. 2. )915. ND speedometer included in this year’s equipment, ntherwise ems fully equipped. Cars on display and sale by Ford Touring Car Price $530 Ford Runabout Price $480 Made in Canada J. r. LOCKE-‘V & cc., 10 Adelaide St. E, Toronto Ford. Ont, efigcfiyo EXCELSIOR MOTC R CYC if R L. C U R T i S RICHMOND HILL Motor Repairing rcre L. CURTIS n Northern AGENT FOR.

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